Chapter 2394
Kicking Sagawa Fujiki to the ground, Tian Lin didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but quietly watched him from the sidelines.

But Sagawa Fujiki thought that Tianbayashi's attack hadn't caught up, so he rolled while falling to the ground, and stood up again.

From Sagawa Fujiki's point of view, he just made a fool of himself because he was a little negligent and didn't deliberately guard against Tianlin's bottom lane attack. This time, he will definitely not make the same mistake again.

However, after Sagawa Fujiki straightened his body again, Tian Lin did not move. He looked at Sagawa Fujiki with some surprise and asked, "You have already lost, why do you still want to fight?"

When Luo Lei translated this sentence again, the Japanese were silent. They had the same idea as Sagawa Fujiki. Opportunity to connect the next attack.

But now it seems that the situation is completely different from what they imagined. It's not that they didn't join the attack, but they didn't want to attack at all.

"Do you feel that you have won just once you succeed? Huaxia people, don't you always call yourself modest?" Sagawa Fujiki was a little annoyed, and regardless of whether Tianlin agreed or not, he launched an attack again.

"My God, it's not over yet." Tian Lin complained, and didn't intend to continue wasting time with Sagawa Fujiki.

So, this time, Sagawa Fujiki's attack easily landed on Tianlin. When he was extremely happy, he discovered that Tianlin used the same trick to attack him.

"Ah!" Sagawa Fujiki roared angrily, wanting to knock Tianbayashi back before Tianbayashi's attack came, but after this punch, Tianlin didn't move at all, and when Tianbayashi's fist fell on him, Sagawa Fujiki only felt that he was being hit The car was about to hit the ground, and flew upside down.

In the entire dojo, there was an instant silence, and the sound of other people's breathing could be clearly heard. Then, with a "boom", Sagawa Fujiki fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Sagawa Fujii, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes slowly, glanced at his younger brother who fell not far away from him, and slowly said "trash".

Then, Sagawa Fujii stood up, walked towards the dojo, and stopped in front of Tian Lin.

"Huaxia people, your Huaxia Kung Fu is really good." Sagawa Fujii praised, this was not perfunctory, but from the heart.

He couldn't be more clear about the strength of his younger brother Sagawa Fujiki, and he was also very surprised that Tian Lin knocked down his younger brother lightly.

After all, Sagawa Fujii usually competes with his younger brother. Although his younger brother is no match for him, at least he can survive many rounds under his own hands.

However, in front of Tian Lin, Sagawa Fujiki only survived two moves, and if the first move counts as winning, then there is only one move.

This made Sagawa Fujii both joyful and fearful, and gave Matsushita a vicious look. This guy clearly brought outsiders to kick his house, or he was stupid, or he felt that his life was too long.

"The reception was not good just now, sir, please forgive me. If you have time, I hope I can have the honor to treat you to a cup of tea." Sagawa Fujii said to Tian Lin sincerely, and the Japanese students only felt that they were going crazy. Their boss was the first to confess.

But Sagawa Fujii has his own ideas, he can deny his indifference, and he can find a place for his younger brother, but he doesn't have the confidence to beat Tian Lin, not to mention that his master has been on the side, so it doesn't matter Look at everything that just happened.

If nothing else happened, the master must be stronger than the apprentice, and there was no need for Sagawa Fujii to take that risk.

Luo Lei relayed Sagawa Fujii's words to Li Bai, and Li Bai was also a little surprised. Unexpectedly, this person was very sensible and avoided many unnecessary injuries.

Since the other party didn't have any malicious intentions, Li Bai simply agreed. Anyway, he also wanted to find out something from Sagawa Fujii, so he didn't need to fight, which saved him a lot of time.

Sagawa Fujii quickly brought Li Bai and the three of them to a tea room he specially opened in the karate gym, where he usually greets guests and so on.

The room with the same wooden floor is not big. There is a rectangular table on it. On top of the table, there is a set of tea sets. The teapot is burning on the small stove beside it. The hot water has already boiled. Open, bursting with steam.

"Please." Sagawa Fujii said to the three, then picked up the teapot, put it on the tea set, and knelt on the floor again.

At this time, Luo Lei was correcting Li Bai and Li Bai, telling them not to sit on the floor but to kneel on the floor.

"It must be the first time you two have come to our country. It doesn't matter if you don't understand these customs. You can come here however you feel comfortable." Sagawa Fujii said to Li Bai with a smile. Some are not used to it.

Sagawa Fujii put down four more teacups, put tea leaves on them, and rinsed them with hot water. The set of movements still looked very elegant, but Li Bai didn't know the tea ceremony and couldn't understand the meaning.

"This is a special tea from our country of Japan, please use it slowly." Sagawa Fujii Dui said to the three of them with a smile.

The tea was really good, and Sagawa Fujii was also very enthusiastic, but Li Bai still didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in his gourd. He didn't believe that Sagawa Fujii was simply entertaining guests.

"I don't know what is the purpose of the two of you coming to Wa Kingdom?" Sagawa Fujii finally asked his own question.

The corner of Li Bai's mouth raised, and he was about to ask Sagawa Fujii this question: "We are here to find someone. I don't know if you know that there is an organization in your country that is full of ninjas. It should be very large. I want to know, this Where's the gang?"

Although ninjas are representatives of the Wa Kingdom, it is certainly impossible for all Wa people to be ninjas. There must be an organization like the Huaxia Dragon Guard training them. Li Bai believes that as long as he can find this organization, he will definitely be able to find them. Xiaoxi's whereabouts.

"Hiss..." When asked by Li Bai, Sagawa Fujii showed a dazed face, thought and thought, but did not come up with a result for a long time.

"Sorry, I don't know much about this matter, but I can check it for you." Sagawa Fujii said shyly.

"I'll give you half a day, shouldn't it be enough?" Li Bai asked, he didn't want to stay in this place for too long.

"It won't work for half a day..." Sagawa Fujii's expression was very troubled, "It may take at least a week." Then he said, "If you don't mind, you can bring it in our karate gym first, Wait until we have news before you leave."

Sagawa Fujii thought to himself, if Li Bai agrees, then he will put out some advertisements during this period of time, and let other people challenge Huaxia Kung Fu. In this way, it will definitely have a great impact on the reputation of their karate gym improvement.

Li Bai smiled and shook his head. If he agreed, this Sagawa Fujii would definitely keep telling him that he hadn't received any news and that he couldn't leave for at least a month. He didn't have so much time to waste.

"I'll give you half a day. If there is still no news after half a day, you must have seen the strength of my apprentice." Li Bai said coldly.

Just now, he was chatting happily and drinking tea, but now he has become like this. Such a rapid change of attitude made Sagawa Fujii unable to adapt at once, just smiled awkwardly, and had no choice but to agree.

After all, Li Bai's threat is still very effective. If the master and apprentice join forces, the entire karate gym combined will definitely not be their opponent.

"Okay, it's settled like this. We'll come back to you in the evening and hope to get good news." Li Bai stood up as he spoke, and his knees hurt a little after kneeling for so long.

"Let's go, why are you still standing there?" Li Bai kicked Tian Lin who was still motionless, but Tian Lin showed a painful expression: "Master, give me a hand, my leg is numb."

"Why don't you two have a meal together?" Just as he was about to leave the gymnasium, Sagawa Fujii said again, but Luo Lei didn't hear what he said at all.

"Goodbye, goodbye, no need to give it away." Tian Lin thought that Sagawa Fujii was saying goodbye, so he waved his hand, which made Sagawa Fujii even more embarrassed.

Under the leadership of Luo Lei, Li Bai and Tian Lin finally ate the first Japanese cuisine. They were very uncomfortable, because most of the Japanese cuisine was raw and cold. That being said, it was quite a challenge.

"Japanese cuisine is still delicious. You guys are definitely not used to it at the beginning. Maybe in the end, you don't want to leave." Luo Lei didn't spend money on the meal, so Luo Lei ate very full, and he burped Said to the two.

Li Bai shook his head noncommittally, but Tian Lin spoke his mind.

"No matter how delicious it is, it's not as good as home-cooked food."

Because it took half a day for Sagawa Fujii to collect information, the three of them were idle throughout the afternoon, and Li Bai didn't make a plan for the afternoon in advance, so he was a little at a loss for a while.

"How about, let me show you around Tokyo. Tokyo is an international metropolis with many interesting places." Luo Lei happily said to the two.

Tian Lin was also very excited when he heard it: "Yes, yes, yes, I have been watching your Japanese movies since I was a child. There is a series that is particularly good, called ***, please take us to the set to see."

Tian Lin said to Luo Lei with a smirk on his face, but Li Bai gave him a hard knock on the head.

"Master, what are you doing? In Japan, the porn industry is a very serious job, okay? Can you stop looking at the world with colored glasses?" Tian Lin muttered dissatisfied.

"Besides, think about it, if you are chosen by a film company, you might be able to play the leading role." Tian Lin became inexplicably happy again.

"Luo Lei, take us to Tokyo Tower." Li Bai said quietly to Luo Lei, and at the same time sentenced Tian Lin's idea to death.

(End of this chapter)

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