The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2448 Send it to the emergency room

Chapter 2448 Send it to the emergency room

Li Bai waved to Akimoto Kumiko, expressing that he was fine, and at the same time, he forced his face to look better.

"Maybe there are some acclimatization." Li Bai explained in this way, but the doubts and anxiety in his heart became more intense.

Li Bai couldn't find Xiaoxi's whereabouts, which already made Li Bai extremely self-blaming. If he not only failed to find Xiaoxi, but also took his only apprentice Tian Lin in, then Li Bai really lost his wife and lost his army. There is nowhere to cry.

According to Tian Lin's aura, he was indeed in the center of Okinawa City, but after Tian Lin's aura disappeared, Li Bai had no way to accurately locate Tian Lin's location, which made it more difficult for Li Bai to find Tian Lin up a layer.

"Is there really nothing wrong?" Kumiko Akimoto asked again. Although Li Bai said that he was fine, his expression did not improve at all. This made Kumiko Akimoto blame herself very much, wondering if she had let Li Bai eat something wrong. clean stuff.

"Okay, okay, let's continue walking. What are you doing up front? Why are there so many people?" Li Bai changed the subject and pointed to a place not far from them.

I don't know what happened there. At this time, a group of people gathered in a circle, and at the same time, there were clamoring voices from the crowd.

Not to mention how depressed Ida was, he had indeed received an order from his superior today to go to various piers in Okinawa City to collect the newly added "fishing fee".

This should have been an extremely easy task, because since the establishment of their company, they have almost managed all the affairs of the fishermen's wharf. If some fishermen refuse to pay the fees, then they have a hundred ways to make them They cannot continue to stay in Okinawa City.

But to Ida's surprise, he encountered a setback at the first place he traveled today, and was abused by a strange tourist.

This made Ida very angry. Although the fishing fee was successfully received at the fishermen's wharf afterwards, the figure of that man kept appearing in Ida's mind, like a stick in his throat.

Ida wanted to take revenge, but when he thought of Li Bai's combat power far surpassing theirs, he felt like shrinking again, unless he reported this matter to his superiors, but if he did, Ida himself would be subject to the leadership first. blame.

So, Jing Tian saved his stomach and walked down the street in such a rage.

As luck would have it, just as Ida was passing through an intersection, a child riding a bicycle suddenly came out from the sideways, and bumped into Ida who was full of thoughts.

Jing Tian was still worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, and someone came to his door to die. This made Jing Tian seem to have found an outlet, and he just scolded the young child.

The child's mother also ran out quickly, and kept apologizing to Jing Tian, ​​but Jing Tian acted unforgiving, and only gave the child's mother two choices, one is to lose money, and the other is...

Ida scrutinized the child's mother's figure, and had to say, it was great.

It was precisely because of Ida's unforgiving performance that a lot of passers-by stopped to watch, or criticized, and criticized Ida's actions.

Under such circumstances, Jing Tian was very irritable, and directly called his brothers over from Tianxun, which made the already chaotic scene even more chaotic.

However, it seems that Ida's company has already greeted the local police in Okinawa City, so that there has been a riot here for such a long time, but no police came to take care of it.

"That's what I said here. There are only two solutions. There is no third choice." Ida said viciously to the mother and son who were hugging each other tightly.

Such rampant remarks and actions made the onlookers scold, but it seemed that Ida didn't care at all.

"Why, do you want to stand up for them? Yes, just try it!" Ida said arrogantly, just like a local ruffian.

Ida is also a resident of Okinawa City, and knows the ten names of Okinawa City very well. Here, law and order basically depends on personal qualities. If there are local hooligans, the citizens will only condemn them, and dare not do anything at all. of.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Ida dared to show off so much.

However, just when Jing Tian's salty pig's hand was about to reach out to the beautiful mother of the child, a discordant voice suddenly appeared: "Then let me try."

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted by the voice, and at the same time they gave way one after another, allowing the man who spoke to walk into the encirclement with his female companion.

Jing Tian also turned his head, but his eyes were obviously full of disdain, because before that, there were many people who did not know how to live or die who wanted to stand up for others, but in the end, they were all asking for trouble Just eat.

"Why, do you want to come here to seek death too?" Ida turned around and said contemptuously, but the next second, after Ida saw the other party's face, Ida's face instantly turned into a liver color.

"You, why is it you again?"

"What? Can't I just come here and have a look?" Li Bai snorted softly as he saw Ida's frightened expression.

Ida's legs went limp for a moment, and he almost fell to the ground. It was his brother who helped him up, which made Ida stand upright again.

"Huh? Why do you feel that you are so afraid of her? Are you very powerful?" Jing Tian's brother gave Jing Tian a strange look, and said again, "Even if this kid has some strength, with so many of us, are we still afraid that he will fail?"

When Jing Tian heard this, his eyes lit up. There were so many of them, so maybe they were afraid that Li Bai would not be able to do it alone.

Thinking of this, Ida straightened her body, and her tone of voice became tough: "It seems that there are always some self-righteous people, do you really care about this mother and child? If you have time to care about them, you Take care of yourself more than you do.”

Akimoto Kumiko tugged Li Bai's arm nervously, quietly observing the people around them.

Except for some kind-hearted passers-by who cast worried glances at them, the rest of the people were staring at them. If you didn't guess wrong, these were all Ida's brothers.

"Of course I am very concerned about myself, but what I am more concerned about now is why you are embarrassing this mother and son." Li Bai asked.

Hearing what Li Bai said, Jing Tian laughed out loud, and even showed some signs of anger: "It turns out that you have been high for a long time, and you want to stand up for others without knowing what happened. Are you eating too much? Or the Pacific Police?"

Li Bai ignored Ida's sarcasm at all, and finally figured out this simple matter after the onlookers gave him a glance and a word.

"Unexpectedly, you are not only a fee-paying person, but also a..." Li Bai said coldly to Jingtian, and finally, his voice slowly dropped.

"What am I?" Ida's face changed, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Scum!" Just as Ida was concentrating, Li Bai finally uttered the last two words, which sounded to Ida's ears like a thunderclap on the ground.

"Baga!" Ida was furious immediately. In front of so many people, in front of so many brothers, he was turned into a scum by this Huaxia man. How could Ida bear it.

"Since you want to get ahead so much, then I will let you get ahead!" Jing Tian was finally out of anger, and with an order, he and his brothers rushed towards Li Bai from all directions, beating Li Bai to death Even beating to death is their ultimate goal.

There was a sudden chaos at the scene, and the passers-by screamed and scattered in all directions. Although they hated these local hooligans, no one dared to stop them.

"Miko, go hide outside for a while, don't worry about me." Li Baihu said to her in front of Kumiko Akimoto.

Kumiko Akimoto was terrified at this time. She had never seen anyone fighting in public on the street, so that after running out of the encirclement of these people, she didn't even dare to turn her head to take a look.

Behind him, the sounds of roaring and fighting kept coming, stopping in Kumiko Akimoto's ears, making her heart skip a beat.

However, at such a moment, the onlookers became stunned and exclaimed from time to time.

"Did something really happen to Mr. Li Bai?" This was the only thought in Akimoto Kumiko's mind at this time, and finally turned her head worriedly, but saw a shocking scene.

Standing in the center of the encirclement, Li Bai faced twenty or thirty hooligans all by himself, but he didn't feel timid at all, instead he beat them to pieces.

In less than 2 minutes, Jing Tian and his brothers were all lying on the ground, losing their combat effectiveness, and the entangled mother and son hurried away under Li Bai's signal.

Jing Tian was in a bad mood and vented all his anger on the innocent mother and child. Li Bai's mood also became bad because of Tian Lin's disappearance, and he poured all his anger on Jing Tian.

"I let you bully ordinary people, I let you bully ordinary people!" Li Bai kicked Jing Tian's waist with one kick after another. If it wasn't for the obstruction of other people, I am afraid that every kick could send Jing Tian far away.

Under Li Bai's relentless attack, Jing Tian's waist soon began to bleed, and the wound continued to expand.

"Stop beating, Mr. Li Bai, stop beating, if you continue beating, you will die!" Seeing such a scene, Kumiko Akimoto ran over quickly, trying to pull Li Bai away.

At this time, Li Bai finally calmed down and stood where he was, a little out of breath.

At this time, Jing Tian was about to lose consciousness, the whites of his eyes were exposed, and he was foaming at the mouth, looking terrifying.

"Mr. Li Bai, what should we do? Is he going to die?" Kumiko Akimoto looked at Li Bai nervously, and Li Bai smiled softly.

"It's okay to die." Li Bai turned his head and looked at several Ida brothers who stood up and said coldly.

"Send it to the emergency room, maybe it can save his life."

(End of this chapter)

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