Chapter 2400

Li Bai just glanced at Nanye Xiuyi's appearance, then lowered his head and began eating the porridge on the table, as if he didn't notice Nanye Xiuyi's arrival at all.

"Apprentice, you should also try this porridge, it's really delicious."

Nanye Xiuyi was sitting opposite Li Bai, just about to speak, but Li Bai had already opened his mouth to speak to Tian Lin.

Tian Lin also answered Li Bai's words cooperatively, and took a sip of Li Bai's porridge, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk.

"Sir..." Nanye Xiuyi was about to take the opportunity to speak, but Li Bai turned his head to look at Luo Lei again: "Hey, what kind of food are you eating? Let me have a taste too."

As he spoke, he sang again, biting down, making a clear sound.

This made Minano Hideichi's face very ugly. It's not because Li Bai didn't care about him because of the meal, but he obviously didn't take him seriously at all.

"Sir, isn't it a little too rude for you to be like this?" Nanye Shuichi didn't care what Li Bai was doing, raised his voice a little, and said to Li Bai.

Li Bai finally stopped at this time, smiled lightly, raised his head to look at Nanye Xiuyi: "I heard that you want to meet me and make friends with me?"

Li Bai finally took care of himself, which made Nanye Shuichi very satisfied: "Yes, I am the leader of the Tokyo Sunrise Gang." Nanye Xiuyi once again revealed his identity, which means that, as the leader of the gang, I take the initiative to want to be friends with you, it is to save face for you.

"Oh, then wait a moment, let's finish our breakfast first. After all, it's not very polite to talk to you while eating breakfast, right?" Li Bai smiled and said to Nanye Xiuyi, and let Nanye Xiuyi eat again. deflated.

After Li Bai said so, Nanye Shuichi was too embarrassed to continue sitting here, so he got up and left, standing at the door and waiting quietly.

"Guangzhu, why did you come out?" Seeing Nanye Xiuyi walking out with a sullen face, the team leader from yesterday hurried forward and asked.

"This Li Bai is a little crazy, Tanaka, is he really as powerful as you say?" Minano Shuichi took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and put it to his mouth, telling Tanaka's team leader to light it for him.

"It is indeed very powerful. Yesterday I was defeated by Li Bai almost without making any moves. I don't know how powerful his apprentice is, but by the time my side is over, he has already defeated everyone else." Tanaka still has lingering fears about what happened last night.

Hearing what Tanaka said, Minano Hideichi frowned. If Li Bai is really as strong as Tanaka said, then this is really not a character that can be messed with casually.

"Go and call more people. If the situation changes later, we will do it directly." Minano Hideo said to Tanaka, and stopped talking. Tanaka walked aside and called Tianxun.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the door of the breakfast shop opened again, Luo Lei came out from inside, and said to Minano Shuichi apologetically, "I'm sorry, the breakfast is really too much, I kept you waiting. "

Minano Hideichi let out a dull "Mm", and then walked in with Luo Lei, he was not blind, Li Bai's breakfast was obviously only a little, and after eating for so long, it was clearly a test of his patience.

"It's okay." Minano Hideichi said with a smile, but the smile was very stiff.

Li Bai had already ordered a few cups of hot coffee again. This time, he stood up and invited Minano Hideichi to sit down. His attitude towards Minamino Hideichi was completely different from before.

"I'm sorry, Chief Nanye, I'm just a little angry about getting up, I hope you don't mind." Li Bai said to Nanye Xiuyi without blushing.

Minano Hideichi smiled stiffly, and finally he was able to bring the topic to the right place: "Mr. Li Bai, last night there was some friction between the Rising Sun Gang and the Red Sun Gang. I heard you were there?"

Li Bai nodded, already expecting that Nanye Shuichi would use this matter as the starting point of the conversation.

"Are you and Sagawa Fujii friends?" Minano Hideichi asked again, this time more cautiously.

"No." Li Bai replied without any hesitation.

And this answer made Nanye Shuichi finally let go of a stone hanging in his heart: "Then it seems that what happened last night was indeed a misunderstanding, I hope you don't mind."

Li Bai nodded again, what did he care about, the one who was injured was not himself.

"I don't know what is the purpose of Mr. Li Bai's visit to Wa this time?"

"I'm here to find someone. I don't know if Nan Ye knows that there is an organization composed of ninjas in Wa Kingdom?" Li Bai seized the opportunity to ask back.

Obviously he was asking the question by himself, but the initiative was in Li Bai's hands instead, which made Nanye Xiu stunned for a moment, his mind turned around at this moment, and then he froze on the figure of a person.

But Nanye Shuichi still shook his head, and then said to Li Bai: "I really don't know about this, but I will go to Hokkaido in a few days, and maybe I will get some news there."

Li Bai glanced at Nan Yexiu depressedly, these people can't talk well, they either have it or they don't, they have to be a barrier.

"If that's the case, you can contact me in two days." Li Bai said to Nanye Xiuyi. He was sure that Nanye Xiuyi knew something, but he also knew that there were many members of the Rising Sun Gang outside the door. , if you stun Nanye Shuichi and search his soul, some of your abilities will be exposed.

"Mr. Li Bai stay." Seeing that Li Bai was about to leave, Nanye Shuichi hurriedly said, "Actually, I came this time to invite Mr. to join our Rising Sun Gang. Our Rising Sun Gang is the largest gang in Tokyo. ..."

Nanye Xiuyi chattered, but Li Bai interrupted him rudely: "I'm sorry, I'm just here to travel."

Nanye Xiuyi's face changed slightly: "Last night, did you attack our helpers? It's not like what you said, you just came for a trip."

The atmosphere in the breakfast shop instantly cooled down. The harmonious conversation just now still collapsed.

"Oh, I don't need you to take care of what I do?" Li Bai looked at Nanye Shuichi coldly, he had lost patience with him.

Nan Yexiu nodded and stood up: "Since you said so, it seems that you are still standing with the Red Sun Gang, right?"

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?" What Li Bai hates the most is when others threaten him.

In the next second, the door of the breakfast shop was pushed open again, and many members of the Rising Sun Gang poured in from outside. Standing behind Nanye Shuichi, they looked at Li Bai and the others viciously.

"Do you want to fight?" Li Bai chuckled, glanced at Tian Lin, and then said to Luo Lei, "Stand back a bit, so as not to accidentally injure you later."

When Nanye Xiuyi heard this, his expression turned ferocious: "Sure enough, it is very rampant, but since..."

Nanye Xiuyi said viciously, but before he finished speaking, Li Bai and Tian Lin moved first.

However, in the blink of an eye, Li Bai and Tian Lin had already appeared in front of the Sun Rises gang, and they both threw out two punches at the same time, hitting one person's body, and this blow was like overwhelming mountains and seas , Pushing the group of people behind this person to the ground.

Minano Hideichi stood there blankly, unable to believe what he saw.

"Oh, by the way, what did you want to say just now?" Li Bai walked in front of Nanye Shuichi again, as if nothing had happened.

"No, it's nothing." Minano Hideichi took a step back, but he was tripped by a fallen person, so he looked more and more desolate.

"I'll ask you again, answer the question I just asked, otherwise, don't blame me for using other methods." Li Bai pulled up Nanye Xiuyi who was lying on the ground, and stared fiercely at Nanye Xiuyi's eyes.

At this moment, all the superficial fortitude had vanished, Minano Shuichi had never felt such a great fear, and soon he told everything he knew.

He did know a little about the ninja organization, but these were all told to her by another woman named Hanano Mai. For the specific situation, Nanye Shuichi said that he could call her over and let Li Bai confront her face to face.

"Hehe, master, we are really destined to be with this woman." Tian Lin said with a smile on the side, and sat down with Li Bai to wait again.

As for the Sun Rises gang members who fell to the ground, they have all ran out of the breakfast shop now.

After a while, Hanano Mai came to the breakfast shop, and behind her was her boyfriend Hideki Nakajima.

Before they could open their mouths, the two of them saw Li Bai and the other three sitting quietly by the side, and their faces immediately turned down, looking very ugly.

"It seems that your people don't like me very much." Li Bai said to Nanye Xiuyi, shaking his head.

Minamino Shuichi didn't know what happened between Li Bai and them before, and thought it was just because of their attitude that Li Bai was upset, so he immediately scolded the two of them, asking them to respect each other.

"It's okay, just tell me what I want to know." Li Bai looked up at Hanano Mai, unexpectedly, such a delicate woman knew the whereabouts of the ninja organization.

It seems that this is also a woman with a story.

"I don't know." Hanano Mai was asked a question, but she answered simply and clearly. Nanye Shuichi was a little anxious, and immediately began to scold. She obviously didn't know that the current initiative was all in Li Bai's hands.

"Tell me what you told me, in more detail, to Mr. Li Bai. If you lie, don't blame me for being angry." Minano Hideichi stared at Hanano Mai.

Hanano Mai was very reluctant, but she couldn't refuse at all. She looked down at Li Bai and said softly, "That organization is in Hokkaido, but I don't know the exact address."


Li Bai muttered these three words, and suddenly remembered that Nanye Xiuyi had just told him that he would go to Hokkaido once in two days, so he turned his head and said to Nanye Xiuyi.

"In a few days, let's go together and take her with me." Li Bai pointed to Hanano Mai.

Hearing the conversation of several people, Hideki Nakajima, who had been standing quietly by the side, became anxious.

"No, I don't agree!" Hideki Nakajima said with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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