Chapter 2454

This company called Ocean Infinity seems to be quite large. When Li Bai and Sato Hidezhong walked into this company one after the other, the whole company was quiet, and all the employees were doing their own thing seriously. work.

Seeing the arrival of the two, the lady at the front desk quickly greeted them warmly and asked if there was anything they could do to help.

"Oh, we are two fishermen from the No. [-] Pier in Okinawa City. Because of some conflicts with your company's staff in the morning, we came here to resolve them." Li Bai looked at the smiling front desk lady and said, But it didn't give her such a good-looking face.

At this moment, Hidechu Sato's full of resentment seemed to have found a flashpoint, and he spit at the front desk lady and said, "I don't know how the people in your company do things. Just now they asked us for a parking fee, and now they ask us for a fishing fee out of nowhere."

Li Bai turned his head to look at Sato Hidezhong, but Sato Hidezhong didn't seem to notice Li Bai's eyes.

"Although you are called Ocean Infinity Company, how come the sea has become your company's property?" Hidechu Sato watched the front desk lady chattering for 5 minutes before finally stopping.

Only at this time did he notice Li Bai's gaze, and his expression was a little embarrassed, as if he shouldn't have done this just now.

"Don't be angry, imitate me, and calm down." Unexpectedly, Li Bai patted Hidechu Sato's half, then turned his head to look at the receptionist and said, "Well, please send your company's boss, or Call the person in charge at the pier, and we need to have a good talk with him."

Li Bai and Sato Hidezhong sang together so well that the front desk lady seemed a little unresponsive.

It's not that she hasn't seen fishermen come to complain, but every time, everyone yells at them at the top of their lungs like Hidechu Sato did just now, but what they don't know is that Ocean Infinity Company has nothing to do with the fishermen's yelling. I don't care.

On the contrary, it was Li Bai's calmness that made the front desk lady a little dazed, wondering when such a person appeared in the fishermen's group.

"Please wait a moment, both of you." The front desk lady quickly dialed the company's internal message, and after a few words, she looked at the two apologetically, "I'm sorry, the person who can manage this matter is not in the company now, If you two wait a little longer, they should be rescued right away."

The lady at the front desk seems to be very handy in handling such complaints. Although she looks polite, how can Li Bai not know that if they are really waiting here stupidly, it will be even ten years. It is impossible to wait for the person in charge.

"Then we don't care. If today's matter cannot be resolved, then we will stay here and not leave." Li Bai said shamelessly, but the lady at the front desk was even more shameless: "Both, the lounge is next to you, you can Wait for a while."

Having said that, Hidechu Sato was about to explode in anger, grabbed a notebook on the front desk and threw it on the ground viciously, then pointed at the lady at the front desk and scolded: "Tell your person in charge, now, Right away, I'm going to see them."

The two of them seem to have forgotten about saving Akimoto Kumiko, but in fact they did not forget that everything they are doing now is just to pave the way for what will happen next.

The commotion at the front desk was too great, and soon a man who was standing aside chatting with the girl was attracted to him.

"What happened?" the man asked the front desk lady, but his eyes fell on the two of them.

After listening to the grievances of the lady at the front desk, the man nodded, and stretched out his hand in front of Li Bai again: "Hi, I am the captain of the security department of Ocean Unlimited Company, and I am the same as Matsushita."

Li Bai looked at Song Xiatong's extended hand, but smiled coldly: "What's there to shake hands with, first solve the problem for us, and then it's not too late to shake hands."

Matsumoto's expression stiffened slightly, and then he smiled again: "Well, please tell me in detail, what happened to you this morning?"

So, this arduous task was once again handed over to Sato Hidezhong, and almost everything that happened in the morning was told to Matsushita.

But at this time, Matsumoto's eyes fell on Li Bai again, and he suddenly remembered that even though several security team members had told him that a Huaxia man had seriously injured Ida when he came back in the afternoon, if he hadn't guessed If he was wrong, that person should be the one in front of him.

"That's it..." Matsushita lowered his head after a little thought, and quickly raised it again, "Well, please go to my office with me first, after all, it was my team members who happened to you. There is no conflict, so this matter, I think it is better for me to solve it?"

Both Li Bai and Sato Hidenaka nodded, and in fact, this was what they were hoping to see.

The three walked into the elevator, and Matsushita pressed the button. Li Bai noticed that it was the basement floor, and soon came to Matsushita's office. Li Bai and Sato Hidechu were sitting on the sofa.

"So, what solution do you have? Compensation or refund?" Li Bai asked coldly.

Seeing Li Bai's arrogant expression, Song Xiatong sneered, took a sip of water, and slowly stood up again: "You want to pay compensation, right? But, the matter of my subordinate being injured by you, you How are you going to pay for it?"

Matsushita didn't have any foreshadowing at all, and just entered the office, he turned his face directly at Li Bai and Sato Hidezhong, which was faster than flipping through a book.

The reason why Matsushita is so confident is because the basement floor is empty, but the sound insulation effect is very good. If the company encounters some difficult opponents, it will be tricked into coming here. Lesson learned.

Li Bai's eyes flashed with the light of control, and he also stood up: "I advise you to find out what happened before, and even if I hurt you, how can you hurt me?" Sample?"

Seeing the tit-for-tat conversation between the two, Hidechu Sato looked at Li Bai nervously, thinking in his heart that Li Bai's method was just a provocative one.

"It seems that you two don't want that little girl's life anymore!" Matsumoto looked at the two of them and said fiercely, then pressed a button on the table, and after a while, looked out from the glass of the office Go, a few men came over with Kumiko Akimoto whose mouth was gagged.

"You!" Sato Hidezhong became anxious immediately, and wanted to run out to fight with them, but was held back by Li Bai.

Li Bai looked at Song Wentong with a sneer: "I said, you Wa people really like to play this trick, don't you? If you can't beat others, you just attack the people around them. Is this the tradition of your Wa people? "

Li Bai was very helpless. He had experienced too many such things in Wa country.

The Ninja Organization and the Yamaguchi Group had nothing to do with Li Bai, so they arrested Hanano Mai and Tian Lin. Now, the people from the Ocean Unlimited Company couldn't beat Li Bai, and they arrested Akimoto Kumiko again.

It's downright mean and shameless.

"Hehe, so what?" Song Xiatong had a thick skin, and looked at Li Bai without blushing.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Now you have only two choices. First, you have injured my subordinates and pay compensation. Then I will let your friends go. Second..." Matsumoto's tone was low again Come down, "If you disagree with the first point, then we don't mind letting you lie down and leave here."

While speaking, his younger brothers walked into the room with Akimoto Kumiko, there were more than a dozen of them.

This is also the reason why this team of security guards is so confident, after all, there are so many of them.

However, if they knew a little bit about Li Bai, they would not have done such a stupid thing.

"Mr. Li Bai, what should we do?" Seeing so many people, Hidechu Sato seemed a little nervous. Looking at Li Bai, he was surprised to find that Li Bai was still extremely calm at this time.

"What are you afraid of, I can send Kumiko Akimoto to your side in less than a minute, do you believe it?" Li Bai looked at Sato Hidezhong as if he was playing a game, Sato Hidezhong stared blankly at Li Bai, I didn't quite understand what Li Bai meant.

However, in Matsushita's ears, this is simply ignoring them!
"I've seen someone who can brag, but I've never seen someone who can brag like this. You guys, hit me hard and let them know what the consequences of bragging are." Matsumoto gave the same order, and a dozen security guards were Walking towards the two of them with the same steps.

"It's not bad. It's still a little bit of momentum to see the mountains." Li Bai praised softly, and continued to say to Sato Hidezhong, "The timer has started."

What exactly did Li Bai do, because his speed was too fast, Sato Hidenaka didn't see clearly at all, but after 1 minute, Akimoto Kumiko threw herself into the arms of Sato Hidenaka who was completely sluggish, making Sato Hidenaka very upset I can't believe what just happened.

"Thank you, thank you." Hidechu Sato hugged Kumiko Akimoto gently, thanking Li Bai again and again.

Li Bai smiled and did not speak, but turned his head to look at Matsumoto who was sitting on the chair in a panic: "I can tell you very clearly that we Chinese people never brag." It left him another meaning With a deep smile, he left with the young couple.

Li Bai didn't punish Matsushita as well, because he was well versed in the principle of beating a snake and hitting seven inches. Now, he has scared the most powerful security team of Ocean Infinity Company, and then they want to do it again next time. When playing prestige, you have to weigh it in advance.

At this time, Song Xiatong was still sitting on the chair in doubt, wondering what the origin of this Chinese man was, but when Song Xiatong couldn't figure out what to do, a man in black walked straight into Song Xiatong. In Wen Tong's office.

"Bring me someone here before eight o'clock tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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