The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2392 Chinese Kung Fu

Chapter 2392 Chinese Kung Fu
Li Bai had guessed at the first moment when the boss brother walked in that the tallest and most handsome man must be the little leader of these Japanese people, so when the boss brother slapped him, Li Bai was not surprised.

If Li Bai had a younger brother and was bullied, then Li Bai would avenge his younger brother.

It's a pity that Li Bai doesn't have a younger brother, and the boss is full of nonsense, and even encouraged his older brother to come and stir up trouble. These, on the contrary, made Tian Lin not calm down again.

"Ah~" Tian Lin saw the boss' brother's palm flying towards him, imitating the legend of China Bruce Lee, he screamed strangely, and then made an eager movement, but he didn't punch yet, just to scare the boss' brother Jump.

The raised palm suddenly stopped in the air, obviously there was nothing blocking it, but it seemed to be slapped on an iron plate, unable to move forward any more.

Tian Lin didn't give the boss brother any chance to react, he stepped forward and stuck in front of the boss brother, and hit the boss brother's chest with a short fist with his right hand.

The huge force came, so that the boss brother only felt a tightness in his chest, and his body couldn't help but wanted to fall backwards, but even so, Tian Lin didn't let go, and then he punched the boss brother with his left hand again Hitting the same place, one punch and two punches, the shadow of the fist flies.

So the boss brother seemed to fly out of thin air, and slowly flew towards the wall behind, scaring his younger brothers to dodge quickly.

"Ada~" Tian Lin yelled again, his fists stopped attacking, but his kick flew up and kicked the boss brother's stomach. At this time, the boss brother's body was already attached to the wall, and he was alive again After bearing such a kick, I only felt that my whole body was convulsed, and I curled up in pain, and then fell to the ground.

"Master, it's done, it's a piece of cake." Tian Lin patted his hands and said to Li Bai proudly.

But the scene in front of him shocked everyone except Li Bai. No matter if it was Luo Lei, the boss, or the younger brothers of the boss' brother, looking at Tian Lin, it was like watching the rebirth of the god of war.

"Kungfu, Huaxia Kungfu." Luo Lei murmured, staring at Tian Lin dumbfounded, feeling very shocked.

At the same time, the boss opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't say anything. He wanted to squat down slowly to avoid Tian Lin's gaze, but before his head could move down two centimeters, Li Bai's His eyes fell on him fiercely.

"Hey, boy, what did you want to say just now?" Tian Lin walked up to the boss brother who was already lying on the ground in agony, and lightly kicked his leg again, but he just looked at Tian Lin in horror, but didn't care. Understand what Tian Lin said.

Li Bai touched Luo Lei and asked him to translate without hesitation, and Luo Lei was relieved at this time, and hurriedly repeated Tian Lin's words to the boss brother.

The elder brother of the boss didn't answer Tian Lin's words immediately, he struggled on the ground, and found that although he was beaten so badly just now, it was only a flesh wound, and it seemed that there was no serious problem, so he yelled at his little brother twice. In a word, several younger brothers hurried over to help the boss brother up.

It's just that during this process, the boss' brother's younger brothers kept avoiding Tian Lin, for fear that Tian Lin would beat them up too.

"Huaxia friend, you are very powerful, but do you know that no matter how powerful you are alone, you can't be the opponent of our entire Red Sun Gang." The boss brother said with a slanted mouth, very stubborn.

Hearing this, Li Bai laughed softly. No matter whether he was in China or Japan, if he taught others a lesson, others would bring out the strength behind him and use this method to improve his morale. However, when was Li Bai afraid of such a situation? threaten.

"What kind of gang do you think you are?" Li Bai pretended not to understand, and asked again.

"Red sun." The boss brother looked at Li Bai proudly and said, as if that was his belief.

"Oh, it must be that there are fewer people who see the red, so they came up with such a name." Li Bai murmured, which made the boss brother immediately angry.

This time, before the boss brother could say anything, Li Bai made a move, mobilizing the power of his silver stars to double the speed under his feet. Immediately afterwards, Li Bai's figure disappeared.

And when Li Bai returned to the same place a second later, the boss brother didn't even realize what happened just now, he just felt his eyes go dark, so he continued to talk to himself.

"Huaxia Pig, I can tell you clearly that you were injured just now, so don't even think about leaving the Wa country in a healthy and sound way!"

Li Bai and Tian Lin both laughed, and Luo Lei and the innkeeper also laughed, but their smiles were awkward.

At this time, the boss brother realized something was wrong, and looked around, only to find that all his younger brothers had fallen to the ground at this time, and everyone's mouth seemed to be sealed by something, unable to speak. any sound.

This scene finally made the boss brother goosebumps and hairs stand on end, his feet suddenly softened, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Are you a human, or a ghost?" The boss brother looked at Li Bai in horror. He didn't see what happened just now, but Luo Lei and the hotel owner saw it, and it was like a wind blowing. They were all slapped to the ground by Li Bai.

Li Bai smiled slightly, waved his hand, and then the younger brothers on the ground all burst into painful wailing.

"Of course it's a ghost!" Li Bai also yelled at the boss's brother at the same time, and the boss's brother was scared out of his wits, and ran towards the door screaming.

However, ten seconds later, the boss brother found out in despair that he was still in the same place, and Tian Lin's shoulders had no idea when they were on his shoulders.

"Come back to me!" With Tian Lin's strength, the boss brother lost his center of gravity and sat down on the ground.

Next, there was another scene of begging for mercy that Li Bai had seen too much and was tired of watching. Li Bai didn't say a word, and sat on a table beside Tian Lin, pouring hot water and drinking it leisurely, until everyone was hoarse , and finally got up again.

Although the boss brother looked at Li Bai and Li Bai with extremely weak eyes at this time, he was still crazy in his heart. Now he only asked Li Bai to let them go as soon as possible, and then immediately brought them over from the Red Sun Gang to arrest Li Bai. Beat up.

"I made a few requests so that you don't have to pursue what you did just now." Li Bai walked up to the boss brother, who hurriedly stood up and leaned in front of Li Bai.

"Tell me, how big is your Red Sun Gang's sphere of influence in Tokyo?" Li Bai asked.

"The area within five kilometers near the airport is the territory of our Red Sun Gang." The boss brother said in a very proud tone, thinking at the same time, Li Bai must be afraid of their Red Sun Gang when he asks this question. To get revenge on him.

"Oh." What the boss brother didn't expect was that Li Bai just said "oh", and Li Bai's tone seemed to be very disappointed, which made the boss brother very puzzled.

Li Bai quickly spoke again: "How about this, you take us to the headquarters of your Red Sun Gang, I want to meet your boss." Li Bai said to the boss brother again.

The elder brother of the boss was stunned for a moment. He was just thinking about how to tell the brothers of the Red Sun Gang to take care of Li Bai's. Unexpectedly, Li Bai actually wanted to throw himself into the trap. I don't know how much energy he saved.

"Master, that's right. Even if you come to Japan, you must first develop your own power in Tokyo. I like it, I like it." Tian Lin smiled, and Li Bai rolled his eyes in exchange. So far, he has not told Tian Lin The real purpose of coming to Japan this time.

"There is no need to translate what he said." Li Bai said to Luo Lei.

Although he didn't know what Tian Lin was laughing at, the boss brother quickly agreed, and couldn't wait to take Li Bai and the others there.

"Wait a minute." Tian Lin said to the boss' brother again, then walked to the counter of the hotel, looked at the boss fiercely, and at the same time patted the boss's head with his hands and said.

"Do you still dare to blackmail our money now? Let you blackmail, let you blackmail!" Tian Lin slapped while talking, which made the boss almost cry.

"No more, no more, all the money will be refunded to you, and you can stay as long as you want." The boss said as if begging for mercy, which made Tian Lin smile.

"Master, what's the matter? I'm the best." Tian Lin said to Li Bai again, and Li Bai had already followed the boss brother towards the outside of the hotel.

"I, do I have to go with you too? The Red Sun Gang is a famous gangster in Tokyo." Luo Lei asked fearfully, but Tian Lin grabbed Luo Lei's neck.

"What are you afraid of? I have me. Besides, neither of us can speak Japanese. We can't do without you." Tian Lin couldn't help but chase after Luo Lei.

During the day, Tokyo is a magnificent scene, but Li Bai has no intention of admiring it at this time. In the car, the Japanese people are chattering non-stop, sometimes frightened, sometimes laughing, but because Luo Lei is not in this car , Li Bai had no idea what they were talking about.

Of course, if Luo Lei was here, he would definitely tell Li Bai that they were discussing blatantly how to deal with Li Bai and Li Bai after seeing their boss later.

Not long after, everyone finally came to a karate gym, and such karate gyms can be seen almost everywhere in Japan.

"This is it." The boss brother led a group of people into the karate gym, and stopped when he was about to enter the training ground

At this time, the sound of "hey ha" was constantly echoing in the stadium, and there were many young men in their 20s who were fighting each other for training. It seemed that they were quite imposing.

Seeing Li Bai's expression, the boss brother's eyes were even more smug, as if he had forgotten how he was beaten so badly before.

"The one sitting over there is our gang leader." The boss brother pointed in one direction again.

In the farthest open space, a middle-aged man sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

(End of this chapter)

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