The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2379 The Attacking Feng Xiu

Chapter 2379 The Attacking Feng Xiu
When Li Bai first started threatening the employees, the employees' faces were still full of disdain, but as Li Bai talked more and more, it seemed that he really knew Feng Xiu, which made the employees feel a little lonely, he was just a pyramid group A small employee in the company usually reads some online novels, and has also read some plots where ordinary people in ordinary clothes know the boss of the company.

And what happened to the employee now seems to be a copy of the online novel. The man in front of him seems to really know Feng Xiu.

"Brother, brother, I was just kidding with you, don't take it seriously." The employee said with a smile on his face, but he was a little at a loss, not knowing what to say to calm Li Bai's anger.

"Just kidding? But why didn't I feel it just now?" Li Bai glanced at the employee with contemptuous eyes. He didn't expect this trick to be so effective, and it scared the employee to the ground.

"Brother, brother, you are looking for Chairman Feng, right? You should be a friend of Chairman Feng, right?" The employee hurriedly changed the subject, not wanting to get entangled in this issue, but there was still some doubt in his eyes.

"I'm from Chairman Feng's hometown. My grandfather told me to look for him, but he didn't tell me his Tianxun number." Li Bai explained, making up a reasonable reason.

The level of this employee does not seem to be low, Tianxun actually stored Feng Xiu's number, after telling Li Bai, he left in a hurry.

Naturally, Li Bai did not choose to call Feng Xiu at this time. Although he knew that his whereabouts must have been exposed, but if he could avoid confrontation, Li Bai still wanted to postpone the collision between the two.

After the employee walked into the elevator in fear, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. After struggling a bit, he called Tianxun to the company's security department.

"There is a man in the lobby on the first floor of the company. His identity is very suspicious. You should go and investigate." The employee said, and then hung up Tianxun. As for what happens next, it is no longer his business. up.

Li Bai was still looking at the distribution of companies in the Pyramid Group building, trying to find a pleasing subsidiary to make trouble for, but before Li Bai waited for the elevator to arrive, a group of people in security uniforms walked into the hall, After looking around twice, he quickly found Li Bai who was waiting for the elevator.

The two security captains at the head discussed with each other, and after confirming that Li Bai was the suspicious man, they walked towards Li Bai with a large group of security guards.

Naturally, Li Bai also noticed the security guards, and grimaced. It seemed that the employee just now was not very stupid, and he knew to find some people to investigate his details.

"Sir, please wait a moment." Different from the arrogance and unreasonableness of the employees just now, these security guards seem to be very qualified.

"Excuse me, what can I do?" When the elevator arrived, Li Bai simply stopped sitting and played with them.

"Looking at you, you shouldn't be an employee of our company." The security captain asked.

Li Bai nodded, looking very surprised: "What's the matter? Isn't it true that all employees of your company can't come in?"

The security captain's expression was a little awkward. He really wanted to find out Li Bai's suspicious identity directly, but Li Bai looked like an ordinary person, with almost no flaws.

"No, no, it's just that the company has been frequently haunted by thieves recently, so any outsiders need to be investigated by us." The security captain said with an idea.

Li Bai curled his lips. Naturally, he couldn't leave immediately at this time, otherwise he would be a guilty conscience, but he didn't want to be investigated.

"What do you want?" Feng Xiu asked angrily with her hands folded in front of her chest.

"Please come to the office with us." The security captain stepped aside and said to Li Bai.

At this time, Feng Xiu finally received the news from the two people who had been following Li Bai, and learned that Li Bai had already gone to the Pyramid Group at this time, but the situation was controlled by the security, which made Feng Xiu happy. Unexpectedly, Li Bai went to his territory on his own initiative, which simply gave him a chance to kill Li Bai directly.

"Tell the security captain, don't act rashly, stabilize Li Bai first, my men are coming soon." Feng Xiu smiled slyly, and typed another Tianxun.

At this time, Li Bai was in Jincheng, and in his eyeliner, Mu Xiaoting was still staying in the capital, which gave Feng Xiu an excellent opportunity.Although Feng Xiu was not sure whether Li Bai also brought members of the Xiannong Society with him during his trip, he was certain that even if they hadn't come, the members of the Xiannong Society would not have been able to resist the attack of their Egyptian mummies.

While surrounding Li Bai and then destroying them, he went directly to the capital to capture Mu Xiaoting back, Feng Xiu's wishful thinking was crackling.

At this time, Li Bai had been sitting in the office of the group of security guards for 10 minutes, and all the questions had been asked by the security captain.

"Can I go now? I'm going to Ruhua Cosmetics Company for a one-on-one meeting. It's ten o'clock today, and there are still 10 minutes left." Li Bai smiled and looked at the security captain. The captain is already delaying the time, someone should have notified Feng Xiu, waiting for someone to come.

"I'm sorry, you can't leave yet. Chairman Feng said that you seem to be one of his fellow villagers and wants to meet you. He is on his way here. Just wait a moment. As for your meeting, I can let you know." Chairman Feng will postpone it for you, you don’t need to worry about it.” The security captain poured Li Bai a glass of water respectfully, but under his smiling expression, there was an expression of indifference.

Li Bai must have made up all the fellow villagers and talks, because Feng Xiu's order was to control Li Bai, not treat him well.

Li Bai looked very irritable: "Are you bullying customers in the store? I am not a fellow of your chairman, and I don't want to continue to cooperate with your company now. Goodbye!" Li Bai said, and Teng Standing up suddenly, he was about to walk out the door.

If the employee had been there, it would have been easy to expose Li Bai's lie. Unfortunately, the security captain didn't know what happened before, but quickly stood in front of Li Bai, and at the same time the door was pushed open. , came in again with several security guards holding electric batons.

"I'm sorry, Chairman Feng has an order, you can't leave." The security captain also lost the smile on his face just now. Since he did this, he has already torn his face.

"Hehe, you guys want to stop me?" Li Bai snorted coldly, not wanting to continue playing with these people any longer. With both hands and feet, he kicked the security captain to the wall. As for the other weaker ones Even if the security guard frantically tried to greet Li Bai with an electric baton, he couldn't even touch half of Li Bai's clothes. Within ten seconds, they were all knocked to the ground by Li Bai.

Li Bai closed the door of the office, guessing the time, Feng Xiu's people should be here soon, if you go out at this time, you may run into those mummies that can't be killed in one or two blows, after thinking about it, Li Bai knocked on the door and stopped on the road He opened the door of a car next to him, and got in.

Less than a minute after Li Bai got into the car, more than 1 Egyptian mummies came outside the office. Their movements were very light, as if they were afraid that "Li Bai" inside would hear.

When they thought the time was right, the leading mummy pushed the door in, but what they didn't expect was that the security guards in the room had already collapsed on the floor, and there was no sign of Li Bai!
"Mr. Feng, Li Bai has escaped." The mummy who took the lead called Feng Xiu angrily, and Feng Xiu was even more angry. Li Bai was clearly under his nose, why did he just run away like this?

"Search, search for me, he must not have left the company very far now." Feng Xiu said angrily, there are only a few ways to leave the company from the security office, but Li Bai never appeared in any place.

It seemed that Li Bai also knew what he was looking for.Feng Xiu's expression was a little gloomy. If that's the case, there's no need to continue acting.

Feng Xiu sent another forty mummies to search for Li Bai's figure within the entire Jincheng area, and ordered that as soon as they found Li Bai's traces, they would attack immediately and report Li Bai's location at the same time.

"I don't believe it, you can turn the world upside down by yourself!" Feng Xiu clenched her fists tightly.

Li Bai, who was still sitting in the car, watched the actions of these mummies and found it very funny. After they separated, Li Bai also guessed Feng Xiu's intentions. Called Jiang Gu who was still resting in the hotel.

"Dragon King, can you take action?" Jiang Gu asked impatiently, as if he had been suffocated.

"Not yet, but you can now send a small group of people to investigate the number of Egyptian mummies. They all wear uniform clothes. I will try to make trouble for them." Li Bai said to Jiang Gu, this kind of dangerous thing only If he could do it, even if he was surrounded, Li Bai would have the confidence to escape.

Jiang Gu got the order and immediately went to select candidates, while Li Bai got out of the car and swaggered towards the outside of the company.

What was going on at the same time was that Feng Xiu sent Li Bai's photo to every mummy's Tianxun. When they remembered Li Bai's appearance, they didn't realize that Li Bai himself had just passed by them, and they Didn't notice anything.

Li Bai walked out of the building of the Pyramid Group. It was just ten o'clock, and the sun was shining brightly, just right for some destruction.

Opening Tianxun, Li Bai took a look at which places were very important to the Feng family, picked a few at random, and stopped a car to go there.

The first one is this cosmetics store called Ruhua Cosmetics Company.

Twenty minutes later, Li Bai stood in front of a large cosmetics store, with a smile that was sure to win.

(End of this chapter)

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