The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2401 All For The Gang

Chapter 2401 All For The Gang

Minamino Hideki was about to die of anger. He had calmed down Li Bai's emotions, and the matter was settled in this way, but Hideki Nakajima suddenly stood up without knowing what was good or bad.

It's like when the heads of state of the two countries are about to reach an agreement, the secretary on one side suddenly stood up and shouted "I don't agree". Apart from being hated by others, what benefits can they gain?
"Did I let you talk?" Minano Shuichi looked at Hideki Nakajima angrily, and secretly glanced at Li Bai's expression, but there was not much change.

"No." Nakajima Hideki knew he was wrong, "But..." But he wanted to say something, but was interrupted cruelly by Minano Hideki.

"But what? This is a decision made by Mr. Li Bai and I. Besides, Makoto hasn't said anything yet. What are you talking about here?" Nanye Shuichi said contemptuously.

Regarding Nanye Xiuichi's performance, Li Bai nodded in satisfaction and stood up: "In that case, it's a deal. I hope you don't make me wait too long."

Li Bai wanted to leave, but Hideki Nakajima blocked Li Bai again: "You can't leave with real clothes." Hideki Nakajima said in a firm voice.

For Li Bai, Hideki Nakajima was still very scared because of the previous bar incident, but at this time, for the safety of Hanano Mai, he, as her boyfriend, had to stand up.

"Why?" Li Bai only thought it was funny.

"She is my girlfriend, and I don't allow her to have any losses." Nakajima Hideki opened his hands, looking brave and fearless.

"So do you think it's dangerous for her to follow me or follow you?" Li Bai chuckled, then lightly grabbed Hanano Mai's chin, and looked at Hideki Nakajima playfully.

Provocation, this is a kind of provocation. If Hideki Nakajima said that it is safer to follow him, then what is the current situation?

"Li Bai, don't bully people too much!" Hideki Nakajima said, looking at Li Bai through gritted teeth.

But at this time, Minano Hideki slapped the table vigorously, and also stood up: "Hideki Nakajima, please stop messing around, Mai Hanano followed us to Hokkaido, everything is for the development of the gang, what do you know ?”

Minamino Hideyoshi said sternly, but it made Nakajima Hideki even more angry: "Everything is for the gang? Hehe, can you sacrifice other people's happiness for the sake of the gang? Hanano Mai is my girlfriend. If it is for the gang, why are you Don't let your girlfriend go?!"

Hideki Nakajima said angrily, although Minano Hideki is his gang leader, but at this moment, he can't care so much anymore.

Minano Hideki was so rebuked by a small gang, he was also furious, he couldn't beat Li Bai, but he could beat Nakajima Hideki, so he slapped Nakajima Hideki crisply on the face.

"Get lost, from now on, you are no longer a member of the Rising Sun Gang, and Tanaka will be in charge of the business of the bar!" Minamino Hideichi was also angry, and looked at Hanano Mai and said, "You can also quit , but this matter must be finished, otherwise, I can't guarantee your boyfriend's life."

Hanano Mai was very panicked, being threatened by such a threat, she lost her attention, looked at Hideki Nakajima with tears in her eyes, but couldn't say a word.

Hideki Nakajima didn't say anything else, just walked out of the breakfast shop, and slammed the glass door open, it looked like it was about to collapse.

"Since it's all right, I'll take Hanano Mai and leave first, lest she run away again." Li Bai didn't care about Hideki Nakajima at all, and took the lead to walk outside, while Tian Lin and Luo Lei were blocked by Hanano Mai Behind, Hanano Mai had no choice but to follow.

Minamino Shuichi didn't dare to say anything, as long as Li Bai wasn't angry because of his affairs, it would be great. As for what they wanted to do to Hanano Mai, it was out of his consideration at all.

Here, Hideki Nakajima, who left the breakfast shop one step earlier, was already stimulated by Shuichi Minano's decision. Walking all the way, he kicked everything he saw, which made pedestrians avoid and dare not cause trouble.

Hideki Nakajima was thinking, Hanano Mai is his girlfriend, he must not let Li Bai take her away, he needs to think of a way to keep them, or it is best to get rid of Li Bai directly.

In Tokyo, even in Japan, there are many gangs in every place, just like the Rising Sun Gang, which claims to be the number one in the local area, almost all of them are there. However, everyone knows that every place, the whole country of Japan , the largest gang organization, there is only one, and that is the Yamaguchi-gumi.

No one knows how powerful the Yamaguchi-gumi is, but what everyone knows is that there are groups of Yamaguchi-gumi in every place, and to be honest, they are the biggest gang in the area.

Since the Rising Sun Gang who kicked him out didn't do anything, we can only ask the people from the Yamaguchi-gumi for help, Hideki Nakajima thought while walking towards the branch established by the Yamaguchi-gumi in Tokyo.

Because Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the Yamaguchi-gumi group here can be regarded as the largest, and Hideki Nakajima firmly believes that the Yamaguchi-gumi must have a powerful existence to solve Li Bai.

Half an hour later, Hideki Nakajima appeared in front of the Yamaguchi-gumi company. He didn't dare to go up and make trouble, because in that case, he would be the first to suffer.

In order to create the biggest commotion, Hideki Nakajima deliberately stole a pistol from the Rising Sun Gang. Although it is illegal to carry a gun privately, Hideki Nakajima, who is furious, can no longer control so much at this time .

All he has to do is kill people.

The members of the Yamaguchi-gumi are easy to identify. Hideki Nakajima quickly followed a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi into the toilet. Even more perfect, there was no one in the toilet at this time.

"I'm sorry." Hideki Nakajima said looking at the stranger who was peeing, and then took out his pistol. Because of the existence of the silencer, there was only a small sound, and people outside could never hear it.

After finishing this matter, Hideki Nakajima dipped his fingers in the blood of the deceased, wrote four Chinese characters crookedly on the huge glass, "I am Li Bai", and walked away immediately.

Maybe the surveillance video will find that he is very good, but Hideki Nakajima is not afraid, because he believes that in the eyes of Japanese people, it is this Chinese man named "Li Bai" who did all this, and he also believes that, Relying on the strength of the Yamaguchi-gumi, it was a breeze to find Li Bai.

At the same time, in the hotel, Li Bai and the others had already packed their luggage.

"Master, are we leaving now? Aren't we going to wait for Nanye Xiuyi?" Tian Lin didn't quite understand Li Bai's hasty behavior, and asked.

Li Baibai glanced at Tian Lin: "Do you think that Nanye Shuichi is reliable?"

Being asked such a question, Tian Lin immediately fell silent. If Nanye Xiuyi followed them, maybe they would make some trouble for them.

After the luggage was packed, Li Bai looked at the pretty and pitiful Hanano Mai who stood aside: "Do you have anything to prepare? If there is nothing, then we are leaving now."

Hanano Mai nodded hurriedly, following Li Bai and the others for such a long time, Hanano Mai was sure that they didn't have any thoughts about her body, or she didn't care about this at all.

"What are you nervous about?" Li Bai asked again.

"I want to see Hideki Nakajima again, I'm afraid he will be worried." Hanano Mai said looking at Li Bai expectantly, Li Bai shook his head.

"Then since there is nothing else, let's go." Li Bai pulled up the suitcase and walked downstairs.

"Do I have to go with you too?" Luo Lei asked, pointing at himself, Tian Lin hooked Luo Lei's neck again: "Of course, you are our chief translator, don't worry, I will never let you suffer any harm."

Hanano Mai snorted coldly, won't she get hurt?If they had seen the true power of the ninja organization, they would not think so.

As for the departure of the four, the hotel owner was the happiest, and he didn't want them to come back at all.

Half an hour later, the four of Li Bai appeared at the Tokyo airport.

Just a few days later, Tian Lin seemed a little depressed when he was about to go on the road again: "Master, there are still so many places in Tokyo that we haven't visited, so we just left?"

Li Bai didn't speak, and his expression was a bit serious, because after getting off the car and walking all the way towards the terminal building, Li Bai could always feel that there were many pairs of eyes on his body at the same time.

"Mr. Li Bai, you are in trouble." Hanano Mai suddenly said to Li Bai.

But this time, he didn't need Hanano Mai's reminder, he had already seen it. Around them at the same time, there were many men in suits at the same time, and their eyes fell on them unkindly.

"Damn it, can't you be safe as an airplane?" Tian Lin only felt that he was going crazy, and he didn't know that he was still the unlucky one with Li Bai, and he would follow wherever he went.

"We are really in trouble." Luo Lei also panicked, and said to Li Bai, "These people are members of the Yamaguchi-gumi. Do you know that the Yamaguchi-gumi is the largest underworld organization in Japan."

But at this moment, the radio in the terminal suddenly rang, and a gentle girl chattered for a while, but Li Bai understood some of the words.

Because among them, there is actually an existence that is pronounced "Li Bai".

The broadcast repeated itself. Although he didn't know what he was talking about, what Li Bai could see was that everyone in the airport panicked. Those who hadn't passed the security check ran towards the outside of the terminal building, and those who passed the security check hurriedly ran away. Run towards a place with security.

And Hanano Mai and Luo Lei looked at Li Bai's gaze, full of surprise.

"Li Bai, did you kill someone?" Luo Lei looked at Li Bai in disbelief.

"Murder? Are you kidding me?" Li Bai frowned.

Luo Lei could only translate the contents of the broadcast, probably Li Bai from Huaxia killed a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi, became a wanted criminal, and appeared in the terminal building, remind everyone to be careful and pay attention to Huaxia around him tourists.

So the previous scene appeared, and at this time, the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi were getting closer and closer to them.

(End of this chapter)

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