The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2398 Sun Rising Gang

Chapter 2398 Sun Rising Gang

Li Bai didn't seem to hear Hideki Nakajima's question, so he caught the wallet flying in the air and looked at it. Hideki Nakajima probably hadn't had time to clean up the stolen goods, so everything was still there.

"Let me just say, if your girlfriend went to find you earlier, it wouldn't be such a trouble. Look, I'm too embarrassed to smash so many tables and chairs." Li Bai said to Hideki Nakajima with a smile.

Hideki Nakajima quickly waved his hand: "It's okay, it's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, these losses are nothing, we can handle it ourselves."

Before the fight and after the fight, Hideki Nakajima's attitude was completely different.

"You don't need to pay?" Li Bai asked intentionally, "It's fine if you don't need to pay. I really don't have that much money."

Hideki Nakajima rubbed his forehead with his hands, but there was no sweat there: "Well, I won't send the three of you away, I hope to come again next time." But he said in his heart, he must not come again.

Such a big thing happened in the bar, and he didn't know how to explain it to the gang leader.

But at this time, Li Bai didn't look like he was leaving. He chatted with Hideki Nakajima: "Of course we will come back next time. I just hope that there will be no more conflicts like this. It hurts." If it’s not peaceful, then it’s really not good.”

Hideki Nakajima now wished that Li Bai would take his people out of the bar immediately, but Li Bai's current state also made Hideki Nakajima understand that Li Bai did not intend to end this matter.

Although the strength of Li Bai and Tian Lin did frighten Nakajima Hideki, but at this moment, he had no choice but to speak out his heart: "You guys, what else do you want? The person who hurt me, smashed my Shop, I also admit it, what else do you want to do?"

Hideki Nakajima asked a little frantically, it sounded like he was the one being provoked.

Tian Lin was not happy when he heard it, he just wanted to go forward to argue, but was stopped by Li Bai, he didn't want to waste too much time in this place.

"First of all, we are here to get my wallet back. Secondly, I want to know some news, but I am very angry that your hostess dared to play tricks on me." Li Bai said lightly, but in Nakajima Hideki heard that Li Bai was not deceiving him.

"What news do you want to know, if I know, I will definitely tell you." Nakajima Hideki could only choose to compromise again. At this time, he was also a little angry. From the beginning, he should take good care of those hostesses , do not do something that may cause the customer's anger.

Li Bai told Hideki Nakajima what he wanted to know again, Hideki Nakajima thought about it, then shook his head, and said to Li Bai: "This is not something I can get into, sorry. "

A few minutes later, Li Bai, Tian, ​​Lin, and Luo Lei left the bar. This place has lost its value. As for the smashing just now, Tian Lin was very happy.

"Master, you don't know how much those Japanese people hated us when they scolded us just now, but you can see how cowardly they are afterward, it's really relieved." Tian Lin said excitedly to Li Bai, Li Bai smiled, no matter when, It is something they are happy to do to destroy the prestige of the Japanese people.

Luo Lei was very embarrassed on the side, agreeing or disagreeing, who made him become Li Bai's portable interpreter now.

"Master, what are we going to do now?" Tian Lin asked again, after playing all afternoon, it was almost dark now.

"Let's go eat first, and after we finish eating, we'll go to the Red Sun Gang to see if there's any news from them." Li Bai said, and asked Luo Lei to take them to find a new restaurant.

Tian Lin was not very interested in eating at this time, and looked at Li Bai with a puzzled face: "Master, you are not just here for sightseeing this time, are you? What are you doing? Tell me."

Li Bai didn't explain right away, but waited until Luo Lei went to order food, and quickly explained the purpose of his trip.

"Master, I didn't expect you to like little Lolita. My God, I doubt your character very much, Master." Tian Lin looked at Li Bai in shock, and directly wanted to distort the relationship between Li Bai and Xiao Xi.

Of course, all he got in exchange for nonsense was a slap from Li Bai.

"Master, I don't think that organization should be in Tokyo. Even if it is in Tokyo, it is definitely impossible for us to find it easily. It is not very useful to find these gangs on the surface." Tian Lin said to Li Bai.

Li Bai nodded. In fact, he also thought about this question, just like the Huaxia Dragon Guard is also in the capital, but ordinary people don't even know about the existence of the Dragon Guard.

"So, we have to make some noise so that they can pay attention to us." Li Bai Huanhuan said, a preliminary plan has already taken shape in his heart.

The dinner was also very uncomfortable, but Li Bai didn't care too much, but quickly wiped out the dinner, and started again.

Such a fast pace made Luo Lei a little overwhelmed. Although he took a taxi back to the karate gym, Luo Lei still felt the fatigue of the journey.

However, with a "chuck", the taxi slammed on the brakes, causing Luo Lei to lose all thoughts in his mind. Looking outside, a group of people were blocked in front, preventing him from passing.

The driver got out of the car and negotiated with the man in the traffic jam, and then came back. He said something to the three people in the car very sorry. Luo Lei translated them, meaning that the road ahead has been closed and they cannot pass.

The simple thing is that there is only about 100 meters away from the karate gym, and the three of them got out of the car and wanted to walk inside.

But he was surrounded by that man and a group of men just now.

"I said that the road ahead is closed, and no one can pass." The man said fiercely.

But looking at it from here, there is no road repair ahead, and there is no car accident or anything. What was it like here in the morning, and what is it like now? Why is the road closed?

Immediately afterwards, Li Bai saw, from the man in front of him to the door of the karate unit, at a distance of about ten meters, there were a group of men in the same attire standing, as if they were letting the wind go.

"We're going to that karate gym. There's something urgent. Please let me go." The impatient Tian Lin said again, wanting to push the man away, but just as he raised his hand, nearly ten men in front of him all said "Huh?" With a sound.

"No matter what you have, please leave now, so as not to be accidentally injured." The man said again, but just after he finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, and looked at the three of them with some hostility.

"When you go to the karate gym, are you looking for Sagi Fujii?"

Tian Lin was amused: "If you know, why don't you hurry up and get out of the way?"

But as soon as Tian Lin finished speaking, the man's voice sounded again: "These three are also members of the Red Sun Gang, hit me!"

So, before the three of them figured out what happened, these Wa people beat them up, and of course, they were severely punished.

Li Bai frowned, these people appeared here to let the air go, there must be an accident in the karate gym, plus what the man said just now, it seems that someone from another gang came to trouble the Red Sun Gang.

"Let's go and have a look." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, and then walked towards the karate gym. Along the way, he easily dealt with several waves of people without any injuries.

Li Bai and the others were playing so lively outside, but when the three of them entered the gymnasium, the environment inside was terrifyingly quiet.

On the clean floor, there were already many messy black footprints, and looking around, a group of men in colorful clothes stood in a row, and standing opposite them was a group of red suns in white clothes. Among the gang members, standing in the center is Sagawa Fujii who entertained them in the morning.

And the boss of the "Rainbow" gang here is also a middle-aged man, also without any weapons, but with an arrogant look on his face, he said something to Sagawa Fujii over there, and Sagawa Fujii also responded with something , After speaking for only 5 minutes, the two sides started fighting.

"What happened?" Li Bai looked confused, looked at Luo Lei suspiciously, and didn't plan to join the battle immediately.

To Li Bai's surprise, this "Rainbow Gang" turned out to be the Sunrise Gang where Hideki Nakajima had a conflict with them this afternoon.

When Li Bai sighed that the world is so small, the reason for their conflict made Li Bai speechless.

The reason was simply that the Rising Sun Gang wanted to annex the Red Sun Gang, but Sagawa Fujii disagreed with life and death. The two sides had several negotiations, large and small, but they failed to reach an agreement. Not talking" situation.

It has to be said that the fight at this stage of theirs still looks very fierce, and the sensation of punching to the flesh made Li Bai feel a little terrified.

And although Sagawa Fujii of the Red Sun Gang is indeed powerful among these people, the overall strength of the Rising Sun Gang is much higher than that of the Red Sun Gang.

Therefore, although a group of karate students from the Red Sun Gang are resisting with all their might, their disadvantages are still obvious. They will lose if they do not exceed 10 minutes.

On the other hand, I have to mention that in Japan, there are many gangs, but the number of each gang is very small. Although the Red Sun Gang claims to control the airport within a radius of five kilometers, they really belong to their own territory. It is within a radius of one kilometer of the karate gym, and the others overlap with other gangs.

Sure enough, just as Li Bai expected, just 5 minutes after the fight started, the Red Sun Gang had an obvious decline, and for a while, the morale of the army was in turmoil.

At the same time, at this moment, Sagawa Fujii, who had knocked down two members of the Rising Sun Gang, saw Li Bai outside the gymnasium at a glance, as if seeing a savior, with hope in his eyes.

"Li Bai-jun, please help us." Sagawa Fujiki shouted at Li Bai.

And his roar instantly attracted the attention of the Sunrise gang, who looked at Li Bai with hostility.

"It's very hateful to transfer it." Li Bai knew that he couldn't leave, so he had to walk towards the battle circle.

(End of this chapter)

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