Chapter 2426

When Hanano Mai walked into this large and dense forest, those days in the past sounded all of a sudden.

Whenever she finished a difficult task, dragged her body full of wounds, or walked into the woods with high spirits, she would slap on the trees like today.

However, at that time, in the eyes of their ninjas, the specially transformed tree was as familiar as their boyfriend and girlfriend, and they could find it right away.

And after so many years, although it is still the same forest and the same ninja organization, Hanano Mai is no longer a member of it, and was even hunted down by them.

Mai Hanano stopped moving forward, and looked around vigilantly. If there are other ninjas who have completed their missions and come back here at this time, or are about to dispatch missions, the two of them will definitely be discovered immediately.

At that time, no matter how powerful Li Bai is, Hanano Mai doesn't think that he can keep himself safe in front of so many ninjas.

But fortunately, this time is not the time for ninjas to be active, so they have been in the woods for so long, and they have not been able to see other ninjas.

"So, is this the entrance?" Seeing that Hanano Mai hadn't spoken for a long time, Li Bai asked proactively.

Hanano Mai nodded and told Li Bai that the way to enter the ninja organization base was at the root of the big tree, but Hanano Mai herself did not go in front of the big tree, but hid far away, like Like hiding from someone.

Li Bai understood what Hanano Mai was thinking at this time, and he didn't force her. He started to squat down and groped for something at the root of the tree. After a while, he found something in the shape of a footprint.

Li Bai put his feet in, but there was no hidden door or anything like that opened. Instead, two seconds later, from the trunk of the big tree, or more precisely, from the inside of the trunk of the big tree, a There was a sound of warning.

"Illegal intrusion, please find out the identity of the intruder."

Li Bai's heart tightened, and he quickly moved his feet away. The reason why he didn't look up was that Li Bai felt that there must be something like a camera nearby.

Li Bai quickly flashed towards the direction of Hanano Mai, and at the same time led her towards the other direction of the woods for a long time before finally stopping.

"You cheated on me." Li Bai looked at Hanano Mai with a serious expression on his face. If the people from the Ninja Organization were on guard against him because of that moment just now, then the difficulty of the next action will undoubtedly be increased several times out of thin air. levels.

Hanano Mai seemed a little dazed, and also didn't speak loudly, but looked at Li Bai with very apologetic eyes: "I'm sorry, I forgot."

Li Bai wanted to be angry very much, and wanted to erase his fault just by forgetting it, which is simply impossible!
"Wait for a while and see the situation." Li Bai forced himself to calm down, and hid in a hidden place in the woods with Hanano Mai.

In their opinion, because of the sound of the alarm just now, the ninja organization did not see the appearance of the intruder, and would definitely send some people to investigate.

However, 10 minutes passed, and the entire forest was as quiet as if nothing had happened.

Li Bai looked at Hanano Mai suspiciously, and also saw doubt in the other party's eyes.

Two minutes later, Hanano Mai returned to the vicinity of the big tree with Li Bai again, nothing happened, even the traces that they hadn't had time to hide when they fled just now were still clearly visible.

"What's going on? Is there no one in the ninja organization?" Li Bai asked in a deep voice.

If he has been busy for so long and still doesn't see the face of the ninja organization in the end, wouldn't all his hard work be wasted.

Hanano Mai didn't seem to know what happened, she just found the footprint that Li Bai stepped on just now, but pressed her thumb finger on the footprint.

It turns out that the footprints are just deceiving, and scanning fingerprints is what they need.Li Bai thought to himself.

In just two seconds, the scanning system finished scanning, and this time, there was no warning sound, but the sound of a machine running.

The gears are meshing with each other, as if they are carrying something heavy, and the next second, in the open space next to the big tree, the layer of land full of flowers and plants is actually pushed by something The same.

As the ground moved, a huge, dark hole, or more precisely an intersection, appeared in front of Li Bai and Hanano Mai.

"It's so big, three people can pass through it side by side." Li Bai said to Hanano Mai, looking at the dark hole, but didn't go in.

Because Hanano Mai's expression at this time was very wrong.

"What's wrong?" Li Bai asked strangely.

In the entire entrance of the cave, there was no light, no trace of life. Even in the corner not far from the entrance of the cave, Li Bai could still see a spider weaving a web there.

At this time, what Li Bai was worried about just now seemed to have finally happened.

"What exactly happened?" Li Bai turned his head to look at Hanano Mai, and grabbed Hanano Mai's neck with great force, as if he wanted to strangle her to death.

Hanano Mai was pinched a little out of breath, wanted to say something, but couldn't say it at all.

But in this quiet forest, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air.

Li Bai looked up vigilantly, and there were five men who jumped down from several big trees near the entrance of the cave, and then came in front of them.

"Huaxia people, we have been waiting here for a long time." A man said to Li Bai with an ugly voice.


Li Bai recognized the identities of these ninjas at a glance, and was even a little secretly startled. He didn't expect their concealment level to be so high, and he didn't even notice that they were near him.

Li Bai let go of Hanano Mai's neck, looked coldly at the five ninjas forming a circle, and clenched his fists.

"Don't worry, Huaxia people. When I followed you from the beginning, I was still wondering what you were going to do when you came to Tianke Island. Now it seems that you want to find our ninja organization." The ninja said with a smile, and saw Hanano Mai again, showing a surprised expression.

"Hey, isn't this Mai Hanano who has been hunted down by the ninja organization? No wonder you can find this place, but it's wrong for you to come here by yourself. Don't you know that the ninja organization changed to a new one two years ago?" Base?" The man looked at Hanano Mai strangely, as if looking at a fool.

It really is.Li Bai turned his head and gave Hanano Mai a cold look, which made Hanano Mai tremble all over, she trembled slightly, and wanted to tell Li Bai that she didn't know that things would turn out like this.

"And then?" Li Bai finally spoke, but asked the man with a hint of disdain.

"Then?" Li Bai asked, but the man didn't react in time, "Don't you want to know where the real ninja organization is? I'll take you there."

As he said that, the man waved his hand, and the other ninjas split into two groups. The two rushed towards Hanano Mai, and stood together with the man who was talking, trying to deal with Li Bai.

And it goes without saying that these ninjas will indeed take Li Bai to the ninja organization, but not as a tourist, but as a prisoner.

"Just because of you guys, do you want to catch me?" Li Bai snorted coldly, very contemptuously, but the ninjas didn't speak, they looked at each other, took out their daggers, and pointed at Li Bai from three different directions. rushed.

Because Mu Muchenba had already told them in advance that this Li Bai, he didn't know how strong he was, so the ninjas tried their best to prevent Jingzhou from being accidentally lost.

The speed of several ninjas is very fast. On the one hand, it is due to their own conditions, and on the other hand, it is their magical ninjutsu.

In just a few minutes, Li Bai saw all kinds of ninjutsu that he had never seen before. At the beginning, it was indeed because he did not understand ninja ninjutsu that the battle was very difficult, but, Only after several ninjas used ninjutsu in turn, Li Bai found a way to defeat the enemy.

The power of the silver stars circulated throughout his body, and Li Bai's aura and strength were immediately significantly improved. What's even more frightening was that this time, Li Bai also took out his Sky Meteor Knife.

For Li Bai's soaring strength, the three ninjas did not react at all, but were cut by the three knives and injured the arm holding the dagger. At this moment, their strength suddenly lost ten percent.

The battle on Hanano Mai's side seemed extremely difficult. With her current strength, it would be difficult for one-on-one, let alone one-on-two.

At this time, Hanano Mai's situation was very bad.

Li Bai thought for a while, and still helped out. Although Hanano Mai did not take her to find the ninja organization base as agreed, it was not her fault after all.

Two minutes later, the woods fell into silence again, and all five ninjas fell in front of Li Bai with their broken arms, their expressions showing panic and uneasiness intertwined.

"I'll give you a chance to not die." Li Bai looked at Wuming coldly and endured, "Tell me, where is the new ninja organization base?"

"Hehe." A man sneered, "Huaxia people, you are really arrogant and terrifying. Do you think that if you win us, you can kill the entire ninja organization? What a dream!"

The five of them are only at the mid-level of the Zhongren. Above them, there are more and more powerful ninjas.

"Whether I'm arrogant or not, I don't need you guys to judge. Now, you just need to tell me where the real ninja organization base is." Li Bai lost his patience.

The Sky Meteor Knife was raised above the head, and the power of the stars was accumulated in it. In the next second, a silver knife glow rushed out from the tip of the knife, and slashed towards the dilapidated hole. blocked.

The five ninjas looked at each other, and they all saw panic in each other's eyes, and nodded at the same time, biting their own tongues hard.

"They killed themselves by biting their tongues," Hanano Mai said to Li Bai.

Li Bai was a little surprised, and immediately raised the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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