The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2405 Sunny Beach

Chapter 2405 Sunny Beach
Hokkaido, located in the northernmost part of the country, is almost the same size as Honshu Island. Because the geographical environment here is relatively north, it is easy to see the snow in the north, while the sun is shining in the south.

Because it is in the summer vacation, there is no difference between winter and summer in Hokkaido at this time, and the whole island is in the frenzy of summer.

The plane from Tokyo finally landed in Xiaoxing City in Hokkaido, which is considered the northernmost city in Hokkaido, but when Li Bai and the others got off the plane, a gust of hot and dry air still rushed towards them.

This is why Tian Lin clamored to go to the beach to see the sea as soon as he got off the plane.

The four of Li Bai stayed in a hotel near the seaside as usual, because it was just past the hottest time of noon, so after a simple lunch, Li Bai and the others had already changed into swimsuits and were about to go to the hotel. The beach is moving.

"Aren't you going to go with us?" The three men wearing big underpants and their upper body naked looked at Mai Hanano who was still wearing casual clothes and asked strangely.

"You guys go, I'm a little tired, I don't want to go out." Hanano Mai said to the three, and then walked back upstairs, "I don't like the sun." Hanano Mai left a sentence, but in fact, she didn't like it The most important thing is to let men other than Hideki Nakajima see her body.

The three of Li Bai looked at each other in blank dismay. "What a strange woman." Tian Lin murmured, but the three men naturally didn't care whether Hanano Mai had any small emotions at this time, and their thoughts had already flown to the vast sea.

"Evening wind caresses Penghu Bay, white waves chase the beach, there is no coconut grove chasing the setting sun, just a sea of ​​blue~" Tian Lin walked all the way, singing songs that have been widely circulated hundreds of years ago, but in a foreign country, No grandma.

The beach in the afternoon was full of spring, and the Japanese girls, who had always been conservative, also took off all their disguises on the beach, showing their truest and most beautiful side to everyone, or to say, to all perverts.

The sand is soft, the sun is warm, the sea is blue, and the whole world is very harmonious.

Li Bai is not interested in beauties in bikinis. He just rented a set of beach chairs and a large number of parasols, and did it in a place on the beach where there are relatively few people, quietly enjoying the short leisure time. time.

Luo Lei, a man who looks gentle and gentle but is actually a thief and a little pervert, after saying goodbye to Li Bai, he started running around on the beach with a watch on his arm, but it was actually a miniature camera, constantly Take pictures of all kinds of beauties.

And Tian Lin, who had always been eyeing women, immediately became apathetic when he saw someone surfing on the sea. He bought a surfboard and rushed into the sea.

In the past few days, too many things have happened, and everyone desperately needs a chance to relax.

In the end, Li Bai still didn't feel sorry for his rare rest time, and imitated others and buried himself deeply in the sand, leaving only one head exposed, looking like a gopher probing its brain .

Not far from Li Bai, a beach volleyball match is going on at this time, a tall net is blocked among the people, and on the left and right sides of the net, there are several eye-catching beauties standing, smiling coquettishly playing volleyball.

A short and wretched man was also among them. While playing volleyball, he laughed obscenely, and took the opportunity to touch the buttocks of the beauties from time to time, but it seemed that these beauties didn't mind. He kept laughing excitedly.

Li Bai seemed to turn a deaf ear to this, quietly closed his eyes and basked in the sun, without thinking about anything in his mind, and it would not be too late to think about the next thing after the rest.

The beach volleyball competition seemed to be getting more and more intense. The voices of women and men were louder and louder, and after a burst of exclamation, the man seemed to use his strength and kicked the volleyball high, towards Li Bai. direction to fly.

Several beauties in bikinis yelled loudly, hoping that the people here would flee as soon as possible, and indeed many people dodged, but Li Bai, who was dozing off, didn't hear it at all.

With a sound of "boom", the volleyball hit Li Bai's head by coincidence, and woke him up.

"I'll wipe it." Li Bai cursed a little, turned his head and saw a volleyball about the size of his head lying quietly beside him.

"Boy, throw our volleyball here!" The man over there didn't come over to pick up the ball by himself, but shouted loudly at Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't understand, but looking at what he meant, he seemed to be asking himself to give them the ball.

Of course, Li Bai didn't do this. He was completely buried in the sand and couldn't stretch out his arms. How could he throw the ball back.

The man yelled a few times, but Li Bai didn't respond, but closed his eyes again, which made him a little angry. The bikini beauty beside him wanted to come to pick up the ball in person, but the man stopped him.

"Don't go, it seems that this kid doesn't know my name, Honda!" The man who called himself Honda looked a little annoyed, and while walking towards Li Bai, he shouted loudly at Li Bai.

"Boy, let me tell you again, within five seconds, throw the ball over to me!"

Li Bai, who had closed his eyes just now, opened them again, a little annoyed, why is this man so annoying.

Li Bai didn't want to ruin his good mood just because of a man, he didn't get out of the sand first, and moved his arms vigorously in the sand.

So, like a pangolin digging out of the ground, Li Bai's arms pushed away the layers of sand pressing on him in an instant, and hit the volleyball that was firmly parked there again.

There was a sound of "bang", as if the volleyball had been exploded, and the volleyball flew towards the man like a cannonball, accompanied by blowing sand all over the sky.

Although the sand is white and very fine, when it flies over the sky and covers the sky, it still creates a feeling of darkness, making people scream and run away.

And because the speed of the volleyball was too fast, Honda didn't even have time to react, but was hit by Duang right on the front door. With such a hit, it was like seeing a meteor shower coming again, his head was full All stars.

"Baga!" Honda cursed angrily, trying to open his eyes, but just after he opened them, the blowing sand hit his face and got into his eyes In the middle of the night, his eyes instantly became dark again, and because of the sand, he began to shed tears continuously.

"Baga!" Although Honda temporarily lost his vision, he kept yelling and cursing, rubbing his eyes vigorously at the same time.

At this time, Li Bai finally got out of the sand. Seeing Honda's appearance, and thinking about the tone of Honda's speech just now, he concluded that this is another local snake type character.

Li Bai didn't want to lose his good mood, so when many beauties in bikinis gathered around Honda to help him, he secretly walked towards other places, so as to save him from bothering himself later.

On the other side, above the sea, Tian Lin was having a great time playing on the top of the waves. He really enjoyed the feeling of riding the wind and waves.

When Tian Lin successfully rode the top of a wave again, he screamed excitedly, but what he didn't notice was that when he was standing on the top of the wave, he accidentally touched the top of the wave. A man beside him made this man fall into the salty sea water again.

"Bageya Road!" The man smashed the surface of the water angrily. He can be regarded as a master in surfing here, but because of Tian Lin's existence, he did not succeed a few times today, which made him want to The idea of ​​showing off around beautiful women was completely shattered.

The happier he looked at Tian Lin, the angrier the man felt.

He had to do something to help him regain the limelight: "Go, help me pull that man into the water." The man ordered the few younger brothers around him, and the younger brothers followed the order and plunged into the seawater .

At this time, another wave came, and Tian Lin was about to do it again. Just when he was about to stand up, the surfboard under his feet was caught by something, causing Tian Lin to fall directly into the sea water.

Tian Lin was very depressed. This wave was the biggest one, but it failed at this time, which made him very upset.

Tian Lin who fell into the sea soon found out what happened. Several men were under the sea at this time, struggling to swim towards the surface of the sea.

Tian Lin knew by moving his toes that what happened just now was naturally caused by these men. He also chased after them with all his strength, and in a short while grabbed several people's ankles, making them unable to breathe. fresh air.

Just when they were about to stop struggling, Tian Lin let them go, which made them feel like they were alive after a catastrophe, and they stuck their heads out and breathed heavily.

And at this moment, Tian Lin also saw that the man who had been by his side just now was proudly stepping on the highest point of the waves, waving excitedly at the people below him.

"Second brother is mighty, second brother is mighty!" Several men around Tian Lin, seeing this scene, also yelled loudly at the man, and the man called the second brother heard the same thing, cast his gaze in this direction, Seeing Tian Lin, his eyes turned to disdain again.

"I'm stupid, villain!" Although Tian Lin didn't understand, he also understood the meaning, and pushed the men around him into the sea water, and let them drink a few mouthfuls of sea water.

Tian Lin didn't want to stay here any longer, so he simply swam towards the shore, and when he saw that his subordinates had suffered from Tian Lin, a sullen look flashed across the man's face, and he didn't have time to meet the beauties after falling on the top of the waves. To show off in front of him, he beckons his younger brothers to chase after Tian Lin.

"Master, I'm really pissed off. These little devils keep saying that we Chinese people have no quality, and their own quality is not that high!" Tian Lin walked for a while and saw Li Bai who had changed places. , Before he had time to ask the reason, he complained to Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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