The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2380 Tom and Jerry

Chapter 2380 Tom and Jerry

What happened next, on the contrary, Li Bai looked like a little bastard deliberately finding fault.

Every time Li Bai walked into a store, after simply turning around twice, he deliberately provoked some troubles, and then asked the person in charge of the store to come forward to adjust, and then Li Bai would disintegrate all the armed forces of these stores, and then Go to the next one to find a job.

No smashing, no looting, simply speaking, Li Bai was looking for trouble, but even so, everyone in every store felt terrified.

Of course, some people would be angry. At this time, Feng Xiu was already furious in the Feng family's mansion. He never expected that Li Bai would dare to attack the members of the Feng family so blatantly.

"How many stores has this Li Bai looted?" Feng Xiu's voice was low and deep enough to express the anger in his heart.

"My lord, there are already five families, each of which is only attacking people and not destroying them." The man standing beside Feng Xiu said, this man is the one who Feng Xiu ordered to worry about all the mummies last time. Liu Han.

"There are already five!" Feng Xiu clenched her fists. When Li Bai didn't pass by one of his stores, it was as if Li Bai had slapped Feng Xiu hard on the face, and the slap didn't stop. , Still going on, but they didn't even touch a trace of Li Bai's clothes.

Liu Han stood aside, lowered his head and dared not speak. He also knew that this time Feng Xiu's opponent was not as easy to deal with as before.

In the past, if someone dared to oppose Feng Xiu, Feng Xiu's method was very simple, that is, let the mummy's subordinates find that person, then arrest him, and beat him severely. She no longer dared to have any dissatisfaction with Feng Xiuxin.However, Li Bai, who was against Feng Xiu this time, made them feel extremely difficult.

They all knew which store Li Bai went to and when he made a move, but when they rushed to the store where Li Bai visited, they only left a group of people lying on the ground screaming, and Li Bai's figure, It has long since disappeared.This made them repeatedly miss nothing, like a group of idiots, not to clean up Li Bai, but to clean up the mess left by Li Bai.

As Li Bai's troubles continued, Feng Xiu also continued to increase the manpower to hunt down Li Bai. At the same time, he also sent people to observe the order in which Li Bai ransacked the storefronts, and judged along the route where Li Bai's next family should go. Leave at least ten mummies over there, because if the number is too small, it may not be able to cause effective damage to Li Bai.

However, their strategy was also seen by Li Bai. Whichever store they were ambushing, Li Bai would not go to any store. The other storefronts of the family were attacked, and when Feng Xiu sent people to arrive again, it was just another mess left behind.

"Position, positioning, can't you locate him for me?" Feng Xiu was about to go crazy, he and Li Bai are now like the classic cartoon, Tom and Jerry, except that Feng Xiu is that Li Bai is the mouse. He tried so hard to catch Li Bai, but Li Bai turned him around.

"All the mummies, go out and find Li Bai!" Feng Xiu exploded, and he couldn't believe it. If all the mummies can't find Li Bai, he can really set himself on fire.

Hearing Feng Xiu's words, Liu Han was a little dazed: "Are we really going to send all the soldiers and horses to find a Li Bai? In that case, no one will continue to guard our mansion." Liu Han said in amazement.

"Do you doubt what I said anymore?" Feng Xiu glared at Liu Han.

"No, no, I'm just worried that someone will take advantage of this time to attack our mansion." Liu Han said nervously to Feng Xiu.

"Sneak attack? So what if someone comes to sneak attack, anyway, this is not our territory, they robbed it, we can snatch it back." Feng Xiu said with a light smile, the purpose of their Egyptian mummies coming to China , is here to steal, is here to rob.

"Stop talking nonsense, you go too, make sure to find Li Bai tonight, and then kill him!" Feng Xiu waved to Liu Han.

"Young Master, what will you do if Li Bai comes to you directly?" Liu Han walked towards the door wisely, and before leaving, he did not forget to show concern for Feng Xiu.

Feng Xiu didn't speak, and quietly watched the messages sent back by his subordinates in Zhinao.

"Dare to come to me? Hehe, if you dare to come, then let him die." Feng Xiu walked to the side of the room, opened a wardrobe, walked in with the whole person, and after pulling away a piece of clothing, On the wall behind the closet, a passage for one person slowly appeared.

On the other hand, Li Bai has been messing around for five full hours, and even spent lunch in a catering industry under the Feng family, which made Li Bai very comfortable.

Looking at the Feng family property marked on the map, the past five hours were only halfway through. Similarly, Li Bai also felt more and more pressure, Feng Xiu obviously sent more mummies, It's just that although they have many eyeliners, they have never found Li Bai's figure.

"It should, almost." Li Bai recalled the number of mummies he saw today, and contacted Jiang Gu again.

"How many mummies are there now?" Li Bai gulped down the bottle of water he just bought, and the whole morning's running around made him very hard.

"If there is no repetition, there are probably three mummies in 190." Jiang Gu replied quickly.

"Did you send someone to check on the Feng family's mansion?" Li Bai asked.

"I didn't dare to send anyone. We probably need two or three dragon guards to deal with a mummy. If too many people go to investigate, I'm afraid they will be discovered." Jiang Gu said, a little helpless.

Because Li Bai had told them before that although the mummy was about the same strength as Longwei, the mummy's attack methods were very tyrannical, and it was best to have two people cooperate to deal with the mummy.

Li Bai nodded, and went to investigate the situation of Feng's mansion, he had to do it himself.

"Okay, you guys are starting to prepare now. It would be the best if you can destroy the mummies in Jin City one by one. If not, it's best to let them disperse as much as possible, and don't let them turn to Let's go together." Li Bai said to Jiang Gu, in this situation, cannibalizing the number of Feng's mummies is the best way to win.

Jiang Gu started to do it, while Li Bai drank the water in his hand, threw it into the trash can, and then walked towards the Feng family's mansion across the road.

He has been here for half an hour, and saw another batch of mummies leave under his nose.

In broad daylight, it was really difficult to just sneak into other people's houses like this. Li Bai didn't choose to climb over the wall, but walked directly towards the gate of Feng's house.

Gently knocked on the door, and soon a man who was guarding the door came out, and he was the only one, looking at Li Bai with a somewhat unfriendly expression.

"What for?" asked the porter.

Li Bai pretended to be nervous and looked at the porter: "Hello, uncle, I'm a freshman student at Jincheng University. We have an assignment recently. I want to interview you, is that okay?"

Li Bai had an idea, pretended to be innocent and asked, suddenly felt that if he came with a girl, the effect would be better.

"Go, go, I don't have time to play around with you kids." The porter waved his hand impatiently.

Li Bai looked anxious, and said to the concierge: "Uncle, can you just accept my interview? My classmates and I have made a bet. They said that the Feng family will never accept the interview. If I lose Now, my monthly living expenses will be gone.”

No matter how pitiful Li Bai behaved, he seemed to have finally moved the concierge. After thinking about it, he let Li Bai in.

Seeing the way the concierge opened the door, Li Bai was also taken aback for a moment. He thought that the Feng family would open the door with unique spiritual power just like the Xie family of the Qin family. Unexpectedly, there was nothing in the Feng family.

But it's okay, if you force your way in, it will definitely alarm the people inside.

"Student, what do you want to know?" The porter asked, Li Bai took out Tianxun, pretended to open a file, and asked.

"Uncle, my topic is called the architecture and history of Feng's mansion. Can you introduce to me the various buildings here? It would be best if you could show me around so that I can take a photo or something." Li Bai said with a smile, The concierge felt like a college student who had never experienced anything in the world.

"But, I still have to watch the door. I'm leaving with you. What if someone else comes?" The porter pointed to the small room, realizing that there was no one else except him.

"Where are the others?" Li Bai was surprised.

"Except for the young master and some servants, everyone else has left, and you don't understand this." The porter said unconsciously, but Li Bai accurately captured the information he wanted.

In order to catch him, Feng Xiu really dispatched all the mummies.

"Then what should I do, you definitely won't let me go around alone." Li Bai said innocently, the concierge thought about it, and then said to Li Bai.

"How about this, I'll take you for a quick tour first, you take pictures first, and then come back, I'll give you the history of each building." The concierge said, Li Bai laughed happily when he heard it.

Following the concierge, Li Bai took pictures while secretly turning on the memory crystal to take a sneak shot. Within 10 minutes, Li Bai had seen all the buildings of the Feng family. At the same time, Li Bai also discovered that the Feng family mansion at this time The place really seemed to be empty, and after walking for a long time, I didn't see a single person.At the same time, Li Bai also secretly memorized the location of the camera in the mansion to prepare for the next action.

Then Li Bai followed the porter back to the small room of the porter, and began to introduce one by one.

"This is the place where Feng Xiu, the young master of the Feng family, lives..." The porter pointed to a photo on the screen and said, Li Bai was overjoyed, unexpectedly found the first photo that he wanted to know the most.

(End of this chapter)

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