The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2420 Tempest

Chapter 2420 Tempest
The yacht has been anchored at sea for a day. If it wasn't for the night, the first day was very calm and stable, and the real murderer seemed to pick a chance for everyone to give everyone a chance. Wake up and tell them that the demon is still there and the nightmare is not over yet.

Early the next morning, when Li Bai pushed open the door and walked to the side of the boat, the weather was not as clear as yesterday. Last night, the huge dark clouds covered the entire yacht. shrouded.

The wind has already blown up, blowing people's faces and bodies, causing some tingling sensations, and from time to time, big waves are rolled up, slapping the side of the yacht's hull, making a "squeaky" roar.

Finally, a dark cloud formed in everyone's mood. They stepped onto the deck one after another and protested against the Tiandao Gang who were undergoing morning training, especially Qingshan Dashu.

"We request to set sail immediately." The passengers said, and the reason is very simple, because the thunderstorm weather on the sea is coming, if they don't arrive at Tianke Island in time, their safety, these people of Tiandao Gang are absolutely Not guaranteed.

Logically speaking, such a reason is absolutely undeniable, because after all, Qingshan Dashu cannot guarantee the safety of the passengers on the entire yacht, but this time, he did not intend to take everyone's feelings into consideration.

"No." Qingshan Dashu resolutely refused, and viciously glanced at the tourists who took the lead in protesting, "I have already said that if the real murderer is not caught, I will never let the yacht set sail again , and, even if a storm comes, the yacht's food reserves are enough for you to survive for a week."

Another gust of cold wind blew up, blowing up the skirts of Qingshan Dashu and hitting him on the face, but his expression did not change at all: "You guys are so anxious to go to the island, is it the real murderer? One or more of you?"

Qingshan Dashu stared at people as if he was going to eat people, and the aura of the passengers who had just spoken suddenly weakened, and they all lowered their heads and stopped speaking. In any case, this is something they cannot afford.

Seeing the protesting passengers quiet down, Dashu Qingshan looked around with satisfaction: "Does anyone have any doubts? If there are no doubts, please return to the cabin as soon as possible, the storm is coming."

The passengers sighed and walked towards the cabin, but at this moment, a bean-sized raindrop hit the deck with a soft "da" sound, and then more raindrops fell and hit the deck Crackling.

The storm finally came.

Just like the anger that had been suppressed for a long time, the entire sky was dark at this time, and the dark clouds kept rolling, as if some powerful magic was being released, but within a minute, the whole world seemed to be plunged into the night again , Boundless fear suddenly spread in people's hearts.

"I'll go, it will rain if it says it will rain." Qingshan Dashu looked up at the sky, a raindrop happened to land on his eyelashes, and he had to close his eyes quickly.

"That's it for this morning. Everyone, go back to the cabin and pay attention to the suspicious passengers. If the Chinese man is really not the murderer, then this time we can't let the killer have any chance!" Qingshan Dashu He yelled loudly at his subordinates, and turned his head to look, but there were still a few passengers standing where they were.

Li Bai, Hanano Mai, and Luo Lei still stood where they were, motionless.

And seeing the big tree in Qingshan finished speaking, Li Bai immediately walked towards him: "If you are not blind, you should know that the storm is coming, right?"

With a "click", a huge lightning flashed across the sky, as if it was about to tear the world apart.

"What do you mean?" Qingshan Dashu stood opposite Li Bai face to face. At this time, the rain was already showing signs of intensifying, and it might rise to the level of heavy rain in less than a minute.

Li Bai didn't speak, but grabbed Qingshan Dashu's skirt, forcibly pulled him to the side of the ship, and pressed his head fiercely towards the direction of the sea.

On the deep black sea, at this moment, there was a lifeboat that was swaying weakly with the waves, and on top of the lifeboat, Tian Lin curled up in a corner, trembling.

Seeing this scene, Dashu Qingshan laughed out loud: "Oh, you mean you want me to put him up, right?" Without waiting for Li Bai's answer, Dashu Qingshan immediately said, "Of course not Possibly, spend a whole day at sea to prove he's not the murderer, that's what you said."

At this time, Hanano Makoto turned her head and said to Li Bai: "Why don't you go back first, this incident happened because of me after all, since Tian Lin can't get on the boat to avoid the rain, then I will stay here alone with him Bar."

Dashu Qingshan still looked at Li Bai and Hanano Mai with contempt, no matter what the weather was, no matter what mood he was in, he would naturally not let a person who might be the murderer on board.

Li Bai raised his arms angrily, wanting to slap the big green tree, but in the end Li Bai endured it.

But Qingshan Dashu was ready to be beaten, seeing that Li Bai didn't make a move, he was even more proud: "Hehe, I knew you didn't dare, don't be afraid, it's not just once or twice to experience a storm, this little movement, The lifeboat won’t capsize, don’t worry.”

As he said that, the big tree of Qingshan patted Li Bai's shoulder, intending to walk away.

But what Qingshan Dashu didn't know was that this time, Li Bai couldn't bear it anymore, his right hand instantly climbed onto Qingshan Dashu's arm, and pulled it diagonally backwards. At the same time, the other arm was directly placed on Qingshan Dashu On the neck of the tree, a pinch in the opposite direction.

There was another "click", and Qingshan Dashu's right arm was directly broken.

Dashu Qingshan felt a sudden sharp pain in his arm, and then he found that his arm was swinging weakly in the air like a puppet with broken strings. At this time, he finally yelled loudly, but His screams were not as loud as the rain.

"Hit me, hit me to death!" Qingshan Dashu screamed, but at the same time he did not forget to order his subordinates to attack Li Bai, but Li Bai just gave them a hard look, and erased the words they wanted. The thought of stepping forward turned to lift up the green hills and trees one after another, and walked towards the cabin.

The rain finally became heavier at this moment, pouring down on people like a shower, and even the world in front of them was a bit blurred.

"Aren't you afraid that he will decide that your apprentice is the murderer?" Luo Lei looked at Li Bai tremblingly, but it was not because of fear, but because he felt the cold.

"I'm just teaching him a lesson. As for what he thinks, it's none of my business." Li Bai said lightly, the rain dripped on his face, and then continued to drip down.

"Hurry up and go back, I'm the only one left here." Hanano Mai winked at Li Bai.

"Come back when you feel cold." Li Bai nodded and said to Hanano Mai, then went into the cabin to get an umbrella, handed it to Hanano Mai, and then returned to the cabin.

The hatch door was closed with a "bang", but due to the shaking of the ship, the hatch door was still opened and closed uncomfortably, and raindrops fell in from time to time, wetting a part of the door.

"Are we really going to let Hanano Mai stand outside alone? I'm sure I'll catch a cold." Luo Lei asked worriedly.

Li Bai still just nodded: "I'll wait for you in the room." After finishing speaking, he continued to walk towards a warmer place. Luo Lei didn't ask any more questions, but followed slowly, but when he When turning a corner, Li Bai's figure had disappeared.

This made Luo Lei stunned for a moment. He didn't know what Li Bai had done. At this moment, he just wanted to go back to the room to warm up, but soon ran into a man head-on.

"Hey, where did your boss go?" Mu Muchenba asked strangely seeing Luo Lei alone.

"Go back to the room, what's the matter?" Luo Lei also asked Mu Muchenba strangely, he was not familiar with this person.

"It's okay, I'm just asking." After speaking, Mu Muchenba walked towards the distance, which made Luo Lei even more puzzled.

What neither of them knew was that at this time Li Bai had already walked out of the cabin again and was hiding under a staircase at the stern.

Li Bai looked towards the bow of the ship. At the end of his line of sight, an umbrella was standing there firmly in the strong wind. The trail of raindrops falling and splashing could be clearly seen.

The rain kept falling on his body and wet his clothes, but Li Bai didn't care much about it. At this moment, his eyes were as sharp as Ying's. If there was any movement on the boat, he could see clearly.

Li Bai was waiting, waiting for the real murderer, that is, another ninja to appear.

1 minute passed, and the murderer did not appear.

2 minute passed, and the murderer did not appear.

Until the 8th minute came, with a soft "squeak", a hatch very close to the center of the hull was gently pushed open, and then a man in black came out from inside.

Because the other party was wearing a hat that covered his entire face, and his back was facing Li Bai, so Li Bai didn't know who this person was.

Li Bai also came out from his hiding place, and quickly followed him without making any noise, although this person might just be a tourist.

However, without an umbrella, I wore cloth clothes to prevent the sound of raindrops falling on my body. Although there were footsteps, it blended perfectly with the sound of raindrops.

From all indications, Li Bai didn't think this was just an ordinary tourist.

In order to prevent this person from discovering him in advance, Li Bai also lowered all his noises. He was waiting until the murderer made his move before capturing him with his own hands.

On the other side, Hanano Mai kept holding an umbrella. Although she lowered her head, she was not looking at Tian Lin, but was gently wiping a dagger in her hand.

I don't know how many years I haven't used a dagger, so since I have to use it again, let's use my full strength!
Hanano Mai gently lifted the umbrella a little to make the outside voice louder.

"Here he is," she whispered to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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