Chapter 2410
When the four of Li Bai arrived at the port of Xiaoxing City in the evening, they found that many members of the Yamaguchi-gumi had gathered at the port again, just like the last time they met in Tokyo.

Because Xiaoxing City is not big, there are not many places that need to be controlled, so this time, the members of the Yamaguchi group appear to be very dense, and without the help of people like Sagawa Fujii, Li Bai knows that this time they really can't do anything. broke out.

"Master, what should we do? Are you calling out?" Tian Lin asked, but quickly shut up again.

Even if it rushed to the port, so what, it could be that the sea was so far away, they couldn't swim it all the time.

"Go back first, make another plan. You can't stay in the hotel, and you will definitely be tracked down." The four of Li Bai retreated quietly, and soon rented a house in a community near the port. This place will be Their hiding place for the next few days.

The four of Li Bai were crowded in a small room, and they were all a little melancholy. Because the Yakuza members had too much eyeliner, even their travel would become a big problem.

"Master, are we just waiting for the limelight to pass?" Tian Lin asked sullenly.

Li Bai patted Tian Lin on the shoulder and smiled, "Of course not."

After previous observations, Li Bai found that although the Yamaguchi-gumi is a large organization, the groupings in each place are not of one mind. News of Hanano Mai's capture.

"We can take advantage of the conflict between them." Li Bai scratched his head. Although he said so, he couldn't think of any good way at once.

At the same time, Xiaoxing City is already in chaos, because the large-scale dispatch of members of the Yamaguchi group has added a trace of uneasiness to people's originally peaceful life.

Whether they are going out on the street or traveling, there will always be members of the Yamaguchi-gumi looking them up and down, which makes them very upset, but they don't dare to resist.

What was even more panicking was Kiyoshi Kobayashi's elite group of six, oh no, five people, one of their members had already died at the hands of Hanano Mai.

This made Mr. Miyazaki extremely nervous. If Kiyoshi Kobayashi knew that their actions had failed, they would be severely punished.

But at this time, if they don't tell Kiyoshi Kobayashi clearly about the situation here, and let Yamamoto Tenyou's people successfully capture Hanano Mai, then their punishment will definitely be more serious.

In contrast, Mr. Miyazaki called Kiyoshi Kobayashi on Sky News and asked him for instructions.

"I can't blame you for this matter. That Li Bai is too powerful. I'll finish the work at hand first, and rush over there in a day or two." Kiyoshi Kobayashi unexpectedly did not blame Mr. Miyazaki, "In the past two days, You try not to provoke Yamamoto Tenyou's people, act on your own, if you can catch Hanano Mai first, that would be the best, if not, don't let Yamamoto Tenyou succeed."

Having received Kiyoshi Kobayashi's forgiveness, Mr. Miyazaki heaved a sigh of relief, and the five of them disbanded immediately, and searched for the whereabouts of Li Bai and Hanano Mai throughout Xiaoxing City.

After all, they are members of the elite group, and they are very confident that they will succeed before Tianyou Yamamoto finds them. However, even if they are found, what to do is another issue that needs to be considered.

The next day, Li Bai went out alone. The first thing he had to do was to investigate the distribution of the members of the Yamaguchi group in Xiaoxing City.

After a general understanding, Li Bai thought of a way.

Hanano Mai was very disgusted with Li Bai's method, but because she couldn't think of a better method, she could only choose to obey.

On the afternoon of the second day after Xiaoxing City was blocked, Hanano Mai appeared alone in a supermarket far away from where they lived to buy vegetables.

Hanano Mai didn't make any disguise, so she was quickly discovered by members of the local Yamaguchi-gumi, and was arrested without any resistance, and rushed towards the group company.

Because the place is relatively remote, there are not many members of the Yamaguchi-gumi here, but when they walked about halfway, Mr. Miyazaki and his people suddenly rushed out and took this small Yamaguchi-gumi All of them were killed.

They didn't want to kill their compatriots very much, but because Kiyoshi Kobayashi had already ordered death, what they couldn't get, Yamamoto Tenyou couldn't get it either.

However, when they killed their compatriots and happily wanted to take Hanano Mai away, Li Bai and Tian Lin reappeared lingeringly. Mr. Miyazaki and the others just resisted a few times symbolically, then It was helpless to retreat.

At this time, they finally realized that it was not Hanano Mai who was discovered by them, but she was discovered on her own initiative. Li Bai's plan was to make the conflict between the two Yamaguchi groups more and more serious. .

Although the news of the death of the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi has not yet reached the ears of Tenyou Yamamoto, but when he knows, he will definitely be furious.

The actions of Mr. Miyazaki and the others also convinced Li Bai that Hanano Mai is like a treasure to them, and they all want to take it for themselves.

So in the next week, Hanano Mai would appear in a relatively desolate place in Xiaoxing City from time to time, repeatedly being arrested, the elite group murdered and robbed people, and Li Bai rescued Hanano Mai again.

Mr. Miyazaki only felt that he was going crazy. He just hoped that Kiyoshi Kobayashi could bring someone over quickly, and even if he couldn't capture Li Bai alive, he would kill him.

Because after every action, Tenyou Yamamoto would kill several grassroots younger brothers, so after about ten actions, he finally discovered this abnormal situation.

However, Yamamoto Tenyou's first reaction was not that Mr. Miyazaki and his own people did it, but thought that Hanano Mai and the others were secretly assassinating while they were hiding.

This made Tenyou Yamamoto very angry. In order not to cause more casualties to his own people, he immediately ordered his people not to be scattered so far. Except for those at the station and other places who continued to guard, everyone else The patrol team was reorganized, and they began to walk the streets and alleys, looking for their whereabouts from house to house.

Even if it will waste a lot of time, they will be found sooner or later, this is the idea of ​​Yamamoto Tianyou.In fact, Tenyou Yamamoto also has his own elite group, but he is not willing to use it so early until the last moment.

After Yamamoto Tianyou's strategy changed, Li Bai's previous plan could no longer be carried out again. There were many people in the patrol team. If Mr. Miyazaki and the others dared not come forward, Mai Hanano would be really in danger.

"Master, why don't we sabotage from the inside." Tian Lin said to Li Bai, and then walked out of the bathroom. Li Bai was a little shocked by his appearance at this time.

At this time, Tian Lin was still the sunny and cheerful boy, but turned into a very rough and arrogant Japanese.

"How about it, master, do you want to try it? I'll put a mustache on you too." Tian Lin said proudly to Li Bai.

This idea is indeed very good. It will make it easier for them to start making trouble from within the yakuza and let them break through.

"Who taught you this makeup technique?" Li Bai was surprised to see Tian Lin making gestures on his face.

"I learned it when I was chasing a girl, hehe." Tian Lin was busy while smiling silly, but within half an hour, Li Bai also turned into a wretched Japanese man.

Now, if you don't identify it carefully, Li Bai will definitely not let others see it. Li Bai looked at himself in the mirror and was very satisfied.

"Okay, you guys can hide at home first, I'll go alone." Li Bai said to everyone.

Tian Lin became anxious when he heard this: "Master, don't you want me? It would be nice for the two of us to go together, we are invincible!"

"Stay here to protect them." Li Bai pointed to Hanano Mai and Luo Lei, pushed Tian Lin back, and walked towards the local Yamaguchi group by himself.

One of the main reasons for the growth of the Yamaguchi-gumi is that they have a large number of people. Because a certain entry threshold has been set, the Yamaguchi-gumi has almost included all the powerful people in the Wa country.

But such a threshold is hardly worth mentioning to Li Bai.

Because of the inexplicable deaths of members of the Yamaguchi group a few days ago, the Yamaguchi group in Xiaoxing City started recruiting newcomers again at this time. Li Bai pretended to be a mute and did not speak from the beginning to the end. Because of his "relatively" powerful strength, Li Bai still became an official Yamaguchi-gumi member.

At this time, Jin Yan, who had been resting for a long time, dispatched again, but became Li Bai's personal interpreter, so Li Bai did not show any flaws among a group of Japanese people.

In the evening, Li Bai's group of newcomers ushered in their team leader. According to others, they had just joined the Yamaguchi-gumi, and they would have to undergo training for a period of time. However, due to the recent emergency, this training It is temporarily postponed.

And their first task is to form a patrol team one by one. If they find a few people in the photo, they should not resist or arrest them, and immediately notify their superiors.

Looking at the photo of himself in his hand, Li Bai wanted to laugh, that one day, he would come to find him.

There was hardly any buffer time for the newcomers. Li Bai and the others were sent to the street. Unlike Li Bai, the other new members seemed to know the history of the Yamaguchi-gumi very well. They were patrolling and chatting.

"Do you know why we sent so many people to find these people this time?" A young boy asked everyone, and everyone shook their heads in embarrassment.

"This woman is called Hanano Mai. She was formed by the ninja organization, the biggest enemy of the Yamaguchi-gumi. If we can catch her and follow the clues to find the location of the ninja organization, we will make great achievements." The boy said, putting down the photo of Hanano Mai , and picked up Li Bai's photo again.

"This is a Chinese man, his name is Li Bai, do you know why we arrested him?" the boy asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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