The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2384 Feng Xiu's Dream

Chapter 2384 Feng Xiu's Dream

When you have made a decision with all your heart and want to tell others, but find that others are not listening seriously, don't mention how lost you feel.

This is how Feng Xiu feels now. When he raised his head to look at Li Bai, he found that Li Bai was not looking at him at all, but was chatting with someone on Tianxun, and his voice was still very loud, which seemed to be intentional. let him hear.

"What, you have already completed the task? Okay, forty mummies are not too many, right? Okay, that's it for today, don't continue to act, just wait for my order." Li Bai was talking to Jiang Gu, learning about Long Wei's actions tonight.

I have to say that these mummies from Egypt are quite capable, except that their IQ is not as good as that of Long Wei.

Whenever the dragon guards caught a single mummy, these mummies faced nearly ten dragon guards, not only did not panic, but resisted desperately.However, it was just a desperate resistance.Because they were afraid that using fire would attract the attention of other mummies, the dragon guards in each group killed the mummies directly, and they killed the mummies again and again. Finally, he really died, and the whole time took a whole night, so it was not until this time that Li Bai received the news from Jiang Gu.

Li Bai was very happy, but to Feng Xiu, Li Bai's call was a kind of bad news. After Li Bai finally ended the call, Feng Xiu could finally speak.

"Li Bai, what did you do to my mummy's subordinates?" Feng Xiu wanted to be angry, but she didn't dare to be angry, so in the end, she became terrified.

"Oh, it's nothing." Li Bai smiled, "It's just killing [-] of your mummies, but don't worry, the next time I do it should be tomorrow."

Hearing what Li Bai said, Feng Xiu trembled all over. He had only two hundred mummies in total, and unexpectedly, one-fifth of them went there in one night. This speed shocked Feng Xiu very much.

"You, you brought someone to Jincheng, and it's not a member of your Xiannong Society." Feng Xiu stared at Li Bai with wide-eyed eyes, and her heart was full of disbelief.

"Huaxia Dragon Guard, have you heard of it?" Li Bai glanced at Feng Xiu lightly, and said again, "Oh, by the way, what did you want to tell me just now?"

At this moment, Feng Xiu only felt that her whole body was stiff, and she couldn't believe what Li Bai said, the Huaxia Dragon Guards were almost the strongest combat power in China, yet Li Bai was able to call them together, and remembering what happened just now That Tongtian News, it seems that Li Bai's status in Longwei is not low.

With this thought, Feng Xiu finally lost all fighting spirit. If he continued to resist, he would only let his mummy die more.

"Li Bai, if you don't kill me, I can help you deal with those Egyptians." Feng Xiu looked at Li Bai solemnly and said.

"Well, but if I kill you, I will also deal with those Egyptians." Li Bai walked towards Feng Xiu, and he had put the golden battle armor into the Qiankun ring, which made Feng Xiu disappear. Any ideas.

Seeing Li Bai walking towards her with a smile, Feng Xiu was a little flustered, and couldn't help taking two steps back: "No, Li Bai, I know when the Egyptians will come back to China next time, and I also know some of their weaknesses. If you don't If you kill me, you can get twice the result with half the effort when dealing with the Egyptians."

"Oh?" Li Bai was still smiling. Although Feng Xiu couldn't see it, he was also considering whether what Feng Xiu said was feasible.

Before Li Bai walked in front of Feng Xiu, Feng Xiu actually knelt on the ground with a "dong".

"Li Bai, I know you won't believe what I say, but listen to me and tell the truth, when the Egyptians were controlling me, I wanted to resist like my father, but if that happened, our Feng family would really Believe it or not, my hatred for the Egyptians is 100 times stronger than yours, and if it wasn't for the continuation of the family, I would definitely not be able to give my life to them."

Feng Xiu yelled to Li Bai hoarsely, tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.Li Bai stopped, looked at Feng Xiu quietly, and listened to him.

"They said that as long as we collect enough Huaxia crystals for them for five years, they will let us go, so I have always had a dream. When we are no longer bound by the mummy blood, I will go find these Revenge for the Egyptians, revenge for my family, revenge for my relatives!" Speaking of this, Li Bai found that Feng Xiu was really crying, and Li Bai was a little moved by the intensity of his emotions.

"Let me think about it." Li Bai lowered his voice and walked slowly into Feng Xiu. Just when Feng Xiu thought Li Bai was going to help him up, he was hit hard on the back of the head, and immediately passed out.

"There are too many people with superb acting skills like me, how can we not be more careful." Li Bai said to himself, and began to sweep Feng Xiu's memory with his soul consciousness.

After 10 minutes, Li Bai finally confirmed that Feng Xiu didn't seem to be lying, which made Li Bai have a new understanding of Feng Xiu.

After waking Feng Xiu up again, Li Bai had already left his silver star power on Feng Xiu's body.

"I promise you, but from now on, you must completely surrender to me, if not..." Li Bai said viciously, while silently urging the power of the silver stars remaining in Feng Xiu's body, Feng Xiu is He showed a very painful expression.

Li Bai stopped, Feng Xiu returned to normal.

"Thank you, thank you." Feng Xiu sat on the ground panting, as if she had received great relief.

"Okay, call all your mummy men back to the Feng family's mansion." Li Bai said to Feng Xiu, and at the same time simply told Jiang Gu what happened here, and told him that everything in Jincheng was over. , the dragon guards can disband by themselves.

Naturally, Li Bai was not afraid of Feng Xiu's rebellion at this time. If there were no accidents, if he died, the other mummies would definitely be greatly affected.

After another hour, Li Bai and Feng Xiu returned to Feng's mansion again, and by this time, it was almost midnight.

Parking the car on the side of the road, Li Bai followed Feng Xiu and walked towards the gate of Feng's family, which he left in the afternoon. Before the two of them reached the gate, the concierge uncle had already opened the gate.

"Master, you are back." The concierge said respectfully to Feng Xiu, but this respect soon turned into shock.

Because the man following Feng Xiu was clearly a college student who had discussed with him all afternoon in the afternoon.

"You..." The concierge uncle pointed at Li Bai in astonishment, but Li Bai smiled: "Uncle, you don't know me anymore. I learned a lot about the history of Feng's mansion with you this afternoon."

Feng Xiu's heart trembled again. It turned out that Li Bai still had a backup, and he knew the arrangement of their Feng family well. If he was still stubborn, then they still could not escape the fate of death.

"Li Bai, you will be our Feng family's guest from now on. You should know about the rest." Feng Xiu said to the porter, and then walked into the mansion first.

"Uncle, don't be nervous. With me here, you don't have to resign." Li Bai patted the porter on the shoulder and left, leaving the porter in a mess.

In front of the largest building of the Feng family, there was a large open space, which was already full of assembled mummies. Seeing Feng Xiu's return, they all stood in awe.

And when Feng Xiu and Li Bai stood side by side in front of the crowd, everyone was a little uneasy. Wasn't the one standing beside them, Mr. Feng, the Li Bai whom they had been searching for for a long time but couldn't find?

For these people, the things in front of them were shocking or shocking, but their son was very indifferent, looked at everyone quietly, and then said.

"From now on, everyone, including me, will be directly dispatched by Li Bai." Feng Xiu said, and everyone was in an uproar.

Li Bai glanced at everyone, did not speak, took out the golden battle armor from the ring, and then slowly put it on himself, and then, a miraculous scene happened.

Everyone, including Feng Xiu, felt an irresistible coercion from Li Bai, which made them all kneel on the ground in unison, as if it was difficult to even breathe.

"What should I say, exempt or flat?" Li Bai looked at the scene in front of him. This was the first time he had encountered such a scene.

After Li Bai finished speaking, the coercion seemed to disappear, but everyone still didn't dare to stand up. Li Bai in front of them was like their king, so they didn't dare to show any disrespect.

"Let's get flat." Li Bai could also feel the disappearance of that coercion, and waved his hand and said, everyone finally stood up again, and looked at Li Bai again, already full of respect.

Next, Li Bai didn't know what to do. Could it be that he took over another force out of nowhere?
"Feng Xiu, you will lead them in the future. I will just order you directly. In addition, I will send people from Xiannong Society to take over all the properties of your Feng family as soon as possible. You have started to prepare recently." Li Bai Speaking to Feng Xiu, Feng Xiu was terrified, because this was not a discussion, but a direct order.

"Obey." Feng Xiu bowed and said, not daring to be negligent.

Li Bai quickly called Wang Chu and others to tell them what happened in Jincheng. No matter how shocked or unbelievable they were, they just knew that during the two months when Li Bai left the capital, Fei It only took Li Bai a few days to let the banner of "Xiannong" enter Jincheng with all his heart, and he took over all the Feng family's largest properties in Jincheng.

In addition to admiration, I still admire, Wang Chu, etc. You are already completely enthralled by Li Bai's ability at this time, although they are already like this.

"Boss, you should hurry back to Kyoto. Your girls are already suffocated at home. If you don't come back, they will risk escape from prison."

Li Bai and Wang Chu met, and after roughly arranging the affairs here, Wang Chu said to Li Bai jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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