The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2407 Organ Trading

Chapter 2407 Organ Trading
"The beauty is reluctant for me to leave." Luo Lei was very happy when he heard that, thinking that the beauty hadn't had enough, and was about to get on the horse again, the beauty hurriedly pushed Luo Lei away, she didn't want to do it again.

At this moment, the door of the room was finally pushed open with a loud bang, like a police round, which shocked Luo Lei severely.

Before Luo Lei got out of bed, a few men rushed to the bed and cursed at Luo Lei: "Baga, you want to touch my woman, do you want to die!"

"Nani?" Luo Lei was stunned, this beauty is someone else's woman?Still messing around with other strange men in their own room, this kind of woman is really terrible.

"You can't blame me, she seduced me, if you want to blame, you can blame her." Luo Lei said in a low voice, just to put on the slippers.

But he was punched in the face.

"Boy, are you tired of working, and dare to say that my woman seduces you?" Honda was very angry, and punched Luo Lei again. How could Luo Lei's small body withstand such a heavy blow? With one punch, he was knocked to the ground.

Honda is about to get angry. These are his women. There is nothing wrong with them. He originally wanted to use them to trick some tourists. When they are about to go crazy, he rushes in and catches them. Since they are so Since I started doing it, I have almost never missed it.

But today, one of his women should have been succeeded by Luo Lei, plus the loss he had suffered with Li Bai before, this made Honda extremely angry.

"I'll give you two choices. One, I'll call the police, and the other is to lose money." Honda kicked Luo Lei twice before stopping, and said viciously to Luo Lei.

"Don't, don't call the police." Luo Lei said in a panic, hugging his head.

While Luo Lei was being beaten by Honda, the beautiful woman sitting on the bed kept flipping through Luo Lei's wallet, got all of Luo Lei's money and bank cards, and forced out Luo Lei's password.

"I'm going first." The beauty said to Honda, and then walked out of the room alone, which made Luo Lei stunned. At this moment, he finally realized that he seemed to be cheated.

"Can I go?" Luo Lei dared not speak out because of the infinite distress in his heart, looking at Honda, he said frightenedly.

"Want to leave?" A sinister smile flashed across Honda's face, and then he punched Luo Lei on the head again, causing Luo Lei to faint.

When Honda walked out of the room, there were already a few younger brothers standing at the door. He nodded to them, and the younger brothers immediately walked into the room with a sack, and put Luo Lei who had fainted into it.

"Take it away." Honda waved to them.

At the same time, Li Bai and Tian Lin had already searched the entire beach, but they couldn't find Luo Lei. They thought that he had returned to the hotel first, and rushed back to the hotel.

When getting on the elevator, several men came out with a bag on their shoulders. Li Bai felt a little strange, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Back in the suite, Hanano Mai was watching TV, but there was no sign of Luo Lei, which made Li Bai even more surprised.

"Where's Luo Lei?" Li Bai asked, and Hanano Mai shook her head, saying that she hadn't seen Luo Lei come back at all.

Li Bai frowned, recalling what had happened before, he suddenly remembered that the men just now were very suspicious. Looking from the window, he saw a car parked in front of the hotel, putting the bag on the in the trunk.

The soul consciousness swung away in an instant, heading straight for the ordinary sack, Luo Lei was actually in that sack, and was tightly tied up.

"Luo Lei has been arrested!" Li Bai said hurriedly, turned around and rushed downstairs, Tian Lin quickly followed.Hanano Mai thought for a while, but still didn't leave the room.

"Who is so bold that he dares to kidnap tourists." Tian Lin hammered on the wall in the elevator. Although Luo Lei is just a Japanese, after getting along with him for a few days, he really couldn't do without him—— translated.

Li Bai frowned, his soul consciousness had already locked onto the car, but if he wanted to catch up, he didn't know the time would come.

Two hours later, the car pulled up outside a warehouse, and when they opened the trunk, the sacks inside were jiggling restlessly.

Luo Lei woke up half an hour ago, his eyes were pitch black, he wanted to speak but found his mouth was blocked, wanted to move but found his whole body was tied up with ropes, but he couldn't listen to the sound of cars driving.

"Kidnapped." This was the only thought in Luo Lei's mind, but at this moment, he didn't have any ability to resist.

"Mr. Li Bai, Mr. Tian Lin, you must come and save me. I am your translator." Luo Lei looked forward helplessly in his heart. When the car stopped, he started to struggle again.

The sack on his body was roughly torn off, and the dazzling light shone directly into Luo Lei's eyes, making Luo Lei dazzled again.

The rope was untied and the towel was removed. Although Luo Lei had regained his freedom, he was not free now.

Because there were people in all directions of Luo Lei, it was impossible for Luo Lei to escape.

"Let's go!" Someone roughly pushed Luo Lei staggeringly. In front of him, the door of an unfamiliar warehouse slowly opened, and Luo Lei had no choice but to walk in step by step.

The warehouse looked dilapidated on the outside, but inside it was not barren at all. There were flowers and plants everywhere, warm lights and pleasant music, which made Luo Lei, who was in a tense state, relax a little.

"What are you doing to catch me here? That woman really came here by herself, you can't blame me." When Luo Lei was forcefully pressed on the sofa by the men, Luo Lei cried out in horror again. .

"Be quiet!" A slap on the back of Luo Lei's head made Luo Lei even more afraid to move.

And just outside Luo Lei's room, Honda was talking to a white coat at this time, and then the white coat nodded and walked towards the operating room on the side.

If Luo Lei was by their side at this time, they would have discovered that they were actually discussing when to cut Luo Lei's kidney, and Honda, who was in a rage, asked the white coat to do it immediately.

The few men who had just left soon came in again, still holding a needle in their hands.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do!" A sense of crisis suddenly rushed into Luo Lei's heart. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't stop the men's brutality at all.

The thick needle pierced Luo Lei's skin quickly, and Luo Lei passed out quickly. Before he passed out, he heard something vaguely.

"Pull off this kid's kidneys, corneas, etc. This time, I should be able to make a lot of money again."

Luo Lei fainted like ashes, he was going to die, he thought.

The setting sun finally dissipated the last ray of light, and night fell.

Near the warehouse, Li Bai and Tian Lin finally arrived, glanced at the grass from a distance, and retracted their heads again.

"Master, there are guards, but not many, should we rush in directly?" Tian Lin lowered his voice and said to Li Bai.

Because I don't know the situation inside, but when Li Bai scanned the situation inside with his soul consciousness, he left immediately.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be an organization that sells human organs. At this time, Luo Lei had been pushed onto the operating table, while the white coat was making final preparations.

"Master, shall we rush over directly?" Tian Lin asked again, and Li Bai answered Tian Lin's question with actions, because he would be discovered sooner or later, so Li Bai did not hide anything, and just walked towards him openly. The warehouse door rushed.

Seeing two people rushing towards them, the guards of the warehouse suddenly became nervous, and quickly moved closer to stop or even catch them. These two people, they are not rivals at all.

The key was found from the guard, and the door of the warehouse was opened. Li Bai and Tian Lin entered the warehouse, but because of a delay of several minutes, a group of people had already gathered inside.

"Why are you guys again?!" Honda heard the commotion outside and hurried over, but saw Li Bai and Tian Lin again, which made Honda angry and scared, hiding behind the crowd and not daring to come out.

"Let my friend go, let's leave immediately." Li Bai said to Honda coldly, he didn't expect them to be thugs, but they were still doing such illegal things.

When Honda heard this, he panicked. They did arrest Luo Lei from the hotel just now. Could it be that he is Li Bai's friend?

"We are all members of our gang here. I don't know what you are talking about." Honda chose to beat him to death but not admit it. If there was one, he had no doubt that Li Bai would fight.

"I don't know what I'm talking about?" Li Bai snorted coldly, pointed in the direction of the operating room, and shouted sharply, "Who is lying in that operating room? Don't tell me that there is no one there either!"

Honda only felt a buzzing in his mind, their methods were already so covert, how did Li Bai know that Luo Lei was in the operating room?
"Okay, okay, I'll let him go, I'll let him go." Honda immediately admitted his cowardice, and hurriedly asked the white coat to stop the operation, and asked the younger brothers to help out Luo Lei who was in a coma. He didn't want to provoke Li Bai, the evil star, at all. .

"Master, let's call the police to deal with this kind of scum. It's a disaster to stay here." Tian Lin said to Li Bai.

But as soon as Honda heard that he was going to call the police, he became anxious immediately. Before he could say anything, his subordinates mistook that this was Honda's intention to let them go, and rushed towards the two of them, shouting.

Li Bai and Tian Lin's expressions darkened, this group of people were simply too overwhelmed.

"Master, you protect Luo Lei. I'll deal with these people." Tian Lin volunteered, and at this moment, there was a loud bang, and the warehouse door exploded like a bomb, and a wave of heat spread quickly. poured into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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