The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2383 You Can't Kill Me

Chapter 2383 You Can't Kill Me

In fact, Li Bai's behavior was a bit superfluous. Although this golden battle armor is indeed a treasure, it is still far inferior to his Sky Meteor Knife. But it can withstand a lot of damage, but it is still very weak in front of Tianyun Dao, but the other thing is tofu, it is just a piece of frozen tofu.

Li Bai also spent some effort to make the speed and power of the knife reach the level he wanted. When he saw Feng Xiu being chopped off by the Tianyun knife, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Bai walked slowly outside the circle surrounded by Huaxia Jing, and then looked at Feng Xiu who was lying on the ground in the distance: "It seems that this golden armor is still very important to you." Li Bai said at the same time He said, while looking at the golden battle armor, he didn't touch him.

"You'd better not touch it, it's mine!" Feng Xiusheng pulled out the Sky Meteor Knife from his abdomen without the slightest surprise, and there was still no trace of blood.Feng Xiu struggled to stand up while supporting the Tianyun Knife, and looked at Li Bai with vicious eyes, like a wolf, the food that he finally found was about to be snatched away by others.

"Oh? Yours? Then Mu Xiaoting is still my woman, why do you want to snatch the gun without knowing what to do?" Li Bai scoffed at Feng Xiu's words.

Feng Xiu's expression was a bit stiff after being turned into an army, but soon she became a little crazy: "Hehe, Mu Xiaoting is indeed your woman, but so what, your Mu Xiaoting, maybe It has already been captured by my people, hahahaha." Feng Xiu's smile was a little crazy.

Li Bai's face darkened: "What do you mean?" He looked at Feng Xiu.

"What do you mean? Hehe, since it's now, I can tell you." Feng Xiu grinned grimly. At this point, not only was he unable to tell his situation under Li Bai's nose, but at the same time, it was very possible. To die here today, since there is no hope of life, it is better to use up the last bit of strength and let Li Bai suffer incomparable humiliation.

"Two days ago, I sent my people to go to Kyoto again, a total of ten people, oh, by the way, now you must know that we are Egyptian mummies, right? So, think about it, ten mummies, even if you All the members of the Xiannong Society are mobilized, can they resist it?" Feng Xiu laughed heartily.

"Maybe, the members of your Xiannong Society are already dead or injured, and your Mu Xiaoting must be tied back to Jincheng by my people now. Even if I can't go back to enjoy her, my people It can also be enjoyed in turn..." Speaking of this kind of thing, Feng Xiu's crazy expression was even more lewd.

Hearing what Feng Xiu said, Li Bai's breathing was also a little short, but soon he thought that if something happened to the members of Xiannong Club, or if Mu Xiaoting was really taken away, someone would definitely come Inform yourself.However, after such a long time, Li Bai's Tianxun has only talked with Jiang Gu, and as for the others, he has not received any news at all.

Li Bai took out Tianxun and took a look, the signal was always in normal state.

"Are you really sure that your people have succeeded?" Li Bai looked at Feng Xiu coldly, but Feng Xiu was startled. Looking at Li Bai's calm expression, it seemed that all his calculations were on Li Bai's side. In strategizing.

Li Bai was also very strange. If all ten mummies went to the capital, his members of the Xiannong Society would definitely not be able to resist, but now it seems that nothing really happened.

Time goes back a day.

The ten mummies finally came to the capital, and they didn't know where Mu Xiaoting was. Because Li Bai had told them before leaving, all the women had been hiding in the villa and did not go out.

The ten mummies wanted to rush in and catch Mu Xiaoting, but the spirit array outside the villa blocked their progress, so they had no choice but to discuss it for a long time, and decided to take a risk and set fire to the villa. The method is to force all the people in the villa out, kill them one by one, and finally capture Mu Xiaoting alive.

However, when the ten people worked together to purchase or prepare, bad news came one after another. These mummy brothers died one after another bizarrely. found a mummy.

It was also at this time that the last mummy finally knew who had brutally killed them, because even he himself hadn't reacted.

After all, a little loli who looks harmless to humans and animals, he never thought that she would kill someone, but without warning, when the little loli passed by the mummy, a spell lightly patted on the mummy There was another "boom" on the back of the mummy, and the whole body of the mummy was ignited in a raging fire. Within ten seconds, there was no residue left.

And all this didn't attract anyone's attention.

"The person I want to kill is not something you can touch." The little loli just left such a sentence, and the figure left again. If Li Bai was there at that time, he would know that this little loli was the one who wanted to assassinate before His little girls of those women.

Of course, if Li Bai really knew, he might have to thank the little girl for protecting their safety on his behalf.

Time returns to the present again.

Feng Xiu was a little desperate to find out that what Li Bai said seemed to be true. If his people were successful, they would have communicated to him earlier today. Quietly.

Feng Xiu really wanted to take out Tianxun to see if there was any new news, but under Li Bai's eyes, he dared not.

"Li Bai, you let me go, I promise you will never have any thoughts about Mu Xiaoting again, how about it?" Feng Xiu failed to threaten, and finally softened, wanting to negotiate with Li Bai.

Li Bai laughed out loud, if it was said, the always arrogant and domineering Mr. Feng of the Feng family actually lowered his head in front of Li Bai, how many people would have to laugh their teeth off.

"Don't talk about anything else, let's talk about the purpose of your Egyptian mummies coming to China." Li Bai looked at Feng Xiu and also entered the negotiation mode.

"For your Huaxia Jing." Feng Xiu replied immediately.

"What's the purpose?" Li Bai asked, Feng Xiu just said a nonsense, and he had already heard this nonsense.

"I don't know, I just came here to complete the task." Feng Xiu's expression and eyes were not panicked, it seemed that he really didn't know.

"What happened to that incident five years ago? I've been curious for a long time." Li Bai asked again.

When asked this question, Feng Xiu also hesitated.

"Come back." Li Bai raised his hand, and the Sky Meteor Knife in Feng Xiu's hand flew back to Li Bai's hand automatically, which made Feng Xiu shudder even more.

"I have already shown my sincerity. You know, I can also manipulate it from a long distance." Li Bai threatened Feng Xiu, saying that he has not yet reached the realm of being able to control the weapon.

"Okay, I'll say it." Feng Xiu was in a cold sweat again, and then told the truth five years ago.

The Feng family in Jincheng is indeed Chinese, but when the Egyptian mission came to their family five years ago, everything changed, because their strength was too weak, so they were easily surrendered by those Egyptians, and then, The whole family was forced to accept the inheritance of Egyptian mummies and turned into a mummy wrapped in cloth strips.

Feng Xiu's father became like that only because he had been resisting for the sake of the family's dignity, so in the end, although he also became a mummy, he had no value at all, so the position of the head of the Feng family It had to be Feng Xiulai, but it was not announced to the outside world.

And since then, the Feng family has finally become the puppet of Egyptian mummies. Behind the rapid development of the family's strength, they began to look for Huaxia Jing again, and handed in some every year, but the time for handing in this year has passed. If Li Bai wants To deal with these Egyptians, it will take at least half a year to climb up.

"Li Bai, you can't kill me. If you kill me, they will know about the situation here. In that case, they won't come to China again, and you won't be able to find them to kill the grass!" Feng Xiu At this time, it seemed that he had regained some of his sanity as a Chinese, but Li Bai also knew that this was just a choice he had to make in order to survive.

"What will happen if you get this golden armor?" Li Bai pointed to the armor and asked.

"You also know that as mummies, our own defense is very weak, and we are especially afraid of fire, but with this golden armor, we can avoid these weaknesses." Feng Xiu looked not far away anxiously, The golden battle armor beside Li Bai said, feeling very annoyed, if he had been faster just now, he might have defeated Li Bai.At the same time, what he didn't tell Li Bai was that if he wore this golden armor, if there were other mummies by his side, his combat effectiveness would also be improved based on the number of people.

Li Bai looked at Feng Xiuguo's rolling eyes, guessed what he was thinking, just smiled but didn't speak, then picked up the Sky Meteor Knife, and slashed down on the golden battle armor fiercely.

With the sound of "ding", a black knife mark appeared on the so-called hard shell, which was very clear and eye-catching in the golden light all over his body.

"This is the golden battle armor you've been dreaming of? Do you want me to cut you one more time, and you will definitely become a waste immediately." Li Bai retracted the Tianyun knife and glanced at Feng Xiu.

"Don't, don't." Feng Xiu said hurriedly, if it really broke, he didn't know what the consequences would be.

Feng Xiu fell silent again, with a serious expression on his face. He analyzed the current situation and thought of various methods, but he found out in despair that no matter what he chose, unless he begged for mercy, he would die in the end. Feng Xiu was very helpless, and desperately helpless.

"Li Bai, I've made up my mind." After a long time, Feng Xiucai raised his head again and looked in Li Bai's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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