The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2450 Dean Haruki

Chapter 2450 Dean Haruki
Although Li Bai's voice was already very low, when the two Japanese people heard Li Bai's greeting, their whole bodies still trembled involuntarily.

As if they had hit a ghost, the two of them turned around slowly with ashen faces, and looked towards the empty bathroom.

Just above a certain compartment, a pair of eyes stopped there, and their eyes fell on the two of them. If it was at night, the two of them might be scared into something.

"You, who are you?" The two Japanese white coats obviously had no combat power, and they stood there blankly, neither daring to step forward nor back.

The two were shocked by Li Bai's appearance, because the experimental building was quite a distance away from the hospital gate, and because the main part of the hospital was in front, generally no one would come here.

I'm afraid almost everyone doesn't know that there is such an experimental building in the hospital.

Generally, people who can find here, except for some children who like to run around when they have nothing to do, are some delirious old people who walk here. They have never seen them before. An adult with a sound mind will look boring. to this point.

Li Bai finally pushed open the door of the cubicle and walked out, pretending to be tying up his trousers without caring about his image, while saying, "I am here to see a doctor with my relatives. bathroom."

Hearing what Li Bai said, the two Wa people looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

Looking for the toilet and found it here?The two of them didn't believe Li Bai's words at all, but looked at him more nervously.

"Really, why are you even afraid of the sick? Don't you have any sick people here?" Li Bai said again, walking towards the two Japanese people.

The two Japanese people hurriedly avoided like the plague, and walked out of the toilet first.

"Hey, what are you doing hiding from me?" Li Bai pretended to be puzzled, but secretly laughed in his heart. The more nervous the two were, the more he felt that there was a ghost in their hearts.

"It's okay, we still have something to do, since you've already finished using the toilet, you should leave quickly, we generally don't allow patients to come in here." A somewhat ugly man said to Li Bai, obviously wanting to Li Bai drives away.

At this moment, Li Bai instantly turned into a chatterbox.

"Then what exactly is this building of yours? Why don't you let patients in? Isn't this a place to see a doctor?" Li Bai asked in pursuit, which disgusted the two of them.

The two stopped and turned to look at Li Bai together.

"I'll give you five seconds to get out of here quickly. If you're still chattering here, we'll call the security guards." The two Japanese people suddenly said to Li Bai viciously, and they completely lost their previous fear of Li Bai.

It may be that the two felt that Li Bai was really a family member of a patient who entered here by mistake.

Li Bai's "enthusiastic" expression suddenly became awkward, he smiled stiffly twice, and then said bitterly: "Just leave, why are you so fierce, are you doing something shameful?"

After speaking, Li Bai pretended to walk towards the outside of the building, and at the same time noticed that when he finished his last sentence, the bodies of the two Japanese people paused obviously.

Turning around, he wanted to say something to Li Bai again, but he saw that Li Bai had already turned his back to them.

But just as Li Bai was about to walk out of the experimental building, another strange voice came from behind him.

"The two of you stop what you're doing first, and help me take the new one for an examination. I'm going to have an operation ahead, and I'm a little anxious."

"Okay, Dean Haruki."

The two Japanese people said in unison again.

Li Bai didn't look back, but walked out of the experimental building quickly, then dodged and hid behind a pillar outside the gate, waiting quietly.

After a while, a man came out of the experimental building, with an expression of anxiety and disgust, and walked forward in a busy manner.

"Is this the Dean Chunshu they are talking about?" Li Bai poked his head out from behind the pillar, observing the Dean Chunshu from behind.

He is also not tall and wears a white coat, but Li Bai can smell a strong medicinal smell from his body.

Li Bai frowned, thinking of what the two Japanese men said just now, the same feeling came to Li Bai's heart.

The soul consciousness spread out again, covering the entire hospital. However, to Li Bai's disappointment, this time, in his sense of soul consciousness, there was still no sign of Tian Lin's existence, let alone Xiaoxi's.

Just relying on the man's strong sixth sense, Li Bai vaguely felt that this Dean Chunshu must be inextricably linked to the strange "experiment" that Mu Muchen said.

Li Bai did not choose to sneak into the laboratory building again when Dean Chun Shu was away, but followed behind him secretly.

On the one hand, as long as he follows Dean Haruki, Li Bai feels that he will definitely be able to see what he wants to see. On the other hand, he has been away from Akimoto Kumiko and the others for too long now. If he does not go back, I am afraid There will be suspicions.

Five minutes later, Li Bai returned to the outside of the emergency room again, but Dean Chunshu had disappeared.

"Mr. Li Bai, you are back." Seeing Li Bai finally came back, Akimoto Kumiko stood up quickly and walked towards Li Bai.

For about half an hour after Li Bai left, the atmosphere between her and those people was always awkward. Kumiko Akimoto was afraid of what they would do to her, but those people were also afraid of Kumiko Akimoto, or rather, she Li Bai behind.

When Li Bai finally came back, he returned to the previous state again.

"Did a doctor walk in just now?" Li Bai nodded to Kumiko Akimoto, and then asked.

Kumiko Akimoto nodded vigorously, and looked at Li Bai very nervously: "When the chief surgeon came out just now, his face was very ugly, saying that he can't cure that person, and the dean needs to come and do it himself."

Li Bai let out a surprised "Huh". Although he was really going crazy just now, he didn't feel that he made Jingtian so miserable.

However, when Li Bai saw the resentful expressions on the faces of those people standing in the corner, he knew that what Kumiko Akimoto said must be true.

And what everyone can do now is to wait.

The door of the emergency room kept opening and closing, one person came out in a hurry, and then ran back in a hurry, and kept sending blood plasma and some tools into the operating room. He is even more uneasy about the safety of Ida.

It was not until two hours later that the red light in front of the emergency room was finally turned off. After a short wait, a doctor wearing a mask came out.

Ida's friends immediately surrounded the doctor and kept asking about Ida's situation.

"The patient is out of danger, you can rest assured." The doctor took off his mask and said to everyone.

Li Bai stood aside, staring at the doctor's face, looking from the side, it should be that Dean Chunshu.

Hearing Dean Chunshu's words, Ida's brothers finally felt relieved, thanked Dean Chunshu, and left to pay for the surgery.

"Doctor, we should pay the fee by ourselves, right?" Li Bai suddenly stepped forward, patted Dean Chunshu on the shoulder and asked.

"Yes, please ask other staff for the specific method. I have urgent matters, so please forgive me for not being able to accompany you." Dean Chun Shu bowed and said.

Li Bai thanked Dean Chunshu, then glanced at the brothers in Ida.

Naturally, they did not dare to ask Li Bai to pay this fee, but they just glanced at Li Bai angrily, and left in a hurry.

"Mr. Li Bai, let's go too." Seeing that the matter was over, Kumiko Akimoto said to Li Bai.

Li Bai shook his head, looked at the back of Dr. Haruki leaving, and said to Kumiko Akimoto: "Go back to your travel agency and wait for me. I have some personal matters to deal with, so I won't bother you for now." .”

Seeing that Dean Haruki had already walked out of the emergency building, Li Bai hurriedly said goodbye to Kumiko Akimoto, and then chased after him.

Kumiko Akimoto who was left like this was very strange, but in a blink of an eye, Li Bai had disappeared, so she had to leave by herself with a pout.

But what Kumiko Akimoto didn't notice was that right behind her, a person was following her quietly at this time. If Kumiko Akimoto could see it, she would definitely find that this person was those few people who had been standing by her side just now. one of the men.

The danger is approaching Kumiko Akimoto, but Li Bai is approaching the danger on his own initiative at this time.

After Dean Chunshu successfully completed Ida's operation, he hurried towards the direction of the laboratory building again. Li Bai followed behind him like a ghost, not far away, but Dean Chunshu... It is because Li Bai's existence was not discovered at all.

However, after Dean Chunshu entered the experimental building, Li Bai stopped outside the building. If he continued to follow in at this time, then in the empty experimental building, Dean Chunshu would not be vigilant any more. Sex, and will definitely find Li Bai's existence.

He was still in the emergency building just now, and now he followed him here. Anyone can guess that this person must have no good intentions.

Li Bai just watched Dean Chunshu disappear from his sight, but he didn't feel worried at all, because when Li Bai patted Dean Chunshu's shoulder just now, it had already quietly left on his body. Gathered the power of a silver star.

There is not much spiritual energy left, so even if there are masters, it is very difficult to discover the existence of this spiritual energy.

But for Li Bai, this weak spiritual energy has already allowed him to determine the position of Dean Chunshu. Now the difficult problem before Li Bai is how he should walk into this experimental building without being caught by anyone. people found out.

(End of this chapter)

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