The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2424 The true face of Mu Muchen 8

Chapter 2424 Mu Muchenba's True Face
Tian Lin was asked by Li Bai, but he didn't react immediately, and after thinking about it, he said: "If it's not a boyfriend and girlfriend, then it's chasing this girl, or it's brother and sister, or it's mother and son, there shouldn't be any other relationship."

"Could it be possible that this boy made an early sacrifice in order to get something from a girl." Li Bai muttered to himself.

"Master, are you saying that Mu Mu Chenba may plot against Hanano Mai?" Tian Lin asked in surprise. All along, he thought that Mu Muchenba just wanted to chase Hanano Mai.

Li Bai didn't answer, but he had an extremely strong thought in his heart, but judging from the current situation, he still couldn't be sure what he thought.

Li Bai and Tian Lin overthrew about one-third of the Tiandao gang members, and the vast majority of them were overthrown by Hanano Mai, so that in the end, the remaining people, including the gang leader, watched Hanano Mai's eyes were full of fear.

When Hanano Mai's eyes fell on the gang leader coldly, the gang leader couldn't help but shudder, then turned around and ran away.

And the faction leader's group also caused everyone's hearts to be distracted immediately, and they were defeated like a mountain. The entire Tiandao gang disappeared from Li Bai's sight in an instant.

Hanano Mai felt a little tired at this time, stroked her forehead with the back of her hand, and her body shook a little.

Li Bai was about to step forward to help, but Mu Muchenba, who had been lying on the ground for a long time, jumped up at this moment, holding Hanano Mai in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Mu Mu Chenba looked at Hanano Mai with concern.

Against the sun, in Hanano Mai's sight, Mu Mu Chenba's body was full of warm light, she smiled weakly: "I'm fine, are you injured?" As she spoke, she stood gently, turned around and checked Touch Mu Muchenba's wound.

Mu Muchenba was just punched on the chest, and as for the other black marks on his body, they were only stained by lying on the ground for so long.

In the eyes of Li Bai and Tian Lin, this kind of pain is just commonplace, but in Hanano Mai's concerned eyes, Mu Muchenba is as terrifying as hurting an internal organ.

"Don't move, let's find a place to live first." Hanano Mai said to Mu Muchenba, and then ran towards the homestay owners on the street without asking clearly about the location and price Yes, they recruited a person and drove to everyone's side.

Seeing this scene, Tian Lin was almost stunned. What happened just now was just a scene where a seemingly powerless hero failed to save the beauty, but was saved by a beautiful woman instead.

But what is shown now is that the rescuer seems to owe a lot to the rescued, which is incomprehensible.

"Mai Hanano is too kind to this Mu Muchenba, right?" Tian Lin asked wonderingly.

A minibus parked on the side of the road, the door was quickly opened, and Hanano Mai immediately ran down, wanting to help Mu Muchenba: "Help me up, he's too heavy."

Hanano Mai said while looking at Tian Lin, which made Tian Lin stunned: "Me?"

You know, Tian Lin had a cold, and Hanano Mai didn't see how much she cared about him.

Li Bai shook his head helplessly, he didn't know what the girls were thinking, so he could only go forward and help Mu Muchen get into the car.

Even though Li Bai could feel it, Mu Muchenba didn't suffer any harm at all.

The minibus began to drive slowly on the road around the island. The sunny beach was very beautiful, but Hanano Mai was not in the mood to appreciate it at the moment.

Mu Mu Chenba did not sit with Hanano Mai, but sat obliquely behind her, staring at Hanano Mai's side face all the time, showing a naive smile.

Hanano Mai could naturally feel the burning gaze, she hurriedly leaned her head against the window, and continued without saying a word.

Tian Lin kept sniffling and couldn't even think about talking.

Luo Lei was silent for a long time, with a worried look on his face.

Li Bai actually had a lot of questions he wanted to ask Mu Muchenba, but in this situation, he was not too embarrassed to ask.

So, in the silence all the way, everyone came to the homestay located in the west of Tianke Island.

The homestay is in a small forest, because it was just around ten o'clock in the morning, so the sun was very bright, and the mottled light hit the ground through layers of leaves, which was very dreamy.

There is also a small stream slowly flowing by the side of the B&B, and a very beautiful girl is squatting there, holding water in both hands and splashing it on her face.

This scene made everyone feel refreshed.

Because of the group of five people, the owner of the homestay prepared three guest rooms for everyone. Hanano Mai lived in one room, Li Bai and Luo Lei, Tian Lin and Mu Muchenba lived in one room each.

"Why do I want to live with him?" Tian Lin asked Li Bai in a low voice, not very satisfied with the allocation, "Shouldn't you live with him? Get him done."

"I'm afraid you will infect our translator with a cold." Li Bai said to Tian Lin lightly, as for whether he would infect Mu Muchenba, he didn't care.

Tian Lin's dissatisfaction was quickly attracted by everything fresh in front of him.

The entire B & B building is made of wood, and it is very cool to step on it with bare feet. Even the guest rooms are made of traditional Japanese tatami mats, which is also very comfortable to step on.

After a simple wash, everyone gathered in the living room. The hostess of the hotel, who just washed her face by the stream, had already changed into a traditional pure white kimono and poured wine for everyone. tea.

Looking at the face of the hostess at a close distance, he found that she was more beautiful than before, which made Tian Lin stare blankly. While sniffing, he praised the hostess for being beautiful.

Hanano Mai was drinking tea with her head down, and didn't notice Mu Muchenpachi who was sitting next to her. At this time, she raised her eyes and looked in through the gap in the upper body of the hostess' kimono.

Li Bai noticed it.

With a sneer, Li Bai patted Tian Lin's head: "Pay attention, image."

Li Bai deliberately paused, but his eyes glanced at Mu Muchenba vaguely, which made Tian Lin react immediately, and he smiled.

During lunch, Li Bai announced his plans for the afternoon.

"In the afternoon, Mu Muchenba, you and Tian Lin will stay at home and rest for a long time to recuperate." Li Bai looked at Tian Lin and Mu Muchenba and said.

Tian Lin nodded, but Mu Muchenba asked, "What about you?"

Li Bai glanced at Hanano Mai, and Hanano Mai's eyes flashed a ray of hope.

"We're going to the island to buy some things, and we should be back soon." Li Bai said, patted Luo Lei at the same time, Luo Lei nodded, indicating that he would go together.

Mu Muchenba seemed a little impatient, looked at Li Bai hesitantly and asked, "Can I go with you this afternoon? It's also my first time here, and my injury is fine."

But he was slapped on the back by Tian Lin: "Come on, when you got on the bus in the morning, you were supported by the two of us and said you were fine."

Li Bai also answered: "Don't worry, we're not just staying on the island for a day, it's not too late for us to go together tomorrow."

Li Bai smiled lightly, blocking all the possibility of Mu Muchenba's hard work, he nodded, then lowered his head to eat.

Tian Lin quietly raised an "ok" gesture to Li Bai, indicating that he can take care of everything here.

So, after lunch and a short rest, the three of Li Bai were about to set off.

The male owner of the homestay said that he could send the three of them for a ride because he had to go to the pier to pick up the passengers.

"In the afternoon, you can go around the island by yourself. Don't go to places with few people. If we haven't come back at night, you can contact the host and go home."

After getting into the car, Li Bai said to Luo Lei that the journey had not yet started, and he was about to throw Luo Lei off.

"Why?" Luo Lei still asked.

Li Baibai glanced at Luo Lei, and explained: "We will face a ninja who is stronger than her later, do you think you can survive?"

Li Bai pointed at Hanano Mai, and Luo Lei just shook his head hurriedly. Luo Lei was terrified by Hanano Mai's unleashed strength in the morning.

That's what Li Bai and Luo Lei agreed to, and when they got off the car at the pier, the three parted ways.

"How should we go?" Li Bai looked at Hanano Mai and asked.

Hanano Mai didn't speak, but thought for a while, then chose a direction and walked forward.

In the homestay, Tian Lin and Mu Muchenba, who had lunch, were sitting on the grass outside, chatting casually, while the hostess of the homestay was quietly clearing the dining table with a smile on her face .

Because he spent a lot of time with the Japanese people, Tian Lin also learned some basic expressions of the Japanese language at this time.

But what if he knows a little bit?The chat between him and Mu Muchenba soon ended due to a language barrier.

Tian Lin said that he was going to take a nap, Mu Muchen nodded at eight, and continued to bask in the sun.

Maybe it was because of some uncomfortable reasons, so Tian Lin fell asleep very quickly, and Tian Lin didn't even notice that someone walked into the room after a while.

Looking at the sleeping Tian Lin, Mu Muchenba smiled sinisterly, then closed the door and walked into the living room.

The hostess was still busy in the kitchen, when she saw Mu Mu Chenba coming in, she wiped her hands hurriedly, and politely asked Mu Mu Chenba what else she needed.

"You are beautiful." Mu Muchenba said to the hostess with a smile.

"Thank you." The hostess lowered her head shyly, her face flushed slightly.

"However, I see that your husband is relatively thin, so he must not be able to satisfy you, right?" Mu Muchen moved towards the hostess at eight o'clock, with a wicked smile on his face.

Seeing Mu Muchenba's appearance, the hostess panicked: "Why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

Mu Muchen smiled even more happily, and stepped forward and hugged the hostess' waist: "Don't understand? Then let me be more straightforward. I mean, your husband's size must not be enough to satisfy you. you."

"What are you going to do?!" The hostess finally panicked, and wanted to scream loudly, but was blocked by Mu Muchenba's mouth, and Mu Muchenba's other evil hand was slowly moving towards the hostess touch the bottom.

Soon, the hostess' fear is turned into enjoyment.

(End of this chapter)

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