The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2382 Golden Armor

Chapter 2382 Golden Armor
After Feng Xiu finished the incomprehensible incantation, Li Bai felt that the space in front of him, especially the space surrounded by Huaxia crystals, seemed to be frozen, not even a single ray of light could be seen. Penetrating that area, so as to make that side of the land appear even darker.

But then, there was a slight rumbling sound from the ground, as if a new life was about to break out of the ground, the whole ground trembled slightly, so there was a soft "poof", and it was on that side. Emanating from the land, it was accompanied by a golden beam of dazzling light, soaring into the sky and shooting straight into the sky.

Just when Li Bai was amazed at all this, a louder sound came from the ground. In the circular land surrounded by Huaxia Jing, it was as if an excavator was about to rush out, and the soil kept rolling. At the same time, more and more rays of light slowly appeared in front of Feng Xiu and Li Bai like the sun, making their whole world bright.

What Li Bai didn't know was that the three of them had only seen such a miraculous scene. For the vehicles on the road, it was still pitch black.

"It's done, it's done!" Feng Xiu looked very excited, looked at everything in front of her, and shouted loudly. Feng Xiu's father, who was sitting in the car, was also flushed, as if seeing that his son was about to finish what he had done. The leftover wish is general, very gratifying.

Li Bai narrowed his eyes, because in the light, he clearly saw a golden suit slowly floating in the air, just like what he saw in an ancient book, the appearance of a battle armor.

No matter what the hell it is, Feng Xiu must be prevented from getting it.This was Li Bai's only thought at the moment, and his mind was running rapidly, thinking about how to get it or destroy it under the joint efforts of Feng Xiu and his son.

The golden light lasted for a full 5 minutes before it finally dimmed a little. A complete set of golden armor clearly appeared in front of Feng Xiu's eyes, which made Feng Xiu even more excited, and she wanted to go forward One step later, he took the golden battle armor in his hand.

"Do you want to die?" Feng Xiu's father's voice suddenly sounded at this time, interrupting Feng Xiu's movements, "The golden armor is still in the awakening stage and needs energy urgently. You are going to take the initiative to act as his Food?" Feng Xiu's father got down from the car again and pointed to the ground under Feng Xiu's feet from a distance. At this time, Feng Xiucai realized that the Huaxia crystal he had laid was slowly moving like ice. melting.

Feng Xiu took her hand back resentfully, and looked eagerly at the golden armor in front of her eyes, but she couldn't get it.

At this time, Feng Xiu's father asked again: "Who the hell is it that can force you to summon the golden armor? After using the golden armor, our rewards for returning to Egypt will be less this time." .”

Li Bai was even more puzzled when he heard it. According to Feng Xiu's father, it seemed that the Feng family seemed to be Egyptian from the beginning?

"It's a man named Li Bai." Feng Xiu said to his father. In front of his father, he had nothing to hide. "This guy is very powerful. He seems to be a legendary Chinese cultivator. Even my All the killers died under his hands, so I have to ask you to help me summon the golden armor to deal with him." Feng Xiuru said.

Feng Xiu's father nodded: "If the awakening did not fail back then, how could this little cultivator be the opponent of our mummy." Feng Xiu's father said with some regret.

With the light of the golden battle armor, Li Bai finally saw Feng Xiu's father's face clearly. It was an extremely terrifying face. The whole face was wrinkled, dry and bloodless, and the eye sockets were deeply sunken. Li Bai could tell that Feng Xiu's father was also wrapped in white cloth even though Fu Xiu's father was wearing clothes.

The entire Feng family, from top to bottom, were almost all Egyptian mummies.Li Bai was very shocked. If it was what the Egyptian mission did five years ago, Li Bai could still accept it. But if the Egyptian mummy has been lurking in China for so many years without being discovered, this makes Li Bai very shocked.

Looking at the melting speed of Huaxia Crystal on the ground, there are still about 2 minutes before the golden armor they are talking about will be fully formed. Li Bai can't wait any longer. If this golden armor is really magical If it has no effect, it adds a considerable degree of difficulty to his game.

Li Bai quietly greeted Hei Yan out of the Qiankun ring. Under this circumstance, his concealment was much better than Jin Yan's.

Li Bai took out a windproof lighter again, and with a "crack", a star flame was ignited, allowing Hei Yan to hold it in his mouth, and pointed at Feng Xiu's father, Hei Yan instantly understood what Li Bai meant.

Just when Hei Yan was dispatched, Li Bai stopped hiding and stood up.

Feng Xiu and his son couldn't hear the sound of the lighter, but they naturally noticed the sudden movement of a figure as big as this.

"Who!" Feng Xiu turned around nervously and looked at Li Bai who suddenly appeared. Feng Xiu's father did the same, taking a step back and hiding behind Feng Xiu, while Hei Yan took advantage of the two people's attention. When all the strength was concentrated on Li Bai, he ran towards Feng Xiu's father as if flying.

"Why, I haven't seen you for more than a week. Master Feng, don't you know me?" Li Bai clapped his hands lightly, and approached Feng Xiu step by step.

It's Li Bai!Seeing Li Bai's figure, Feng Xiu's heart was shocked. She didn't know how Li Bai also came to this place, and looked back at the golden battle armor, but she still hadn't completed the entire awakening process, which made Feng Xiu very anxious .

"Li Bai, what exactly do you want to do?" Feng Xiu forced herself to calm down and yelled at Li Bai, "Do you really think that you are invincible!"

Feng Xiu stared at Li Bai intently, but her heart was pounding.

"Of course I never said I was invincible, but it's enough to deal with someone like you." Li Bai chuckled, counting the time in his heart.

"Really? Let's try it!" While speaking, Feng Xiu rushed towards Li Bai. He wanted to delay the time as much as possible, and defeat Li Bai in one fell swoop when the golden armor fully awakened.

"Do you want to do it yourself?" Li Bai raised his eyebrows, but he was not careless, because he could clearly feel that Feng Xiu's strength was only one step away from successfully establishing the foundation. Therefore, Feng Xiu As the boss, his strength is also the strongest among all the mummies.

Although Feng Xiu's speed increased, she didn't choose to confront Li Bai head-on. Instead, like other mummies, she simply wanted to use cloth strips to attack Li Bai, but Li Bai already had experience with such attack methods. He is not afraid at all, and Feng Xiu is not in a hurry, he just needs to persist for about a minute and a half.

"I said, don't you go to rescue your father? If you don't go, he will be burned to death." Li Bai said to Feng Xiu while resisting Feng Xiu's attack.

Feng Xiu was startled, and hastily turned to look at his father. At some point, his father's trouser legs had already started to burn, and along his trouser legs, it slowly spread towards his whole body.

"Father!" Feng Xiu yelled, very anxious in her heart, she left Li Bai and rushed towards that side, once their mummies caught fire, it would be very difficult to extinguish it, only by finding a water source quickly.

Li Bai snorted coldly, and also chased after him, blocking Feng Xiu in front of him: "Don't worry, I haven't played enough with you yet."

Feng Xiu's heart sank, his expression became a little crazy, and he waved his arms crazily. At the same time, from his body, one after another, white cloth strips flew towards Li Bai, covering all of Li Bai's attack and retreat paths. It's all completely sealed off.

The Sky Meteor Knife was held in Li Bai's hand in an instant, and Li Bai swung it, cutting off all the white cloth strips. At this time, Feng Xiu had already rushed to his father's side, but at this time, Feng Xiucai found out in despair, It would take at least 1 minute for the river closest to them to cross.

At that time, his father had definitely been burned to death, and it was even possible that he had been set ablaze as well.

When Feng Xiu's father died, he didn't make many painful screams. In other words, he was already dead when the burning just started.

"You! Killed my father!" Feng Xiu's eyes were full of anger at this moment, looking at Li Bai not far away, she wished to tear him to pieces.

But at this time, the golden armor was still half a minute away from fully waking up. If Feng Xiu was entangled by Li Bai again, Feng Xiu would have lost all chances of getting the golden armor.

So, Feng Xiu went crazy, and desperately ran towards the golden armor that was greedily sucking energy. Li Bai's complexion also changed, and he also ran towards the golden armor that was about to be completed.

Li Bai knew what Feng Xiu was thinking. Although he would suffer some backlash or sequelae if he got the golden armor now, but for the instant increase in strength, it is no longer a big deal in the face of life and death.

If Li Bai were Feng Xiu, he would choose to do this at this time, so Li Bai would never allow any situation that might threaten him to happen.

However, time seemed to be too late, Feng Xiu was able to touch the golden armor in no more than three seconds.

In the first second, Feng Xiu stretched out his hand towards the golden battle armor, and at the same time, Li Bai threw the Sky Meteor Knife in his hand towards Feng Xiu.

In the second second, Feng Xiu got a little closer to the golden battle armor, and the Meteorite Knife pierced through the air towards Feng Xiu's landing point like a missile.

In the third second, a smile appeared on Feng Xiu's face, because he was about to touch the battle armor, but at the same time, the Tianyun knife stabbed Feng Xiu's abdomen squarely, and at the same time, the huge force made Feng Xiu's entire body Everyone flew out.

"What?!" Feng Xiu, who was stabbed by a knife, looked at the Tianyun knife in his abdomen in disbelief. He never thought that Li Bai would use his weapon as a hidden weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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