Chapter 2436
Hearing Li Bai asked himself a question, Hanano Mai didn't show any disdain, but just replied lightly.

"In my eyes, there is no place I can't get in."

Li Bai was very embarrassed. Not only did he fail to find the base of the ninja organization, but he was also underestimated by Hanano Mai when he came back, which made Li Bai very speechless.

"I know you are good, but the problem now is that I don't know where the ninja base is. If I know, I can have a hundred ways to sneak in." Li Bai was very dissatisfied with Hanano Mai Said.

Hanano Mai smiled stiffly at Li Bai: "So the problem now is that you should find a way to lure all those people on Mount Fuji away, and then I can help you find the base."

Well, another nonsense.Li Bai couldn't complain in his heart, so he fell on the bed and kept thinking about how to do it. However, what Li Bai also knew was that if he hadn't been discovered, the ninjas, and the group of policemen who had nothing to do to join in the fun, would definitely I will always look for him on Mount Fuji.

"Is there anything you can do?" Li Bai turned his head to look at Hanano Mai and asked.

Hanano Mai thought for a while, then nodded.

"Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier if you have a solution!" Li Bai was about to go crazy, so he had to swear.

Hanano Mai looked at Li Bai resentfully, and looked at her expression, as if she was saying, you didn't ask.

"You think, the ninja organization wants to catch us, and the Yamaguchi group also wants to catch us, but now our goal is the base of the ninja organization." Hanano Mai looked at Li Bai and said seriously.

Li Bai is about to spit out a mouthful of old blood. Could it be that there is another Qiankun ring now, which can make people stupid?

"Can you get straight to the point?!" Li Bai clenched his fists to threaten Hanano Mai, but unexpectedly Hanano Mai didn't care about his threats at all, and continued to speak on his own.

"People from the Ninja Organization are looking for us now, but think about it, if we reveal the news that we are here, will they know where we are?" Hanano Mai said staring at Li Bai.

At this time, she finally spoke out her plan once and for all.

Let the Yamaguchi group pretend to arrest the two of them, so that the ninja organization will definitely be in a hurry. Not only will they remove the ninjas on Mount Fuji, but they will even send them all to fight for Li Bai and Hanano Mai.

"So this is your plan?" Li Bai squinted at Hanano Mai, who nodded.

Li Bai smiled helplessly: "You're telling me how to pretend to let the Yamaguchi-gumi catch us? Isn't this a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?"

After finishing speaking, Hanano Mai's face darkened immediately. She really hadn't thought about this problem. In fact, she just felt that with the strength of the two of them, it would be easy to escape the control of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

But thinking about it now, if they were really caught, the Yamaguchi-gumi would definitely make their defenses even tighter.

"Then what do you say?" Hanano Mai looked down at Li Bai, but there was a gleam of light in Li Bai's eyes.

"I have a solution." Li Bai waved his fist, very excited, but he didn't tell Hanano Mai what the solution was.

After learning from Li Bai that the next step would start tomorrow, Hanano Mai had dinner and fell asleep again.

"I said, are you not afraid that I will eat you?"

Seeing Hanano Mai lying on half of the big bed, Li Bai looked at Hanano Mai who hadn't taken off her clothes, feeling a little embarrassed.

There were only two of them left in the team of four, so Li Bai didn't open an extra room, but what Li Bai didn't expect was that Hanano Mai had opened up to such an extent, as if he didn't exist at all.

As soon as Li Bai's words fell, Hanano Mai replied.

"If you wanted to eat me, you would have done so."

However, while Hanano Mai was talking, she opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out a pair of scissors, and put it under her pillow in front of Li Bai.

Li Bai wasn't afraid if he didn't say it, but after he said it, Hanano Mai was really a little nervous.

Li Bai shook his head helplessly, threw himself on the bed, covered the quilt, and twitched vigorously.

"Don't grab my quilt."

To express the indignation in my heart.

After one night, before five o'clock, Li Bai left the hotel. Hanano Mai didn't follow him, because she didn't agree at all in her sleep, and Li Bai directly took her into the Qiankun ring.

The sky has just dawned, and Tokyo at this time is very quiet and beautiful.

On the street, Li Bai could still see the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi who were constantly patrolling. On the one hand, it was because the sky was not bright enough to see the faces of passers-by. In order to wait for the shift personnel to come.

So Li Bai was not blocked at all, and he came to the door of the room where Hideki Nakajima lived.

Li Bai rang the doorbell many times before the door finally opened, and Hideki Nakajima appeared in front of Li Bai with a disheveled hair and face. It could be seen that Hideki Nakajima was not doing well these days.

Seeing Li Bai's appearance, the sleepy-eyed Hideki Nakajima became agitated instantly, holding Li Bai's shoulders with both hands, shaking them non-stop.

"How is Hanano Mai now, have you rescued her yet?!"

With a strong arm, Li Bai broke free from Hideki Nakajima, looked around, and walked into Hideki Nakajima's room after making sure that no one was watching.

Seeing that Li Bai didn't say anything, Hideki Nakajima quickly guessed what was going on, closed the door weakly, and fell down on the bed again.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault..." Hideki Nakajima kept muttering to himself, hitting his fists hard on the bed, as if trying to smash the whole bed average.

"Stupid." Standing by the bed, Li Bai quietly watched Hideki Nakajima convulse, and cursed softly.

Hearing Li Bai scolding himself, Hideki Nakajima's movements were obviously slow, but after a while, he started to convulse again.

"Yeah, I'm an idiot, I am, if I wasn't an idiot, why would Hanano Mai leave me!" Hideki Nakajima said regretfully.

There is nothing more sad than a dead heart. Seeing Hideki Nakajima like this, Li Bai is very disdainful.

This kind of person, no matter if you talk to him nicely or scold him, it will not have any effect. Li Bai looks down on this kind of person very much.

What else can one expect from a person who even gives up on himself?
"Then you can go to hell. Originally, I wanted to take you to rescue Hanano Mai, so forget it." Li Bai said coldly, and then walked out of the room.

The door was slammed shut with a "dong", and there was another silence in the room.

A few seconds later, Hideki Nakajima jumped up from the bed as if he had been loaded with a spring.

While rushing to open the door, he yelled "wait a minute" loudly, and rushed downstairs.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Hideki Nakajima's appearance made Li Bai, who was sitting on the upper step, very embarrassed. He shouted hastily, but the corners of his mouth were raised. It seemed that Hideki Nakajima was not hopeless.

Half an hour later, following Li Bai's arrangement, Hideki Nakajima, who had washed up, left the room and walked towards the building of the Yamaguchi-gumi company.

On the middle finger of Hideki Nakajima's right hand, there was a quaint yellow ring. When Li Bai told him all the plans, he disappeared.

If Li Bai hadn't told Hideki Nakajima that he had entered the ring, Hideki Nakajima might have thought he had seen a ghost.

Hideki Nakajima walked into the company building tremblingly. He only had one task to do, and that was to walk into Yasuo Uehara's office. As for the rest, he was out of his control.

At the same time, Li Bai had already called out Hanano Mai who was still sleeping in the Qiankun ring.

Hanano Mai soon realized that she was in the mysterious ring again, but it was strange why Li Bai could also enter the ring.

It's a pity that Li Bai didn't have the time to explain this problem to Hanano Mai, but gave her a brief description of the current situation.

"What, Hideki Nakajima is also a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi now?" After listening to Li Bai's story, Hanano Mai was shocked. She never figured out that her boyfriend would join the Yamaguchi-gumi who was always against her. .

"This is not the most important thing. What's important is that your boyfriend will finally do something good after a while." Li Bai said to Hanano Mai, but he was thinking in his mind that by doing this, he seemed to be forcing prostitutes for good. .

However, after this incident is over, if Hideki Nakajima can really become a "good person", then it is really meaningful for him to do so.

After quickly telling Hanano Mai about the arrangement for a while, Li Bai began to pay attention to Hideki Nakajima's situation, so that he could save the situation if something unexpected happened.

Hideki Nakajima finally came to the company building. Because he hadn't shown up for several days, a few acquaintances he met occasionally came forward and asked him what happened recently.

These, Hideki Nakajima perfunctory, walked into his office first, pacing back and forth, he needed to think of a way to meet Yasuo Uehara first.

This is the case in almost every Yamaguchi-gumi group. Regardless of whether they are busy or not, all the group leaders are always on the lookout. Ordinary members don’t see Yasuo Uehara at all.

Most of them met only once, that is, when he took over as the leader of the Tokyo group. If some members were not there at that time, they might not know what their leader looks like until they die.

And if he wants to meet Yasuo Uehara, Hideki Nakajima can only think of two ways now.

One is that he has made great contributions, so Yasuo Uehara will have the opportunity to meet him once and reward him or something.

There is another kind, which is to make a very serious mistake, and it cannot be an ordinary small mistake, otherwise Yasuo Uehara will not be able to get it at all, and it will be resolved by a slightly lower level of high-level executives.

Yasuo Uehara tapped his head, it was really troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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