The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2390 Hotel for 1 night

Chapter 2390

Sensing Luo Lei's gaze on him, Li Bai shrugged: "I can go anywhere, live anywhere, just watch him."

Li Bai glanced at Tian Lin, but seemed to give Tian Lin a chance to speak.

"Look, I said that my master won't mind these things, and I will follow my master, I can live anywhere, as long as there is hot water, as long as there is a big bed, as long as there is a TV, I can talk about anything else." Tian Lin He continued to hook Luo Lei's shoulder, but it made the corners of Li Bai and Luo Lei's mouths twitch in unison.

"Okay, if that's the case, then we can live together!" Luo Lei took two steps forward, avoiding Tian Lin's arm, because the height of Japanese people is generally low, Luo Lei was very upset uncomfortable.

"I live far away from here, why don't we take a taxi directly, if you have time tomorrow, I can take you around Tokyo." Luo Lei said with a smile, and then walked to the side of the road to stop A taxi, the three of them put their luggage in the trunk, and the car started.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, Luo Lei kept introducing Li Bai and Tian Lin to various buildings in Tokyo, which store had delicious siu mai, which one had good sashimi, and he couldn't stop along the way. Let Tian Lin, a chatterbox, also have room to play. The two of them chatted non-stop along the way, and they almost missed their life goals.

Li Bai is almost bored to death. He is now thinking about how to find Xiao Xi's whereabouts, because now Li Bai only has a few clues. He just knows that Xiao Xi was brought back by the Japanese, and the other party seems to be a big power, as for the others, there is no more.

But it's not easy for Li Bai to stop their conversation. After all, Luo Lei took the initiative to help them. If he scolded himself, it would make him look arrogant.

In the midst of such quarrels, the taxi finally stopped. Tian Lin was about to open the right door, but Li Bai hurriedly stopped him. After all, the traffic rules had changed when he came to Japan.

"Hey, master, you still love me." Tian Lin smiled at Li Bai again, then followed Li Bai to get off from the car and took down the luggage.

"Master, haven't we paid the fare yet?" Looking at the taxi leaving, Tian Lin was stunned for a moment, and Li Bai was also stunned for a moment, but Luo Lei smiled and said to the two that he had already paid for the taxi. money.

"How can this work? I'll pay you back the fare of the car." Although Tian Lin may be a talker, he can't tolerate any ambiguity in this kind of matter, which Li Bai appreciated very much.

"No, no, no, just a little fare, just treat me as a friend of yours." Luo Lei declined, and refused to take money anyway. There was no other way, Tian Lin had no choice but to give up this idea, just patted Luo Lei shoulder, which means that this friend, he also recognized.

Luo Lei took the lead and walked towards a small inn whose name he didn't recognize. He seemed to be very familiar with the owner of the inn, and greeted him after entering the door.

Next, there was another scene that made Li Bai and Tian Lin feel awkward. Luo Lei and the boss kept talking, but they couldn't understand a word.

Jin Yan can translate other people's words to Li Bai, but after all, Li Bai can't speak Japanese, so it doesn't make much difference whether he understands or not.

"How many rooms are you two planning to open?" Luo Lei suddenly turned around and asked.

"Two rooms." Li Bai said, he didn't really want to share a room with Tian Lin.

"One room." Tian Lin said at the same time.

The two looked at each other, seeing the embarrassment in each other's eyes, they turned their heads again and said to Luo Lei.

"Let's take one room." Li Bai was afraid of Tian Lin and cried again.

"Then two." Tian Lin was afraid that Li Bai would threaten him again.

But Luo Lei was about to go crazy: "How many rooms are there?"

"One by one." Li Bai hurriedly waved his hand, but Tian Lin was sensible and didn't continue talking.

Luo Lei turned around again and continued to help the two-person class check in, but in the conversation with the boss, there seemed to be a little more complaints.

After paying the deposit, Li Bai and Tian Lin finally checked into a hotel in a foreign country after a tiring journey. Although the appearance of this hotel is not much different from that in China, the feeling of being in a foreign country is still obvious.

"Those two, I wish you good night. I live in 303 upstairs. If you have any questions, you can come to me directly." Luo Lei said with a smile to the two, and then closed the door.

"Master, I'm so tired, I need to take a shower first!" Tian Lin stretched his waist, and began to take off his clothes in front of Li Bai, which made Li Baibai take a look at Tian Lin, shamelessly.

Li Bai was also lying on the bed, continuing to think quietly. The first thing he thought of was the environment of the Japanese country. Although those Japanese ninjas are very hateful, these ordinary Japanese people still look very cute, and there is no such thing as in other novels. As written, they will be robbed as soon as they enter the bank. Not only are they not so sad, they also found someone who is willing to help them, which is a bit too lucky.

In boredom, Li Bai turned on the TV casually, and switched channels with the remote control, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Li Bai opened the door, but there was a shy little girl standing outside the door, her forehead was slightly lowered and she dared not lift it up, but the low-cut dress revealed her turbulent character, and from this angle, the scenery inside was as beautiful as ever. Unobstructed.

"DO you need me?" The girl from the Japanese country seemed to see that Li Bai was not from the Japanese country, so she talked with Li Bai in very blunt English, but she didn't know that Li Bai couldn't even understand English.

"Inverse, inverse." Coincidentally, at this moment, Tian Lin came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and his eyes almost straightened when he saw this Japanese girl.

"Go, go, go, tell her, you don't need it." Li Bai gave Tian Lin a hard look. If he had known this, he wouldn't be in the same room with him.

In the end, the little girl from the Japanese country failed to enter Li Bai's room and was kicked out, which disappointed the little girl and Tian Lin.What Li Bai and Tian Lin didn't notice was that the girl from the Japanese country threw a bottle of liquid into the room at some point, and it slowly flowed to the ground.

"Master, how can you do this? You have so many women, but I'm still a virgin!" Tian Lin said very dissatisfied. Li Bai just glanced at Tian Lin and didn't speak.

"Sleep for me!" Li Bai was lying on the bed, but Tian Lin's voice sounded again: "Master, we haven't had dinner yet."

However, Li Bai didn't seem to be planning to eat dinner anymore, and immediately fell into a deep sleep. Tian Lin muttered, so he had to take out some food from the suitcase, eat some casually, and then fell asleep.

This time, he slept very comfortably, but when Li Bai woke up, he looked at the time, and it was two o'clock in the morning of Wa country time.

Wanting to sleep but unable to sleep, Li Bai had to lie quietly, continue to think, and then kissed a vague fragrance, this fragrance made Li Bai refreshed, what he could feel was that the essence of this fragrance Zhongman contains medicinal ingredients that can stun people, probably because Li Bai's physical fitness is too strong, so he didn't fall asleep. On the other hand, Tian Lin didn't respond after Li Bai pinched him hard.

"Kakka, kaka."

But at this moment, there was a sound of opening the door. Li Bai glanced at the door suspiciously, but did not move.

The door was quickly and slowly opened, and then a black figure walked in from outside the door.

Without checking whether Tian Lin and Li Bai had really fallen asleep, the black figure directly found Li Bai's suitcase on the shelf, and began to toss quickly.

"Thief." Li Bai thought to himself, slowly getting up without a trace, and then quietly watched the thief take away the wallet in his suitcase and the bank cards in his trousers, and even picked up Li Bai and Tian Lin Tianxun.

The thief didn't know what he said, probably because he regretted that he didn't bring a cloth bag or something, because his hands could hardly be put down now.

"Do you need help?" Just as the thieves were about to loot everything, Li Bai's voice suddenly sounded. In this silent night, Li Bai's voice was like a bomb, disturbing the tranquility of the night.

"Baga!" The thief was startled, and immediately panicked, and the things he got were scattered on the ground, and he himself was even more frightened and bumped into the cabinet, making another noisy noise.

In the darkness, the thief's eyes widened, and he looked at Li Bai in horror. Li Bai just smiled, and then turned on the light in the room with a click.

Although the thief wore a pair of black stockings on his head, Li Bai could clearly see the terrified appearance of the man under the black stockings.

"Should I call you Luo Lei? Or should I call you a thief?" Li Bai also looked at Luo Lei in astonishment, somewhat surprised and disappointed. At that time, he took aim at their belongings, and then took the initiative to help find the hotel and pay the bus fare, which is probably the way Luo Lei cheated Li Bai and the others.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was obsessed with money for a while, and I did something wrong. Please don't hand me over to the police." Li Bai didn't say anything yet, this Luo Lei's nose was streaming with tears, but Li Bai just snorted , for this kind of person, he has seen enough.

"The former Miss Wa Country was also sent by you, right?" Li Bai asked coldly, Luo Lei's expression was obviously taken aback, as if he didn't know how Li Bai found out, and then hurriedly clicked on his own The head said that the girl was a young lady whom he recruited, and gave her some money to throw in the ecstasy.

Luo Lei's wishful thinking was well planned, no matter whether Li Bai and Tian Lin would reject Miss in the end, they would all be fainted by the ecstasy drug, and then he could steal things without any surprise or danger.

It's just that what Luo Lei didn't expect was that his so-called powerful ecstasy had no effect on Li Bai.

"Hehe, the strategy is not bad. Judging by your method of committing crimes, you seem to be a novice?" Li Bai got off the bed, walked in front of Luo Lei, then lifted Luo Lei with one hand, and looked at him fiercely.
(End of this chapter)

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