The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2427 No escape

Chapter 2427 No escape
Probably because they saw Li Bai's power and knew that he would not let them have any chance to choose seppuku, so the ninjas chose another equally cruel suicide method, that is, biting their tongues to kill themselves.

After biting their tongues, the ninjas did not die immediately, their mouths were bleeding crazily, but they were strong and unyielding without making any screams.

Seeing the appearance of the ninjas, Li Bai sneered. They did this because they were afraid that they would ask something from their mouths.

But the ninjas didn't know, even if they didn't tell, Li Bai still had a way to get the information he wanted to know.

"The new ninja organization base, do you know where it is?" Li Bai didn't attack the ninjas immediately, but turned his head and asked Hanano Mai.

But Hanano Mai obviously didn't know about it, otherwise, Li Bai wouldn't have been brought to such an inaccessible place.

Hearing Li Bai's question, all the ninja's eyes showed disdain. If Li Bai was also a Japanese, he would definitely be moved by their mighty and indomitable spirit.

It's a pity that Li Bai, as a Chinese, has become extremely disgusted with the self-righteous martial arts spirit of ninjas.

Li Bai didn't intend to waste any more time on these people, he directly knocked the other four ninjas out, and grabbed the last dying ninja with one hand.

"If the guess is correct, Mu Muchenba is the captain of your ninja team, right?" Li Bai asked quietly, as if stating a confirmed fact.

Hearing what Li Bai said, the dying ninja suddenly widened his eyes, not understanding how Li Bai discovered this fact.

"Hehe, I just asked, but I'm not sure, what are you so nervous about?" Li Bai smiled lightly again, just a simple bluff, and he knew what he wanted to know the most.

Seeing this scene, Hanano Mai was shocked, she put her hand next to her slightly opened mouth, but tears were slowly being stored in her eyes.

She couldn't understand why Mu Muchenba, who was so kind to her before, wanted to put him to death all the time.

And after Mu Muchenba's identity was revealed, everything on the yacht had a reasonable explanation.

Li Bai turned his head and glanced at Hanano Mai, without saying a word, he slapped the ninja in his hand unconscious, and the powerful soul consciousness surged towards the ninja's mind.

But this time, Li Bai frowned.

Unlike before, Li Bai's soul consciousness encountered some resistance after entering the ninja's mind.

If I said that I was like a fish swimming in a small pond when I was exploring the minds of those ordinary people before, then the current situation seems to be that the pond is slightly frozen.

This made Li Bai's exploration of the ninja's mind so difficult that he only collected some intermittent information.

The last content used, but only two.

One is that Mu Muchenba is indeed their captain, and Mu Muchenba receives all their tasks from his superiors and then tells them.

Another piece of news is that the base of the ninja organization has indeed changed to another place, but it is in the place where Li Bai and the others just left——

Tokyo, on Mount Fuji.

As for the more specific part of the ninja organization, it is even more vague, making it impossible for Li Bai to put together a continuous content, which makes Li Bai very annoyed.

Li Bai always thought that after his physical strength reached the realm of Nascent Soul, the realm of soul consciousness would also increase accordingly, but the iron-like reality told him that he was thinking too much.

It may be because the ninjas have received a lot of spiritual training, so their willpower has been so firm that Li Bai's soul consciousness can't penetrate it.

This hurt Li Bai a little. He had to find some time to think about what method he should use to improve his soul consciousness.

"Mr. Li Bai, Mr. Li Bai." Seeing that Li Bai had been carrying the ninja's dead body for such a long time, Hanano Mai stepped forward and shook Li Bai's body to wake him up from his trance.

"What's wrong?" Li Bai looked at Hanano Mai strangely, and threw the ninja's body to the other ninjas like throwing garbage.

"It's all right." Hanano Mai shook her head. In less than 2 minutes, Hanano Mai came out of the disappointment just now, which also benefited from the cruel training of ninjas she had received before.

Otherwise, it is very likely that ordinary girls will not be able to accept this reality for a week or even a month.

"So, am I still unable to go back to Tokyo?" Hanano Mai asked Li Bai in a low voice, her two fingers intertwined uncomfortably.

After all, she had agreed with Li Bai before that she would take Li Bai to find the ninja organization before leaving.

But now, Hanano Mai was leading the wrong way, so when she asked this question, she was very panicked.

Li Bai turned around and walked out of the woods, while saying, "Want to go back to Tokyo? Yes."

Hanano Mai looked at Li Bai's back in disbelief, and let out a cry of surprise. She had followed Li Bai out of Tokyo for almost half a month, and Hideki Nakajima must miss her very much now.

"However." Li Bai's words came with a big gasp, "You can't see your beloved Hideki Nakajima."

Like a cruel judge, Li Bai announced this cruel reality to Hanano Mai.

"The new base of the ninja organization is at Mount Fuji in Tokyo. Although you don't know where it is, in order to make up for your mistakes, you still need to follow us to find out where the base is, and I will let you go."

Li Bai stopped and looked back at Hanano Mai: "Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force it, but I think I still need some help from you."

Li Bai looked at Hanano Mai seriously and said, this is not a polite remark, but because when he was at the old base of the ninja organization just now, because of Hanano Mai's fingerprints, he managed to see the gate of the abandoned base.

If it weren't for Hanano Mai, Li Bai might not even be able to see this.

Hanano Mai lowered her head, thought about it seriously, and then nodded, but still asked with some doubts: "How do you know that the new base of the ninja organization is on Mount Fuji?"

Li Bai smiled without saying a word, but instantly attacked Hanano Mai with his soul consciousness.

Hanano Mai suddenly felt that something else that didn't belong to her had entered into her mind, and it was overwhelming her, giving her a headache.

However, after deliberate resistance, the pain eased a lot.

"You're thinking about your boyfriend's body now." Li Bai smiled slightly, and continued to walk out of the woods.

Hanano Mai looked a little panicked, staring blankly at Li Bai's back.

"Hurry up, my apprentice may be in danger now." At this time, Li Bai's words had become extremely serious.

Now that Mu Muchenba has sent his team members to follow them, he himself will not be idle either.If he wanted to make a move, the first target would naturally be Tian Lin who had a cold.

In terms of strength alone, Li Bai felt that Mu Muchenba was comparable to Tian Lin, but if there was a conflict, then Tian Lin must be the loser.

It's very simple, because Tian Lin's combat experience is extremely insufficient, even if he has fought in the ring many times before he was reborn, but, you must know, his opponent, Mu Muchenba, is a ninja.

A ninja who walks on the tip of a knife and may lose his life at any time.

Thinking of this, Li Bai's mood became even heavier. Nearly three hours have passed since they left the homestay.

Time is not long or short, but if something really happens, many, many things can happen.

Twenty minutes later, Li Bai picked up Luo Lei who was chatting with a beautiful woman, and an hour later, the three of them returned to the homestay.

The time was approaching dusk, which made the environment of the homestay even more beautiful, but Li Bai was still keenly aware of the slight difference. If Tian Lin was there, he must have come out to greet them by this time.

Walking into the living room, the hostess was preparing dinner. Seeing everyone coming back, she warmly entertained everyone.

But after seeing Li Bai's gloomy expression, he froze for a moment.

"Why, what's wrong?" the hostess asked in fear.

"Where's Mu Muchen Bahe Tianlin?" Li Bai looked up and down the hostess, she was very strange.

"I don't know. They said they would go out for a walk and be back in a while." The hostess was obviously the kind of person who rarely lied, so when she was talking, her eyes kept avoiding Li Bai's.

At this time, Li Bai was extremely worried about Tian Lin's safety. Where would he have time to go around here with the hostess, and directly pulled the hostess to the coffee table next to the living room, pointing to the ground and asking.

"Don't you know? Then what is this thing?" Li Bai asked fiercely.

On the ground, there is a faint mark, which can be seen by Japanese people who are rich in sexual knowledge, even for all precocious people, that thing is clearly a spot of essence.

Hearing the commotion in the living room, the hostess who had parked the car also came in, looked down, got angry immediately, and slapped the hostess on the head.

"Baga, what did you do behind my back!" The male host was very angry. Although in Japan, people are very open about this kind of thing, but after getting married and messing with other people, it's not a problem. The same is intolerable.

Being beaten up so fiercely by Li Bai and the hostess, the hostess' inner defense soon collapsed. The warning Mu Muchenba gave her before leaving had already been forgotten at this time, and she told everyone what happened at noon in tears. everything of.

Li Bai glanced at Hanano Mai lightly, the meaning in it was very obvious, "Look, this is Mu Muchenba who likes you".

The host brought the hostess into the room to clean up. Li Bai didn't care. What he cared about now was where Mu Muchenba took Tian Lin.

"Run, run as much as you want, dare to do anything under my nose, I really think my life is not long enough." Li Bai clenched his fists.

Anyone who tried to harm him, or his friends, would have nowhere to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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