The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2393 Chinese Kung Fu

Chapter 2393 Chinese Kung Fu
With a thin face and a strong body, he was wearing a pure white Taoist uniform with a black cloth strip tied around his waist.

Sagawa Fujii sat quietly in the middle and back of the venue, as if the sounds of the students practicing in the dojo could not disturb his meditation at all, he formed a small world of his own.

"Well, our gang leader is the most powerful person in Tokyo karate, otherwise, it would be impossible to lead the entire Red Sun Gang to dominate." The boss brother said very proudly, looking at Li Bai, his eyes were full of disdain .

If he can beat him, and even knock down all his little brothers in a second, so what, wait a while, under the hands of their leader, Li Bai will definitely not be able to survive five rounds.

Li Bai smiled indifferently, and then walked towards the dojo.

Luo Lei wanted to pull Li Bai, but he didn't. He opened his mouth to say something, but Li Bai had already stepped on the clean wooden floor.

"Don't be blah, act like a man." Tian Lin followed Li Bai into the room, and hooked Luo Lei along the way.

Luo Lei really didn't want to go in, because in Japan, in this kind of karate dojo, everyone must be barefoot, but Li Bai and Tian Lin didn't know it, so they stepped on it, and the smooth wooden floor was Several rows of dark footprints appeared.

"Baga!" At this time, a middle-aged man came angrily from the other side of the dojo, seeing Li Bai and Tian Lin walking calmly, he also quickened his pace.

The elder brother of the boss was taking off his shoes at the door, while gloating at Li Bai and Li Bai. He naturally knew the rules, but he wanted to see how Li Bai and Tian Lin were taught a lesson.

Luo Lei was being dragged by Tian Lin all the time, unable to move at all. Watching the middle-aged man rushing towards them, he broke free from Tian Lin's restraint with all his strength, and then fell straight on the ground, and hurriedly supported his body with his hands After leaving the dojo, he didn't let his shoes touch the ground once.

Li Bai and Tian Lin stopped, looking at Luo Lei's funny face, wondering what happened. At this time, the middle-aged man finally walked up to Li Bai and Li Bai, with his hips on his hips, yelling at Li Bai, pointing at Li Bai and Li Bai pointed to the black footprints on the ground.

This time, without Luo Lei's translation, Li Bai also understood what the middle-aged man meant, and he must have disliked them for trampling the floor dirty.

"Luo Lei, tell them that we don't understand, I hope they can forgive me." Li Bai looked at Luo Lei who had already taken off his shoes and said, while he led Tian Lin on tiptoe and walked to the outside of the arena. In a puzzled look.

Luo Lei faithfully translated it to the middle-aged man, and he was a little surprised. This is not the style of Li Bai and the others. They actually gave in?

Seeing that Li Bai and Li Bai were "subdued", the boss brother felt a little joy in his heart, walked up to the middle-aged man's side, and whispered these things into his ear.

And when the two of Li Bai walked into the dojo again, the middle-aged man already looked very angry, pointed at Li Bai again, and asked in a questioning tone: "Huaxia people, are you here?" I am a big Japanese country, what is it for?"

Li Bai first asked Tian Lin to chat with the middle-aged man, while he asked Luo Lei what the boss' son had just said to the middle-aged man.

"He said, you lived in his brother's shop, but you played hooligans and didn't want to pay the rent. They went to help him argue, but you beat him up." Luo Lei roughly relayed what the boss' brother had just said to Li Bai, I was also a little angry, I didn't expect someone to be so shameless.

"I said what are you talking about, and I can't understand what you are saying, and you can't understand what I am saying, yo, you are still angry, bite me if you have the ability." On the other side, Tian Lin While smiling, he and the middle-aged man were having a conversation that they couldn't understand each other.

Li Bai patted Tian Lin's shoulder, and Tian Lin stopped.

"You may have misunderstood. It was his younger brother who charged us a very high fee next. We disagreed. He just came to trouble us first. If we didn't know kung fu, you would never see us now." Li Bai said to The middle-aged man said quietly, and at the same time glanced at the boss' brother lightly, and sentenced him to death from the bottom of his heart.

"Panasonic, is it really like this?" The middle-aged man heard Luo Lei's translation, and cast a puzzled look at the boss' brother, the man named Panasonic.

Matsushita shook his head quickly: "Sagawa-kun, what I said is true, you must believe me."

At this time, Luo Lei did not need to ask Li Bai to testify, but the credibility was not high, because in the eyes of these Japanese people, the three of them belonged together.

"I heard that you know Chinese Kung Fu?" Sagawa Fujiki didn't seem to want to continue entangled in this issue, so he changed the subject and looked at Li Bai.

Although they are a gang, they used this karate gym as their foundation at the beginning of the gang's establishment. Therefore, they pursued the ultimate in karate and wanted to prove that karate is the most powerful kung fu in the world. This is why he and his brother Sagawa Fujii's goal all along.

Therefore, when Matsushita said that these two Chinese people knew Chinese Kung Fu, Sagawa Fujiki's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to compete with Chinese Kung Fu, and it was best to defeat it.

"Yes, in China, everyone knows a little bit of Chinese Kung Fu." Li Bai looked at Sagawa Fujiki and said. In his eyes, Li Bai only saw the enthusiasm for strength, and did not see other worldly things. s things.

"I have admired the strength of Huaxia Kungfu for a long time. Today I am honored to see the master of Huaxia Kungfu. I hope I can have the opportunity to experience the power of Huaxia Kungfu." Some excitement flashed in Sagawa Fujiki's eyes, as if he had seen the two Huaxia Kungfu masters in twos and threes. People defeated, and then laughed at Huaxia Kung Fu.

"Okay, but fists and feet have no eyes. If you get hurt, please don't blame it." Li Bai said to Sagawa Fujiki. After being translated by Luo Lei, the Japanese side became lively.

"What? This Huaxia person is afraid of hurting the coach? Where did he get his confidence? Our coach is a black belt in karate. I don't know how many people have been defeated by him."

"I think this Huaxia man can only show his prestige with his mouth. After a while, he will definitely kneel down and beg for mercy."

Several Japanese people chatted non-stop over there, but Li Bai still couldn't understand a word, but from their expressions, Li Bai could tell that they seemed to be very pessimistic about him being able to win this competition.

"I'm sure I won't get hurt, please be careful yourself." Sagawa Fujiki also looked at Li Bai with some dissatisfaction, but took the initiative to disperse the crowd, ready to have a good fight with Li Bai.

"Wait a minute." Li Bai waved his hand suddenly, which made Sagawa Fujiki stunned for a moment, but before he could ask a question, he saw Li Bai beckoning to Tian Lin. Immediately afterwards, Li Bai walked out of the battle circle and stayed behind. Tian Lin.

"What does this mean?" Sagawa Fujiki's face also darkened.

"To deal with you, my master doesn't want to do anything yet, so let me do it." Tian Lin said eagerly, but Li Bai didn't say this at all.

But it once again caused an uproar on the Japanese side, and everyone wanted to rush up and beat Tian Lin to death.

"I didn't expect you Chinese people to be so proud and complacent. Well, then let me teach you a lesson." Sagawa Fujiki said viciously, then stood up straight, bowed to Tian Lin, and again Put up the starting move.

"Oh, it looks like it happened for a while, so I'll come too." After speaking, Tian Lin also made a clasping ceremony, and then stood still, without even starting moves, as if there was no move at all. Take this contest for a while.

This kind of behavior finally enraged Sagawa Fujiki, let alone his master's arrogance, but he never thought that a disciple would dare to be so arrogant to him.

Sagawa Fujiki had already made up his mind, he must hurt this ignorant kid later, and then he said that he accidentally missed it.

Thinking to himself, Sagawa Fujiki had already rushed in front of Tian Lin, and at the same time made a punching motion.

Tian Lin hurriedly wanted to parry and prepared to parry, but seeing Tian Lin's appearance, the corner of Sagawa Fujiki's mouth was happy, his hands were tightly pressed to his waist, and following the inertia of rushing forward, he swung his right foot fiercely on the spot. circle.

This move can be regarded as Sagawa Fujiki's trump card, because his movements are extremely deceptive, so many people fell under his move.

Sagawa Fujiki's idea is also very simple. To deal with Li Bai's apprentice, he only needs to use one move. This will also improve his aura a lot, and at the same time put a certain amount of psychological pressure on Li Bai.

However, Sagawa Fujiki thought a lot, but until his right foot turned back again, he didn't kick anything. This made Sagawa Fujiki stunned. Could it be that he missed the kick?

When the test looked, Tian Lin had already appeared outside his attack range, and made a frightened expression, and rushed towards him again.

This surprised Sagawa Fujiki even more. He has never missed this move, because at this time, no matter the distance, speed or human reaction speed, it is impossible to make any effective moves in such a short period of time. The reaction, but this time, he actually missed!
"Baga!" Sagawa Fujiki cursed, and just wanted to readjust his body to meet the enemy, but at this time, Tian Lin had already rushed in front of him.

Panicked, Sagawa Fujiki punched Tian Lin's face, but Tian Lin was short, not only passed the punch, but also squatted on the ground, and at the same time, a sweeping leg was fierce Sweeping out, it also brought a violent wind.

Tian Lin's legs and Sagawa Fujiki's legs touched each other very quickly. Although there was no sound, the result surprised everyone.

Because under the attack of this no-frills sweeping leg, Sagawa Fujiki, who had always been aiming at practicing his footwork, suddenly lost his balance.

With a "snap", Sagawa Fujiki fell to the ground. If it wasn't for the support of his palms, his face would probably kiss the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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