The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2421 The Assassination Failed

Chapter 2421 The Assassination Failed
Even the footsteps that Li Bai couldn't hear, Hanano Mai couldn't even hear them. She knew that the ninja who had been secretly observing her was coming, it was only because of her own instinct as a ninja that she felt the dangerous aura.

Hanano Mai, who was hiding under the umbrella, quietly clenched the dagger in her hand. She also knew that there was only one chance.

In fact, this plan of betraying himself and seducing the real murderer was Li Bai's idea, and they crushed each other's mentality.

In such a weather, and there were no other people on the entire deck, if it was Hanano Mai, she would definitely choose to assassinate her target at such a time.

There are a lot of things going on in my mind, but in fact, only a second has passed in reality.

Hanano Mai still stood under the umbrella, not moving at all, and at this moment, she could finally hear the sound of the other party's breathing amidst the majestic sound of the rain.

"Do it." Hanano Mai said in her heart, she had already thought about how she would react when the other party took out a dagger and stabbed at her, but it seemed that the other party was at the last moment, Not in a hurry at all, he quietly looked at the woman in front of him.

Time seemed to freeze again, Hanano Mai was breathing rapidly, and the murderer behind her seemed to have heard Hanano Mai's nervousness, and hummed softly.

"You must hold back." Li Bai, who was in the distance, was also extremely nervous when he saw this scene. He had rehearsed with Hanano Mai for half the night last night. Injury, they can also capture each other alive.

Li Bai continued to touch it quietly, and was also prepared to rush forward the moment the murderer made his move.

However, what Li Bai did not expect was that even though he had practiced so many times last night, even though he had told Hanano Mai not to be nervous more than once, when the murderer stood behind him, Hanano Mai still did not Hold back.

Hanano Mai suddenly threw the umbrella back vigorously, and at the same time, a vibration in the hand shook all the water droplets on the umbrella surface, hoping to affect the other party's sight.

But the other party seemed to have expected that Hanano Mai would do this, just turned sideways to pass the umbrella, and at the same time, the whole person appeared behind Hanano Mai, and a burst of cold light flashed instantly, intending to stab Hanano Makoto's back heart.

But at this time, Hanano Mai was in a daze because she didn't see the murderer immediately. At this time, Li Bai could no longer hide it. On the ground, there was a splash of water, and the whole person was like an arrow that left the string, shooting towards the murderer in black.

Seeing Li Bai's sudden attack, the murderer who was about to attack obviously paused because of surprise, and it was because of this pause that he lost the best opportunity to assassinate.

At the same time, Hanano Mai also realized what happened, and ran towards Li Bai.

"Ba Ga!" The murderer failed in the assassination, looking very annoyed, took out another black ball from his pocket, and threw it towards the ground.

"Fuck, it's another smoke bomb!" Li Bai cursed angrily, and moved his body obliquely for a certain distance out of thin air, in order to avoid the range of the smoke bomb as soon as possible.

However, what Li Bai and even the ninja murderer didn't expect was that because of the storm, the smoke bomb only emitted a little black smoke, and there was no movement.

At this time, the murderer had already climbed onto the side of the boat and jumped into the bottomless sea.

A huge wave splashed on the surface of the sea, and soon disappeared. Tian Lin also jumped into the sea after seeing this scene. No matter how dangerous the sea is at this time, at this time, he just wanted to kill the murderer. catch.

"Go back quickly, pay attention to every entrance, if someone is soaked, grab him immediately!" Li Bai shouted at Hanano Mai, and he jumped down towards the sea.

After a brief moment of weightlessness, Li Bai's world was suddenly filled with icy sea water. He opened his eyes forcibly, and Li Bai looked around. However, the sea was so dark that he couldn't see any movement nearby.

Two minutes later, Li Bai and Tian Lin met at the bottom of the sea, shook their heads, and chose to float to the surface.

"Hurry up, get on the boat." Li Bai pointed to Tian Lin at the iron handrail not far away, and he struggled to lift it up, then stepped on a protruding window halfway up the boat, and landed on the deck with his strength.

Li Bai rushed into the cabin wet, and the place he passed was drenched like a snail.

"Where is the big tree in the green hill, where is the big tree in the green hill?" Li Bai shouted loudly while running, but within a minute, the big tree in the green hill appeared in front of Li Bai's eyes, but at this moment he , the broken arm has been wrapped in a bandage.

"What happened?" Seeing Li Bai drenched all over, Qingshan Dashu asked angrily and strangely.

"Quickly, let your people guard all the entrances to the cabin and arrest all the people who are soaked!" Li Bai said to Qingshan Dashu in a hurry.

Qingshan Dashu showed a very dissatisfied look: "Why do you want to command me? Besides, you are also soaked, should I arrest you too?"

Li Bai didn't have time to talk nonsense with Qingshan Dashu at this time, because the ninja murderer might have rushed into the cabin before them, or he might not have, so he had to do it at this time.

Li Bai took a step forward in an instant, grabbed the still intact left arm of the green mountain tree, and said viciously: "You go, or don't go!"

Qingshan Dashu was obviously frightened by Li Bai's ferocious roar, so he agreed repeatedly, and at the same time, immediately sent someone to do what Li Bai said.

Li Bai walked towards the room by himself. At this time, he was very tired, not only physically, but also mentally. He needed to go back to the room and change a piece of clothes.

But when Li Bai was walking towards the housing area, a door next to their room suddenly opened, and Mu Muchenba walked out from inside.

"Huh? Sir, what are you doing?" Seeing Li Bai's miserable face, Mu Muchenba asked with a chuckle.

"I didn't do anything, I found the murderer just now, so I went to chase after him." Li Bai stood down, looked up quietly into Mu Muchenba's eyes.

There was some light in Mu Muchenba's eyes, but it was not panic, but an expression of interest: "Then did you catch it?"

Li Bai shook his head, and glanced at the door that was about to be closed by Mu Muchenba. There was actually a puddle of water on the stall inside.

"Hey? Why is there so much water in your room?" Li Bai asked suspiciously, but there was a trace of suspicion in his heart, looking at Mu Muchenba, wanting to see some different emotions.

But Mu Muchenba's expression still didn't change in any way: "Oh, you mean this, I just took a shower, but the towel was on the bed, so I took it naked, making you laugh. "

As he said that, Mu Muchenba scratched his hair dispensably, his hair was wet, as if he had just taken a shower.

Li Bai didn't continue talking, but nodded, and walked towards his room, he had some doubts about Mu Muchenba's identity, but if he was really the murderer, the timing seemed a bit wrong.

Two minutes later, Li Bai changed his clothes and came to the dining room in the cabin. At this time, because of an unexpected incident, the Tiandao gang had gathered everyone together again.

Li Bai took a glance, including Mu Muchenba who had just talked to him.

All the unidentified passengers were sitting at the table in the restaurant, looking at the entrance of the restaurant, talking a lot.

And on the left side of the restaurant, Dashu Qingshan was standing there at this time, and behind him, Tian Lin was tied up by Dashu Qingshan's younger brothers.

Tian Lin stood there motionless, he knew that the master would definitely give him a satisfactory answer.

"Huaxia people, you told me to gather everyone together, what exactly do you want to do?" Seeing Li Bai approaching, Qingshan Dashu asked Li Bai very dissatisfied, but he only dared to talk to Li Bai from a distance .

"We found the murderer." Li Bai glanced at everyone, and after this glance, the whole restaurant fell silent. Looking at Li Bai, his face was full of disbelief.

Qingshan Dashu was also a little stunned, but soon laughed out loud: "No wonder you let me catch the drenched man, look at this." He pointed to Tian Lin behind him, "It seems that the catch Catch it, or your companion is the murderer."

Everyone turned their attention to Tian Lin for a while, but Tian Lin just said "Pooh" towards the big tree in the green hills: "You know a basket, dad jumped into the sea to catch someone."

Because Tian Lin's speed was not as fast as Li Bai's, so when he boarded the boat, the Tiandao gang had already deployed, and Tian Lin was wrongly arrested again.

Li Bai forcibly stopped the upcoming scolding battle between Tian Lin and Qingshan Dashu, and asked Qingshan Dashu again: "How many people are not here, I mean, everyone."

Dashu Qingshan did count the number of people deliberately just now, so he quickly replied: "There are 530 people on board, because two were killed by the murderer before, so there are 520 nine people, and there are 510 people present, except me. Of the seventeen younger brothers, there are still two who have not arrived."

After Qingshan Dashu finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned to the entrance of the restaurant again. In this way, the real murderer must be one of the last two people who did not arrive.

The sound of "da da da" footsteps came, and everyone held their breath, but in the next second, a girl who looked like a high school student appeared in everyone's sight wearing cute pajamas. Looking at her, she felt a little embarrassed, then ran to the side and threw herself into the arms of her boyfriend.

Everyone wanted to laugh but couldn't, and quickly calmed down again. There was another person who did not appear in everyone's sight, and this person must be the murderer who made everyone hate him!

(End of this chapter)

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