The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2417 Acting

Chapter 2417 Acting
Hanano Mai never thought that she would be approached, after all, she is neither beautiful nor cute, and even walks with a straight face, looking like a Like Frost Goblins.

But unexpectedly, Hanano Mai was accosted, and it was still so abruptly at the corner of the downstairs.

"Ma'am, do you want to play billiards alone?" Mu Muchen said to Hanano Mai with a smile on his face. The reason why he chose the corner of the stairs was because there were not many people here.

Mu Mu Chenba has been observing Hanano Mai and her companions for a whole day, and he found that there is a short man from the Japanese country who has almost no combat power, so he has excluded him from the range of defense. The person is naturally Luo Lei.

As for the other two, Tian Lin, who had a big fight with the Tiandao Gang last night, made Mu Muchenba a little afraid. His strength seemed to be much higher than his own, but if it was a conspiracy, Mu Muchenba still had a good chance He was killed with one blow.

As for Li Bai, who has never made a move, but is always surrounded by them, this is the person Mu Muchenba is most confused about. He doesn't believe that this person is just a boss or something else, so Mu Muchenba has been looking for him. This is the opportunity, that is, the opportunity for Li Bai and Hanano Mai to separate.

So this opportunity arose, and Mu Muchenba successfully stopped Hanano Mai at the stairs, because the stairs were narrow and his figure was relatively wide, so if he didn't turn sideways, Hanano Mai couldn't pass.

"I'm with my friends, but I don't know if they will come." Hanano Mai said to Mu Muchenba. In fact, she didn't intend to say it, but when Hanano looked up, she saw Mu Muchenba's pure pair of The sea-like eyes made Hanano Mai instantly let go of all her defenses.

What's more, Mu Muchenba didn't call Hanano Mai a beauty against his will, which made Hanano Mai feel better.

"Can I invite the lady to play a game of billiards first? When your friend comes, I will naturally leave." Mu Muchenba still had a gentlemanly smile on his face, and added, "Your appearance reminds me of My ex-girlfriend."

Hanano Mai trembled in her heart, and quickly calmed down again. After all, being approached was only because she looked like the ex-girlfriend of the other party, and had no other purpose. This feeling also made Hanano Mai feel a little bit lost.

But since this is the case, Hanano Mai is more at ease with Mu Muchenba, after all, the other party just wants to chat with someone, and has no other intentions.

Mu Muchenba turned sideways and made an inviting gesture, and Hanano Mai went downstairs first, at the same time, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Mu Muchenba's eyes, and a cold light shone from the cuff of his left hand, and he was about to move towards Hanano Mai Stab at the back of the heart.

But at this moment, a sound of footsteps came from the stairs, Mu Muchen's eyes froze, and the things in his cuffs were retracted instantly, and the next moment, Li Bai's figure appeared in his sight among.

Mu Mu Chenba put his hand on Hanano Mai's back, looking like a gentle gentleman.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous." Mu Muchenba's heart beat a few times quickly, but Li Bai, who was behind him, saw this scene with a dignified expression.

Li Bai didn't see that moment just now, but felt uncomfortable when Mu Muchenba approached Hanano Mai.But Li Bai didn't think too much, so he followed.

On this yacht, the entertainment facilities are relatively complete, but so many tourists are scattered in various places, and every place seems to be crowded.

The same is true in the billiard hall, the crisp sound of balls colliding with each other keeps ringing, very crisp and pleasant.

Hanano Mai and Mu Mu Chenba found a billiard table in a corner where there was no one and stopped. Because it is a public facility, there is no waiter who specializes in setting up billiards.

While Mu Muchenba was setting the billiards, he was talking to Hanano Mai, while Li Bai sat down in a chair beside him. Because of the distance, he couldn't hear what they were talking about.

In fact, the content of the chat between Mu Muchenpachi and Hanano Mai was very simple. Starting from the "ex-girlfriend" as the entry point, the two talked about a lot of emotional things. For example, Hanano Mai told Mu Muchenpachi that he was helping After a friend completes a task, she can go home and find her boyfriend.

"It means that those people are not actually your friends?" Mu Muchenba felt a windfall when he heard the news.

Hanano Mai nodded and smiled, without explaining too much.

"What kind of task can make you willing to leave your boyfriend temporarily and help them complete it." Mu Muchenba asked as if wanting to break the casserole and ask the end, which made Hanano Mai frowned and held his hand In the last flick, the ball that should have been scored was also missed.

Taking advantage of this moment, Mu Muchenba glanced down at his watch, then raised his head and said to Hanano Mai: "It's okay, it's okay, don't say it if you don't want to say it." The pole was crooked to grandma's house.

Mu Muchenba grinned in embarrassment, but at this moment, a disharmonious voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

"At your level, do you still have the nerve to play with beautiful women?" A thin-looking man walked towards this side holding a club, looking at Mu Muchenba arrogantly, and at the same time waving his hands. As if he wanted to drive Mu Mu Chenba away.

"What do you mean?" Mu Muchen looked at the thin man in a deep voice and asked.

"Is there any business for you here?" The thin man said in a crazy manner, and then turned his eyes to Hanano Mai, "Beauty, what's the point of playing with this rookie, why don't I teach you, maybe at night I can teach you some other postures when I'm here."

The thin man smiled mischievously, and said to Hanano Mai, who showed a disgusted expression, put the cue on the pool table, and said to Mu Muchenba: "I'll go first, see you next time."

Seeing that Hanano Mai was about to leave, the thin man became a little anxious: "Hey, beautiful girl, don't leave, I'm really better than this rookie."

The thin man was about to go forward to chase after him, but Mu Muchenba blocked him: "That lady hates you very much, you should be able to see it, please don't pester her."

The thin man looked Mu Muchenba up and down, and asked contemptuously, "Who are you?" But before Mu Muchenba could answer, he slapped Mu Muchenba on the face, and slapped Mu Muchenba to the ground. on the ground.

"If you don't have that strength, don't give me these moths." The thin man kicked Mu Muchen again, and continued to catch up with Hanano Mai.

Li Bai watched the scene just happened from a distance, and frowned.

At this time, the thin man had blocked Hanano Mai's way again, opened his hands, and smiled wretchedly at Hanano Mai: "Beauty, what's the matter, just play with me for a while, my skills are really good."

"Get lost." Hanano Mai cursed without even looking at the skinny man. She had a happy chat with Mu Muchenba, but was spoiled by this man, which made her very upset.

The hot face was pressed against the cold butt, which made the skinny man's expression turn cold in an instant. Taking a step forward, he got closer to Hanano Mai: "You let me get out? I just don't want to get out." , and stretched out his evil hands, just to touch Hanano Mai.

Then there was a crisp sound of "pa", Hanano Mai's slap fell heavily on the thin man's face.

"Not bad, hot, with personality, I like it." The thin man was beaten, but he smiled even more happily, as if he had some motivation, one hand directly climbed onto Hanano Mai's chest, and he pressed hard Knead a bit.

It's not that Hanano Mai didn't want to dodge, but at such a short distance just now, there was no time to dodge at all, so she was hit by the skinny man so easily.

At this time, Hanano Mai seemed a little crazy, and she flew up to kick towards the thin man's lower body, but was caught by the thin man, and the thin man kept lifting his legs, which made Hanano Mai unable to move. Come on.

Li Bai couldn't stand it anymore, stood up, and walked towards Hanano Mai, but at this moment, Tian Lin also came late, seeing the scene of Hanano Mai being molested, the anger that had subsided not long ago surged up again heart.

"Are you looking for death!" Tian Lin yelled, kicking the skinny man away, and when he wanted to continue chasing and beating him, Hanano Mai held him back.

"Don't cause trouble." Hanano Mai said to Tian Lin, a large part of the lack of resistance just now was actually because of this.

Isn't this sentence what Li Bai said to them just now?Thinking of this, Tian Lin also calmed down, gave the thin man a hard look, and then left with Li Bai who followed.

"Stop for me if you have the ability, and see if I don't beat you to death!" The thin man still shouted from behind, but the three of them ignored it at all.

"Tian Lin, take care of this person tonight, don't let him die." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, although they didn't want to cause trouble, but when things got to this point, they had no way to recover.

"Okay." Tian Lin nodded vigorously, and he also wanted to know who was the one who really framed him.

Hanano Mai turned his head and glanced in Mu Muchenba's direction. At this time, he finally stood up, and also saw Hanano Mai's sorry expression.

After the three of them left completely, the billiard hall became quiet again. The thin man seemed to be tired and walked towards Mu Muchenba.

"Brother, do you want to have a game too?" The thin man said to Mu Muchenba, as if there was no conflict between the two just now.

"No, I have something else to do. If you still come here at eleven o'clock in the evening, I'll give you the money." Mu Muchenba patted the thin man on the shoulder, intending to leave.

"Eleven at night? Isn't there no one here?" The thin man looked at Mu Muchenba strangely and asked, but Mu Muchenba gave him a blank look.

"Do you want to be seen by them, is there a deal between us?"

(End of this chapter)

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