The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2452 Research Step 2

Chapter 2452 The second step of research
Seeing that Dean Chunshu was still talking about the next research direction with his two researchers enthusiastically, Mu Muchenba had no choice but to interrupt their conversation: "Is it ready now?"

Dean Chunshu observed Tian Lin, and gave Tian Lin a simple order, but Tian Lin didn't respond in any way: "You try it." Dean Chunshu said to Mu Muchenba.

Mu Muchenba was a little excited, and just as Dean Chunshu's words fell, he impatiently issued his first order to Tian Lin.

"Give me a sigh!"

Next, something happened that made Li Bai extremely angry. Tian Lin's eyes were obviously full of resistance, but he couldn't control his behavior at all, and his legs directly knelt on the hard ground.

"Not bad, it seems that it is really effective." Mu Muchen clapped his hands, very happy.

When Dean Chunshu saw Mu Muchenba happy, he was also very happy, but suddenly, he seemed to think of something again, and said to Mu Muchenba again.

"Mr. Mu Muchenba, what I need to remind you is that although you can control him now, if you set a long-term goal for him, in the process, he will still make some things beyond your control. It’s a matter, so the best way is to set up short goals so that he can complete them step by step.”

Dean Chunshu said to Mu Muchenba seriously, and Mu Muchenba nodded.

He knew about this matter. When their No. 12 experimental product was developed, the ninja organization sent her back to China to carry out an assassination operation, although the No. 12 experimental product has been moving towards That goal was unremittingly working hard, but in the process, many uncontrollable things happened.

So much so that in the end, the Ninja organization had to show up in Huaxia, and then brought the No. 12 experimental product back to Japan for further research.

"Okay, I know, you can continue your research, and then, the second step of the research, we will do it ourselves." Mu Mu Chenba asked Tian Lin to stand up, and said to Dean Chunshu again.

There is a second step in the research?Hearing this news, not only Li Bai was very shocked, but even Dean Chunshu didn't expect it.

"What, this research, there is a second step? Why don't I know." Dean Chunshu looked at Mu Muchenba with some disappointment as if he had been hit.

Mu Muchenba realized that he had slipped his mouth, and quickly explained: "This is a small research of our company, which has nothing to do with the overall situation. It is just the beginning now, and it may not be successful. It may be time to bother you.”

Mu Muchenba said that, although it sounded like an obvious lie to Li Bai, it sounded useful to Dean Chunshu.

"Well, the NO.13 experimental product will be handed over to you now, and we will continue our next experiment." Dean Chunshu said to Mu Muchenba, and then five people, or four people plus an obedient Tian Lin, They walked out of the examination room together.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Just when the two parties were about to say goodbye, Mu Muchenba suddenly stopped Dean Chunshu again.

"Oh, what is it?" Dean Chunshu stopped and asked.

"The drug you have developed now, on behalf of our company, I hope you can develop more. After all, the research has made the next step, and we don't know when it will be. We want to do more for the next step of research during this time. Some accumulation, so as not to waste time."

Mu Muchenba said so, but how could he think so in his heart.

Their purpose is the compounding method of this medicine. If it can be mass-produced, the Yamaguchi group and Li Bai can solve them all with one needle.

"And that pill, I also need some, after all, the No. 13 experimental product can't always obey my orders." Mu Muchenba added again.

For such a "simple" request, Dean Chunshu readily agreed.

And Li Bai sneaked out of the examination room during the interval between the two sides' conversations, followed behind them, and witnessed Mu Muchenba and Dean Chunshu separated, and then walked towards the stairs on one side.

Soon, Mu Muchenba dialed his Tianxun.

"The No. 13 experimental product has been successfully developed. Yes, it is the Chinese man. When will I send him there?" Mu Muchenba said to Tianxun whose screen was black.

At this time, Li Bai didn't know how much he wanted to do this, and then killed Mu Muchenba and saved Tian Lin, but after hearing Mu Muchenba's words, he had to give up his thoughts.

Save the life of Mu Muchenba first, Li Bai still needs to use him to discover the bigger conspiracy of the ninja organization.

"Stay with you first. Tonight, I will send someone to find you and take NO.13 away. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it. As for the bonus, come here at NO.13 I'll call you before I get here." On the other end of Tianxun, a man said in a blunt tone.

At this time, Mu Muchenba's expression was not to mention how embarrassing it was. After working so hard for so long, he was treated so coldly.

However, Mu Muchenba didn't dare to show annoyance, and after saying "yes" respectfully twice, he hung up Tianxun.

"Baga!" Just after hanging up the Tianxun, Mu Muchenba cursed.

The matter here was settled, Mu Muchenba stopped staying any longer, ordered Tian Lin to follow him, and then walked towards the outside of the hospital.

Li Bai flashed out the Qiankun ring from a distance, and continued to follow. He wanted to meet Tian Lin before Mu Muchenba's "online" tonight.

Because of Mu Muchenba's order, Tian Lin at this time is like a younger brother of Mu Muchenba, following behind him with his head down. Although passers-by occasionally cast strange glances, Mu Muchenba seems very calm , just walking on his own.

Soon, Mu Muchenba led Tian Lin into a hotel.

Li Bai followed in again, and heard from a distance the room number where Mu Muchenba was about to stay.

Li Bai stepped onto the elevator first, came to the floor where Mu Muchenba was, and then entered the Qiankun Ring in a blind corner that could not be monitored by the surveillance cameras, and once again let Jin Yan take him to hide in Mu Muchenba. Not far from the door of the room.

When the sound of the elevator arriving "ding" sounded again, Mu Muchenba and Tianlin appeared in Jin Yan's sight.

Opening the door and closing it again, Tian Lin obediently walked into the room, but what Mu Muchenba didn't notice was that right at his heels, Jin Yan followed closely, so Mu Muchenba didn't notice at all.

"You, go and turn on the TV for me and find a porn channel." Mu Muchenba ordered Tian Lindao, then took off his clothes and hung them on the clothes hooks, then walked into the toilet and closed the door of the toilet.

At this time, Li Bai appeared in the room again, and the power of the silver stars was released instantly, blocking it under the handle. The existence of these powers of silver stars can last for about 10 minutes, making Mu Muchenba unable to come out.

But soon, Li Bai realized that what he did was a little unnecessary, and there was a brutal sound from the toilet, Mu Muchenba didn't know how long he hadn't had sex.

At this time, Tian Lin was still obeying Mu Muchenba's order, turned on the TV, picked up the remote control, and switched channels one by one, but from the corner of Tian Lin's eyes, he saw that there seemed to be someone else in the room. Existence, which surprised him very much.

After Li Bai took out a pill from Mu Muchenba's pocket, he walked up to Tian Lin, and ignored Tian Lin's surprised gaze, he just moved Tian Lin's mouth and threw the pill in.

Li Bai did not choose to drip a drop of his own blood. He knew very well that the process of dripping blood was like a weapon recognizing its master. "Pretend" removed.

Why "pretend"?That's because Dean Chunshu's medicine will still exist, but Tian Lin who has taken the medicine will become "unowned". If he takes other medicines, he will return to his previous state.

"Eat first, I'll change the channel for you." Li Bai said quietly to Tian Lin, took the remote control from Tian Lin's hand, and continued to search for pornographic channels.

Soon, an actress doing indecent actions appeared on the TV, and Li Bai also had some reactions.

"I know this actress, Yui Boono who just debuted recently." At this moment, Tian Lin's voice rang in Li Bai's ear.

Li Bai looked at it and found that it was indeed quite big, and then realized that Tian Lin finally regained his consciousness.

"I'll go, you boy, you're still in the mood to joke around." Li Bai turned the volume of the TV to the maximum, and regardless of the sound coming from the TV, he just punched Tian Lin.

Tian Lin chuckled: "Master, are you here to save me? Wait for that Mu Muchenba to come out, then we'll kill him and leave."

Because of the loud sound of the TV, the two of them could hear their normal conversation without fearing that Mu Muchenba could hear it.

"Are you stupid?" Li Bai rolled his eyes, "You should have heard it when Mu Muchenba called the sky news just now. If you don't stay here, how can I follow the vine and find out who is behind the ninja organization? of those people."

Tian Lin curled his lips helplessly, as if he had been abandoned, and looked at Li Bai aggrievedly: "Master, just tell me, what else do I need to do?"

"Be patient, if I'm not wrong, Xiaoxi is where I'm going." Li Bai looked at Tian Lin seriously and said, Tian Lin's expression became serious, and he nodded vigorously.

"Now, you still have to pretend that nothing happened. Do whatever he asks you to do. When the people from the Ninja Organization come to pick you up at night, I will naturally follow them." Li Bai said to Tian Lin , and then heard a flushing sound coming from the toilet.

"What if he asks me to bite him?!" Tian Lin pointed at the TV and asked Li Bai in horror.

At this time, Li Bai had already withdrawn the power of the silver star on the toilet door, and he flashed into the Qiankun ring, and Jin Yan, who was waiting aside, quickly contained it in the ring before it fell to the ground. mouth.

Then, hid in the corner of the wall, motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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