The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2395 Thief, see thief again

Chapter 2395 Thief, see thief again

The most famous place in Tokyo, even the most famous place in Japan, is Mt. Fuji. Li Bai actually wanted to go there, because I heard that it is not just a simple place for sightseeing.

However, it was impossible for them to rush to Mount Fuji in one afternoon, let alone visit, so Li Bai had no choice but to dismiss this idea first, and then proposed another good place.

"You also know Tokyo Tower?" Luo Lei was surprised when Li Bai directly mentioned the name of Tokyo Tower, but after being glanced at by Li Baibai, he knew that he had said something wrong. You can find information about "Tokyo Tour" and the like.

Tokyo Tower is a landmark building in Tokyo because it is 332.6 meters high and has always been the tallest building in Tokyo. However, since another 100-meter-high Tokyo Skytree was built more than 634 years ago, Tokyo Tower has become a Second child.

However, most tourists still prefer Tokyo Tower, probably because there are too many historical memories of the Japanese country here.

It took half an hour for Luo Lei and Li Bai to arrive at the bottom of the Tokyo Tower. Today's weather is very good, with no clouds in the sky.

It is also the first time for Li Bai to see such a tall building, and he can't help but feel a little shocked. As for Tian Lin beside him, he is going crazy, he keeps taking pictures of himself or the scenery, and when Li Bai is not paying attention, he comes A group photo or something.

For Tian Lin's mischievousness, Li Bai was very helpless, and hurriedly asked Luo Lei to take them to buy tickets, and then went all the way up to the observation deck about two-thirds of the way up.

Perhaps because the holiday has come, there are many tourists on Tokyo Tower, standing on the edge of the observation deck to watch the distant scenery.

Li Bai and Tian Lin are taller, so they don't need to squeeze in front, but when they look around, they can have a panoramic view of the whole Tokyo, and they can even see Mount Fuji clearly in the distance.

"Master, that's Mt. Fuji, right? I heard that Yamata no Orochi, the national guardian animal of the Japanese kingdom, is on Mt. Fuji. Shall we go and see it another day?" Tian Lin said excitedly to Li Bai.

The corner of Luo Lei's mouth was twitching non-stop. Since Tian Lin knew that Yamato no Orochi was their national guardian animal, how did he come up with the idea of ​​"going to have a look", and Yamato no Orochi was imprisoned. Into the cage, want to be seen by whomever.

But Luo Lei didn't dare to speak out what was in his heart, he didn't know if Tian Lin would be furious and beat him up too.

However, what Li Bai said immediately made Luo Lei completely dumbfounded.

"Well, if we have a chance, let's take a look." Li Bai said lightly, as if he had already regarded this as one of his possible travel plans.

"It's crazy." Luo Lei muttered to himself, speaking in Japanese, so Li Bai and Li Bai didn't understand.

Although the observation deck is very large, there are also a lot of people. Although it is not crowded, it still feels bad to be careful with every step so as not to hit others.

When the three of Li Bai moved towards the edge of the watchtower, a collision inevitably happened.

A woman was walking, but she was looking left and right, she didn't pay attention to the person in front of her, so she bumped into Li Bai's arms.

"すみません, すみません." The woman apologized to Li Bai without daring to raise her head. She wanted to leave Li Bai's body, but her feet were unsteady, and she hugged Li Bai directly.

Seeing this scene, Tian Lin was stunned: "Master, yes, how did you make others fall, you must teach me this trick, and I will let other girls hug me too."

Li Bai glanced at Tian Lin, then gently lifted the woman up, and responded to the woman with a sentence that Luo Lei taught him just now, and at the same time showed a big smile.

Seemingly being handsomed by Li Bai, the woman ran away quickly, and secretly glanced back at Li Bai again, only to find that Li Bai was still looking at her, she hurriedly turned her head back again.

"It's ok, master. Your move is perfect. I'm also very handsome. Maybe I can take the opportunity to hook up with some girls." Tian Lin stared at Li Bai dumbfounded, unwilling to believe it was a coincidence.

Li Bai still just glared at Tian Lin, but now Tian Lin didn't dare to speak.

A few minutes later, Luo Lei, who had been squeaking and speechless, finally patted Li Bai lightly.

"Look, if you lost something on your body, the woman just now, if you guessed correctly, should be a thief." Luo Lei nodded slightly, not daring to look at Li Bai weakly.

Li Bai frowned, then fumbled for his pocket, looked up at Luo Lei in surprise a few seconds later, and said, "Damn it, my wallet is gone."

Luo Lei was very guilty and said again: "Well, actually, when she threw herself into your arms for the first time, I was a little skeptical, but because she is really cute, I didn't dare to say it out. It would be bad if you framed a good person.”

Tian Lin's slap slapped Luo Lei on the head: "It's useless to say these things now, hurry up and chase after him!"

As he said that, he was the first to squeeze into the crowd, followed by Li Bai, not because he was worried about the money, but because there were all kinds of their documents in it. If they lost it, it would really be a I can't go back.

So amidst the voices of disgust, the three squeezed a passage, and quickly ran towards the Tokyo Tower. Li Bai, who just felt that the Tokyo Tower was not worthy of its name, now felt that the Tokyo Tower was too high.

Li Bai can jump directly from a height of several hundred meters and guarantee that he will not be injured, but if he really does that, it is too beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding, so he can only use the form of pure running , but because of too many crowds, it has been unable to increase the speed.

Finally squeezed into the elevator, the elevator quickly descended towards the bottom of the tower, but at this moment, the woman just ran to nowhere, which made Li Bai very anxious.

When the three of them finally appeared in the square at the bottom of the tower, they were about to go crazy. At this time, the square was crowded with people, and there was no figure of the woman just now.

"Master, what should we do? We won't be able to go home, right?" Tian Lin asked with his arms crossed and looked at Li Bai, who was also very irritable.

I silently recalled the appearance of that woman in my heart, and then, I closed my eyes and dispersed my soul consciousness.

This is a matter that consumes a lot of spiritual power. Although the speed of the soul scan is very fast, there are too many people in the Naihe Square. It took Li Bai a full 5 minutes to finally find the woman.

At this time, the woman was facing another man, and she didn't know what she was talking about, but soon, the woman handed over the wallet she had just stolen from Li Bai to the man.

"Transfer the stolen goods." Li Bai murmured, shaking his head vigorously again. The five-minute sweep of the soul consciousness just now was too exhausting, and Li Bai couldn't bear it.

"Follow me." Li Bai said to Tian Lin Luo Lei, and then walked towards a corner of the square.

It has to be said that this woman is very good at picking places. This place can be regarded as a dead corner of the square, almost no one will go here, and it is safe to transfer stolen goods here.

When the three of Li Bai arrived, the woman seemed to have finished the conversation with the man, and she walked out from the corner alone. When she saw the three of Li Bai, a panic flashed in her eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

"Hi, we meet again." The woman took the initiative to greet the three of them, with a pure and sweet smile on her face. If she didn't know that she was a thief, the three of Li Bai might have been deceived again up.

"I'm really sorry for what happened just now. My name is Hanano Mai, please take care of me." Hanano Mai bowed to the three of them as if nothing had happened.

Li Bai and Tian Lin looked at Hanano Mai as if they were watching a joke, and the playfulness in their eyes finally made Hanano Mai a little uneasy.

"May I ask what happened?" Hanano Mai still pretended not to know anything.

At the same time, Luo Lei, who is also a thief, finally couldn't stand it anymore at this moment: "I advise you to stop pretending to be pure in front of us. If you hand over this gentleman's wallet obediently, what happened just now, we will treat it as if it never happened." Pass."

"Wallet? What wallet?" Hanano Mai looked a little panicked, "No way, you guys are so nice, who actually stole your wallet!"

Seeing that Hanano Mai pretended to be crazy but refused to admit it, Li Bai sneered for a while, stepped forward, and gently grabbed Hanano Mai's chin: "The man just now should be your boyfriend, if not , should also be your friend."

Hanano Mai avoided Li Bai's eyes in a panic, but she was panicked in her heart. When she met her boyfriend just now, she could guarantee that no one was there, and how did the man in front of her know? !

"Tell me, if he finds out that you were raped by other men, what will he think?" Li Bai leaned into Hanano Mai's ear and whispered.

"No, please don't." At this moment, Hanano Mai finally let go of all her pretense, and shed tears like a little girl next door.

But Li Bai didn't feel any distress. Since he is a thief, he must be prepared to be caught. He will not show mercy just because the other party is a cute girl.

"Master, you really plan to rape him, how can you do this, master, let me go!" Tian Lin made trouble from the side again, but he didn't make any moves, but urged Luo Lei to take this girl away. Translate the sentence to Hanano Mai.

This time, Hanano Mai was even more terrified.

"Did you hear that, you are still pretty, if you don't want to be raped, then take me and get my wallet back." Li Bai loosened Hanano Mai's chin, and spoke to Hanano Mai in an unresistable tone Said.

In fact, Hanano Mai did not have a second choice.

(End of this chapter)

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