Chapter 2397

Li Bai did not refuse the request of the hostess, and asked the hostess to order a drink casually.After all, Li Bai never thought about getting anything for free from others.

Of course, what Li Bai didn't know was that the hostess would never take the initiative to ask the guests for drinks. If this happened, it must mean that the hostess was trying to cheat people.

"Two glasses of No. [-] wine." The hostess said to the bartender at the bar. The bartender's eyes lit up, and he looked at the hostess enviously: "I'm so lucky, I met a brainless local tycoon again."

The hostess smiled slyly, then returned to Li Bai's table, handed Li Bai a glass, and drank the other glass herself.

The hostess chatted with Li Bai without saying a word, and slowly finished the No. [-] wine in their bar that was priced so high.

"The wine is over, can you tell me the answer to the question now?" Li Bai was a little impatient, and he vaguely felt that he had also been put on by this hostess.

Sure enough, the wine girl blushed slightly, and said to Li Bai: "Haha, I thought you forgot this question, but my answer is, I don't know either."

Hearing the hostess's direct answer, Li Bai's complexion suddenly darkened, and he was a little angry, but he didn't know what to do with this obviously stinky and shameless hostess.

But Li Bai's reticence doesn't mean that other people can bear it too.

Tian Lin and Luo Lei have been watching everything that happened here at the narration table. After hearing such an answer from the hostess, Tian Lin's violent temper was ignited.

With a "snap", Tian Lin slapped the table vigorously and stood up. The glass table was instantly torn apart by his slap, which startled Luo Lei who was on the opposite side, as well as the hostess.

"What do you people from Japan mean? Are you targeting us Chinese people?" Tian Lin angrily pointed at the hostess. He had had enough for this day.

First, he was cheated by the hotel owner for the room rate, and then he was stolen by Hanano Mai, and escaped under his own nose, and now a hostess jumped out casually and wanted to make a fortune from them. Tian Lin couldn't bear it no matter what.

Because the commotion here was too big, many people in the bar turned their eyes towards this side. Li Bai glanced at Tian Lin. He wanted to find Hideki Nakajima privately through the hostess. But now it seems that it is no longer possible.

"Master, don't move. Just let me teach you a lesson for this kind of woman." Tian Lin said angrily, walking in front of the hostess, and there was another "slap", and a slap was clearly landed on her face. The white and tender face of the hostess.

And this crisp sound seemed to have overwhelmed the manic music, and soon, all the music in the bar stopped, and everyone looked at this side, not knowing what happened.

"Over there, it seems to be hitting a woman." This is the first reaction of most Japanese people, because not far away, the escort girl is covering her cheek with tears in her eyes.

"The one who beat her seems to be a Chinese." This was the second reaction of the Wa people, and after knowing this, they became a little restless and began to yell and curse.

Li Bai and Tian Lin were in the center of the whirling nest, but they didn't intend to leave at all. On the contrary, Luo Lei, who was the interpreter of the two, seemed a bit out of place, and didn't know which side he should be facing now.

There was a commotion in the bar, but because no Japanese dared to trouble Tian Lin and Li Bai, the commotion did not continue to expand until a man quickly pushed through the crowd and walked in front of the hostess. It finally stopped.

"What happened?" the man asked the hostess.

"Mr. Nakajima, these three men teamed up to bully me." The hostess pointed at the three of them aggrievedly and said, leaving Luo Lei speechless for a while, it's none of his business.

Hideki Nakajima did not continue to ask more, but turned around, looked at Tian Lin who was beating someone and asked: "Huaxia people, please explain to me why you beat my employee?" .”

Faced with such an arrogant attitude, Tian Lin was very upset, but he also knew that Hideki Nakajima was Mai Hanano's boyfriend, and at the same time was the little leader of the Rising Sun Gang, so he didn't attack immediately, in case he was killed directly If so, that would be bad.

Calling Luo Lei, Tian Lin asked him to tell Hideki Nakajima what happened just now, and at this moment, Luo Lei was pushed to the forefront, and other Japanese people scolded him as a "running dog" I wanted to explain, but there was no chance at all.

After all, he is also the legendary "translator" that everyone hates.

As a last resort, Luo Lei summed up everything that happened just now, leaving almost none of the details behind.

Hideki Nakajima nodded after listening, and then looked at Li Bai: "Excuse me, is that so?"

Li Bai also nodded. As a bystander, what Luo Lei said was very detailed.

Hideki Nakajima smiled indistinctly, and said to Li Bai again: "Sir, you promised my employee that you would buy her a glass of wine, and she would give you her answer. Her answer is that she doesn't know, but why, yours?" Friends will hit people because of this, isn't it too rude?"

Although Hideki Nakajima spoke to Li Bai in a very gentle manner, Tian Lin felt full of condescension in his words, which made Tian Lin even more upset.

"Damn it, do you still have a reason to lie?" Tian Lin scolded angrily.

"Sir, please calm down. My employee didn't lie to you. I've already said that her answer is that she doesn't know. You guys just wanted to ask, and you agreed to the conditions for drinking." Hideki Nakajima slyly With a smile, he turned and said to Li Bai again.

"Your friend injured my employee. I don't need to pursue this matter because of a misunderstanding, but the two glasses of wine and the damaged table total 1 million Japanese yen. Please pay the price according to the price." Hideki Nakajima held the table The menu on the website is turned over, and the first one on the back is written with the Arabic numeral "[-]", and on the price behind it, a series of zeros.

"Is this the Japanese style of touching porcelain?" Li Bai sneered, maybe not all Japanese people are like them, but in Li Bai's eyes, at least the "Sunrise Gang" people are so shameless .

Li Bai stood up slowly, looked at Hideki Nakajima coldly, and asked, "How much is a table?"

"One million Japanese dollars." Hideki Nakajima smiled.

"Oh." Li Bai said lightly, then raised the knife and smashed the table in front of him with the same slap, "Is it 100 million now?"

The corner of Hideki Nakajima's mouth twitched violently, as if seeing an ominous result.

"How much is that chair?" Li Bai asked again, but Hideki Nakajima didn't speak, so he could only say to himself, "For the sake of being so shameless, let's count it as 50. "

As he spoke, Li Bai kicked and broke two chairs.

"One hundred and two million." Li Bai said with a smile.

Tian Lin, who was standing by the side, saw that the master was going crazy, how could he miss such a good opportunity, and started to sweep the bar with howls.

The broken sound of "jingling, jingle, jingle" rang out again and again, making Hideki Nakajima's face change from white to black, and then from black to purple.

Hideki Nakajima, who couldn't bear it anymore, finally called the spectators from the Rising Sun Gang over. At this time, all the guests left in a hurry because of the bloody battle that was about to take place here. down the presence of both sides.

On one side are the three Li Bai, and on the other side are Hideki Nakajima and the others.

"There is an old saying in China, you don't eat a toast and you are fined wine. I think your lives should stay here." Nakajima Hideki looked at Li Bai and Tian Lin, and said viciously, killing people on his territory , He is not afraid that the police will come to make trouble.

Looking at the large number of "Sunrise Gang" gang members in front of them, Li Bai and Tian Lin laughed out loud. They don't know where Hideki Nakajima's confidence comes from. These people are placed in Huaxia, but they just arrived The level of a true qi fighter is going to threaten to kill the two of them.

What a shame!

"Master, I am on the left, and you are on the right." Tian Lin said to Li Bai, and Hideki Nakajima became even more angry at Tian Lin's arrogance, and his subordinates rushed towards Li Bai and Tian Lin at the command. .

In Hideki Nakajima's view, in just one minute, these two Chinese people who don't know what to do will be knocked down, and then they will kneel down and beg for mercy. After taking away all their financial assets, he will let his subordinates kill them Two, as for the translator, Hideki Nakajima decided to let it go.

However, the difference between the ideal plumpness and the real backbone seems to be too great. Hideki Nakajima watched helplessly as his subordinates surrounded Li Bai, Tianlin and Li Bai, and in the next minute, his The subordinates were like fixed sandbags, being beaten away by Li Bai one after another.

In less than a minute, all his subordinates fell to the ground, and the furthest one even flew to the bar.

"Why are you still standing there, it's over." Li Bai stepped forward and patted the face of Hideki Nakajima, who was already sluggish.

But at this time, Hideki Nakajima seemed to have collapsed, and collapsed on the ground with a crash, backed up with his hands in horror, looking at Li Bai and Tian Lin, as if looking at two devils.

"You, you guys, what do you want to do?" Hideki Nakajima asked in panic, finally touched a chair that was not smashed again, and struggled to stand up.

"Nothing, I just want to get my wallet back. Your sister, Hanano Mai, stole my wallet on Tokyo Tower." Li Bai said slowly to Hideki Nakajima.

Hideki Nakajima trembled all over, and suddenly regretted letting his girlfriend go to Tokyo Tower to steal things today, but he unexpectedly attracted two demon-like figures.

"Yes, I'm sorry, if you had said earlier, I would have given it to you immediately." Hideki Nakajima took out a wallet from his trouser pocket in a panic and threw it to Li Bai.

"Should you have nothing else to do?" Hideki Nakajima asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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