Chapter 2391

This Luo Lei is indeed not a novice, he has been doing this for some years.

Every day, new foreign tourists come to Japan for tourism. Regardless of whether the other party can speak Japanese or not, Luo Lei will go forward and pretend to be an enthusiastic citizen to help them solve the most urgent problems before them, and then try to take them to Japan. to that hotel.

What happened afterwards was similar to today's. Luo Lei randomly found a young lady, gave them some money to throw the ecstasy into other people's houses, and then took advantage of their unconsciousness to loot all their property. They will leave the hotel before they wake up.

For so many years, this move was due to lack of experience at the beginning and missed it a few times. After that, it was perfect and there was no more difficulty.

What Luo Lei never expected was that today, he fell into Li Bai's hands.

Luo Lei was terrified, because not only did Li Bai not be knocked out by the ecstasy, but he was able to lift himself up with one hand. This kind of strength was beyond Luo Lei's reach. He looked at Li Bai with panicked eyes.

"I'm sorry I was wrong, I was really wrong, please don't hand me over to the police, I have seniors and juniors, I really can't go to prison." Luo Lei looked at Li Bai in fear, eyes filled with tears. The tears began to keep flickering.

Li Bai looked at Luo Lei with great interest. Although this kid really cried, Li Bai, who is also a master of acting, could tell that Luo Lei's performance was fake.

"Of course I won't hand you over to the police." Li Bai said lightly, which made Luo Lei heave a sigh of relief, but he still looked at Li Bai in disbelief, "I will kill you with my own hands!"

Li Bai suddenly increased the strength of his hands, and pinched Luo Lei's neck, making Luo Lei soon unable to breathe, his blushing and thick neck made Luo Lei very ugly at this time.

"Don't...don't kill me..." Luo Lei struggled hard, but he couldn't break free from Li Bai's shackles. He wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn't.

Finally, Li Bai seemed to be tired of playing, and let go of his right hand. Luo Lei fell to the ground with a plop, and began to cough violently.

"Devil...cough are a devil..." Luo Lei coughed and said to Li Bai in horror, and chuckled inside, "I am a devil? How many people and things have you stolen? You should be better than me in this regard." Do you know better?"

Li Bai turned Luo Lei's body around and waved his fist. Luo Lei was so frightened that he immediately begged for mercy again, not at all as stiff-mouthed as before.

"Brother, as long as you forgive me, I can do anything for you, I just ask you to let me go." Luo Lei knelt in front of Li Bai, kowtowed to Li Bai, and Li Bai was very funny to see, Only then did he discover that there are also people from the Wa country who are very uninspiring.

"I have to think about it." Li Bai ignored Luo Lei and said to himself, ""If you successfully take our money away, then our trip to Japan will definitely be difficult. Look, this As a result, what should you compensate for? "

Luo Lei still knelt down, hunched over and said to Li Bai: "I can give you whatever compensation you want, I just ask you to let me go." Luo Lei said again.

"It seems that you are very rich." Li Bai thought about it for a while, and Luo Lei must have stolen a lot of money from tourists like them, and now he is fat and fat.

Luo Lei didn't speak, at this moment he couldn't say anything easily, but he just hoped in horror that Li Bai would be punished lightly.

"Well, neither of us can speak Japanese, and the future travel will still be very difficult, so you can be our translator. When we finish our business, you can leave." Li Bai patted Patting Luo Lei's face, he said with a smile.

It's just that this smile made Luo Lei tremble all over. In this way, it wasn't him who set the trap, but Li Bai.

"Brother, I really have seniors and juniors, if I just leave with you, what will my wife and children do?" Luo Lei pretended to be nine or nine, but Li Bai shouted angrily .

"It's up to you whether you agree or not, but what I can tell you is that if you don't agree, you will never see your wife and children again!"

Luo Lei was so frightened that he trembled again. He didn't know if he really had a wife and children, or if it was because of Li Bai's domineering sideways, anyway, he quickly agreed to Li Bai's request.

"Don't try to run away, otherwise I will definitely let you die in an unknown way." Li Bai lifted Luo Lei up again, patted Luo Lei's shoulder lightly, and let him leave with a smile.

"Brother, don't worry. Although I'm a thief, I keep my word. I'll go get ready and go with you tomorrow morning." Luo Lei glanced at Li Bai very movedly, probably because Li Bai was so fond of him. He trusted him unconditionally, but what he didn't know was that the inside didn't believe him at all, but left a silver star power on him.

After following Luo Lei for more than half an hour, Tian Lin was still asleep. He didn't know what happened. Li Bai shook his head helplessly. As an apprentice, he wasn't alert at all, but there was nothing he could do about it. I can only teach him along the way.

When the first ray of dawn from a foreign country poured into the small room, Li Bai and Tian Lin woke up together. The sunshine was so good that Tian Lin stretched comfortably.

"Master, I didn't expect that I didn't feel uncomfortable abroad. I slept very comfortably last night." Tian Lin yawned, but he vaguely turned on his chattering mode early in the morning.

Li Bai didn't speak, and he didn't tell Tian Lin what happened last night. Of course, if Tian Lin couldn't even see the scattered luggage on the ground, Li Bai would be rude.

"Master, master? Did we get robbed yesterday?!" Soon seeing the mess all over the floor, Tian Lin looked at Li Bai in astonishment, but Li Bai shook his head, pretending that he didn't know.

"Oh my god, how is it possible, who dares to steal our things?" Tian Lin yelled and cursed endlessly while cleaning up the things on the ground, but it made Li Bai a little disappointed again, because Tian Lin didn't even try to find it. Find out who the thief is.

But soon, Li Bai took back what he had just said in his heart.

"Master, tell me, is it that Luo Lei who stole our things? We have had contact with him since he came to Japan. Except for the hotel owner, Luo Lei and the woman last night, no one else knows about it." Tian Lin After analyzing, Li Bai nodded, very satisfied.

"No, master, I'm going to bring him back." Tian Lin said angrily, but when he just opened the door, Luo Lei was already standing outside the door, making a gesture of knocking on the door.

"Morning, good morning." Luo Lei greeted the two awkwardly, but when he saw Tian Lin looking at him angrily, he panicked all of a sudden, thinking that Li Bai had told him what happened last night.

But the next second Luo Lei was stunned, because Tian Lin had already put on a smiling face and hooked Luo Lei's back again: "Let me tell you, we seem to have been robbed last night, wait a minute But you must help me find him."

Li Bai had a black line on his head, but he didn't say anything, and walked downstairs. Today, they need to understand the environment in Tokyo first, and then make further plans.

When the three of them walked to the first floor together and were about to leave, the owner of the hotel shouted "hey hey" to the three of them, which made Li Bai very strange, after all, they had booked for three days.

The hotel owner chattered a lot, but Li Bai still didn't understand, and looked at Luo Lei with a puzzled expression.

"He said, your deposit has been spent, and you need to pay some deposit again." Luo Lei said to Li Bai with a little trepidation, not daring to look Li Bai in the eye.

"What?" Li Bai frowned. He gave the hotel proprietress a lot of money yesterday, and it was impossible to spend it all in one night.

"Because an international conference will be held in Tokyo soon, the prices of nearby hotels have already increased." The hotel owner gave Luo Lei a vicious look, signaling him not to speak.

Tian Lin was in a hurry: "International meeting? Why didn't you mention it when we stayed in the hotel yesterday, and you only said it after we stayed for a day. Isn't this a scam?!"

The hotel owner seems to be used to this kind of angry look, and he doesn't care about it: "Anyway, the current market is like this, you can choose to go to other stores, but we will not refund the small part of your deposit. gone."

"You are a black shop!" Tian Lin became even more angry, and wanted to punch the owner of the hotel.

But Li Bai stopped him, looked at Luo Lei, and asked him what he meant.

"This boss is like this. He is more ruthless than me. If I don't cooperate with him, he will send me to the police station. He has an older brother in a gang, so he is not afraid of the police." Luo Lei used a very I'm sorry for Li Bai's tone.

Li Bai just nodded and didn't blame Luo Lei.

So, we have to pay some money to continue living, right? " Li Bai asked the innkeeper in a deep voice. Under Luo Lei's translation, the innkeeper nodded happily, thinking that Li Bai had compromised.

"Then if we can't live anymore, should we call the police?" Li Bai asked again, with some anger in his eyes.

"That's not okay, you need to ask my brother if he agrees or not." As he spoke, the innkeeper pointed towards the door of the inn, where seven or eight men in black casual clothes just walked in , or smoking a cigarette, or preparing to smoke.

As soon as they entered the door, this group of people chatted enthusiastically with the hotel owner. Under Luo Lei's translation, Li Bai understood the general meaning.

The innkeeper pointed to Li Bai and Tian Lin and said that these people could not afford to stay in the inn and wanted to force their IOUs. Hearing this obvious lie, one of them took the last puff of his cigarette, and then threw the cigarette butt on the ground. On the ground, he walked towards Li Bai.

"You must be the brother of the innkeeper, right?" Li Bai looked at the bearded man in front of him and asked coldly.

"Ba Ga!" Although the bearded man didn't understand what Li Bai was saying, and didn't want to know what Li Bai was talking about, he just slapped him and slapped Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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