Chapter 2399
Originally, the two gangs were fighting well, but because of Sagawa Fujii's yell, both sides stopped temporarily by coincidence, and both looked in Li Bai's direction.

The members of the Red Sun Gang looked at Li Bai as if they were looking at a savior. They thought that Sagawa Fujii and Li Bai had such a long talk in the morning that they should already consider each other "brothers" or something.

Seeing the eyes of the Red Sun Gang, the people from the Sun Rising Gang looked at Li Bai with full hostility. Although they didn't know how strong Li Bai was, since he was the enemy's friend, he could Must be their enemy.

"What are you still doing, let's kill them together!" The leader of the Rising Sun Gang gave an order, and the gymnasium that had been silent for a while now became lively again.

The leader of the Rising Sun Gang did not test Li Bai himself, but called two people to come towards Li Bai, and he continued to attack Sagawa Fujii, but before he could take two steps, behind him Then came two screams of "ahah".

The leader's neck turned cold, and he turned his head, only to find that his two younger brothers had fallen to the ground, and there was no one around them.

"Damn it." The team leader said in a low voice, and didn't have much time to think about it at this time, so he turned around again, but when he turned around, he was taken aback again.

Li Bai, Sagawa Fujii's friend, stood in front of him at some point, looking at the leader with a smile on his face, but the leader himself didn't notice it before.

The team leader was taken aback, or more accurately, he was not so surprised. Having experienced many battles, he also had some experience in this kind of sudden attack, so when Li Bai hadn't made a move, the team leader took the lead One step and punched.

Such a calm reaction from the team leader made Li Bai admire in his heart. However, Li Bai did not show mercy because of this.

"Nani?" The leader's expression changed, his fist hit Li Bai's palm, as if his entire force had been completely removed, without causing any damage at all. On the other hand, Li Bai's expression was relaxed and playful. looked at the leader.

"The inner quality is good, but the strength is still too low." Li Bai said lightly, and then turned his wrist, the leader only felt that he was tied to a huge electric fan, and the whole person was spinning in the air out of thin air. Get up, then fall hard to the ground again.

Although the wooden floor was very smooth, under such a huge rotational speed, the leader was still worn off a layer of skin by the strong friction.

At the same time, Tian Lin, who couldn't rest at all, also helped the members of the Red Sun Gang to beat up all the remaining members of the Rising Sun Gang. The conflict between the two gangs came and went quickly. It's almost over.

The karate gym became quiet again, and Sagawa Fujii looked at Li Bai gratefully.

"Thank you, thank you. If you hadn't arrived in time, our gymnasium really wouldn't know what to do." Sagawa Fujii said gratefully to Li Bai. Li Bai smiled. Fujii used it once, but Li Bai didn't care about such a trivial matter.

When Sagawa Fujii wanted to invite Li Bai in again, the leader of the Rising Sun Gang had already struggled to stand up, looking at Li Bai's back with anger in his eyes.

"Friend, you are from Huaxia, right? Why did you intervene in the struggle between our two gangs?" the team leader said in a low voice.

Hearing the leader's words, Sagawa Fujii's expression changed. He knew that his relationship with Li Bai was not stable, and if Li Bai was really persuaded by the leader's words, then the one who greeted them would be the Sunrise Gang. blow.

"What did he just say?" Li Bai stopped, turned to ask Luo Lei, and Luo Lei translated it truthfully.

"Whom I want to help is my own business. I don't think you need to take care of it?" Li Bai glanced at the leader, and then continued to follow Sagawa Fujii towards the house.

Hearing what Li Bai said, Sagawa Fujii breathed a sigh of relief, and the leader of the Rising Sun Gang didn't continue to say anything, and took his own people to leave quickly. chase.

Went to the house and sat down again, Sagawa Fujii's attitude was much better than in the morning, which made Tianlin enjoy it very much, but Li Bai didn't show any expression, quietly watching Sagawa Fujii pour tea again water, and invite them to taste it.

"Both of you, thank you so much just now. The rising sun helped them with great influence. We have been suppressed all the time. If it weren't for you two, maybe we would cease to exist tomorrow." Sagawa Fujii once again said gratefully.

"I don't care about your gang disputes. What I just want to know now is whether there is any result of the news that I asked you to investigate for me this morning." Li Bai looked at Sagawa Fujii calmly.

When Sagawa Fujii was asked this question, he drank a sip of tea in embarrassment, and then wanted to say something, but it was like a stick in his throat.

"I see." Li Bai smiled at Sagawa Fujii, but this smile made Sagawa Fujii feel flustered, and hurriedly explained.

"I'm really sorry, I did send someone to help you investigate, but in the afternoon, I received news that the Sunrise Gang was coming, so this matter..." Sagawa Fujii's voice became smaller and smaller, In the end, I could barely hear it.

"Oh." Li Bai said lightly, then stood up and walked quietly towards the door.

Tian Lin knew that Li Bai's appearance already represented that he was very angry in his heart. With a "pop", the tea in the cup was not finished, even if Tian Lin threw him on the table, he also stood up angrily and chased after him. On Li Bai.

Seeing the fury of the two, Sagawa Fujii wanted to say something to stop them, but he was afraid that his more words would make the two of them even more annoyed. At this time, Sagawa Fujii was like an ant on a hot pot. Turn around in a hurry.

Luo Lei was the last one to stand up. Although he was an ordinary person, he still pointed at Sagawa Fujii's nose and cursed: "You don't keep your word, you really embarrass the Japanese people!"

After saying that, he got up and left, leaving Sagawa Fujii sitting there alone, regretting nothing.

He knew that this time, no matter what he said, Li Bai would definitely not listen to it again, and it was very possible that his reputation in Li Bai's heart had dropped to freezing point.

"What the hell did I do, can't I tell him to wait any longer?" Sagawa Fujii slapped himself hard on the face, feeling very remorseful, and only then remembered to chase Li Bai back. But when he ran out of the gymnasium, where could he see the figures of Li Bai and the others?
"Master, why were you so angry just now?"

Li Bai walked a distance of about one kilometer in one breath, and Tian Lin asked.

Li Bai took a breath and said slowly: "Actually, I wasn't very angry just now, it was because this Sagawa Fujii didn't mean anything, but it might be that he really couldn't find the information. If that's the case, I naturally don't need to worked with him."

Tian Lin nodded, and looked at Li Bai suspiciously: "Then how should we find Xiaoxi? I ​​have been in Tokyo for two days, and I have encountered some bad things. We have to wait until the year of the monkey." Tian Lin also had some Said complaining.

"What's the rush? It's only the second day. It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry with the eunuchs." Li Bai also joked.

"I'm your apprentice, not your eunuch." Tian Lin pouted, knowing that Li Bai had recovered, and felt relieved.

The three of them returned to the hotel again. The innkeeper was already extremely afraid of Li Bai and the other three, and he didn't dare to say a word, for fear that Li Bai and the others would cause trouble for him again, but in fact, how could Li Bai have the time to find trouble for the innkeeper? .

The second night in Tokyo passed peacefully, there was no lady, no thief, only Tian Lin's slight snoring.

And when the three of them went downstairs to the first floor of the hotel again in the early morning of the next day, several men were already sitting on the sofa in the lobby. When they saw Li Bai and the others coming down, they stood up in a panic.

"I'm going, isn't it? Are you looking for trouble again so early?" Tian Lin was also very distressed when he saw this posture. They didn't want to cause trouble, but things always found their way.

Those Japanese men waited until Li Bai was about to walk over, waved to Li Bai cautiously, and then said a series of Japanese to Li Bai, which Luo Lei quickly translated.

These people are all members of the Rising Sun Gang. Because of what happened last night, the head of the Rising Sun Gang wanted to meet Li Bai.

"Want to see me?" Li Bai hehe, "Do you want to set up a Hongmen banquet, and then take the opportunity to kill me?" Li Bai asked coldly.

"No, sir, you misunderstood." The man said with a smile, "Our leader just wants to meet friends from China, and has no other intentions. I can guarantee it."

"Your guarantee? Who are you? Is your guarantee worth it? Master, why don't we kill them directly?" Tian Lin said looking at Li Bai.

Li Bai glanced at the man. Early in the morning, he felt as if he had fallen into darkness instantly, and his whole body shivered.

"Since their leader wants to get to know me, let's get to know me. Maybe the leader of the Sunrise Gang can help us." Li Bai patted the man on the shoulder.

"What are you still doing, lead the way."

The man hurriedly made a gesture of invitation, and the group walked towards the door. Tian Lin swallowed, and hurriedly chased after him: "Master, let's go, but we haven't had breakfast yet!"

Therefore, the first official meeting between the leader of the Sunrise Gang and Li Bai was set up in a small breakfast shop.

"Hi, I'm Shuichi Minano, the leader of the Rising Sun Gang."

The breakfast for Li Bai and the others had just been served when the door of the breakfast shop was opened, and a burly man walked in and greeted Li Bai and the others.

Because Tian Lin was sitting opposite Luo Lei, and there was no one opposite Li Bai, so Minano Shuichi sat opposite Li Bai and nodded to Li Bai.

But if he didn't even know Li Bai's appearance and came to see Li Bai, Li Bai could just pat the table and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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