The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2418 for innocence

Chapter 2418 for innocence
In the rest of the next day, nothing else happened. The entire Tiandao gang, led by Qingshan Dashu, kept searching the range of the yacht that might have left behind last night. some evidence of.

However, the murderer's method of committing the crime was very clever, and he did not leave any fingerprints on the scene, but even if they did, there would be no fingerprint recognition equipment on the yacht. The investigation did not make any effective progress.

"What is that Huaxia man doing now?" Qingshan Dashu asked in a deep voice, and a person who had just been dispatched to observe the movement of Tianlin happened to come back.

"The four of them are playing cards in the room now, and they don't seem to want to have any contact with other people." The subordinate replied.

Dashu Qingshan snorted coldly, with a slight chill on his face: "Hehe, it seems that they want to reduce the frequency of their activities in order to reduce the possibility of being found evidence." Dashu Qingshan clenched his fists, At this time, Tian Lin was like a serious problem in his heart, which made him hate it to the bone.

"But boss, I heard that they had another conflict with others in the billiard hall in the morning, look..." the subordinate said again.

Hearing this news, Dashu Qingshan's spirit was lifted: "Do you know who the person who clashed with Tian Lin is?"

Men nodded.

"Okay, from now on, don't do anything else, you bring a few people, keep an eye on that person for me, and send a few other people to keep an eye on that Huaxia man, if he is the murderer, tonight , he will definitely act." Qingshan Dashu said with a sinister smile, and now, if Tian Lin dares to make a move, then he will not be able to escape.

The yacht has broken down on the sea, and because the murderer has not been found, they will not sail at all. This makes some anxious people finally lose their edge, and can only stay quietly on the boat, waiting for the day when the murderer is caught arrival.

So the day passed again like this, and night came quietly.

Li Bai and the others didn't want to look for trouble, but trouble always came to their door, so tonight, the four of them didn't even go to the restaurant to eat, but they added some money and asked someone to deliver a takeaway.

This made Qingshan Dashu firmer in his mind, ordered to go on, and his subordinates immediately began to deploy according to the previous actions.

After dinner, Tian Lin also left the room. In order to prove his innocence, he will follow the thin man in the morning to find out who the real murderer is.

Seeing Tian Lin leave the room, the members of the Tiandao Gang who had been ambushing near their room also stopped their work and followed behind.

So, the thin man walked far in the front, Tian Lin walked in the middle, and the Tiandao gang followed Tian Lin far away.

There is quite a smell of praying mantis catching cicada, and the oriole behind.

It's just that it's still very early now, it's only past nine o'clock, the thin man first sat down in the bar, drank two glasses of wine, and when it was around ten o'clock, he went to the billiard hall again, looking for someone to start playing billiards.

If you observe deliberately, the thin man's actions are obviously sneaky, but if you want to say that it is more suspicious, it is naturally Tian Lin who has been following him, and the Tiandao Gang who have been following Tian Lin.

In the whole process, it was extremely hard for the two groups of people. On the one hand, I didn't want to be discovered by my predecessors, and on the other hand, I didn't want to be considered abnormal by others.

It wasn't until the thin man walked towards the billiard hall that this scene finally changed.

Seeing the thin man walking in the direction of the billiard hall, Tian Lin didn't follow immediately, but walked in the opposite direction to the billiard hall, because Tian Lin had already discovered the Tiandao Gang members who were following him, and was very moved. irritable.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Tiandao Gang were a little dumbfounded and also a little happy. Tian Lin had been following the skinny man and they had already discovered that Tian Lin wanted to shake them off, so did it mean that he wanted to find a chance to kill the skinny man again.

Because a group of people had already caught up with the thin man, they chased Tian Lin with confidence.

It was already [-]:[-], and at this time, it was one step closer to the closing time of the billiard hall at eleven o'clock. At this time, the staff began to slowly clear the hall.

When Tian Lin walked into the billiard hall again, he happened to see the thin man throwing the club on the table, and then walked towards the bathroom.

Although his movements were very invisible, he was still seen by Tian Lin, and Tian Lin followed the thin man from a distance. After the thin man entered the bathroom, he took advantage of the sight of the crowd to hide in a billiard case. below.

That is to say, in less than 30 seconds, both Tian Lin and Shouzi disappeared, which shocked the Tiandao Gang who had been following them all the time. When they wanted to go into the billiard hall to search, they found It was driven out by the staff.

Because they didn't find the thin man in the bathroom.

With a sound of "da", the lights in the billiard hall were suddenly dimmed, and the entire billiard hall was plunged into darkness. At this time, it was exactly eleven o'clock.

All sounds are silent.

Half a minute later, the sound of "da da da" footsteps came from the bathroom. In the darkness, Tian Lin could still clearly see the opponent's legs from under the table, which were the skinny man's legs.

The thin man seemed to be waiting for someone, and stood against the table where Tian Lin was hiding, and lit another cigarette. The lighter brought a moment of light into the darkness.

And soon, there was another sound of footsteps coming from another direction of the billiard hall, the sound became louder and louder, and finally stopped at this kind of table.

It was the other pair of legs. Tian Lin tried his best to identify these legs, but it seemed that the other party had changed clothes, which made him unable to remember.

"It seems that you are quite trustworthy." The thin man said to the other person.

"Hehe." There was a vicissitudes of voice, and then Tian Lin heard the sound of opening the wallet and taking out cash.

"Why did your voice change?" The thin man was obviously taken aback, but the other party didn't speak.

With a "buzz", Tian Lin felt like his brain was about to explode. It seemed that this man was the murderer.

Don't mention how much Tian Lin wanted to go out now and catch the other party at this time, but after thinking about it, if he went out now, he still didn't have any evidence, and pressed down his strong desire again, waiting quietly.

"Why are you silent all of a sudden?" The skinny man's voice was obviously filled with guard and panic.

"It scares you." Another man laughed and patted the thin man, "Of course I'm not the murderer."

This made the thin man obviously heave a sigh of relief, but in the next second, there was a "chi" sound, which was clearly the sound of a dagger or something else being inserted into the heart.

"You..." The thin man couldn't say anything anymore, and fell to the ground with a "boom", his eyes widened in fear, and he happened to see Tian Lin who was about to climb out.

And at this time, the man's voice slowly fell: "The murderer they think will naturally be that Chinese man named Tian Lin."

"Oh? Is that so?" Tian Lin finally got out at this moment. He was on the other side of the billiard case, looking this way.

Seeing Tian Lin's sudden appearance, the other party was obviously a little surprised, but in the darkness, the two separated by a distance could not see each other's face clearly.

"I'd like to see who is trying to frame me." Tian Lin said with a sneer, he jumped onto the billiard case with a push of his legs, but the opponent's reaction speed was also very fast, and he kicked the billiard case Go up, let the table fall back immediately.

Tian Lin kicked his feet again, and jumped high again, intending to kick towards the opponent, but the opponent didn't seem to want to fight Tian Lin at all, so he took a step back and threw something on the ground at the same time.

Immediately, there was a "hissing" sound, and an unpleasant gas poured into Tian Lin's nasal cavity, and the billiard hall, which could still see a little light, seemed like the end of the world at this time, and could not be seen at all. Understand the situation in front of you.

"Hehe, I don't need to deal with you. You can play slowly by yourself first, and I won't accompany you." In the darkness, the hoarse voice sounded again, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps , the real murderer ran towards the other end of the billiard hall, and by the time Tian Lin walked out of the thick smoke, he had disappeared.

"I'm stupid!" Tian Lin cursed angrily, stomped his foot fiercely, but accidentally stepped on the dagger left on the thin man's heart, and made another "chuck". The thin man who could live for a few more minutes was completely dead this time.

The blood spattered on Tian Lin's leg, making Tian Lin feel a warmth very clearly. Just when Tian Lin wanted to chase in the direction where the murderer left, the door of the billiard hall had just been closed. It was opened with a "click".

The moment before the lights were turned on, Tian Lin took advantage of the situation and rolled to the bottom of the pool table, and at the same time used his true energy to forcibly attach himself to the bottom of the pool table.

Immediately afterwards, the thin man's body was quickly discovered.

"The murderer just killed someone, he must have not had time to leave here, seal the billiard hall for me, everyone, search for me!" Qingshan Dashu's voice came angrily, and he turned his head to look at his little brothers again .

"Who stays in the pool hall after it closes?"

"Boss, it's the Huaxia man, and this thin man." Soon, the group of people who had been following Tian Lin replied.

Qingshan Dashu clenched his fist in anger and pride, and then shouted loudly: "Huaxia people, what else do you have to say now? Why don't you get out soon?"

Tian Lin, who was hiding under the pool table, had a gloomy expression on his face. He was still too young. He never thought that he wanted to find the real murderer, but in the end he was put down by the murderer again.

Half an hour later, Tian Lin, who was hiding under the pool table, couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground, making a loud noise, and the big tree of Qingshan immediately squatted down and looked sideways.

"Hey, Huaxia people, you really hid well." Qingshan Dashu stared at Tian Lin viciously, and then sent someone to drag Tian Lin out from under the pool table.

(End of this chapter)

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