The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2416 Conan is not there

Chapter 2416 Conan is not there

This yacht was originally just a vacation yacht, connecting the traffic between Xiaoxing City and Tianke Island, so generally speaking, there will only be a few tourists on this yacht, and they can be regarded as a relatively wealthy group people.

It takes two to three days from Xiaoxing City to Tianke Island, so most people choose to have fun on the yacht for two days, and then continue their work or take a new trip after landing.

No one would have thought that there would be accidents during this trip. After all, this yacht is just like what Qingshan Dashu said, it is the property of the Tiandao Gang on Tianke Island, and its safety is guaranteed. As long as you don't provoke them Just fine.

However, accidents often happen when people are most relaxed.

In the morning of the second day, the whole yacht began to be a little rioted.

Every morning, Qingshan Dashu would be anxious about the day's work arrangements and lectures for the members of the Tiandao Gang on the yacht. However, the first thing in the daily routine of working together is to count the number of people.

There are exactly 50 members of the Tiandao gang who work on the yacht, and there are exactly [-] people connected to the green mountain tree, so other people can just form a seven by seven square formation, but at the roll call this morning, at a corner of the square formation, But there is one person missing.

"Who didn't come?" Qingshan Dashu looked at everyone and asked, a little angry. It was already past eight o'clock, so the person who didn't come was already late.

The helpers looked left and right, and finally came to the result: "It's Xiaotian who didn't come."

Dashu Qingshan glanced at him, and if there was no sign of Xiaotian, he became even more angry: "You caused me trouble last night, and you were late this morning, you really have a lot of guts."

However, Dashu Qingshan didn't stop for Oda's absence, but continued to complete the routine work, and then asked someone to go to Oda and let him accept his own private lecture.

Half an hour later, Dashu Qingshan indeed saw Oda himself, but at this time, Oda had already turned into a corpse!
The person who was ordered by Qingshan Dashu to call Xiaotian went directly to Xiaotian's room. At that time, his girlfriend was still sleeping, but there was no sign of Xiaotian beside her.

The girlfriend was woken up, she got up a little angry and was about to go into the toilet, but at this moment, she found that Xiao Tian was lying in the bathroom bloody, already dead.

Oda was killed, and he died in his room. When he was killed, his girlfriend was sleeping beside him, but he didn't notice anything.

When the news quickly spread to the ears of everyone on the yacht, there was a chill behind everyone.

"Ninjas have sneaked into our ship." Li Bai looked at Hanano Mai and said quietly. Unexpectedly, he threw off so many ninjas and was finally followed.

Upon hearing this, Hanano Mai shuddered and opened the door of the room to let some outside air flow in, which made her feel a lot better.

Several people did not stay in the room, but went to the restaurant to have breakfast. At this time, there were already many people in the restaurant, all chatting about what happened last night.

Li Bai could clearly feel the fear in everyone's hearts, fearing that the next person the murderer wanted to kill would be one of them.

At the first breakfast on the yacht, everyone ate uneasy, not only because of the murder, but also because, before everyone finished their breakfast, the Tiandao gang started to gather everyone stand up.

Nearly 500 people stood on the deck of the yacht. Except for the necessary staff for the yacht, everyone has gathered here. There are about 500 people.

Dashu Qingshan looked gloomy, standing on the bridge, looking down at the tourists and staff on the deck, the sullen expression on his face was self-evident.

"I believe everyone already knows that just last night, in the room where everyone lives, one of us was brutally killed!" Qingshan Dashu's eyes became sharper, scanning everyone, hoping to See at a glance who the murderer is.

The news that people heard before was all word of mouth, but when they heard Qingshan Dashu say this, they understood the seriousness of the matter. Everyone was a little panicked, looking at the people around them, as if the real It's as if the murderer is by their side.

Among the crowd, Li Bai and the others looked very calm, only Luo Lei was a little bit nervous, after all, they were not murderers themselves, and even if the murderer wanted to do something to them, he had to weigh how much he weighed first. two.

"I hope the murderer can stand up on his own initiative. If you stand up now, I can make your death easier, but if we catch you, I will definitely make your life worse than death!" Dashu Qingshan said through gritted teeth He spoke, but his eyes fell directly on Tian Lin's body.

"I'm stupid, what do you mean? You think I'm the murderer?" Tian Lin stopped doing it immediately, and shouted at the big tree in the green hill.

Dashu Qingshan glanced at Tian Lin indifferently, and did not respond to Tian Lin immediately, but continued to repeat what he had just said.However, a few minutes passed, and no one took the initiative to stand up.

"This is an idiot." Tian Lin cursed in a low voice, "If I were the murderer, I wouldn't stand up. I'd be dead anyway, and they might not be able to find out."

Li Bai smiled and agreed with Tian Lin's idea, but he was also very puzzled in his heart, who is the ninja who sneaked into the tourists.

Li Bai scanned the crowd slowly, everyone looked very ordinary, but Li Bai knew that the murderer must be one of them.

"Well, if that's the case, then don't blame us for being rude, and when I catch you, don't blame my ruthless subordinates!" After being under control for too long, many tourists have already complained, and Qingshan Dashu had to disband Everyone, but let people stop Li Bai and the others.

Li Bai and the others continued to stand on the deck helplessly, watching the green hills and big trees slowly walking towards them.

"What on earth do you want?" Because Dashu Qingshan pointed at Tian Lin, Tian Lin started talking to Dashu Qingshan directly.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to catch the murderer and avenge my brother." Qingshan Dashu said, staring fiercely into Tian Lin's eyes.

"So you think I'm the murderer?" Tian Lin asked back with a cold snort.

"I didn't say it was you." Qingshan Dashu narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'm just a little surprised, you had a conflict with my brother last night, why did he die in the room that night, and, your skill, It shouldn't be difficult to complete such an assassination, right?"

The meaning of this, isn't it clear that you are talking about the murderer by name?

"Hehe, first of all, let me tell you that I am not a murderer, and second, you want to frame me, find evidence, and let me have a look at the surveillance." Tian Lin glared, very upset.

"Beautiful, beautiful, I knew you would say that, you must have discovered that there is no camera on the yacht before you do it, right?" Qingshan Dashu gently clapped his hands.

"You!" Tian Lin was slandered repeatedly, furious, and wanted to make a move, but was held back by Li Bai.

Li Bai looked at the big tree in the green hills and said coldly: "I know you are unhappy looking at us. If you want to slander us, you also need some evidence. Otherwise, can I also say that you killed people, and you are here To frame us?"

Li Bai looked at Qingshan Dashu with a slight smile, leaving Qingshan Dashu speechless.

"Okay, you think we can't find evidence that you are the murderer if Conan isn't here, right? You just wait for me." Qingshan Dashu threw down a cruel sentence, and left with his own people.

And just when Li Bai and others were about to return to the room, the speed of the yacht gradually slowed down, and finally stopped moving at all.

The long and heavy iron anchor was slowly lowered, and with a loud noise, it slowly sank into the bottom of the sea and plunged into the seabed, completely immobilizing the entire yacht.

"What's going on?" Li Bai frowned, looking puzzled at the staff who were working on breaking down. The people who also had this question were almost all the tourists.

Immediately afterwards, the sound system on the ship began to play the voice of Qingshan Dashu: "Travelers, we will never set off again until the murderer is found. This is also for the sake of everyone's safety. At the same time, we are determined not to let the murderer go unpunished."

The idea of ​​Qingshan Dashu is reasonable, but it still caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the tourists. After all, they had to stay at sea for two days. The yacht stopped like this. When they arrived at Tianke Island, they didn't know that the year of the monkey was gone.

Tian Lin curled his lips at everyone, and said apologetically to Hanano Mai: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, if I didn't cause trouble yesterday, there wouldn't be anything today, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Hanano Mai shook her head and did not accept Tianlin's apology: "You can't blame you for this incident. Even if there was no conflict yesterday, that ninja would definitely create a conflict, preventing us from reaching Sky Shell Island safely."

When it comes to ninja, everyone has some worries in their hearts. No matter what the strength of that ninja is, the feeling that he is in the light and he is in the dark makes everyone very uncomfortable.

"Let's see what's going on. Everyone has to be more careful recently and don't cause trouble anymore." Li Bai said, and glanced at Tian Lin, Tian Lin hurriedly promised that he would not cause trouble again.

Mai Hanano smiled, and then walked towards the entertainment hall in the cabin: "Do any of you know how to play billiards? Let's go and have fun together." After speaking, he was one step ahead.

"Master, the girl is asking you out." Tian Lin smirked and patted Li Bai's arm, "I saw you two dancing together last night, and it felt very good."

Li Bai raised his leg and kicked Tian Lin, but when he looked up, Hanano Mai had disappeared. Worried that the ninja hiding in the crowd would strike at any time, Li Bai followed quickly.

"You can come if you have nothing to do." Li Bai threw a word to Tian Lin, and quickly chased after him, but at the corner of the stairs, Li Bai found that Hanano Mai had already been accosted by a man.

(End of this chapter)

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