The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2425 The Vanishing Base

Chapter 2425 The Vanishing Base

The woods in the afternoon, the clear stream, the beautiful homestay, everything is beautiful.

It's just that in the midst of such a beautiful scenery, the sound of wandering panting sounded again and again. If anyone was nearby at this time, they would definitely feel ashamed of it.

Tian Lin, who had just fallen asleep for less than half an hour, woke up again. In his sleep, he seemed to have returned to the lifeboat. When the waves rushed over, he slapped against the hull and made a "pop" sound.

And it was the sound of "popping" that woke Tian Lin up from his dream.

Tian Lin, who just woke up, thought he was still in a dream. After shaking his head vigorously, he found that the sound of "pa pa pa" was still echoing in the room, as well as the panting of women and the roughness of men.

Tian Lin, who had never been seen before, didn't know what the voice meant.

The door didn't know when it was closed, and the sound came from behind the door.

Tian Lin stood up and slowly opened the door. Through a little gap, Tian Lin suddenly saw two naked bodies in the living room, doing crazy movements that made people blush.

Tian Lin has seen small Japanese movies, but when the Wa people acted in their true colors in front of him, Tian Lin still felt a bit at a loss.

Looking again, isn't that flushed woman lying on the ground the hostess of the homestay that he thinks is very beautiful?And behind her, isn't it Mu Muchenba that Li Bai has always suspected, who is going crazy behind her?
Tian Lin's expression turned cold. Sure enough, Li Bai's suspicion was justified.

He showed so dedicated in front of Hanano Mai, but when Hanano Mai left and Tianlin took a nap, Mu Muchenba revealed his true face.

Despicable and shameless. Ugly.

Tian Lin didn't step forward to disturb the two of them immediately, but leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. Although the continuous voices of the two made Tian Lin very upset, but soon, Tian Lin used spiritual energy to soothe the pain in his heart. Restlessness.

Two minutes later, with a loud cry from the hostess, the homestay returned to tranquility again.

"Unexpectedly, you are really powerful." The hostess lay on the ground with a flushed face, naked body, watching Mu Muchen put on her clothes carefully.

After resting for a while, the hostess also sat up and looked for her clothes, but the moment she looked up, she saw Tian Lin standing at the door of the room, staring at her so directly.

"Ah!", the hostess yelled out in horror, with her hands restlessly covering her chest, a little at a loss.

"It seems that I'm better. Just looking at you makes you taller." Tian Lin smiled coldly, and then turned to look at Mu Muchenba who was also a little sluggish.

"Tell me, when Hanano Mai comes back, if I tell her what happened at noon, what will she think of you?" Tian Lin opened the door with a "crash" and walked into the living room. Turn a blind eye.

Mu Muchenba smiled, then tightened his trouser belt, looked up at Tian Lin again, and said with a smile: "Even if you tell her, so what? This is just a normal physiological need for me as a man. Forget it, after all, the hostess enjoys it too."

Mu Muchen glanced at the hostess, but now she is full of panic.

"Hehe, this is the first time I have met a man who can take rape as a matter of course. He is really shameless." Tian Lin said coldly, sniffed his nose, and walked towards Mu Muchenba.

"Who the hell are you? What is the purpose of getting close to Hanano Mai? If you don't tell her, I don't mind telling her the truth." Tian Lin looked at Mu Mu Chenba seriously.

But Mu Muchenba smiled again: "Your threat really scares me." Then, he took out a dagger from nowhere and wiped its blade gently with his fingers.
"However, since you said that, I naturally can't let you say it."

Before he finished speaking, Mu Muchenba's aura suddenly turned fierce, and he rushed towards Tian Lin.

"It turns out that you are the real murderer!" Tian Lin became furious all at once, and Mu Muchenba, who had been hiding by their side, was clearly the real murderer.

Thousands of calculations were made, but they failed to count, and in the end he was allowed to escape.

Before passing, Li Bai and Hanano Mai's guess about the ninja, the strength of the opponent should be almost the same as that of Hanano Mai, that is to say, Mu Mu Chenba is also around the strength of Chunin.

If Tian Lin faces Hanano Mai, he still has strong confidence that he can defeat the opponent.

However, what Tian Lin didn't consider was that the rating of the ninja organization a few years ago was not the same as it is now.

So when Mu Muchenba's first attack rushed, Tian Lin was a little surprised by Mu Muchenba's speed.

It was supposed to be a dagger that could be avoided by turning sideways, but because of Tian Lin's slow movement, Mu Muchenba's dagger directly left a bloodstain on Tian Lin's arm.

"You Huaxia people are only at this level." Mu Muchen succeeded in the first blow, and did not forget to taunt Tian Lin.

Tian Lin's temper immediately exploded, and the nine-turn star formula that he had been practicing all the time suddenly started to work, and the power of the white stars surged crazily in Tian Lin's body, like a whirling nest, trying to destroy everything around him Exhausted.

Feeling the sudden change in Tian Lin's aura, Mu Muchenba also became dignified, and the second attack was immediately launched, trying to kill Tian Lin in the cradle before Tian Lin's aura reached its peak.

But at this time, Mu Muchenba obviously thought a little too much, just when his dagger was stabbed out, Tian Lin's attack came in an instant and landed on his shoulder.

Just one punch made Mu Muchenba instantly lose his balance, and even the dagger in his hand had exhausted a lot of strength to prevent it from flying out.

"Why, how is it possible?" Mu Muchenba was a little unbelievable, and didn't understand why Tian Lin suddenly burst out with such strength.

"Go to hell!" Tian Lin also completely forgot to capture Mu Muchenba alive, and then took the opportunity to ask about the whereabouts of the ninja organization. At this time, he was overwhelmed by anger, and only wanted to kill Mu Muchenba as soon as possible.

Seeing Tian Lin's appearance, Mu Muchenba laughed, and intertwined his hands, not knowing what he was doing.

At the same time, Tian Lin's attack also landed on Mu Muchenba's body, but when his fist hit him, Tian Lin saw the wicked smile on Mu Muchenba's face.

With a "wow", Mu Muchenba in front of Tian Lin disappeared instantly.

"Fake?!" Tian Lin was startled slightly, and in the next second, a cold feeling came from Tian Lin's back.

"Chinese people who have never seen the world, how can people like you understand the power of Japanese ninjutsu." On the back, blood dripped down.

Tian Lin wanted to resist, but Mu Muchenba quickly put another dagger on his neck.

"If you move again, you will die, you know?" Mu Muchenba said coldly, and while speaking, he bumped Tian Lin's head heavily with his elbow.

A heavy shock came, and Tian Lin passed out.

"Huh—" Mu Muchen took a deep breath, Tian Lin's strength also exceeded his expectations, and even used his life-saving ninjutsu stand-in technique.

Although Mu Muchenba successfully knocked Tian Lin unconscious, he still had some lingering fears at the moment, because he could defeat Tian Lin, obviously because Tian Lin didn't understand the ninja's skills.

However, Mu Muchenba also has a set of special skills to comfort himself, that is, if he wins, he wins, and if he loses, he is not strong enough.

Thinking of this, Mu Muchenba's mood improved a lot, no matter how much fear the hostess was still naked at this time, she found a rope in the kitchen and tied up Tian Lin's hands and feet .

"You'd better not tell what happened today, otherwise, I won't enjoy you with you." Mu Mu Chenba walked towards the outside of the B&B with Tian Lin in his arms, and said viciously to the hostess.

At this time, the hostess was already scared out of her wits, how dare she have any reluctance, she nodded her head hastily.He secretly glanced outside again, Mu Muchenba was calling Tianxun at this time.

"How's your action going?" Mu Mochenba said to Tianxun. On the other end of the screen were several team members who were separated from him in Xiaoxing City.

Long before their yacht arrived at Tianke Island, his team members had returned to the island, but at that time Mu Muchenba didn't have much contact with Hanano Mai, so he didn't give orders to the team members.

Until today, when they landed on the island and stayed at the homestay, Mu Mu Chenba gave them an order to follow Li Bai and Hanano Mai secretly.

So they also soon found out that Li Bai and Hanano Mai left Luo Lei behind, and the two walked towards the other side of the island.

"Do you want to arrest that short Japanese man too?" asked the team member who was on the phone with Mu Muchenba.

Mu Muchenba looked at Tian Lin in his hand, shook his head, with this hostage, that Luo Lei was completely useless.

"You continue to follow the two of them and see what they are going to do. If you find something is wrong, do it directly, but pay attention to that Huaxia man. I still can't figure out his strength." Mu Muchenba said.

The ninja team took the order and continued to follow Li Bai and Hanano Mai from a distance.

"I said girl, do you still remember where the exact location is?"

At this time, Li Bai had been walking around the trail with Hanano Mai for nearly an hour. Hanano Mai walked along the main road for a while, and followed the small road for a while, as if she was going around in circles, which made Li Bai puzzled.

"Wait a while, we'll be there soon." Hanano Mai said to Li Bai.

At this time, they were in a dense forest, and Hanano Mai kept hitting the tree trunks around her, looking like she was shooting watermelons.

Most of the tree trunks, because they are made of solid wood, did not make any sound at all when they were patted. Li Bai also followed Hanano Mai's example and patted one of her missed tree trunks, but there was a "dong" sound.

Hanano Mai was stunned for a moment, then stopped walking.

(End of this chapter)

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