The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2402 Ninja By Your Side

Chapter 2402 Ninja By Your Side
Li Bai didn't know when he killed someone, let alone how he provoked the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi. Although Li Bai himself did nothing wrong, he could tell from the eyes of the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi in the distance that they, come Those who are not good.

"Master, I can't bear it anymore. Why do we have to find all the bad things?" Tian Lin looked at Li Bai angrily, "Should we go and meet these people? If we don't do it first, we really think We are soft persimmons, we can pinch if we want."

Tian Lin took a step forward, intending to take the initiative to attack, but was stopped by Li Bai, and at this time, Li Bai's expression was not relaxed.

"You take Hanano Makoto, I take Luo Lei, break out alone, try not to cause any death." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, he did not agree with Tian Lin's idea, but chose a seemingly "cowardly" method .

Li Bai wasn't cowardly, but he clearly saw that the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi had pistols on their waists. Li Bai and Tian Lin could confidently dodge such modern weapons, but Luo Lei and Hanano Mai are ordinary people after all, Li Bai doesn't want them to get hurt because of him.

"Okay." Tian Lin nodded, then stood next to Hanano Mai, glanced at the surrounding situation, and then chose a direction with a small number of Yamaguchi-gumi members to break through.

At the same time, Li Bai also moved with Luo Lei, left all the suitcases where they were, and ran towards the crowded direction.

Seeing Li Bai and Tian Lin disperse, the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi became anxious, knowing that they had found themselves, and no longer chose to slowly outflank them, but all ran wildly, like a bullfight, and They are cows, while Li Bai and Tian Lin are people.

Luo Lei was holding Li Bai on his shoulders, his heart was already beating so fast that he was just a thief, the most thrilling thing he had ever experienced was chasing after the owner, but now the situation is that dozens of A yakuza armed with a pistol was chasing them.

This kind of treatment made Luo Lei's heart skip a beat, and he hugged Li Bai's neck tightly with both hands, not daring to move.

"We will be fine, right?" Luo Lei asked Li Bai in fear, but at this moment, there was a "bang" gunshot, and the bullet with no eyes landed not far behind Li Bai. place.

After the gunshots, the chaos in the entire terminal was further fueled. Everyone screamed and fled in all directions. Although it made it more difficult for Li Bai to break through, for the Yamaguchi-gumi, This is the last thing they want to see.

Li Bai's speed was very fast, even if members of the Yamaguchi-gumi sneaked up from the side, Li Bai could easily deal with them. Therefore, Li Bai and Luo Lei quickly ran out of the encirclement and gained temporary safety.

But the situation on Tianlin's side is not very optimistic.

If Tian Lin broke through alone, it would be quite easy at his speed. The problem is that Tian Lin brought a tow bottle, and he was embarrassed to imitate Li Bai and directly resisted Hanano Mai on his shoulders, so the speed of the two was comparable. The descent seemed very slow, and with the coming of members of the Yamaguchi-gumi one by one, the difficulty of escaping was increased.

"Don't bully grandpa dare not do it?!" Tian Lin said angrily, but before he finished speaking, there were two "bang bang", and the impatient Yamaguchi-gumi fired.

Tian Lin is not afraid of bullets, not that his body is not afraid of bullets, but that his speed can completely dodge the bullets, so when two shots were fired, Tian Lin flashed to the other side instantly, and the bullets splashed two times on the ground. a spark.

But because of such a dodge, Tianlin and Hanano Mai were actually separated, with a distance of five meters between them, but at this time it was because the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi came that they seemed so far away.

"Run!" Tian Lin yelled at Hanano Mai, and at the same time he ran in the opposite direction. At this time, he also wanted to save Hanano Mai, but these Yamaguchi-gumi members were not only large in number, but also armed with pistols. This made Tian Lin helpless.

Just when Tian Lin didn't know how to explain to Li Bai, a muffled sound of "dong" came from behind Tian Lin, Tian Lin turned around in surprise, just at the place Hanano Mai took, there was already a Black smoke billows.

"I'm sorry, what's going on, is it a smoke bomb?" Tian Lin looked at it in shock. He didn't understand what happened, but Li Bai, who was out of danger, suddenly stretched his pupils.

The scene at this time was very familiar to Li Bai. Just about a week ago, Xiaoxi disappeared in this puff of smoke, and the person who used this method was the Japanese country that he hated and wanted to find very much. ninja.

Unexpectedly, Hanano Mai was hiding so deeply.Li Bai frowned, and then led Luo Lei to quickly leave the terminal. As for Tian Lin, he was not worried, and within 10 minutes, he would definitely appear in front of him.

In the lobby of the terminal building, thick smoke billowed on that side of the land, engulfing many members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and everyone took out the smoke one after another, but when the smoke finally cleared, where was Hanano left? Makoto's figure?

"Boss, are we still chasing?" The younger brothers of the Yamaguchi-gumi were all disheveled and looked at each other, a little at a loss. There were four of them in total. It was unexpected that so many of them didn't catch any of them, and they didn't even cause any trouble. effective damage.

This is simply the most embarrassing thing in the history of the Yamaguchi-gumi. In addition to the previous assassination of the Yamaguchi-gumi members in their company, their hatred for Li Bai has reached the sky.

"Don't chase anymore." The man called the boss shook his head, but his face was already so dark that it was about to drip water. He looked at the open space in front of him and was a little dazed. In the entire Wa country, and even in the entire world, I am afraid that only ninjas are using it.

"Notify the superiors that we have found the trail of the ninja, and continue to block the airport, as well as the train station and the station. Don't let Li Bai and the others run away." The boss ordered his subordinates, and then hurriedly left the terminal building.

On the other side, Tian Lin had already had a round with Li Bai and Luo Lei. At this moment, Tian Lin looked extremely disappointed.

"This Hanano Mai is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. She obviously has the means to save her life, and I have worked hard to protect her for so long, which is really good enough." Tian Lin complained.

Li Baibai glanced at Tian Lin: "It seems that you were really stupid for lying on the bed for so long." Li Bai said, in order to prevent Tian Lin from asking, he continued to explain that the smoke bombs used by Hanano Mai just now were ninjas. just use it.

Tian Lin was stunned for a while, looked at Li Bai and asked in disbelief: "So, we have been looking for the Japanese ninja, but she has always been by our side?"

Li Bai nodded: "Otherwise, how could Hanano Mai say that she knows where the ninja organization is."

"So, master, have you already arranged the matter just now? Let us run away separately, and then we will have a round together? But where is Hanano Mai now?" Tian Lin asked again.

Li Bai kicked Tian Lin, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Are you stupid? This is what I arranged? Hanano Mai took the opportunity to run away, ran away!" Faced with such an intelligent apprentice, Li Bai ran away violently once in a while.

The immediate thing is to find Hanano Mai as soon as possible to prevent her from escaping, but Li Bai cannot rely on his unreliable apprentice to do this.

"Come with me." Li Bai said to the two of them.

As early as in the morning at the breakfast shop, when Li Bai left with Hanano Mai, he had already left a star power on Hanano Mai without leaving a trace, in order to prevent Hanano Mai from escaping. After all, this woman had given them Left too deep an image.

At this time, fortunately, Li Bai saved a hand, otherwise, it would really be equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

Ten minutes later, Li Bai brought the two of them to a hotel. Since Li Bai's "murder" had not been known to many people, they opened a room easily.

"Master, why are you bringing us here to open a room?" Tian Lin asked puzzled.

Li Bai didn't speak, and pointed to the wall next door.

So the two of them became quiet, and Luo Lei was stunned for a while, not knowing what they were doing, as if they were listening to something, but he couldn't hear anything at all.

In the ears of Li Bai and Tian Lin, a fierce quarrel was taking place in the next room.

"The people from the Yamaguchi-gumi came to chase us, did you do it?" Hanano Mai asked angrily.

"Of course I did it, otherwise, wouldn't they take you away? I'm saving you, how can you blame me?" This was Hideki Nakajima's voice.

"Even if I leave with them, I will definitely find a chance to run back. Now that it's all right, my identity has been exposed. It won't take long for the people from the Yamaguchi group to find me. "

"Where is it so serious, we just need to hide in a secret place, I have done so much because I love you!"


Naturally, Li Bai and Tian Lin didn't understand the conversation between the two. Li Bai imitated it and said it to Luo Lei, and Luo Lei re-translated it. It's just that the quarrel between the two finally seemed to start the rhythm of showing affection, and at the end it still started. Hmm, it's a shameful thing to do.

Tian Lin said that he was very injured and wanted to break into the door.

Of course, Tian Lin didn't choose to enter when they were most intense, but kicked open the door when they finally finished.

"You, how did you find it here!" Seeing the figures of Li Bai and the three reappearing in front of their eyes like a lingering ghost, Hanano Mai and Nakajima Hideki all panicked.

"I still want to ask you, why did you run away, little bitch?" Tian Lin just yelled at Hanano Mai, intending to go forward and capture Hanano Mai back.

"Don't worry, I still have something to ask." Li Bai's voice came faintly, and Tian Lin stopped his movements.

Hideki Nakajima and Mai Hanano stood together holding hands, looking at Li Bai nervously.

"It seems that they are really very affectionate."

(End of this chapter)

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