Chapter 2428
However, when Li Bai's desire to find Mu Muchenba as soon as possible reached its peak, the host came out of the room and said something casually, as if pouring a basin of cold water on Li Bai's head.

"Do you want to leave? But you can't leave anymore." The host said to Li Bai. Although his tone seemed to be threatening to everyone, his expression was very calm.

"What do you mean?" After Li Bai's questioning, Li Bai finally knew that they really couldn't leave today.

Couldn't even walk in the last few days.

Because there is only one way of transportation from Xiaoxing City to Tianke Island, which is the yacht they took when they came.

Although there are still fishermen's boats in addition to this method, but because of the arrival of midsummer, the frequency of storms is more frequent than before, so fishermen don't want or dare to go to sea in such a season.

According to the fact that the yacht would take two to three days for a one-way trip, Li Bai and the others wanted to leave Sky Shell Island, at least four days later.

For such a reality, Li Bai can only appoint.

Among the people Li Bai cared about, he left behind the power of a silver star on everyone, and the reason why he said that Mu Muchenba would never hide was because of the silver star on Tian Lin Power.

Only at this moment, Li Bai could feel that the distance between Tian Lin and him had already exceeded the distance from the homestay to the port, that is to say, Mu Mu Chenba had already brought Tian Lin on board the yacht.

It is also possible that they are not on the yacht, because these ninjas probably have their own special means of transportation, but Li Bai at this time does not have any ability to pursue them.

Fortunately, the perception of the power of the silver stars is effective no matter how far away, Li Bai is just a little worried, before he finds Mu Muchenba, the ninja organization will do something to Tian Lin that he cannot tolerate.

Therefore, since they came, they will be safe, and Li Bai and the three of them temporarily stayed in this homestay.

Because of the fact that the hostess was raped by Mu Muchenba, the host left the house angrily, and the hostess who stayed behind looked at Li Bai and even Luo Lei with horror, which made them extremely depressed.

However, during these two days, Li Bai was not idle. Apart from taking advantage of these few days to visit the scenery of the island, in his spare time, Li Bai also became a student again.

Although with the presence of Jin Yan, Li Bai could understand what others were saying, but he couldn't speak it himself, so he just took advantage of these few days to learn the pronunciation of Japanese language.

On Tianke Island, the clouds are calm and the wind is light, but on the other side of the sea, Xiaoxing City is full of wind and clouds.

At this time, Xiaoxing City no longer looked like the one Li Bai and the others had just arrived in Xiaoxing City, and the whole city was engulfed in dark clouds.

There is no other reason, but because the local forces have been reshuffled twice in just a few days.

The first time, of course, was after Li Bai killed Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Yamamoto Tenyou in the Yamaguchi-gumi company building, and the Ninja Organization took advantage of the arrival of the new leader of the Xiaoxing City group to almost all the Yamaguchi-gumi forces in the entire Xiaoxing City. The slaughter was over.

During those two or three days, it was almost the darkest day in the life of the citizens of Xiaoxing City. The sound of beating and killing could be heard everywhere. Maybe, see you at the next intersection, it’s not what you like A person, but a corpse that is still warm.

The entire Xiaoxing City fell into darkness during the struggle between the Yamaguchi-gumi and the ninja organization. The police could no longer play any role at this time, and could only watch the people of the Yamaguchi-gumi being killed by the ninja organization. Go away.

Then within half a day, some forces of the ninja organization in the private sector were injected into Xiaoxing City, hoping to make Xiaoxing City look the same as before.

But the ninja organization still underestimated the Yamaguchi group's hatred for them.

Because it is impossible for the ninja organization to deploy too much real power in Xiaoxing City, the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters directly sent nearly a thousand gang members from various places to Xiaoxing City, and under the leadership of the new leader, Quickly within three days, the land in Xiaoxing City was regained.

Although after this battle, the Yamaguchi group finally drove away the ninjas organized by the ninjas, but the Yamaguchi group also paid a heavy price for this. They lost at least [-] gang members.

When this news reached the headquarters of the Yamaguchi-gumi, the group leader Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was still furious. Although he had expected that this operation would pay a heavy price, the price was so high that the He couldn't bear it for a while.

"What happened in Xiaoxing City, what happened?!" Haruki Yamaguchi was hysterically angry in his office in Hiroshima.

Ever since the Yamaguchi-gumi became the largest underworld organization in Japan, they have never suffered such a big loss, and what is even more infuriating is that up to now, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi doesn't know what happened.

Who caused the commotion, and who killed the two group leaders.

The other high-level people in the office didn't dare to move. When Haruyoshi Yamaguchi was angry, whoever dared to speak up was almost courting death.

Five minutes later, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi's anger finally dissipated a little. He raised his bloodshot eyeballs and looked at the people in the office who were already familiar with his anger.

"Now, who can tell me what happened in Xiaoxing City?" Haruki Yamaguchi asked after scanning the crowd.

In this day and age, it is relatively easy to know some news, and soon someone answered Haruyoshi Yamaguchi's question.

"The riot in Xiaoxing City was completely caused by two people." One person spoke slowly.

Immediately afterwards, this person divided Tokyo into groups, how to discover Hanano Mai, how to capture her to understand the ninja organization, how to draw out the Chinese man Li Bai, and how a huge conflict happened because of two people, Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Yamamoto Tenyou conflict.

Except for not knowing who killed Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Yamamoto Tenyou in the end, other things were almost trivial.

After listening to the narration of his subordinates, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi closed his eyes, and slowly recalled the names of all the people who appeared in the statement just now.

The room fell into silence again. Everyone continued to look at Haruyoshi Yamaguchi with his eyes closed without saying a word. They knew that he was thinking.

"Mai Hanano." After a long time, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi slowly read out a person's name, "Li Bai." Immediately afterwards, another one came.

After another minute, Haruyoshi Yamaguchi suddenly opened his eyes.

"Let all the groups go on alert. Once you find these two people, don't be alarmed and report immediately." Haruyoshi Yamaguchi ordered.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi is aware of the importance of Hanano Mai, as the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi, how could he not be aware of it.

He will catch Hanano Mai and ask about everything about the ninja organization, and another person named Li Bai, if he can use it, he can use it, and if he can't use it, then kill him.

On the side of the Yamaguchi group, they are tensely deploying their actions, while on the other side, the ninja organization has its own actions.

In fact, it was not their initial goal to bring Xiaoxing City into their own scope of strength.

The Yamaguchi-gumi stares at them, and the Ninja organization has known for a long time. The reason why they have been unwilling to do anything to the Yamaguchi-gumi is because they feel that the Yamaguchi-gumi is just like a child, making trouble for no reason.

However, as time went by, when the child got older and made more and more troubles, the ninja organization couldn't bear it anymore.

After what happened in Xiaoxing City, this kind of tolerance is almost in a state of collapse.

Mount Fuji, in a certain hidden place, in the base of the ninja organization, in a certain extremely hidden room, the air is also extremely heavy.

"How many came back alive?" asked Tokichiro Kinoshita, the supreme leader of the ninja group, kneeling on the wooden floor, wielding a traditional samurai sword.

In front of him, a black-clothed ninja knelt on one knee in front of him, bowing his head.

After Mu Muchenba's team started to act, they just assassinated some of the more powerful characters in Xiaoxing City's group, and the rest were handed over to other ninja teams that took over later.

Although most of these ninja teams after that are the strength of the ninja, it is more than enough to deal with the remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Yamaguchi group.
What they didn't expect was that the Yamaguchi-gumi didn't give them face at all. When all the members of the ninja team combined were less than [-], they dispatched as many as a thousand members of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Although at the end of the battle, one hundred ninjas killed about three hundred members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, almost all the ninja squads tried their best so that, in the end, those who were able to escape from Xiaoxing City Ninjas, there is no Super Ten.

Although in the ninja organization, the lower ninja is the most common ninja, but if there is no existence of the lower ninja, how can there be the birth of the middle ninja or even the upper ninja?
When the black-clothed ninja told Kinoshita Tokichiro the news without any emotion, the samurai sword in his hand broke in response.

The sound of "throwing" echoed in the small room for a long time, collided with the wall, and was reflected to the other side.

After a full minute, Tokichiro Kinoshita exhaled again.

"Until what is the source of the matter?"

"Mai Hanano."

Hearing this name, Kinoshita Tokichiro's eyes flickered suddenly. At that time, the fact that Chunin Hanano Mai disregarded the opposition of the ninja organization for love spread almost throughout the entire ninja organization, and even reached his ears.

And when he heard the name again, Tokichiro Kinoshita's mood fluctuated slightly.

"Mai Hanano, right? If you appear in front of me again, then don't even think about running away." Tokichiro Kinoshita threw the broken knife aside and stood up.

"Go and catch Hanano Mai back to me, remember, you have to live."

The ninja in black took the order to retreat, and slowly closed the door.

"What should happen, will finally happen." Kinoshita Tokichiro murmured, but no one else could hear his whisper.

(End of this chapter)

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