The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2406 Luo Lei Was Arrested

Chapter 2406 Luo Lei Was Arrested

Li Bai just found another place to sit down, and Tian Lin rushed over with a full face of complaints, which made Li Bai frowned, thinking that someone was here to trouble them again.

After listening to Tian Lin's narration of what happened before, Li Bai realized that this was another matter deliberately picked on by others, and he felt a little tired, as if they were just a few machines designed to attract hatred. There was a lot of trouble.

"Let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time." Li Bai said helplessly to Tian Lin, he just basked in the sun for an hour, and it was because of some Japanese people that he was full of resentment, so what's the use of rest.

"Master, are we leaving just like that? We're not afraid of them, so why don't we destroy their prestige? That person just now was too arrogant..." Tian Lin chattered, but Li Bai had already stood up, He left without looking back.

"Hey hey master, don't go, I don't want to cause trouble..." Tian Lin hurriedly chased after him, but before he had taken two steps, the two of them stopped again.

Facing Li Bai's direction, a few men with surfboards were approaching menacingly at this time, their fierce eyes fell directly on Tian Lin behind Li Bai, their mouths kept moving, as if they were constantly yelling.

Things have already come to their door, so Li Bai can't hide anymore, he stood beside Tian Lin and said quietly: "Troublemakers come out of poor mountains and evil waters."

After a while, the second elder brother walked up to Li Bai and his younger brothers with his younger brothers. Because of his tense expressions, Li Bai easily recognized the eldest among them.

Most of the people who come here to visit are tourists, so not many people know the second brother, and they all look at this side strangely, not knowing what happened, but the people who know the name of the second brother have already gathered Hiding aside, he wanted to see who was so blind and offended their second brother.

"Boy, you are so rampant. Anyone who hit me wants to run away, right?" The second brother looked at Tian Lin, his toes were constantly turning on the sand, and soon a small hole was formed.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Li Bai glanced at his second brother and asked in confusion.

The person who should answer the question did not answer the question, but a strange man answered the question. This made the second brother very disgusted, and he stretched out his hand to push Li Bai's chest: "Did I talk to you? It's none of your business." Play the big head here, lest I beat you."

In the imagination of the second brother, when he pushed Li Bai like this, Li Bai staggered a few times because of his strength. If this happened, he would just kill the chicken for the monkey to see, maybe Tian Lin would surrender without a fight.

Although the second brother felt that he didn't need to do this to clean up Tian Lin.

But, in fact, when the second elder brother pushed his hand on Li Bai's chest, he just felt like he was pushing against a locked door, without moving at all.

"Get out!" The second brother didn't push, but still yelled at Li Bai, and Li Bai just looked at the second brother with a smile.

Tian Lin couldn't bear it any longer, and yelled at his second brother: "Is there something wrong with you? It's because your own level is too low. You still don't allow me to outlaw you. How shameless!"

The people on the second brother's side were stunned. Tian Lin said so much, but they didn't understand a single word. In fact, the two sides just said so much, and the other side just looked at their expressions.

"Boy, are you looking for death?" The second brother was even more angry. Tian Lin's expression was clearly not resigned, and his younger brothers stepped forward, surrounded the two of them, and at the same time, they were gearing up, ready to strike.

The second brother showed a sinister smile, and pointed at his feet: "If you are afraid, you have another choice now, and that is to kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, you will never leave here today standing up."

Tian Lin watched the action of the second brother, snorted, raised his foot and stepped on the toes of the second brother hard: "This idiot, let me step on his foot, isn't he crazy?"

Everyone is barefoot, and there is sand under their feet. It shouldn't hurt to step on it, but the second brother still screamed like a pig. He only felt that his toes were run over by a car. It hurts so much.

Seeing this, the younger brothers became anxious immediately, and waved their fists to greet the two of them. Li Bai's countermeasure was very simple, he directly grabbed their arms, and then spun around on the spot, like a big windmill Turned around a few times, and then threw it far into the sea with a plop, which frightened everyone.

That's a man weighing several hundred kilograms, and he's standing more than ten meters away from the sea!

This piece of beach suddenly became a little quiet. Everyone, including the second brother, was stunned. They didn't understand how one person's strength could be so terrifying.

But this kind of calm didn't last long, it was broken by the sound of "Bageya Road". Honda, who was blinded by Li Bai before, also led a group of people angrily toward this place. As he walked, he saw Li Bai in the center from a distance.

"Finally let me find you!" Honda gritted his teeth and rushed towards Li Bai, just about to make a move, but saw the second brother rolling on the ground holding his toes.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Honda asked in surprise, Li Bai and another person just stood in front of them quietly, looking at the stunned state of the other younger brothers, a little confused about what happened .

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go." The second brother struggled to stand up, and said to Honda, the strength Li Bai showed was something they couldn't provoke, and he didn't need to let his elder brother provoke him.

"Why are you going? This kid dared to attack me just now, you wait for me for a while." Honda said angrily, picked up a surfboard on the ground and greeted Li Bai's head.

"No winks." Tian Lin snorted coldly, without Li Bai's hands, he just flew up and hit the surfboard thrown by Honda.

Then, amidst Honda's astonishment, the originally hard surfboard made a "click" sound, and then it appeared to be torn apart, and the fragments splashed towards the surroundings, as if an explosion had occurred generally.

Honda was so frightened that his ass fell off, and the second brother was also shocked to find that he couldn't afford to offend the person he was looking for trouble just now, and he couldn't care less about the physical pain anymore, so he hurriedly took leave with his own people.

Such a scene can be described in a hurry, and it is not an exaggeration. Tian Lin looked at the back of them leaving, and chuckled disdainfully: "Master, do you think they are interesting?"

Li Bai didn't say a word, he didn't want to encounter such a thing now, but sometimes he couldn't avoid it, it was very annoying.

"Where is Luo Lei, call her back together." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, but looking around, the place where Luo Lei hooked up with the girl just now has disappeared.

When the two were looking for Luo Lei, Luo Lei enjoyed it immensely. He was sitting with a beautiful woman with big breasts, looking at each other "with affection".

"You are really an interesting man, can I buy you a glass of juice?" The beauty asked proactively, and Luo Lei couldn't refuse at all, but what Luo Lei didn't know was that in the juice brought by the beauty, there had been Added some unknown drugs.

In the ensuing chat, the beauty even consciously or subconsciously scratched her head and posed, which made Luo Lei feel hot for a while, but he couldn't bear to show anything.

"Handsome guy, I forgot something in the hotel room, can you accompany me to pick it up?" The beauty leaned down, letting Luo Lei see the scenery inside, Luo Lei was excited for a while, without even thinking about it I agreed, just got up and walked together.

"Handsome guy, you can't waste my juice." The beauty pointed at the juice on the table shyly, Luo Lei smiled, raised his neck and gulped it down.

He didn't notice that the beauty showed a sly smile, and put the quilt of the juice he had finished drinking on the table.

After the two left, Honda and the second brother were walking towards this side depressedly.

"I told you, don't provoke anyone, why don't you listen? If the gang leader gets angry, we won't even have jobs here, and we're done for." Honda resentfully slapped his second brother. Slap, but ignored the fact that he took the initiative to provoke Li Bai.

"How do I know they are so powerful..." The second brother said depressedly, but suddenly his eyes lit up, "Brother, don't be unhappy, the girls are hooked again."

The second brother pointed to the turned-up juice glass on a table not far away, and said excitedly.

On Luo Lei's side, while being walked towards the hotel, while being wrapped around his arms, he kept in close contact with himself, no matter how stupid Luo Lei was, he knew what was going to happen later, although it was very likely that this was a Miss who would ask for money, but at this time Luo Lei couldn't care less, he just felt that his whole body was burning.

"Handsome guy, your body is very hot. Wait a minute, why don't you take a bath with me first." The beauty looked at Luo Lei and said, but she was a little regretful. If I had known that this man was so easy to get hooked, I wouldn't have wasted that time. The money for a pack of aphrodisiacs.

Just after entering the room, the properties of the medicine just came up, Luo Lei's face was flushed at this moment, he immediately closed the door and hugged the beauty.

"Handsome guy, don't be so anxious." The beauty said in a panic, but Luo Lei couldn't hear so much in his head at this time, and threw the beauty directly on the bed. Although the beauty screamed loudly, it was still smooth completed the next thing.

The beauty was about to cry at this time, although she acted like a slutty woman, in her plan, she would dawdle for a while, and when danger was about to happen, their people would break in and save herself. At the same time, he cheated Luo Lei of a large sum of money and arrested him to complete the next task.

But the beauty made a miscalculation today. She was just a flirt, but was fucked by a strange man. This feeling is already terrible.

"Beauty, I'm leaving first, my friend is still waiting for me." After venting a bit, Luo Lei regained consciousness a lot, and just wanted to get dressed and leave.

"Don't go, stay with me!" The beauty hurriedly pulled Luo Lei back, she was just kidding, her person hasn't arrived yet, how could she let Luo Lei leave.

(End of this chapter)

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