Chapter 2429

In five days, the turmoil in Xiaoxing City, the response of the Yamaguchi group, and the response of the ninja organization were all going on at the same time.

Although the midsummer has not passed the usual time, it seems that this summer, like the previous one, will pass in a dull manner.

However, people who know what happened in these days must not think so.

This short period of calm was nothing but preparations for a bigger storm.

During these five days, Tianke Island was once again hit by a violent storm, so that people could not live, play and work normally.

And when the yacht appeared on the sea level of Tianke Island again, the weather seemed to be welcoming the arrival of the yacht, turning the clouds to see the sun.

Five days is not long or short. These days, Li Bai has already visited Tianke Island. At the same time, under the earnest teaching of Mr. Luo Lei, he can already communicate in Japanese. .

"Thank you for your hospitality, see you next time."

After the host drove Li Bai, Hanano Mai, and Luo Lei to the port in his own minibus, Li Bai said goodbye to the host politely.

Buying tickets, boarding the boat, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. This time, there were no more ninjas following them, nor did the short-sighted Tiandao Gang come to make trouble.

When Li Bai walked into the cabin and saw the big tree of Qingshan again, the big tree of Qingshan shook violently and almost fell to the ground. Looking at Li Bai, it was like looking at a monster.

"Long time no see." Li Bai said to Qingshan Dashu in Japanese, and walked towards the guest room regardless of Qingshan Dashu's reaction.

The members of the Tiandao gang on the yacht seemed to have changed a lot, so they couldn't understand Qingshan Dashu's reaction. When they went up to ask, they were reprimanded by Qingshan Dashu.

"If anyone of you dares to provoke this person, don't come to me, and don't say that you belong to the Tiandao Gang. Don't blame me for not reminding you in advance." Qingshan Dashu dragged his broken arm and walked towards the deck, with a serious look on his face. Glumly.

With the greetings from the green hills and trees, during the two-day voyage back to Xiaoxing City, Li Bai and the three lived a very comfortable life, and someone even provided them with extra services for free.

Two days later, the three set foot on the land of Xiaoxing City again.

After more than a week, Li Bai returned to Xiaoxing City again, but Li Bai clearly felt the difference in the surrounding environment.

First of all, the number of pedestrians walking on the road has decreased a lot. Even if you meet a few of them, your expression is still very panicked. Beat up.

As for the patrol team that Li Bai often saw before, and the members of the Yamaguchi group stationed at major transportation hubs, Li Bai even saw none of them.

Li Bai didn't know what happened in Xiaoxing City, but he stopped a passerby who was hurrying on his way.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm just an ordinary citizen." Seeing the appearance of Li Bai and the three of them, the man who was stopped was so frightened that he fell to the ground with an extremely terrified expression.

"Why are you so afraid of us?" Li Bai frowned and asked the man.

Seeing that Li Bai didn't attack him immediately, the man finally dared to open his eyes.

"You, aren't you from the Yamaguchi-gumi?" The man asked incredulously. In the past few days, who dared to stop other people, except the Yamaguchi-gumi?

Li Bai shook his head, and at the same time assured that he would never have any thoughts about him, which finally made the man feel relieved.

The man patted his pants and stood up, and then told Li Bai what had happened in the past week.

Yamaguchi group, ninja organization.Li Bai was very happy when he heard that the two forces in the Wa Kingdom began to confront each other.

Because since he came to Wa country and experienced so many things, Li Bai clearly knows what his position is like.

On the one hand, because of Hanano Mai, the Li Bai Ninja Organization has been included in the must-kill list by the Yamaguchi-gumi. contradiction.

To be honest, it was still a bit difficult for Li Bai to deal with the two organizations alone, but at this time, even the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Ninja organization had conflicts, which made Li Bai a lot more satisfied.

In the current situation, there is still a situation where the three pillars are at the same level. Of course, Li Bai also knows that he may not be able to compare with them in the eyes of the Yamaguchi-gumi and the ninja organization.

What's more, the person who caused the real conflict between the Yamaguchi-gumi and the ninja organization was not Li Bai, but Hanano Mai.

"Thank you, you don't have to be so careful these days, you're fine now." Li Bai patted the man on the shoulder and said goodbye to him.

The three people who left the port did not go back to the residence they rented before, but directly stopped a car and headed to the airport.

"Are you going back to Tokyo?" Luo Lei asked happily. After traveling with Li Baishan for so long, he really felt a little homesick.

Li Bai nodded and didn't speak. At this moment, he was silently perceiving Tian Lin's direction, which was in the direction of Tokyo.

What troubled Li Bai was that in his perception, there was still no news of Xiaoxi, and he didn't know what method the other party used to completely block Li Bai's perception.

It has been almost ten days since Mu Muchen took Tian Lin away.

Tian Lin woke up from his sleep in a dizzy state. He only felt that he had a very long and terrible nightmare. He dreamed that he would never see his master again.

And when Tian Lin opened his eyes, there was still darkness in front of him.

Tian Lin wanted to shout out, but found that his mouth was dry. According to this situation, he hadn't replenished water for at least a week.

Tian Lin only has one question, that is, where is he.

Tian Lin wanted to get up, and he did so without much effort, but just after sitting up, the darkness was instantly pierced by a bright light.

A bright spotlight shone on Tian Lin's body, making Tian Lin unable to open his eyes.

Just by feeling, Tian Lin knew that he seemed to be trapped in a room similar to a small black room.

After another few minutes, the door of the small black room was pushed open, and a black figure walked in from the door.

"Long time no see, Tian Lin."

Although Tian Lin couldn't see the man's appearance clearly, Tian Lin was very familiar with his voice.

"Mu Muchenba, let me go if you have the ability, and fight me upright!" Tian Lin stood up abruptly, but because he hadn't replenished his energy for too long, his eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground again.

"Hehe, in your current state, do you think you can beat me?" Mu Muchenba stood behind the spotlight, looked at Tian Lin's obviously dehydrated skin, and sneered.

Tian Lin couldn't speak at all at this time, his legs and feet kept twitching, trying to make himself stand up again.

"Besides, in the base of our ninja organization, do you think you really have a chance to fight me in an upright manner?" Mu Mu Chenba sneered again.

Ten days ago, when Mu Muchen caught Tian Lin, he rushed towards Tokyo non-stop.

Originally, Mu Muchenba was planning to treat Tian Lin, a prisoner of war, well, but when he knew that five of his team members died tragically under Li Bai's hands, he gave up this idea.

Back at the base, he purposely applied for a small black room and locked Tian Lin in, but Mu Muchenba didn't tell anyone about Tian Lin's arrival.

"From now on, at this time every day, I will come over to deliver meals to you once, but I can only guarantee that you will not die." Mu Muchenba put the thing in his hand on the ground with a "clang".

"Of course, if you want to commit suicide, I won't stop you, but I don't think you will, right?" Mu Muchen exited the small black room with a smile, and slowly closed the door.

"Eat well, after all, we don't want useless experimental products."

The door was closed, the spotlight was also turned off, and the small black room entered darkness once again.

Tian Lin struggled to crawl towards the door, he wanted to eat, he didn't want to die, he wanted to avenge himself, and he wanted to meet his master Li Bai again.

It's just that at this time, master Li Bai still doesn't know how miserable his apprentice's situation is.

At this time, Li Bai had just returned to Tokyo with Hanano Mai and Luo Lei, and the first foothold of returning to Tokyo was still the small hotel they set off from.

I haven't seen each other for more than half a month. The innkeeper is still the same innkeeper, but the three of them have become more vicissitudes.

Sitting in the room, the three of them were a little silent.

"The next step, are we going to Mount Fuji?" Hanano Mai took the initiative to ask, looking at Li Bai.

Li Bai let out a "hmm". At this time, in his perception, the distance to Tianlin was much closer than before, and judging from the direction, Tianlin was undoubtedly in Mount Fuji.

Speaking of this, Hanano Mai felt a little embarrassed, as if she wanted to say something that was difficult to say.

"Just say what you have to say, I'm not that unreasonable." As a last resort, Li Bai said so.

Hanano Mai breathed out, and then said: "Can you give me a day, just one day, I want to meet my boyfriend."

Li Bai sighed, he had already expected what Hanano Mai would say, and wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he agreed: "You must appear in front of me before ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Li Bai looked into Hanano Mai's eyes and said seriously.

Upon hearing Li Bai's agreement, Hanano Mai ran out of the room while saying thank you, and Li Bai and Luo Lei were a little dumbfounded.

But it's understandable when you think about it, after all, it's not easy to have someone who loves you.

After Hanano Mai left, there were only two men left, Luo Lei and Li Bai.

Luo Lei stood up and walked around the room, making Li Bai a little upset.

"Why, do you have something to say?" Li Bai looked at Luo Lei and asked, curling his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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