The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2415 The bar is also bad

Chapter 2415 The bar is also bad

The yacht that Li Bai and the others took was not considered luxurious, but the skinny camel was bigger than a horse after all. On this yacht, all the entertainment facilities and so on were quite complete.

There are game halls, movie theaters, and even swimming pools, but for these things, no one seems very interested, and bars are the choice of most people.

The night has come, and the bar is full of singing and dancing. When Li Bai walked into the bar together, the dance floor in the center of the bar has already opened, and many tourists who come here to travel have walked into the dance floor , release your youthful breath with the music to your heart's content.

The four of them found an empty booth and sat down, and the drinks they ordered were quickly brought up by the waiter.

It's just that at this time, under the lively lights and music, the four of them were actually a little silent, holding wine glasses to each other, and wanted to say something, but they hesitated to speak.

"It's boring, master, you guys talk first, and I'll go dance too." Tian Lin, who couldn't sit still at all, raised his head and drank the wine in his hand in one gulp, then stood up and walked towards the center of the dance floor.

After Tian Lin left like this, the atmosphere among the remaining three, Li Bai, Luo Lei, and Hanano Mai, became even more awkward.

Hanano Mai shook the wine glass in her hand, took a sip, and looked at Li Bai, but found that Li Bai was also looking at him, and hurriedly lowered her head again.

Luo Lei kept his head down, holding the base of the wine glass with both hands, wondering what was going on in his mind.

"Have you ever built a ship before?" Finally, it was Li Bai who spoke, breaking the silence between the three.

"Of course we did. Our Wa country is not as vast as your Huaxia. If you want to make a ship, it's as easy as making a train." Luo Lei also said.

"Hano Mai, what about you?" Seeing that Hanano Mai was still silent, Li Bai had no choice but to ask by name.

"Me." Hanano Mai looked a little dazed, "This is my first time on a ship, I originally thought that I would sit with Hideki Nakajima, but I didn't expect that the first time I was with a few people I didn't know It's gone." Hanano Mai looked very lonely.

This made both Li Bai and Luo Lei a little embarrassed, and they didn't know how to interface for a while.

"Don't worry, Tianke Island will be here soon. When you bring me to the headquarters of the Ninja Organization, you can go back to meet your Hideki Nakajima." Li Bai said to Hanano Mai.

Hanano Mai raised her head and gave Li Bai a grateful look.

"What about me?" Luo Lei hurriedly interjected at this moment, "Mr. Li Bai, you said before that you would let me go after you accomplished your goal. Does that still count?"

Luo Lei looked at Li Bai cautiously, for fear that Li Bai would get angry because of his question.

Li Bai nodded. Now that I think about it, the encounter with Luo Lei was quite dramatic. Although I don't know whether Luo Lei will continue to be a thief after returning home, or should do other things, but Li Bai really hopes that he can change his ways. of.

"Let's not talk about the future. Let's relax tonight. Come on, let's drink." Li Bai raised his glass and looked at the two of them. Hanano Mai also raised his glass, touched it lightly, and then put The wine was drained in one gulp.

After drinking a glass of wine, Hanano Mai only felt that her face was a little hot and red. She was a ninja before, because alcohol would affect her reflexes, so she hardly drank, so her alcohol capacity was very poor.

At this moment, Hanano Mai heard a familiar voice. Li Bai stood in front of him, stretched out his right hand, and said softly to her, "Beauty, can I invite you to dance together?"

Hanano Mai was a little dazed, but she stretched out her hand involuntarily, was gently held by Li Bai, and walked towards the center of the dance floor.

The music in the bar was still dynamic, but the emotions of the two seemed to be a little low. The people around them kept colliding with their bodies, making the two people who were facing each other keep bumping into each other.

"Come on, Miss Dong!" Li Bai grinned, and said something in Chinese to Hanano Mai.

Hanano Mai was stunned again, but in the next second, Li Bai trembled in front of her like a lightning bolt, making Hanano Mai burst out laughing.

"How can there be such a dancer." Hanano Mai said, and then twisted her body to the beat of the music, and at the same time guided Li Bai bit by bit.

But when Li Bai's stage became more and more standardized, a loud noise came from another direction on the dance floor.

Both Li Bai and Hanano Mai stopped their dancing steps at the same time, and looked over there, because Tian Lin's voice was coming from there.

It is very common to have quarrels in bars, so many people continued to dance without any surprises. Li Bai and Hanano Mai had no choice but to keep pushing the crowd away, and finally walked to the place where the quarrel happened.

Right at the edge of the dance floor, Tian Lin was arguing with another man, blushing. Beside the other man, stood a woman, with her head lowered as if she had made a mistake, and she was holding her nails with both hands.

"This is my woman, how dare you invite my woman to dance with my consent?" The other man blocked his woman behind him, pointed at Tian Lin's nose and scolded him severely.

Tian Lin was very unhappy when he heard the other party say this: "What do you call your woman? It's written on her face? Besides, she followed me when I invited her. Does it mean that your woman is not a good thing? What, you are arguing with me here, where is Pengci?"

If Luo Lei was here at this time, then he would have lamented loudly. Isn't the current situation exactly the same as what he encountered in Xiaoxing City at that time?

It's just that at that time he took advantage of it to some extent. Now it seems that Tian Lin just danced with the girl for a while and was caught.

"Who do you say is not a good thing, kid? Say it again! Believe it or not, I will kill you!" The man was very angry when his woman was insulted by the other party.

Tian Lin is also a gunpowder keg, and he doesn't listen to him at all. He points at the woman next to the man and scolds: "I just said her, are you deaf? Son of the beach."

Naturally, the other party didn't understand what the Son of the Beach meant, but judging from Tian Lin's expression, it was definitely not a pleasant word, and he raised his palm in a frenzy, intending to call Tian Lin.

There was a sound of "pa", but unexpectedly, the man who was hit first turned out to be the man who struck first.

"I've already given you shame." Tian Lin said viciously, Li Bai hurried forward to pull Tian Lin away at this time, so as not to worsen the situation, and the man who was beaten looked at Li Bai and Tian Lin, pointed his finger at them, and said no for a long time Speak up.

"You wait for me!" He said viciously, then left the dance floor and walked towards the other side of the bar.

"Crazy." Tian Lin looked at the back of the other party, cursed, and then told Li Bai what happened just now.

Regarding this kind of trivial matter, Li Bai just smiled and didn't make any comments. He just went back and continued to drink, and with the help of alcohol, the four of them played some truth-or-dare games.

But when the four of them had fun and were about to go back to their room to sleep, the booth on their side was surrounded by a group of people.

"Boss, it's these two people." The man who was beaten by Tian Lin just now stood beside a man smoking a cigarette, looking at the two of them suspiciously.

"You were the ones who hit my little brother? Do you know who I am?" the man asked with a puff of smoke.

"Why don't I know, is your father's name Li Gang?" Tian Lin replied immediately, but his tone was full of disdain.

"Baga, I am Qingshan Dashu, this yacht belongs to our Tiandao Gang, do you know?" Qingshan Dashu threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped him out.

Hearing Qingshan Dashu's name, Tian Lin showed a scared expression, which made Qingshan Dashu very satisfied, but who knows, the next moment, Tian Lin spoke again: "I don't know, do you know who I am? ?” Tian Lin looked at the big tree in the green hill seriously and asked.

Asked by Tian Lin, Dashu Qingshan was stunned for a moment, looked at Tian Lin's appearance, and compared it with the big men he knew, but there was no one who could match him.

"Who are you?" Qingshan Dashu looked at Tian Lin suspiciously and asked.

"Brother, I am a boat on the green water." Tian Lin said loudly to the big tree on the green mountain, which made Li Bai burst into a smile. This Tian Lin is really too troublesome.

"Baga, hit me, beat him up first, let him know how powerful our Tiandao Gang is!" Qingshan Dashu knew that he was being tricked, and suddenly became furious. The two people who were sitting rushed forward.

What they didn't know was that neither of them had blinked an eye when faced with the siege of more powerful and larger people than them. As for the few people in front of them, it was even more unworthy of their interest.

"Apprentice, please solve it. Let's go to sleep first." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, and then pushed Tian Lin towards the big tree in the green hill.

Over there, there was a sudden jingling of bells, which made all the people in the bar quiet down, staring blankly at what happened here.

But half a minute later, Tian Lin caught up with Li Bai: "Hey master, how can you sell your teammates? If I can't beat them, then you are going to lose a lovely apprentice?" Tian Lin looked very depressed. Li Bai.

Li Bai just glanced at Tian Lin: "Are you wronged? You can't even beat these people, so what qualifications do you have to be my apprentice?"

In a word, Tian Lin, who was choking suddenly, was speechless and could only follow silently.

Over there, the Qingshan Dashu who was put down on the ground for no reason hammered the floor angrily. On his yacht, even the people from the Yamaguchi-gumi wanted to give him a little face, but unexpectedly, he fell down today. A stranger's subordinate, which made him very angry.

"Wait, get off the boat, there is something for you." Qingshan Dashu said resentfully, and slapped the man who provoked the trouble again, "Let you touch porcelain, I will let you touch porcelain again!"

Seeing this scene, on a table in the distance, a man put down his wine glass and followed behind the younger brother.

(End of this chapter)

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