The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2408 This is an Exchange

Chapter 2408 This is an Exchange
This sudden explosion startled Li Bai too. Although he is not afraid of anything with ordinary bombs and gunpowder, such a big movement can still give people quite a shock.

Turning around, Li Bai blocked Luo Lei in front of him, a burning sensation came, and the heat wave hit Li Bai's back, while Tian Lin quickly dodged behind a wall to prevent the burn from the air wave.

Under Li Bai's protection, Luo Lei naturally had nothing to do, but standing in the middle of the warehouse, coupled with Honda and the others who reacted very slowly, most of them were overturned by the blast.

After the explosion, Honda and the others fell to the ground in sevens and eights, no longer posing any threat to Luo Lei.

But at this moment, six men walked in from the door, their eyes scanned the crowd like a scanner, Li Bai turned his back to them and was not seen by them, he just beckoned Tian Lin to come over, Alright, the unconscious Luo Lei handed it over to him.

"Who are these people?" Tian Lin glanced at the six people and asked strangely. Li Bai shook his head. At least they helped them, so at least they were not enemies, so they were not very vigilant.

But just when Li Bai was about to hand Luo Lei over to Tian Lin, one of the six people suddenly ran towards the other side and grabbed the unconscious Luo Lei.

"Friends, what are you doing?" Li Bai frowned, watching the man quickly return to his team.

Seeing Li Bai turn around, the expressions of the six people were obviously stunned. They looked at Luo Lei next to them, and then at Li Bai's face, with a mistaken expression.

"You are Li Bai, right?" the leader of the six asked Li Bai.

Li Bai nodded, wondering how they knew him.

"Mai Hanano should be with you, right?" the leader asked again.

Li Bai now understood that these six people must be members of the Tokyo group of the Yamaguchi-gumi, so far, they are the only ones who have been looking for the whereabouts of Hanano Mai.

"We're not together, what are you going to do?" Li Bai's voice cooled down. Li Bai is still brooding about the people from the Yamaguchi group chasing and intercepting them before.

"Not together? Then you can go obediently with us first." The leader said again, but at the same time he signaled to the person who grabbed Luo Lei, and took Luo Lei away quickly.

"I warn you, it's best not to touch my friend." Tian Lin shouted at the leader, but it didn't have any effect at all. Luo Lei was taken by another person to hide in the night.

"It's so deceiving!" Tian Lin was angry. He saved Luo Lei just now, but unexpectedly fell into the hands of other people. How could he bear it.

"It's none of your business here, get out of here." The leader gave Tian Lin a disdainful look, waved his hand, and a team member greeted Tian Lin.

This success angered Tian Lin, and even sent someone to deal with him, which was an insult to him.

Li Bai didn't go up to help, on the one hand, because there were still four people standing in front of him, on the other hand, he also didn't think Tian Lin could handle even one person.

But the facts shocked both Tian Lin and Li Bai. When Tian Lin collided with the other party, Tian Lin only took advantage of it. It was completely different from the previous situation of crushing all the Japanese. It turned out to be a feeling of meeting the opponent.

"Unexpectedly, there are such powerful people in the Yamaguchi-gumi." Li Bai said softly. He also had a significant change in the largest gang organization in the country of Japan. No wonder they can dominate the country of Japan.

"Are you afraid?" The leader's mouth slanted, and he said again, "I give you a choice, go and find Hanano Mai for us, and then the two of you will go back to Tokyo with us, our boss wants to see you."

Li Bai laughed, these people are really self-righteous and scary: "Okay, if you have that ability, I will go with you."

The leader's face changed, and he knew that unless he conquered Li Bai by force, there must be no other solution.

Of course, for Li Bai, the leader still attached great importance to it, and they didn't hold back at all, and the four of them rushed towards Li Bai directly.

Li Bai didn't know if the Wa country had such a saying of cultivation, but their individual strength has indeed reached the level of the foundation period, which made Li Bai even more murderous. He didn't want the people of the Wa country to have any threat to China. .

So, Li Bai was merciless in his attacks, even facing the four of them, he still had no defense whatsoever, but what surprised the four of the elite group was that no matter how they attacked Li Bai, they couldn't even touch Li Bai's body at once .

It's like a ghost, it's obviously by their side, but it's impossible to guard against it.Li Bai's speed was so fast that the four of them became more and more frightened, not only in physical pain, but also in spiritual shock.

Li Bai tested the opponent's strength, and after finding out that this was not the case, he suddenly changed his rhythm. He was obviously punching the person in front of him, but his left foot flew up and kicked the other person fiercely. on the chest.

A mouthful of blood was spat out with a "wow", and one person flew upside down and fell to the ground hard. At the same time, the members of the five elite groups all stopped and quickly retreated to protect the injured member. .

"Come on, why don't you continue?" Li Bai said provocatively.

The leader's expression was also heavy. Li Bai's strength was far beyond their imagination, but this didn't seem to dampen their fighting spirit.

"You win today, but if you want your friend to live, then bring Hanano Mai!" The leader said, and they quickly left with the injured person.

"Master, let's chase after him, Luo Lei is still in their hands!" Tian Lin shouted anxiously, trying to catch up, but was stopped by Li Bai.

"Luo Lei is still in their hands. If we chase after him, they may jump over the wall in a hurry." Li Bai said lightly, and then walked towards the hotel.

In the hands of these people, Luo Lei will definitely not be injured, at least until he sees Hanano Mai, but if he wants to use Hanano Mai in exchange?That is naturally impossible.

After Li Bai Tianlin left, the group of people lying on the ground finally dared to stand up, and they all rejoiced that they hadn't done anything to Li Bai just now, otherwise, they would have died instead of pretending to be dead.

"Boss, should we take back that man today? After all, he is still in a coma." A younger brother asked Honda, but Honda beat the person who spoke.

"If you don't want to kill me, I will. Is that someone we can deal with?" Honda said angrily, but before he finished speaking, Honda's eyes widened.

The six members of the elite group who had just left turned back here again at this time, and there was also Luo Lei who was unconscious.

"We are not in the same group, really not." Honda hurriedly separated their relationship with Li Bai, for fear that these people would also do something to them.

"Don't be nervous, we're just resting here for one night." The leader didn't even look at Honda, but found an empty room, six people and the unconscious Luo Lei all lived in, and everyone in Honda panicked. He was dumbfounded again.

Here, when Li Bai and Tian Lin returned to the hotel, they both seemed a little tired. Hanano Mai looked at them suspiciously, but found that Luo Lei was still missing.

"Where's Luo Lei?" she asked.

"I was caught by the Yamaguchi-gumi because of my carelessness." Tian Lin blamed himself and sank into the sofa.

"Why didn't you chase it back?" Hanano Mai didn't have any affection for the Yamaguchi-gumi at all, and asked again.

"How can you chase after him? You'll die if you pinch it casually." Tian Lin said sullenly, "They also said that unless you make an exchange, otherwise there is no need to discuss it."

Hanano Mai was startled, then looked up at Li Bai, but Li Bai didn't say anything, thought about it, and made a decision.

"Since this is an exchange, then I'll go." Hanano Mai said looking at Li Bai.

Li Bai was a little surprised that Hanano Mai would sacrifice himself to save others, and looked at Hanano Mai suspiciously: "I will not let you leave until I find a ninja organization."

This sentence made Hanano Mai very sad, but she also knew that in Li Bai's eyes, her role was nothing more than that.

"Don't worry, I won't let them really catch me, I'm a ninja." Hanano Mai said lightly.

Li Bai and Tian Lin looked at each other, then nodded, and sat on the sofa, discussing how to safely rescue Luo Lei from their hands tomorrow.

The night passed quickly, and early the next morning, the doorbell of the room was rang.

Tian Lin opened the door and saw that the one who knocked was yesterday's Honda, which made him very angry. He didn't want to see him at all, but wanted to slam the door.

"Mr. Miyazaki said that he only gave you two days. If you can't find Hanano Mai, they will tear up your ticket." Honda hurriedly said to Tian Lin, conveying what the elite group asked him to convey.

"Good boy, you dare to threaten us." Tian Lin just got up, and his mood suddenly became bad.

"Mr. Miyazaki said that this is an exchange." Honda said again, but what greeted him was the door that was slammed shut.

Tian Lin geared up and said to Li Bai who was washing up: "Master, these little devils are really crazy, and they seem to be still in that warehouse, waiting for us to come to the door, and they only give us two days , or tear up the ticket."

Tian Lin's words were very hasty, which also woke up Hanano Mai.

"It doesn't take two days. Let's go find them later. The sooner I take you to find the ninja organization, the sooner I will be free." Hanano Mai walked into the living room and said to Tian Lin.

It's just that Hanano Mai has already dressed, which makes Tian Lin a little disappointed, thinking that it can sweep away the spring.

An hour later, the three of them who had breakfast set off. If the leader named Mr. Miyazaki saw it, he would be surprised to find that the three of them were not a little nervous, but looked very relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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