The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2449 Okinawa City People's Hospital

Chapter 2449 Okinawa City People's Hospital

Jing Tian still fell to the ground and screamed in pain, and his accomplices were completely frightened when they saw Jing Tian like this.

Although they have a very bad reputation in this area of ​​Okinawa City, they are fierce, but that is only for ordinary people, and at most they will use their hands to subdue some "stubborn" people. or something.

However, this time, after seeing Li Bai's face as if nothing had happened after such a serious incident, these people knew that they had really hit a hard bone this time and kicked the iron plate.

"Why are you still standing there? Isn't he your brother? Why don't you hurry to the hospital? Don't you have a grudge against him and want him to wait here to die?" Li Bai was delighted to see the foolish people. Ida didn't know how big the wound on his stomach was, but it looked scary, but it was true.

Several people came to Jing Tian's side in a hurry, and hurriedly lifted Jing Tian up. In the process, Jing Tian's wound was touched frequently, which made his screams even more frequent. A lot, but the breath is also much weaker.

It seemed that Ida was really going to die soon!
"You, you can't go..." Just as Li Bai glanced at them indifferently and was about to leave, a weak voice suddenly sounded.

Li Bai turned his head to look, an old man stretched out his hand tremblingly, and grabbed Li Bai's arm.

Seeing the figure of the old man, Li Bai was stunned for a moment, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Grandpa, I still have something to do. I need to take a step first. Can you let me go?" Li Bai is also a villain to villains, and he respects others very much.

"You can't go." The old man said firmly again, and at the same time he took a step forward more slowly, and grabbed Li Bai's arm with his other hand.

Li Bai was a little worried. Naturally, it was impossible for him to forcibly pull his arm out of the old man's body, otherwise, the old man would definitely be injured.

"Why can't I leave? I have punished the bad guys, and the mother and child are safe now, and everyone has seen it, so just let me go, I really have something to do." Li Bai said helplessly. The old man said, looking around, wanting to ask passers-by for help.

However, this time, the passers-by looked at Li Bai with awe, and no one dared to speak up.

Li Bai frowned.

"Although they are not good people, they didn't cause much harm to the mother and child after all. It's your fault that you attacked them so roughly." The old man said to Li Bai slowly, as if saying something. A very serious matter.

Kumiko Akimoto, who was standing by the side, was also a little anxious. This matter was clearly not Li Bai's fault, so she hurried around behind the old man and gently supported the old man, trying to make the old man leave Li Bai.

"Grandpa, maybe you didn't see it just now. Those people wanted to teach Mr. a lesson first. Mr. did it for self-protection and the safety of the mother and child. Everyone has seen it." Akimoto Kumiko said Then, he raised his head and glanced at Li Bai, also very helpless.

However, the old man seemed to be too old to turn his head around, so he decided on a dead end: "Anyway, you can't leave. If you hurt someone, you have to be responsible for them."

When the grandfather said these words, the crowd was in an uproar, but there were also some people who stood up and expressed their support for the grandfather's point of view.

Li Bai's expression finally became gloomy, and he looked coldly at the men who were with the old man.

"When they bullied the mother and son just now, why didn't you come forward, and now you stand up again, acting like a hero?" Li Bai's voice was extremely cold, and so did his eyes.

After being told by Li Bai, those men all lowered their heads in guilt and did not speak again, but at this moment, Li Bai was still being held tightly by the old man.

"All right, all right!" Li Bai was about to go crazy, "I'll accompany them to the hospital too, okay?"

As he spoke, Li Bai pulled his arm out vigorously. Because of Kumiko Akimoto's protection, the old man's body just swayed and did not fall down.

"What are you looking at, hurry to the hospital!" Li Bai yelled at the people who were carrying the well field, making them tremble, and then quickly walked forward.

As for the old man, he was still chasing closely behind Li Bai at this time: "Hurry up, everyone, don't let this person take the opportunity to escape."

The old man spoke loudly behind him, which made Li Bai even more angry, but he just clenched his fists and did not do anything out of the ordinary.

Because Li Bai and Akimoto Kumiko were about to reach the city center, the group of people did not call a car to take Ida to the hospital, but just carried a bloody Ida and rushed towards the hospital.

Along the way, the group attracted the attention of many people, but they didn't dare to step forward to ask what was going on. They just watched from a distance, or followed them secretly, wanting to watch the excitement.

In just 5 minutes, a group of people carried Jing Tian to the hospital. When they saw a seriously injured patient suddenly appearing, the hospital responded immediately, rolled out a hospital bed, and sent Jing Tian to the emergency room in a hurry. .

What makes Li Bai a little strange is that in this hospital, the doctors don't seem to ask them to pay the emergency expenses immediately. This is much better than in China. Throw it there and wait, when the money is paid, when will the operation begin.

After Ida was pushed into the emergency room, the outside of the corridor fell into a moment of calm. Several of Ida's brothers stood in the corner with the seats next to them, but they dared not sit down.

They looked at Li Bai and Akimoto Kumiko, but did not dare to say a word.

Li Bai chuckled, and sat on the bench with Akimoto Kumiko.

"Mr. Li Bai, I'm sorry." At this time, Kumiko Akimoto spoke to Li Bai, full of apology.

"Why do you want to apologize?" Li Bai didn't understand why Kumiko Akimoto wanted to apologize.

"If it wasn't because I wanted to see what happened just now, you wouldn't have been troubled by this trouble." Kumiko Akimoto said guiltily.

Li Bai smiled lightly: "I don't blame you. If it weren't for you, I would still take action to punish the bad guys."

As he said that, Li Bai glanced at those partners in Jingtian and asked them to give a shout together.

From this point of view, it really looks like a bad guy, but Li Bai.

After all, the old man did not come to the hospital with them, maybe he fell down on the road, or he was persuaded to leave by others.The emergency treatment process was very long, and Li Bai was a little impatient waiting, but since he came, he was embarrassed to leave just like that.

"I'll just go around and I'll be back later." Li Bai said to Kumiko Akimoto, and seeing those people looking at him, he added, "Don't worry, I won't leave."

This hospital in the center of the city is very large. Not only does it occupy a large area, but it also has several buildings for different purposes, such as accommodation buildings, outpatient buildings, etc. The facilities look complete from the outside. .

However, there are not many patients who come to see a doctor. Walking on the tree-lined path of the hospital, you can only occasionally see some patients rushing towards the outpatient building.

What Li Bai didn't know was that because of the small population of the Wa Kingdom, it seemed that there were far fewer patients than those in China.

Walking casually, Li Bai made a big circle and seemed to come to the back of the hospital. At this time, another building appeared in front of Li Bai, with a few Japanese characters written on it, 実験东. Except for the last word, Li Bai seemed to feel It's like the traditional Chinese character "东", but I can't understand the other two.

Li Bai stopped, this building gives Li Bai a very different feeling, the first feeling is that there are few people, and there are hardly any patients coming in and out here.

Li Bai chose to walk towards this building. The purpose of exploration was not very important, but Li Bai was a little anxious at this time and wanted to go to the bathroom.

If Li Bai learns to recognize the Japanese characters while learning to speak the Japanese language, he will know that the meaning of those three characters is clearly the laboratory building.

It was very quiet in the experimental building, and there was not even a janitor in the porter.

Although Li Bai was full of doubts, he didn't think too much. He quickly found a bathroom on the first floor, went in and squatted down.

After a burst of crackling, Li Bai fell silent.

And at this moment, there was another sound of footsteps, and two people walked into the bathroom one after another.

"Have you heard that Haruki's medicine has made a qualitative breakthrough again. This time, there is no obstacle at all, just to control the newcomer." A man said with envy in his tone, pressing Then, there was a "shhhhh" sound.

"I heard that Haruki is really powerful. Without him, the progress of our experiment would definitely be a long time away." Another person said again.

"Hey, it's a pity. I heard that this drug can't be injected twice into the same person. Otherwise, we can completely control NO.12. It's not like now, tossing us all day, it's going to be annoying." The first A man said again.

"We're alright, it's just the researchers at the back. I heard that the people who dealt with No.12 directly in the front are miserable. A few days ago, No.12 suddenly lost control and killed one of us at the same time. "The second man said empathetically.

At this time, the two of them fell into a moment of silence at the same time, and the sound of the belt "dingling and dingling" came.

As for Li Bai, at this time he had calmly tidied himself up, and slowly poked his head out from above the compartment.

In front of his eyes, two typical Japanese men were pulling up their trousers. Judging from the white coats on their upper bodies, they seemed to be doctors here as well.

It's just that the conversation between the two of them made Li Bai very puzzled. It sounded like they were doing some medical research.

The reason why Li Bai was a little impulsive was that when Li Bai replaced Xiao Xi and Tian Lin in it, he felt that they were the same.

"Oh, you, Hase."

Just when the two Japanese were about to leave, Li Bai's voice sounded faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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