The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2435 Even one person dares to go

Chapter 2435 Dare to go alone

Each of the six little brothers received fatal blows directly on the neck, and the others did not move at all, because they could no longer survive.

"Baga!" The person in charge of the Yamaguchi group cursed angrily. When they were in the basement in the morning, in order to catch those ninjas, they paid the price of several brothers. Everyone was killed by one blow, but they finally Also failed to catch each other.

"Search for me, they must be nearby, and they won't be far away."

The person in charge was very angry, but the ninjas who did it were even more angry.

In order to prevent the failure of the operation, their boss sent their second team in case the first team could not complete the task.

However, when they arrived here, the first team had already died in the hands of members of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Although they didn't know how these yakuza members did it, when they came here, they just saw a group of yakuza members with bright smiles and the corpses of their fellow ninjas.

The path was built in a very open place, with only a few bushes for the ninjas to hide in, and they were quickly discovered.

Although the ninjas kept using magical ninjutsu to kill the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi again and again, but in terms of numbers, the gap of almost one to nine still made them unable to do what they wanted.

Li Bai didn't know and didn't care about who would die and who would live in the end. He and Hanano Mai were lucky enough to get in a car with villagers in a small village near Mount Fuji, and drove slowly towards Mount Fuji.

"Why are you guys only coming to Mount Fuji when it's almost night?" The villager uncle gave the two of them a very strange look.

Li Bai and Hanano Mai sat in the back seat, leaning against a window and looking out, making the villager's uncle think they were a young couple who had quarreled.

The villager's uncle obviously saw too many tourists, and the topic suddenly opened up. He told the two of the young people's emotional problems, and Li Bai's head was full of black lines.

"Uncle, uncle, we are just a little tired. Tonight we are going to climb the mountain to watch the sunrise tomorrow." Li Bai had to interrupt the words of the villager's uncle.

Although this was a ride on someone else's ride, and Li Bai knew it would be rude to do so, but at this moment he was really upset.

"Well, then I can tell you the precautions for climbing the mountain. You just listen." The villager uncle said again.

Fortunately, after their ears were damaged for about half an hour, they finally came to the foot of Mount Fuji.

After getting out of the car and thanking the villager uncle, Li Bai took Hanano Mai and walked towards the ticket gate of Mount Fuji.

Li Bai was held back by Hanano Mai once again.

"What's wrong?" Li Bai asked.

"Are you sure it's okay for us to just walk in like this?" Hanano Mai glanced at Li Bai suspiciously, pointed to his face, and then pointed to her own.

Li Bai slapped his head and almost forgot about it.

"I'm wronged." Li Bai said to Hanano Mai, regardless of Hanano Mai's consent, he put Hanano Mai into his Qiankun ring.

Suddenly coming to an unfamiliar environment made Hanano Mai panic, but at this moment, Li Bai's voice sounded out of thin air from Hanano Mai's mind.

"This is the magic of our China. You don't need to know what it is. You just need to know that you are safe now. I will release you later."

After Li Bai finished speaking, he put on a mask and walked towards the ticket office, sneezing violently as he walked, so as to make him look like he had a serious cold.

Near the ticket office, two men with sharp eyes looked away after seeing Li Bai like this. It seemed that this strange man was not Li Bai.

Mount Fuji is really beautiful, it is midsummer, the entire foot of Mount Fuji is lush, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, of course, if there are tourists who can walk above the snow line, they can see a spectacular snow scene.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, Li Bai has no interest in it. He just stops and walks along the way, pretending to be traveling, and at the same time frequently takes out Tianxun.

In Tianxun, he had already photographed the map Luo Lei drew for him, so what he did at this time was just to find the corresponding location on the map.

Fortunately, when night fell, the tourists on Mount Fuji did not intend to leave, otherwise, it would be a bit strange for Li Bai to stay on the mountain alone.

So, throughout the night, Li Bai spent all his time looking for the landmarks on the map, and after the night passed, Li Bai only looked at all the hidden places on the map.

To Li Bai's disappointment, in all these places, there was no sign of any ninja organization base at all.

Therefore, the base of the ninja organization must only be on the dark side of Mount Fuji.

However, when Li Bai wanted to detour to the dark side, a short man suddenly appeared and blocked Li Bai's way.

"Sir, the back is not a tourist area, please leave." The man said to Li Bai.

Li Bai groaned, said sorry, and left pretending to be reluctant to leave.

But at this time, the man had a fierce look in his eyes, lifted the clothes on his back, and pulled out a dagger from his belt.

The man quietly moved towards Li Bai, using the sound of Li Bai's coughing and sneezing to cover up his footsteps, and when the man felt that the distance was acceptable, he suddenly jumped towards Li Bai.

"It's so innocent and cute." But at this moment, Li Bai suddenly said such a sentence, which made the man's eyes widen suddenly, and he couldn't believe it.

Could it be that Li Bai discovered that he was a ninja when he first appeared?

Li Bai's actions answered his question. He turned around, grabbed the dagger, and stuck it in the man's heart with his backhand. Another unknown ninja died in Li Bai's hands.

"Catch up alone? Do you really think you can fight five?" Li Bai said coldly, kicking the ninja's body into a nearby grove.

Li Bai continued to walk towards the shadowy side of Mount Fuji, but he didn't find it. Right at the place where he threw the corpse, there was a naked young couple covering their mouths, not even daring to breathe.

The ninja's body was lying beside them. After Li Bai left, they finally realized that just now, they had witnessed a murder case.

After recording the location of the accident and getting dressed, the young couple hurriedly called the police and reported the situation here in detail.

Li Bai didn't know that such a small mistake had happened, and he was even a little happy at this moment. He had just met a ninja, which meant that the base of the ninja organization should not be far away.

It took another two hours, and Li Bai, who sped up his speed, finally searched all the hidden places on the back of the second Mount Fuji.

At this time, Li Bai was probably at an altitude of more than 2000 meters. Here, not only the air became thinner, but the temperature was already very low. As for the tourists who could come here, they were almost extinct.

But just near this place, Li Bai found some signs of human activities. Not surprisingly, the ninja base should be nearby, but without the help of Hanano Mai, Li Bai couldn't find out where the ninja base is at all.

Just when Li Bai was about to release Hanano Mai from the Qiankun ring, a helicopter flew over above his head and slowly lowered the altitude.

When it was about the same time, a man in a police uniform leaned out from the fuselage and shouted at Li Bai with a loudspeaker: "My friend, Mt. Bar."

The policeman said to Li Bai.

Li Bai frowned suspiciously. At this height, with the range of his naked eyes, he couldn't see what was going on at the foot of the mountain. As for Mount Fuji being closed?Why do you have to close it as soon as you come?

Li Bai was very suspicious of this.

"Don't bother you, I'll walk down the mountain by myself, soon." Li Bai replied loudly.

"This is not a request, but a request!" The policeman shouted to Li Bai again, seeming a little anxious.

Li Bai frowned, feeling something was wrong, he stopped talking, and immediately fled towards the foot of the mountain.

If the other party really wanted to take him down the mountain, then he would definitely comfort him not to be afraid at this time, but when Li Bai started to escape, he heard the police say "the suspect is running away" through the walkie-talkie .

Li Bai didn't know that a young couple reported him. At this time, he thought that he had done something wrong and exposed himself.

The helicopter has been chasing behind Li Bai, but the speed is not as fast as Li Bai, and after killing, all the entrances and exits are already on guard, and the ninjas who got the news have already cheered up their spirits and are ready to send Li Bai intercepted and killed him on Mount Fuji.

Get rid of their big troubles.

Two hours later, Li Bai appeared outside the ticket gate, and behind him, the policemen were still nervously arranging the lines, and at the same time, more policemen were being mobilized to prevent Li Bai from hiding on the mountain. .

Li Bai was in a very speechless mood at this time. He couldn't figure out how he was discovered. In this way, it would be even more difficult for him to go up the mountain again and find the ninja base.

Li Bai sighed. At this moment, he couldn't think of any good way, so he took a coach and headed towards Tokyo.

The members of the Yamaguchi group were still looking for Li Bai, but compared to the level of the ninja organization, their level of finding people was simply too low. Li Bai didn't waste much effort at all, but returned to the small hotel again.

Li Bai released Hanano Mai, who had been bored for a long time in the Qiankun ring.

"Why are we back again?" Hanano Mai asked strangely after recognizing the environment she was in at a glance.

Li Bai briefly recounted what happened on Mount Fuji to Hanano Mai, and looked at Hanano Mai with some worry.

"When you completed the mission before, if you encountered a situation where the opponent's defense was very tight, how did you manage to sneak into the destination?"

(End of this chapter)

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