The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2451 The Experiment of the Ninja Organization

Chapter 2451 The Experiment of the Ninja Organization
After two hours, Dean Chunshu returned to the experimental building again, and walked upstairs without stopping at the first floor.

Dean Chunshu's serious expression and anticipation complement each other, and there is some reluctance. If it weren't for those new surgeons who are too good, he wouldn't need to operate on patients at all, and he wouldn't miss the new Huaxia People do check up.

Although it is said that it is very simple to do the inspection, as long as you operate some instruments manually, Dean Chunshu is very concerned about the birth of the next person who is likely to become an experimental product.

Okinawa City People's Hospital is the largest hospital in Okinawa City, and Haruki is the president of this hospital.

Different from other hospitals, after Chun Shu became the dean, he didn't put all his energy on how to make money, how to make his hospital get enough stars, but still acted like he did when he was young. , put more energy into one study after another.

Because Dean Haruki took the lead, the research level of the Okinawa City Hospital is higher than that of ordinary research institutes, successfully breaking through one medical problem after another, and this also made Dean Haruki even more willing to participate in these studies.

Unfortunately, this was two years ago.

Two years ago, almost every six months to a year, the Okinawa City Hospital would announce a breakthrough in a new research, which also made the Okinawa City Hospital famous throughout Japan and even in the entire world It is famous and there are many research institutes who are willing to hand over the unachievable research in their hands to the Okinawa City Hospital.

For a while, the Okinawa City Hospital was in the limelight, but that was just the past.

Since Dean Chunshu received a mysterious research two years ago, their efficient research speed has slowed down, or more precisely, it has stopped.

For two full years, this research has not been completed, which has also led to the outside world guessing whether something happened to the Okinawa City Hospital, or Dean Haruki became slack after completing so many studies, or He said, well, he is at the end of his talents.

Huge pressure hung over Okinawa City Hospital and Dean Haruki, but they did not choose to give up, but persisted in the past two years.

It wasn't until half a year ago that their experiment made a qualitative progress because a little Chinese girl became their experimental product.

Thought Control Technology Research is the name they gave this research.

The purpose of this study was very exciting to Dean Chunshu at the time, because the purpose of this study was to let those who have lost the ability to think independently, such as mentally ill patients, such as Alzheimer's, be able to After being controlled by thoughts, let your loved ones give them a peaceful old age or something.

Or to put it in a slightly harsher way, patients can be made to obey what normal people say, so that they don't do anything out of the ordinary.

Generally speaking, if this research is successful, it will be good for the development of the whole society.

However, the problem is in one link.

Dean Chun Shu wants to develop a drug to inject these patients, first to control their brains, and then control their behavior.

However, whether it is a mentally ill patient or an elderly person with dementia, there is no way to withstand the brutality of those drugs. Not only did they fail, but it made their condition worse.

Therefore, there is no way, they want to select some healthy warriors for research.

And in this process, for the success of the research, Dean Chunshu also changed from not agreeing to allow normal people to conduct the experiment at the beginning, to, as long as there is a suitable candidate, he must be recruited.

Everything is just for the success of the research.

"Have you finished the inspection?" When Dean Chunshu walked to the second floor, the two Wa people who had just replaced him in the inspection of the Huaxia people just happened to come from the other side of the corridor.

Seeing Dean Chunshu's return, the two looked very happy.

"Principal Haruki, the experiment is finished, and all the indicators of NO.13 fully meet the requirements for becoming an experimental product, and even exceed some." The two Japanese researchers said excitedly.

Dean Chunshu was also very excited, and immediately asked the two to lead the way, and soon walked into an examination room, where Tian Lin lay quietly in one of the instruments, with his eyes closed.

Beside him, there is a large screen on it, which shows various indicators of Tian Lin.

"Great, great!"

At this time, Dean Chun Shu finally could no longer control his excitement, and tears fell from the corners of his old eyes. After two years, two full years, he finally successfully researched this kind of Drugs, this kind of drugs that can successfully control others.

The two researchers were also very excited and hugged each other tightly. At this time, they didn't mind each other being of the same sex at all.

However, while the three of them were extremely excited, they didn't notice at all. In the corner of the examination room, a creature resembling a gecko was lying there quietly, looking at the three of them.

This "gecko" is naturally Jin Yan.

In order to successfully enter the experimental building without letting others find out, Li Bai came up with a wonderful idea on a whim.

First release Jin Yan from the Qiankun ring, then enter the Qiankun ring again, and let Jin Yan put the ring in his mouth. In this way, Jin Yan is like Li Bai's periscope, while running towards the experimental building Go, and feed back the situation outside to Li Bai in real time through his own eyes.

Although Jin Yan was golden all over, no one noticed him at all because of his small size.

Thus, Li Bai managed to see what happened just now, and at the same time, he also saw Tian Lin who was still lying in the instrument.

But at this time, Li Bai did not choose to act rashly, but waited quietly. These people will definitely make follow-up actions.

After Dean Chunshu and the two researchers finally finished their excitement, Dean Chunshu pressed a button on the table, and the instrument stopped. Tian Lin also slowly opened his eyes, but he remained motionless.

"Come out." Dean Chun Shu said to Tian Lin.

What surprised Li Bai was that at this time, Tian Lin was as well-behaved as a child. Hearing Dean Chunshu's words, he slowly left the instrument and walked in front of him.

"Turn around and let me have a look." Dean Chunshu ordered again, but Tian Lin still obeyed.

This surprised Li Bai very much. Could it be that Tian Lin has been wiped out of his will by the Dean Chunshu and turned into a puppet?
Li Bai let Jin Yan stick to the wall, walked to the other wall where Tian Lin's face could be seen, and then he was relieved.

Because although Tian Lin was following Dean Chunshu's request, Li Bai still saw obvious resistance from his eyes.

It seems that although Tian Lin is under control, he still has his own thoughts, which makes Li Bai feel relieved.

"Not bad." Dean Chun Shu said happily, and then said to a researcher, "Go and invite Mr. Mu Muchenba over here, the No. 13 experimental product, now it is officially completed."

Li Bai, who was hidden in the Qiankun ring, was overjoyed when he heard the name that Dean Chunshu said. Naturally, he guessed correctly. This hospital is really the research base of the Ninja Organization in Okinawa City.

Li Bai still didn't take any action, and continued to wait. After about 5 minutes, the door was pushed open again. Behind the researcher, wasn't Mu Muchenba, who Li Bai hadn't seen for a long time, followed?

"Congratulations!" Mu Muchenba said happily to Dean Chunshu, looking up and down Tian Lin, ecstatic.

"Kneel down!" Mu Muchenba ordered Tian Lin, but Tian Lin didn't respond at all.

Mu Muchen was stunned for a moment, looked at Dean Chunshu in puzzlement, and asked, "What's the situation? Doesn't it mean that the experiment has been successful? Why don't you listen to me?"

Dean Chunshu smiled kindly, and then explained that the reason Tian Lin listened to him was because he added his own blood to the medicine injected into Tian Lin. Only in this way could Tian Lin be obedient.

"Then how can I get him to listen to me? If he just listens to you, what's the difference between this and the failure of the research?" Mu Mu Chenba frowned and asked.

"It's very simple." Dean Chunshu smiled, then took out a pill from a small bottle on the table next to him and handed it to Mu Muchenba, "As long as you mix your own blood with this pill, Let him eat it again, and you can replace me and control his mind."

Mu Muchenba suddenly realized that he took the pill, then directly bit his finger, dripped a drop of blood on the pill, and then forcefully opened Tian Lin's mouth, and threw the pill into it.

"We need to wait for about 5 minutes." Dean Chun Shu said again.

5 minutes seemed so long at this time, Dean Chunshu continued to discuss with his researchers, and then he should adjust the research direction so that this drug can be used by ordinary people.

And Mu Muchenba looked at them, but sneered without a trace.

This Okinawa City Hospital is just a pawn of their ninja organization.

Two years ago, the representative of the Ninja Organization pretended to be a company and made a request for joint research to the Okinawa City Hospital. Since then, the Okinawa City Hospital has started a two-year research.

What brings people who have lost their will back to life, what contributes to society, these are all fake, they are all excuses, the real purpose of the ninja organization is to use medicine to control some strong people who are unwilling to surrender , directly obliterated, or used by them.

In fact, from this moment just now, the real research purpose of the ninja organization has been successful. It's just a cover for this purpose.

If they were really lucky enough to succeed, then the relationship with the ninja organization would no longer be great.

During the conversation, 5 minutes passed quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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