Chapter 2423
For Mu Muchenba, Li Bai never let down his vigilance. Although Mu Muchenba didn't give them any trouble when they were on the yacht, Li Bai always felt that everything that happened on the yacht This Mu Muchenba will always be there.

However, now that we have arrived at Tianke Island, even if Mu Muchenba is really interested in them, or Hanano Mai, he has to stop here. After all, they are people on two different paths, and it is definitely impossible to get together .

Hanano Mai walked to Li Bai's side in a daze, and said softly to Li Bai, "Let's go."

Li Bai looked back at Mu Muchen again, he seemed very sad, he was calling Tianxun, because the distance was too far, he couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

"Let's go." So Li Bai had no choice but to say that, and walked down the yacht with the other three.

Tianke Island is located on the unexpected sea hundreds of kilometers north of Xiaoxing City. Because the island is not very big, but because of the beautiful scenery, it can always attract some tourists to come here for vacation every summer. of.

However, in general, Tianke Island is not big, and there are not many aborigines and tourists, so when a few people set foot on Tianke Island's apprentices, they obviously felt a little deserted.

"Master, should we find a hotel to stay first? Or go directly to the base of the ninja organization." Tian Lin asked while sneezing.

After a whole night of rain on the sea, no matter how strong Tian Lin's physical fitness was, he still caught a little cold.

Li Bai glanced at Tian Lin distressedly, without any hesitation: "You have become like this, what kind of ninja organization are you looking for? Of course, you should stay in the hotel first."

Li Bai said, looking around, wanting to see if there is any decent hotel nearby.

Yachts from Xiaoxing City to Tianke Island don't seem to come every day, so after the bustling tourists disembark, there are already a crowd of local residents holding signs at the exit of the pier.

Although Li Bai doesn't speak Japanese very well, he can at least roughly understand the sign above. It probably hopes that tourists will stay in their local B&Bs.

"Should we live in a B&B or a hotel?" Li Bai asked everyone's opinions.

Hanano Mai and Luo Lei didn't care too much, because they are from the Wa country, and their own home might be similar to the homestay here.

Both Li Bai and Tian Lin came to the Wa country for the first time, so they really wanted to see what a house with the Japanese style looks like.

"Of course it's a homestay. How can you prove that you have been to the country of Japan if you don't live in a homestay!" Tian Lin said excitedly from the side. He probably watched too many small movies about the country of Japan and hoped that he could have something to do with the hostess of the homestay.

However, after Li Bai had made his decision, he did not act immediately, but walked to the side of the road at the exit of the wharf with a sad face and stopped.

The other three people were very puzzled. Just when they wanted to ask Li Bai what happened, they saw that a group of people headed by Qingshan Dashu also walked out of the pier and headed towards where they were. Come.

"Master, do you think they are annoying? They want to fight us even though they can't fight." Tian Lin also followed Li Bai's frown and frowned.

This time, the person who took the lead was obviously not Qingshan Dashu, but a person in front of him, and judging from the number of people in the Tiandao Gang today, the number was almost doubled.

No wonder Qingshan Dashu said to Li Bai before disembarking. It turned out that he was going to rescue soldiers.

Because of Luo Lei's existence, Li Bai didn't want to run here to temporarily avoid trouble. If that was the case, the Tiandao gang members would definitely find their address soon.

In less than half a minute, a group of people stopped in front of Li Bai and the four of them. The eyes of more than 100 people all fell on the four of them, especially Li Bai and Tian Lin, which made the two of them feel like they were fooled. star feeling.

"Is there something wrong?" Li Bai said before the leader of the Tiandao Gang could speak, deliberately using a tone that was not worthy of beating.

The man standing at the front of the crowd obviously looked like the leader of the Tiandao Gang, wearing sunglasses and holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"Huaxia people, it seems that you are very crazy." The gang leader took a puff of the cigarette, and then put it towards the ground. At this time, a younger brother hurriedly reached out his hand and took the cigarette butt.

"I heard that when you were on the yacht, you hurt my person, didn't you?" Although it was a question, the tone of the gang leader was unquestionable.

Tian Lin sneezed again, then took a step forward, glared at the gang leader and said, "I think you already know that the two younger brothers of your Tiandao gang were killed by killers because they deliberately provoked me. Us?"

The meaning hidden in the words is that the two of them have committed their own crimes and cannot live.

The gang leader was choked by Tian Lin, and his expression of indifference just now had turned ferocious: "So, what you mean is, do they deserve it?"

Tian Lin didn't speak, he just smiled and expressed all his thoughts.

At this time, the big tree of Qingshan took a step forward, pointed to his right arm with his still good left hand, looked at Li Bai full of resentment and asked: "And this, you are not going to admit it, are you? "

Qingshan Dashu bypassed the leader and slowly walked towards Li Bai's direction. In his opinion, no matter how courageous Li Bai was, he would never dare to attack him in front of their more than 100 Tiandao gang members. .

But, obviously, he was wrong.

"Oh? Didn't you break your arm while sleeping?" Li Bai pretended to be surprised, and asked pretending to be surprised. Just when the big tree in the green mountain was about to run away, he strode forward, and Li Bai's figure followed suit. It just appeared in front of the big tree in the green hills.

Before everyone could react, Li Bai had already grabbed Qingshan Dashu's left hand, and twisted his left arm with a slight movement, but there was a "click".

Regardless of the pain on Qingshan Dashu's body again, Li Bai directly grabbed his hand and threw him back among the Tiandao gang members, and then flew past the gang leader's side, making the gang leader's body tremble violently for a moment.

"Ba Ga!" The gang leader finally lost his composure. In front of his gang leader, Li Bai didn't give him any face, and wounded his subordinate again, how could he bear it.

But just when the gang leader was about to give an order to let his gang members gang up on the four of them, a heavy gasp fell on everyone's ears.

Turning around, Mu Muchenba found them again at some point.

Mu Muchenba ran to the middle of the two sides, propped his thighs with his hands, breathed out of breath, glanced at Hanano Mai, and then at the gang leader.

"Brother, brother, this girl is not with them, I will compensate you, let me take her away, okay, I can pay for as much as you think is right." Mu Muchen looked nervously The leader said.

Mu Mu Chenpachi's actions shocked Hanano Mai, who had been silent all this time, as if she had been electrocuted.

From birth to now, she has never received such care from a single person, not even from Qingshan Dashu.

A sour feeling surged into Huaba Mai's heart, she wanted to cry.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai was even more surprised. Although Mu Muchenba's actions made the three men feel a little uncomfortable, but his actions obviously melted Hanano Mai's frozen heart.

In the eyes of the gang leader, Mu Muchenba was just here to make fun of him, and the idea of ​​using money to let him go made him even more angry.

"Connect with this person and fight with me!" The gang leader finally ordered, and more than 100 gang members rushed towards the five people.

Li Bai and Tian Lin were very helpless, but in order to prevent Luo Lei and Hanano Mai from being injured, they had to attack these ordinary people again.

It's just that what the two of them didn't expect was that Mu Muchenba, who was still begging for mercy from the leader just now, seemed to be a different person at this time, and started to resist.

Seeing this situation, Li Bai's eyes lit up. It would be great if he could find something suspicious about Mu Muchenba when he started his attack.

However, what happened next made Li Bai almost vomit blood.

Before Mu Muchenba's fist was punched out, he was hit on the chest by a member of the Tiandao gang, making him breathe a little and cough violently.

Naturally, the members of the Tiandao gang would not stop there, they just wanted to continue beating Mu Muchenba violently.

At this time, Li Bai and Tian Lin were busy dealing with the large group of people in front of them. They didn't have the time to save Mu Muchenba, and besides, they didn't want to.

However, Hanano Mai made a move at this time.

Mai Hanano, who never showed her powerlessness in front of ordinary people, this time, for a strange man, she burst out with strength that shocked everyone in the Tiandao Gang.

Mu Muchenba was trembling all over, and curled up on the ground with his head in his arms to prevent himself from being hurt more.

However, just above his body, there were always sounds of fighting, but none of his feet or fists landed on his body.

Mu Muchen, who was holding his head, showed an expression that he had known for a long time, but when he raised his head, it turned into an unbelievable expression.

Beside him, Hanano Mai was like a goddess of war, punching and kicking the people who were about to attack him, while Li Bai and Tian Lin had already dealt with the people in their hands, looking at this side In the same situation, he was also a little dumbfounded.

"Master, is this the rhythm of cheating?" Tian Lin stared blankly at Hanano Mai. He had never seen Hanano Mai go crazy before, but this time, it was obvious that she had exploded.

Li Bai kept frowning all the time, and asked Tian Lin, "If you were in front of a girl and could block other people's fists so that she wouldn't get hurt, what kind of feelings do you have for this girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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