The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2409 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 2409 Lost the wife and lost the army

Xiaoxing City is located at the northernmost tip of Hokkaido. The city is not very big, and the number of people is not too large, so many times, various places do not seem to be as prosperous as Tokyo.

In broad daylight, there were only a few scattered pedestrians passing by the warehouse. What they didn't know was that in that dilapidated warehouse, it was very depressing because of the existence of the six members of the elite group. .

"Successfully conveyed?" Mr. Miyazaki asked Honda who rushed back, and Honda nodded: "But they didn't say when they will come."

Mr. Miyazaki hummed, and was about to interrogate Luo Lei, who had just woken up, when there was a knock on the door of the warehouse.

Mr. Miyazaki's footsteps froze, and he turned his head to look. The light poured in from the slowly opened door, which made Mr. Miyazaki slightly unable to open his eyes. Behind the huge light, the figures of three people slowly moved towards they come.

"Mai Hanano is here, where are my people?" Li Bai's voice faintly reached Mr. Miyazaki's ears, which made Mr. Miyazaki happy. When his vision returned to normal, he could clearly see that the woman standing next to Li Bai was the woman they wanted. After finding Mai Hanano, I was even more excited.

Luo Lei was supported by several other members of the elite team and walked out of the side room. When he saw Li Bai and Tian Lin, he shouted heartbreakingly: "Mr. Li Bai, save me, I am still young, I don't want to die yet .”

However, Luo Lei was soon gagged by a ball of towels again, and could only whine again.

Li Bai glanced at Hanano Mai, nodded, and then led Hanano Mai towards the open space in the middle of the two sides. On the other side, Luo Lei was also led out.

"Wait a while." Mr. Miyazaki's voice suddenly sounded, Li Bai stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

"Let that person come over, you go back." Mr. Miyazaki pointed to Tian Lin, who was quite afraid of Li Bai's strength.

Li Bai chuckled and didn't say anything. Anyway, his role in today's plan is not very big.

Tian Lin quickly walked to Hanano's side, and walked towards the opposite side again. This time, there was no unexpected situation. Both Luo Lei and Hanano were pushed to the opposite side, and then got the person he needed.

At this moment, Tian Lin pushed Luo Lei towards Li Bai, while he rushed towards the man holding Hanano Mai.

"Nani?" Mr. Miyazaki seemed a little caught off guard by the sudden appearance. He didn't understand why Tian Lin dared to attack rashly without Li Bai's action.

So, imitating Tian Lin, the man who was holding down Hanano Mai also pushed Hanano hard, but his hand was empty.

What they didn't expect was that Hanano Mai, who seemed powerless, turned into a female warrior in an instant. When she turned over, she kicked the man's back, but the man was kicked on the ground. on the ground.

However, the elite group is an elite group after all, and the kicked men quickly dodged Tian Lin's attack one by one, while the other members also rushed towards Hanano Mai.

Even though Hanano Mai retreated quickly and resisted at the same time, she was still caught by the elite team after all, her skills were not as good as others.

The scene calmed down again, Li Bai Tianlin and Luo Lei stood together, watching the six members of the opponent's elite team surround Hanano Mai in the center.

At this time, Mr. Miyazaki looked at Li Bai with disdain in his eyes: "You Chinese people can play some tricks, but is it useful?"

Mr. Miyazaki sneered, but he was still extremely guarded against Li Bai, for fear that Li Bai would make another surprise attack.

Li Bai heheed without saying a word, turned around and left with Luo Lei, it looked as if he just made a joke.

Seeing the back of Li Bai turning and leaving, Mr. Miyazaki gritted his teeth with hatred. Although Kiyoshi Kobayashi said that Li Bai can be caught as long as he can, but if he can't, it's fine, but if he just forgets it, isn't it slapping them in the face? ?
"Press this woman back first, and after a while, we will meet this Li Bai by ourselves." Mr. Miyazaki said, tied Hanano Mai tightly, and then walked out together, and sat in their seat. car.

Hanano Mai also covered her mouth with a towel, sitting in the middle row of the van, with two people watching her beside her. At this moment, there was a bit of silence in the car, and no one spoke.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" who was sitting next to her, and asked what was the matter with her.

"There is something in my trouser pocket that hurts me, please take it out for me." Hanano Mai said looking very uncomfortable.

There was an extra errand to touch the thigh for no reason, and Mr. Miyazaki naturally would not let it go. While wiping the oil, he took out a small black ball, then threw it on the ground, and put Mai Hanano's mouth again. plug up.

What Mr. Miyazaki didn't see was that a tricky smile flashed in Hanano Mai's eyes.

Mai Hanano suddenly lifted her bound legs and stepped on the black ball. Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion sound of "boom", and a large amount of black smoke burst from the small ball in an instant. It popped out and filled the entire carriage.

"Oops!" Mr. Miyazaki's heart tightened. At this moment, it was pitch black, he stretched out his hand to the side, trying to grab Hanano Mai, but what he didn't expect was that a strong tingling sensation came from his Came from the waist, accompanied by a cold feeling.

"Dagger." This was Mr. Miyazaki's first reaction. In order to prevent himself from being hurt more, Mr. Miyazaki opened the door and jumped out before the car stopped, and at the same time he was chasing after him. Car, if Hanano Mai also pulled out, he could catch her again.

As a ninja, Mai Hanano is already familiar with being tied up all over her body, but at this time he is still in the car, surrounded by thick smoke, but she is holding back her breath, and keeps digging at the skylight on the roof of the car with a dagger .

With a "crash", the glass of the sunroof shattered, and because the car couldn't stop and knocked down the tree, the sound was not heard.

The five members of the elite group had already got out of the car at this time, and they were staring at the doors. Because Mr. Miyazaki was injured, they concluded that Mai Hanano must have a weapon in his hands. If so, they may be injured themselves.

After all, there is still a team member who did not show up, and I don't know what is going on with him now.

After 10 minutes, the thick smoke finally cleared away, and at this time, Mai Hanano was nowhere to be seen in the empty carriage.

"Bageya Road, she ran away!" Mr. Miyazaki walked in and saw that the sunroof of the car had been cut open, and there were traces of climbing on the tree. Mai Hanano was clearly in front of their eyelids. The bottom has escaped!
What made Mr. Miyazaki even more unbearable was that another member of their team, who had never appeared, was already lying in a pool of blood, with only one wound at the heart, which was clearly the result of being killed by a single blow.

"Baga, Baga, Baga!" Mr. Miyazaki punched the tree angrily, causing the whole tree to shake a little bit. Li Bai didn't catch it, and neither did Hanano Mai. Kiyoshi confessed? !

"Catch me separately!" Mr. Miyazaki said angrily, but at this moment, two cars stopped on the side of the road, and a group of men in suits also came down from them, walking towards them Come.

"Oops." Mr. Miyazaki's pupils suddenly contracted. These people are clearly members of the local Yamaguchi-gumi. Now, their actions will be exposed, and Kiyoshi Kobayashi has repeatedly reminded them that the hunt for Hanano Mai Must not let them know.

"What happened?" The other party seemed to recognize Mr. Miyazaki's identity as a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and asked.

"It's okay, it's just a crash." Mr. Miyazaki replied vaguely, trying to change the topic to other directions.

But the more this happened, the more it made them feel strange. They saw the broken car roof and a dead body at a glance, and their doubts deepened. However, the people from the Xiaoxing City Group of the Yamaguchi Group did not continue Asked, but loaded a few people, and left here quickly.

What they didn't realize was that shortly after they left, Hanano Mai poked his head out from the dense branches and leaves on the top of the tree, and then jumped to the ground.

"Good job." At this time, Li Bai and Tian Lin also came out from not far away, looked at Hanano Mai with an indifferent face, and praised.

But Li Bai also saw what happened just now, and he felt a little more hesitation in his heart. If the members of the Yamaguchi group in Xiaoxing City also want to catch Hanano Mai, then it is really hard for them to leave here and go find the ninja group. .

"Mai Hanano, where is the ninja organization? We have to leave here as soon as possible." Li Bai asked Mai Hanano while walking towards the hotel.

"We need to go to a place called Tianke Island first." After thinking about it, Hanano Mai said.

Tian Lin quickly opened the Tianxun map and found that Tianke Island was on the sea north of Xiaoxing City. He showed it to Li Bai again, and Li Bai nodded.

"If possible, let's go to sea tonight." Li Bai murmured, but he also had a premonition that the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi were unlikely to let them leave easily like last time.

At the same time, the members of the Yamaguchi group in Xiaoxing City have already told the leader Tenyou Yamamoto of what happened here, and Tenyou Yamamoto quickly sensed something was wrong, and immediately ordered to collect Mr. Miyazaki who came to Xiaoxing City. reason.

In just half an hour, Yamamoto Tianyou learned that a woman named Mai Hanano who was closely related to the ninja organization appeared on his territory in Xiaoxing City.

"Kyoshi Kobayashi, do you still want to keep this news to yourself? Since you don't want to share this news with me, then I will decide for Mai Hanano." As Tianyou Yamamoto said, he sent an order to block Xiaoxing City, and at the same time search for it as soon as possible. The whereabouts of Hanano Mai.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Miyazaki knew that their mission had failed.

(End of this chapter)

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