The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2403 The Betrayer

Chapter 2403 The Betrayer

Li Bai sat on the sofa in the room as if he was a guest, looking at the trembling two people, with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, as long as you are obedient and obedient."

Although Hideki Nakajima was afraid, he still glared at Li Bai: "Be obedient? Could it be that Hanano Mai is obedient and follows you to death?" As he spoke, he pulled Hanano Mai a little tighter, as if she was afraid that she would take it away from Li Bai. .

Li Bai felt a little bored: "I have already told you this question in the morning. Follow me, and your girlfriend will not be in any danger. After I complete my goal, I will naturally give her to you." You send it back."

Hanano Mai looked up nervously at Hideki Nakajima, and gently shook his arm: "Hideki, let me follow him, I guarantee that I will be intact when I come back."

Naturally, Hanano Mai did not voluntarily want to follow Li Bai, but in the current situation, if Nakajima Hideki disagrees and still fights with Li Bai, Hanano Mai is afraid that Nakajima Hideki will be hurt again.

"No!" Nakajima Hideki did not understand Hanano Mai's intentions, and said firmly, a trace of despair flashed in Hanano Mai's eyes.

"Huaxia people, I don't understand why my girlfriend is involved in your affairs. You have no arms, legs or brains. Need a woman to help you?" Hideki Nakajima seemed to have lost all fear at this time , Pointing at Li Bai's nose is cursing.

"Although I admit that you are very strong, but relying on a woman to succeed, in my opinion, you are just a waste! And let me tell you, do you think you are safe? Now all the people in the Yamaguchi group I'm looking for you, just wait to be chased to death!" The more Hideki Nakajima said, the more excited he became.

After hearing the words "Yamaguchi-gumi", Li Bai's expression changed slightly. It turned out that they were inexplicably targeted by the Yamaguchi-gumi because of this kid.

"So, you killed the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and then put the blame on me, didn't you?" Li Bai stared straight into Hideki Nakajima's eyes, and Hideki Nakajima, who was already angry, suddenly felt a tingle on his spine. There was a chill.

Hanano Mai kept pinching Nakajima Hideki's arm, telling him to say less and less, but the angry Nakajima Hideki seemed to have lost his mind, and said everything without restraint.

Tian Lin, who was standing aside, clapped his hands and looked at Hideki Nakajima sullenly: "Boy, you did a really good job. In order to make us suffer, you can do things that harm others and benefit yourself." Come out, I have to say, you have a lot of brains, but you used it in the wrong place!"

As he said that, Tian Lin rushed to Hideki Nakajima with a big stride, punched out, and flew straight towards Hideki Nakajima's face. Hideki Nakajima didn't have time to react at all, so he He was knocked down on the bed with a punch, and the hand that was holding on to Hanano Mai had to be let go.

"No!" Hanano Mai screamed loudly, seeing the blood on Nakajima Hideki's face, her eyes were filled with tears.

Tian Lin's punch directly dented the bridge of Hideki Nakajima's nose. Accompanied by the blood on his face, it looked more terrifying and terrifying, but even so, Hideki Nakajima struggled to stand up again. stand up.

"Mai, it's not worth facing this kind of person to plead for me. I have done these things, and I have already thought about the possible consequences. You run, and I will stop them for you." Hideki Nakajima wiped his nose , but made himself look more ferocious.

Li Bai watched all this quietly, but he didn't stop Tian Lin. If Tian Lin wasn't there, he would have beaten Hideki Nakajima himself.

But after Hideki Nakajima's righteous words, instead of running away, Mai Hanano knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and slowly moved her knees, walking in front of Li Bai.

"Mai, what are you doing, let's go!" Hideki Nakajima wanted to step forward to help Hanano Mai up, but was stopped by Tianlin.

"Mr. Li Bai, I beg you, please don't hurt Yingshu. I will listen to you what you want to know and where you want to go. I just ask you not to hurt Yingshu..." Hanano Mai cried bitterly, making her Li Bai also felt sad for a while, he glanced at Hideki Nakajima lightly, and gave up the idea of ​​killing him.

With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?

"Let's go." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, and then stood up, but Hideki Nakajima still didn't understand Hanano Mai's intention, and was still shouting non-stop, was knocked out by Tian Lin's palm, and fell on the bed, I can't wake up for the time being.

Hanano Mai followed Li Bai out of the room without looking back, as if saying goodbye, but only she knew how much she was struggling in her heart.

On the way back to the hotel, everyone was silent. There were members of the Yamaguchi group in suits walking back and forth non-stop on the road, but Li Bai and the others who were sitting in the taxi were not noticed at all.

Back at the hotel, the hotel owner seemed to have seen a ghost. They had obviously left in the morning, but to their surprise, they came back at this time.

However, the innkeeper naturally did not dare to express his doubts and complaints, and hurriedly handed over the room cards to the four of them.

"Tell me, who are you?" Back in the room, Li Bai let Hanano Mai sit on the sofa, sitting opposite her like a policeman interrogating a prisoner.

Li Bai did not guess wrong, Hanano Mai is indeed a ninja, but this is already a past tense.

As early as five years ago, Hanano Mai passed the numerous tests of the ninja organization, successfully joined them, and became an ordinary ninja. Among them, he raised his level little by little.

Two years ago, after Hanano Mai completed the most difficult task ever, she was exhausted physically and mentally and decided to take a long vacation for herself, so at that time she applied to leave the organization temporarily, and then came to Tokyo, wanting to spend some time Ordinary days.

So Hanano Mai met Hideki Nakajima. Coincidentally, at that time, she was also sightseeing on the Tokyo Tower, and she was also stolen by a thief. , she also has no way to start.

And just when she was at a loss, Hideki Nakajima appeared at that time, handed her the wallet, and smiled sweetly.

Then Hanano Mai fell in love with Nakajima Hideki irresistibly. She suddenly felt that it was an extremely happy thing to have a boy who protected her all the time.

So the two fell in love, and Hanano Mai had long ignored the return date requested by her superiors, and regardless of her superiors' orders, she lived with Hideki Nakajima in Tokyo.

Even in order to prevent the ninja organization from being traced, Hanano Mai began to use the new name "Hanano Mai", and as time passed, life settled down like this.

Until the appearance of Li Bai, until the morning, in order to escape, Hanano Mai once again used the smoke bomb unique to ninjas, so everything was broken.

After listening to Hanano Mai's narration, the three of Li Bai fell into silence for a while. From the perspective of simply listening to the story, this is indeed a poignant love story, but when such a story happens around , Li Bai also felt a little unbearable.

"I'm sorry, but I also have a very important person who was taken away by your ninja organization, so I had to make such a decision. I promise you again that after this matter is over, I will be complete. Send you back to Hideki Nakajima." Li Bai said apologetically to Hanano Mai.

Hanano Mai nodded, but didn't ask who the important person was, but asked hesitantly: "Can I leave a letter for Hideki, I'm afraid he will do something more stupid."

Li Bai sighed and could only nod his head. At the same time, he called Tian Lin and Luo Lei out of the room, and temporarily gave Hanano Mai a separate space.

This time, Li Bai will naturally not be afraid of Hanano Mai running away again.

"Master, when do you think I will meet such an epic love?" Tian Lin sighed and banged his head against the wall.

"First, you have to meet a girl." Li Bai gave Tian Lin a look.

"Why, why does the master have so many women, I only have the master!" Tian Lin raised his head to the sky and screamed again. In order to express his emotional excitement, he even smashed the wall hard.

Luo Lei looked at the two with a smirk from the side: "Actually, homosexuality is also allowed."

What greeted Luo Lei was the contempt of both master and apprentice.

The three of them waited outside the door for a long time before Hanano Mai finally opened the door. The envelope in his hand was very thick and seemed to contain a lot of content.

"Thank you." Hanano Mai said to Li Bai, Li Bai nodded, telling her to come back quickly.

It's not that Hanano Mai didn't want to tell Li Bai the location of the ninja organization directly, but because the location of the ninja organization is too hidden, and only when Hanano Mai arrives at a certain landmark in person can the entrance of the ninja organization be found, so this is why she agreed to follow Li Bai s reason.

The biggest question facing the four of them now is how they will leave Tokyo and go to Hokkaido.

"Go, get in touch with your brother, and say that Li Bai gave his gang leader a chance to make up for his mistakes, and investigate what areas the Yamaguchi group is controlling at this time?" Luo Lei conveyed Li Bai's words to the hotel owner, forced by Li Bai's strength , the innkeeper will do it immediately.

This time, Sagawa Fujii did not make Li Bai wait for a long time. Less than an hour later, Sagawa Fujii visited the house in person and told Li Bai the latest news about Tokyo.

"Mr. Li Bai, you may have caused a big mess this time. The members of the Yamaguchi group have blocked all conceivable modes of transportation, such as planes, trains, and cars. Unless there is another way or rush out, maybe you will be in the I have been in Tokyo for a while." Sagawa Fujii said to Li Bai.

Seeing Li Bai in confusion, Sagawa Fujii showed a smile instead.

"However, if Mr. Li Bai is really eager to leave, I have a good idea." Sagawa Fujii said sternly.

(End of this chapter)

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