The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2453 Middle Ring Chapter

Chapter 2453 Intermediate Link
After emptying out the waste that had accumulated for many days, Mu Muchenba only felt that he was in a good mood. He turned on the ventilation fan and closed the toilet door tightly to prevent the smell inside from spreading into the bedroom.

Just as soon as the door was opened, Mu Muchenba's ears were covered by a long series of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" sounds, Tian Lin was holding the remote control, standing motionless in front of the TV, and there was nothing expression.

"I said, what are you doing to make the sound so loud?" Mu Mu Chenba blamed Tian Lin, and then took the remote control from Tian Lin's hand to reduce the volume a lot.

"Go, go, stand in the corner for me, with your back to the corner, I don't want to see your face." Mu Muchenba gave another order to Tian Lin, Tian Lin obediently walked to the corner, then turned around.

Just when Mu Muchenba was about to lie on the bed, there was a knock on the door of the room. Mu Muchenba opened the door irritably, and there was a woman standing outside.

"I said, can you keep your voice down in broad daylight, and let people have a good rest?" The woman scolded Mu Muchenba, and at this time, a gecko was still running from their feet Passed over, making the woman startled.

"You pervert still keep geckos. Did you ask the gecko to do that for you?" The woman's mouth was like a machine gun, leaving Mu Muchenba with no room for retaliation.

"Hey, beauty, you are wrong to say that. Every man has normal physiological needs. If you have them too, I don't mind helping you solve them too." Mu Muchen squinted at the man at the door. The woman said, as for the gecko, he didn't care at all.

"Okay." Unexpectedly, the woman agreed with a smile all over her face, which made Mu Muchen overjoyed.

"Beauty, please." Mu Muchenba pushed the door open and invited the woman into the room for a "chat".

The woman snorted coldly, walked in front of Mu Muchenba, raised her knees and bumped towards Mu Muchenba's bottom.

"Aw~" There was a scream, and Mu Muchenba clutched his crotch, and fell to the ground in pain.

"You are so ugly, you still want to fuck my old lady?" The woman said to Mu Muchenba viciously, then turned and went into the next room.

Mu Muchenba had no choice but to ask Tian Lin to help him, and finally lay down on the bed, but ordered Tian Lin again.

"Rub it quickly, it hurts to death." Mu Muchen pointed to his bottom and said to Tian Lin.

At this time, even though Tian Lin had 1000 million reluctances and 1000 million thoughts of wanting to kill Mu Muchenba just like that, he still held back...

At this time, Li Bai had already left the hotel where Mu Muchenba was staying, and walked towards the travel agency in the morning.

People from the ninja organization will come to find Mu Muchenba at night, so he doesn't need to be so anxious. There are still about two hours before dark, and he can do some other things.

Li Bai walked towards the travel agency in the morning again, he needed Kumiko Akimoto to help him again, and take him to familiarize himself with the traffic routes in Okinawa City.

When Li Bai walked into the travel agency, he found that the travel agency, which was bustling just now, suddenly became quiet.

Li Bai looked at everyone, full of confusion: "What's the matter? I'm here to find Kumiko Akimoto, is she there?"

But at this time, everyone let out a desperate sigh, and when Li Bai couldn't figure out what happened, he was lightly patted on the shoulder.

Turning his head, before he could see the other person's face clearly, a palm was slapped towards him quickly.

Li Bai's face darkened, and he grabbed the opponent's arm at once, preventing the opponent from moving forward.

It was also at this time that Li Bai saw clearly that the person who did it to him was actually Kumiko Akimoto's boyfriend, Hidenaka Sato.

"What are you doing? Where's Kumiko Akimoto?" Li Bai asked in a deep voice, not in a good mood.

In the morning, he had just helped Sato Hidezhong successfully avoid paying a fee. Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, Sato Hidezhong had turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

Hidechu Sato gritted his teeth, and pulled his arm out of Li Bai's hand angrily: "You ask me where Kumiko Akimoto is from? Why do I want to ask you where my girlfriend is?"

Hidechu Sato was extremely angry, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Li Bai.

Kumiko Akimoto didn't come back?Li Bai was puzzled.

"When we left before, I asked her to come back here and wait for me." Li Bai looked around and found that everyone was looking at him.

The woman who introduced Kumiko Akimoto to Li Bai in the morning walked up to Li Bai again, and said anxiously, "Kumiko Akimoto really didn't come back, where were you when you parted?"

Seeing the same nervous expression on the woman's face, Li Bai also showed a trace of solemnity: "We were separated at the Okinawa City People's Hospital, and she didn't come back, so where did she go?"

Hearing this, Sato Hidechu was immediately angry.

"You don't even know where she went, how do we know, she was with you in the end, you didn't protect her well, and you are still standing here safely, are you still a man?" Sato Hidezhong asked Li Bai shouted angrily.

Li Bai sneered coldly: "Hehe, your girlfriend is gone, and you are still responsible for a tourist here, are you still a man? Could it be that we tourists have to be responsible for the disappearance of the tour guide?"

The woman standing between the two hurriedly said to Hidezhong Sato: "Mr. Li Bai cannot be blamed for this incident. In fact, during this period of time, we should ensure the safety of Mr. Li Bai."

The woman was also very tangled. She didn't expect that an accident happened to her tour guide. Although they had already called the police, they waited all afternoon, but the police still didn't hear anything.

Hidechu Sato looked a little crazy: "So should I be blamed? When your travel agency ensures the safety of tourists, shouldn't it also protect the safety of tour guides? Also, nothing happened before this person appeared, but why? , as soon as he appears, my girlfriend just disappears?"

In one paragraph, he scolded both Li Bai and the travel agency.The woman was very embarrassed, but Li Bai found it very interesting.

"So, you mean, your girlfriend was kidnapped by me?" Li Bai looked at the angry Sato Hidezhong, and laughed again.

Sato Hidezhong stopped talking. If he agreed with what Li Bai said, then he would be accused of framing instead.

"Okay, okay, calm down first, it's useless to get angry here, let's wait for the police's news." The woman said to Sato Hidezhong again.

Sato Hidezhong glared at Li Bai, still unwilling to listen to the woman, but didn't say a word.

"It seems that you don't want to wait here any longer." Li Bai looked at Sato Hidezhong and said lightly.

This sentence is of course nonsense. If Li Bai's girlfriend disappeared, he would definitely be more anxious than Sato Hidezhong, just because Sato Hidezhong has no strength at all. If he is like himself, Li Bai has no doubt , he will start to search all over the city just like himself.

Sato Hidezhong still looked at Li Bai, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"I probably know where your girlfriend is. If you want to see your girlfriend sooner, you might as well follow me. However, I can't guarantee your safety when you're outside." Li Bai said to Satohide Zhong said, then turned and walked out of the travel agency.

If Li Bai guessed correctly, Kumiko Akimoto's inexplicable disappearance must have something to do with Ida and the others.

Because Li Bai left in the hospital in a hurry, he left Kumiko Akimoto alone in the hospital. At that time, his thought was that those brothers in Ida would not dare to continue to do anything to Kumiko Akimoto.

What surprised Li Bai was that they took advantage of the time when they were leaving to put their anger on Kumiko Akimoto. Even if Hidenaka Sato was not in the travel agency just now, Li Bai would rescue Kumiko Akimoto alone. .

After all, this was Li Bai's careless mistake.

Li Bai walked forward on his own, and there was a rush of footsteps behind him, and he stopped when he was about to approach Li Bai, maintaining the same pace as Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't even need to turn his head to know that it must be Hidechu Sato who followed him, and with a smile on his lips, he said to Hidechu Sato, "Do you know what organization the people who asked you to pay this morning belonged to? "

Hidechu Sato quickly answered Li Bai's question: "They are employees of a company called Ocean Unlimited in Okinawa City. They not only built piers in various ports in Okinawa City, but also asked us to collect various fees, but their main business is Selling seafood is to buy seafood from us, and they sell it at a high price."

Hidechu Sato's tone was full of resentment. They had been living an oppressed life for a whole year.However, Ocean Infinity Company has already reached an agreement with the government. Regarding the various behaviors of Ocean Company, they all declare that these are normal.

Therefore, although the fishermen complained a lot, they didn't have any way to resist at all, which also caused the people of Ocean Unlimited Company to become more domineering.

"The most important thing is that Ocean Infinity Company has its own security team. If there is a conflict between their company and other companies, this team of security team can play an important role." Sato Hidezhong said again worryingly.

Li Bai smiled and comforted Sato Hidezhong: "It's okay, it's okay, with me here, nothing will happen to your girlfriend."

Seeing Li Bai's inexplicable self-confidence, Hidechu Sato was very skeptical, but even though Li Bai was just trying to be brave, Hidechu Sato still didn't puncture it. Under Li Bai's signal, he led the way ahead, and soon came to an imposing building. In front of the magnificent building.

"Here we are." Sato Hidezhong stopped, turned around and said to Li Bai, "What should we do next?"

Li Bai didn't speak, but smiled mysteriously at Hidechu Sato, and then walked up the steps.

(End of this chapter)

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