The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2404 One Li Bai

Chapter 2404 One Hundred Li Bai
Li Bai gave Sagawa Fujii a disgusted look. At this time, he dared to show off. Maybe he felt that Li Bai was not angry enough before.

Seeing Li Bai's eyes, Sagawa Fujii smiled awkwardly, and then hurriedly expressed his attention: "Now not all the people in the Yamaguchi-gumi have seen your true face, but the four of you alone will be silent If you want to leave, it will still be difficult, so we can..."

Sagawa Fujii told his whole plan. Li Bai thought about it and thought it was feasible, so he nodded and agreed.

"Okay, let me take a look at everyone's height and body shape, okay? I can choose the right candidate." Sagawa Fujii said again, and the four of them stood up cooperatively and provided him with what Sagawa Fujii needed.

"Let me congratulate Mr. Li Bai in advance on his return from victory. When you return to Tokyo again, I will definitely clean up the dust for you." Sagawa Fujii said to Li Bai before leaving. Li Bai nodded noncommittally. There will be a change in his attitude.

Seeing Sagawa Fujii leave, Tian Lin said arrogantly from the side: "Che, I thought he had some good solution. I can think of a good solution for this kind of solution."

Li Bai glanced at Tian Lin again, what else could he say about this afterthought.

"Okay, okay, let's go to bed early today, and tomorrow we have to be full of energy." Li Bai said to everyone, and after casually having dinner downstairs, he went to rest.

Of course Hanano Mai did not sleep with the man, but opened a separate room, which greatly changed Hanano Mai's attitude towards Li Bai.

Early the next morning, Tokyo Airport.

The sun was as bright as before, and the air was as fresh as before. The only difference was that the entire airport seemed to be shrouded in a serious atmosphere.

At each entrance, a few security guards were added, and at the same time, not far from them stood a man in a black suit, holding a photo in his hand, staring at every passenger entering the airport.

The Yamaguchi-gumi is the largest underworld organization in Japan, and today's scene looks extremely weird, because they actually cooperated with the police, and the person they want to catch is just a Chinese.

At the same time, such scenes are also being staged in other places where there is movement. Railway stations, subway stations, and bus stations all have many members of the Yamaguchi-gumi holding hands. This shows how powerful the Yamaguchi-gumi is.

When it was eight o'clock in the morning, a taxi stopped at the taxi passenger area outside the terminal building, and a combination of three men and one woman came down from it, taking things from the trunk.

The appearance of such a combination quickly attracted the attention of the members of the Yamaguchi group, because the four of them were wearing masks and hats, so their faces could not be recognized.

As for why they were suspected so quickly, it was very simple, because it was summer in Tokyo at this time, and everyone was dressed coolly, but these four people were well dressed, anyone would throw at them Strange look.

"Find the target, find the target, taxi waiting area, speed up." The Yamaguchi-gumi members quickly spoke into the walkie-talkie while approaching the target.

And this combination of three men and one woman seemed to be all right, and continued to walk towards the terminal building with their suitcases. They didn't care if they attracted a lot of people's attention along the way, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that these four people Very nervous, and the eyes under the hat and on the mask are constantly observing the surrounding environment.

Just when the four of them were about to reach the gate of the terminal building, a group of Yamaguchi-gumi members walked towards them and shouted sharply: "You four, stop!"

After being yelled at like this, the footsteps of the four finally stopped, and because of the sudden shock, a handbag fell directly to the ground.

The woman among the four bent down to pick up something, but was yelled at again.

"Don't move!"

The members of the Yamaguchi group suddenly became cautious, and spread out to outflank the four of them. At this moment, one of the people's walkie-talkie suddenly rang, and the voice of their companion came.

"Find the target, find the target, A1 area, come at speed."

Hearing that the target person appeared in another place, the Yamaguchi-gumi members here were obviously stunned for a moment, not understanding what happened, and at the moment they were stunned, the four people in front of them ignored their suitcases and just ran wildly Get up, and run away frantically towards other places.

"Nani?" The members of the Yamaguchi-gumi didn't know what was going on, but they didn't care about other things at this time, and chased after the four people separately, and would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go.

This kind of situation keeps happening in the terminal building but other places.

"Find the target, find the target, B1 area, come at speed."

"Find the target, find the target, train station ticket gate, speed comes."

"Find the target, find the target, No. [-] coach, come with speed."


If there is a helicopter taking aerial photos of the situation at this time, you can find that no matter at the airport, train station or bus station, the whole place is chaotic, and the combination of three men and one woman seems to appear in any corner at any time, and then don't find out later , running around.

In the end, several members of the Yamaguchi-gumi actually chased the same women together, which shocked every member of the Yamaguchi-gumi and did not understand what happened.

But when they successfully caught the "suspect", they took off their hats and masks, and the appearance in front of them was completely different from the one in the photo.

When asked why they appeared in such a state, they said that they had caught a cold and were afraid of infecting others.

For such an absurd explanation, the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi were going crazy, but they had no choice but to arrest all these people and interrogate them later.

What they didn't know was that just as they were in chaos, four more taxis stopped near the airport, and each of them just wore a mask and walked towards the terminal building openly.

In normal times, such an appearance might attract the attention of others, but against the background of more strange people, they are much more normal like this.

The boarding pass, security check, and registration, if the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi are still guarding these places at this time, they will be able to find that this is the person they really want to catch.

When Li Bai, Tian Lin, Luo Lei, and Hanano Mai finally had their round on the plane, they all smiled at the same time. The trick Sagawa Fujii thought of was much better than imagined.

Maybe the members who killed the Yamaguchi-gumi didn't know that they arrested a hundred Li Bai, but none of them were Li Bai, and the real Li Bai had already taken a plane and headed straight to Hokkaido.


At noon, the chaos in various places finally stopped, and all the people sent by Sagawa Fujiki were arrested in the company of the Yamaguchi-gumi, but because none of them had Li Bai, and they didn't have enough evidence, they were arrested again. All these people can only be released again.

At this time, the intelligence personnel of the Yamaguchi-gumi finally discovered the names of the four Li Bai on the flight that took off in the morning. When they told the news to Kiyoshi Kobayashi, the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Tokyo, the solid wood desk in his office suddenly It turned into powder.

"Going to Hokkaido, what do they want to do?" Kiyoshi Kobayashi gritted his teeth and said to himself, he didn't know that the headquarters of the ninja organization was in Hokkaido.

"Is that woman named Hanano Mai with them too?" Kiyoshi Kobayashi asked his subordinate again, and his subordinate nodded quickly, which made Kiyoshi Kobayashi's face darken, and he slapped his subordinate's face with a slap.

"Baga, didn't I tell you that it's fine if he can't catch Li Bai, but this woman must be caught by me. Did you take my words as a deaf ear?" Xiaolin Qingzhi was very angry.

When his subordinates found Hanano Mai, he was very excited and reported the news to the headquarters. The people in the headquarters had ordered him to catch this woman, and she would be seriously injured. is punishment.

This is because not only Li Bai is looking for ninja organizations, but also the Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest underworld gang in the country, is also looking for them, because their purpose is to spread their power throughout the country and not allow any organizations that may threaten them to exist. Ninjas Organizations, they will not destroy them, but they will also be owned by them.

And Hanano Mai is the key to their breakthrough.

However, the duck he got flew away, which made Kiyoshi Kobayashi feel extremely angry.

"Go, call me the members of the elite team." Kiyoshi Kobayashi said to his opponent, but within 5 minutes, a group of six people appeared in Kiyoshi Kobayashi's office.

"A mission, go to Hokkaido, and catch this woman named Hanano Mai." Kiyoshi Kobayashi handed the photos of Hanano Mai and Li Bai to several people, and said, "If you encounter resistance from this person, then kill him directly Lose!"

The six people took orders and left without saying a word.

Kiyoshi Kobayashi did not inform the Yamaguchi group in Hokkaido, because he was afraid that people there would take away his credit. As for his elite group, Kiyoshi Kobayashi was very relieved, because each of them was worthy of the Chunin level Ninja, Mai Hanano is naturally a no-brainer.

As for Li Bai, who was said to be very powerful, it would only take a little effort.

Kiyoshi Kobayashi was making his own calculations, and at this time, Li Bai and the others had already landed at the airport in Hokkaido.

Hokkaido is a city near the sea, so the sun is very close, and it feels more like summer.

When the four left the airport, Li Bai finally let out a long sigh of relief, not only because they left Tokyo without any effort, but also because he was one step closer to Xiaoxi.

"Master, why don't we go to the beach to have fun first, I've never seen the sea before!" Tian Lin said excitedly to Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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