The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2422 Everyone is happy

Chapter 2422 Everyone is happy
It took a long time to wait for the last person to arrive, but everyone did not lose their patience because of this, and all sat quietly.

Li Bai could even see that most of the tourists had angry expressions on their faces, not only because of the existence of the murderer who delayed their trip for at least two days, but also because the murderer brutally killed two of their compatriots , Moreover, it was carried out almost under their noses.

Some people even started discussing whether they should hand him over to the police when the murderer came before everyone, or vent their resentment to the murderer first.

Just as everyone's discussion gradually became louder, a burst of noisy voices finally came in from the corridor. Over there, the murderer seemed to have not yet admitted his crime.

"Why are you arresting me? Could it be that you regard me as a murderer? No, I just went out because my things accidentally fell out of the window." A man's voice sounded loudly, in his tone, as much as he could. is dissatisfaction.

And soon, a group of younger brothers from the Tiandao gang escorted the man into the restaurant.

When he saw that everyone was staring at him angrily, the man was speechless for a while, his expression obviously a little dazed, and while he was in a daze, a member of the Tiandao Gang kicked him on the ground. The man's legs bent, and the man knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

Because he didn't react, the man also lost his balance, his head seemed to hit the ground straight, as if he took the initiative to admit his mistake.

And the man's action, in the eyes of everyone, was an act of admitting his mistake. Everyone stood up and cursed loudly at the man.

Qingshan Dashu looked at the drenched man from a distance, and his breathing also became rapid. His anger was intertwined in his nasal cavity, and he was about to burst into flames.

The man didn't know what happened, he was somehow caught by the Tiandao gang, and then he was scolded by other people, and was forced to kneel down in an extremely humiliating manner.

And just when the man supported his body with his hands, the big tree of Qingshan walked to the man's side angrily, raised his foot and kicked the man to the ground again.

Standing aside, Li Bai frowned, looking at the fragile man, his doubts grew even more.

"Murderer, I've caught you now, what else do you have to say!" Dashu Qingshan was already dazzled by hatred at this time, and the successive deaths of two younger brothers made his position as the boss a great challenge , Now that the murderer has been caught, how can he not let it out.

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" The man was punched and kicked inexplicably, and suddenly cried, "I'm not a murderer, I'm just an ordinary passenger."

Crying, the man supported his body again, took out a wet photo from his pocket, and held it up tremblingly, so that everyone could see that there were two boys in the photo.

"I'm really not a murderer. I went to Tianke Island just to find my long-lost brother."

The man was crying bitterly for a while, making everyone at a loss, and Qingshan Dashu turned his head to look at Li Bai in doubt.

"You just told me that you saw the murderer before, and he jumped into the sea, so he must be soaked, right?" Qingshan Dashu looked at Li Bai and asked, seeing Li Bai nod, he swiped his finger again A circle, "But, besides you and your two friends, here is the only one who is completely soaked, right?"

Li Bai's heart was heavy at this time. The helplessness and panic shown by this man is definitely not something that can be staged. It means that just now, before them, the ninja who assassinated Hanano Mai had returned to the room, and changed Put on brand new clothes.

However, even after changing clothes, it is impossible to dry the hair immediately.

"He's not the murderer." Li Bai said quietly to Qingshan Dashu, but Qingshan Dashu looked surprised.

"What the hell are you playing with me? You just said that the drenched person is, but now it's not, so who is the real murderer?" Qingshan Dashu was very angry as if he had been played.

But the same question exists in everyone's mind at the same time.

But at this moment, with a sound of "teng", Mu Muchenba who had been sitting in the crowd stood up and walked towards the man who was still lying on the ground.

"Okay boy, your acting skills are pretty good, I want to show everyone your ugly face!" In the astonished eyes of everyone, Mu Muchen rushed to a Beside Tiandao Gangbang, while he was stunned, Mu Muchenba pulled out the dagger pinned to his waist.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Li Bai's mouth twitched suddenly: "What are you going to do?!" Li Bai shouted loudly at Mu Muchenba.

However, at this time, Mu Muchenba seemed to have been demonized, and he couldn't hear anything at all. His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and he raised his dagger and stabbed at the panicked man.

"I asked you to assassinate Hanano Mai, don't you know that I like her? You dare to kill my compatriots, I want to avenge them!" Mu Muchenba roared angrily, stabbing at the man one after another .

Qingshan Dashu and the others wanted to stop it, but seeing Mu Muchenba's madness, they didn't dare to go forward.

Li Bai also didn't do this, because Mu Muchenba's first stab cut off all the possibility of the man's survival, and it was useless for him to go.

And because of Mu Muchenba's madness, the whole restaurant fell into a frenzy. Everyone began to shout for Mu Muchenba in unison, wishing that he was the one who did it now.

Li Bai silently walked to Hanano Mai, who was a little dazed, and asked softly, "Did you tell him what happened just now?"

Hanano Mai nodded in despair, she didn't understand why Mu Muchenba, who had been so kind to her these days, suddenly became like that.

"He, he likes me?" Hanano Mai whispered.

Li Bai shook his head helplessly, and walked away. Mu Muchenba's suspicion seemed to be eliminated, but the ordinary man he killed with a knife was definitely not the real murderer.

In other words, the real murderer was still hidden among the people present.

Mu Muchenba finally stopped his fury, stood up covered in blood, and then rushed out of the restaurant. From the window, Hanano Mai could see that he was screaming crazily in the storm, as if he was releasing With all the resentment in my heart.

Hanano Mai lowered her head again, but what she didn't know was that Mu Mu Chenba's laughter was full of regret.

The "real" murderer was found and killed on the spot at the same time. Although the scene made most people unbearable, more people were excited because of it. On the one hand, it was because they could finally move on to Sky Shell Island.

"Everyone be quiet!" At this time, Qingshan Dashu said to everyone again, telling everyone to be quiet, "In the past few days, I know that many things have happened, which made everyone feel scared, but everything is over now , and life has returned to normal.”

Qingshan Dashu watched the younger brothers carry the man's body away, and said again: "But I hope that everyone will not tell what happened on the boat after getting off the boat, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for us and everyone. "

Everyone nodded one after another. After all, it's better to keep such things in mind.

The yacht soon set sail again, and in the dark storm, the lights of the yacht were like rays of hope.

Li Bai did not make too many comments on Qingshan Dashu's approach, and the current result can be regarded as a happy one.

Qingshan Dashu found the "murderer" he wanted, and Li Bai also proved that Tian Lin was not the murderer, but he couldn't find the real murderer. uncomfortable.

"Be careful with that Mu Muchenba." In the warm room, Li Bai said to Hanano Mai.

"Ah?" Hanano Mai was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Li Bai was talking about.

"I think the real him is not what he appears on the surface." Li Bai said quietly, he felt that Mu Muchenba was very strange, but he couldn't find anything strange.

Hanano Mai nodded knowingly, and said again: "I will, whether it is my heart or my people, it will only belong to Hideki-kun."

Li Bai was speechless for Hanano Mai who completely misunderstood the point of his words, but he didn't say anything more, because the yacht was about to dock.

On the last day of the yacht everything was quiet and nothing happened except that the storm was still raging.

To talk about the biggest thing, that is, one day later, when he was about to touch the shore, Qingshan Dashu dragged his severed arm and brought his younger brothers from the Tiandao Gang to kill Li Bai in a mighty way, but Li Bai was only After glaring fiercely, he retreated.

Only the words "you wait for me" from the green hills and trees were left in a mess in the wind and rain.

"Crazy, don't you think you're not embarrassing enough?" Tian Lin was very puzzled by Qingshan Dashu's stupid behavior, and laughed at his back.

When the yacht finally docked, everyone was finally about to say goodbye to the yacht they had been with for several days. Li Bai and the others waited for the crowd to disembark without being in a hurry.

But at this time, Mu Muchenba, who had not been seen for a day, reappeared in the sight of the four, but the other party's eyes only fell on Hanano Mai.

"Can I take a step to talk?" Mu Muchenba still maintained a gentleman's smile, just like the first time he saw him.

Hanano Mai glanced at Li Bai, and then followed Mu Muchenba to the distance, but within the visible range of everyone.

Mu Muchenba kept saying something to Hanano Mai, as if he wanted to hug Hanano Mai, but was rejected by Hanano Mai, said something to him, and then walked towards this side.

Mu Muchenba looked at Hanano Mai's back and was very disappointed, but Li Bai didn't show any pity.

(End of this chapter)

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