2455 Handover
Hearing this voice, Matsumoto immediately stood up and bowed respectfully to the man who spoke: "You are here."

The man looked at Matsushita's humble attitude with satisfaction, asked him to stand up, and said again: "It's been a long time since I sent you a mission. I hope you can complete this mission beautifully."

Matsumoto nodded his head hastily, and there was already a slight cold sweat on his neck.

Although Ocean Infinity Company was founded by a local capitalist in Okinawa City, the security forces in the company, that is, Matsushita and his group, were dispatched from abroad.

It can be said that Matsushita and the others do not need to strictly obey the orders of the company's leadership, but only need to complete some "little things" within their capabilities. As for the others, they have other owners.

The man in front of him is actually their real leader.

"Please tell me." Matsushita invited the man to his seat, then nodded to the man.

The man quickly told Song Xiatong what he needed to do tonight, but it made Song Xiatong a little confused.

"Is it just to pick up a Chinese person here?"

It's not that this task is too difficult, but that in Matsushita's opinion, this task is really simple. I don't know why the boss asked him, the security captain, to do it. Isn't it enough to send a team member to do this kind of thing? .

"Stop talking nonsense, this person is very important to me. If there is any accident, you, the captain, don't want to be the captain anymore." The man said coldly, which made Matsushita shudder again.

"Okay, this subordinate will do it now." Matsushita bowed again, and then prepared to leave.

And at this moment, the man's voice sounded again: "Wait a minute."

Matsushita looked back at the man suspiciously, and looked at him puzzled.

"What happened to you guys before I came here?" Looking at the mess in the office, the man asked.

Hearing the man's question, Matsushita felt as if he had found a savior, and told about Li Bai's actions just now like an accusation. Of course, he was just highlighting the key points.

After Matsumoto finished speaking, he glanced at the man secretly, but found that he was frowning at this moment, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

After a while of silence, the man finally spoke slowly: "At night, be careful to prevent people from following you. Also, that Chinese man, you should also pay attention, don't let him cause trouble for us."

Matsushita nodded, and then left the office, but he was a little shocked. He didn't know why the Huaxia man made the boss a little afraid.

When the three of Li Bai left the building of Ocean Infinity Company, the sky had completely darkened.

Li Bai turned his head and glanced at the two people who were following him. Sato Hidenaka was holding on to Akimoto Kumiko's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that she would be taken away by others again.

"Okay, the person was rescued, it's fine, you guys should go home quickly, get a good night's sleep tonight, and continue working tomorrow." Li Bai patted Sato Hidezhong on the shoulder and said with a smile.

He gave Kumiko Akimoto another apologetic look. If it wasn't for his reason this afternoon, Kumiko Akimoto wouldn't have to suffer this grievance.

After the two parties bid farewell, Li Bai walked towards the hotel where Mu Muchenba and Tian Lin were located. The sky had already darkened, and the person who wanted to join Mu Muchenba would definitely show up.

Li Bai walked all the way, unaware that Song Xiatong was also walking in that direction at this time.

Along the way, Matsushita followed the leader's words and was extremely cautious, looking back from time to time to prevent anyone from following him.

However, Li Bai, who was most likely to follow him, had already ambushed outside the destination at this time, and what he did was just superfluous.

In this way, after dawdling for nearly an hour, Matsushita finally appeared outside the hotel.

Li Bai saw him from a distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. At this time, Matsushita appeared here, and he could imagine with his toes that he must be Mu Muchenba's connector.

It's just that what Li Bai didn't expect was that Matsushita, who looked useless, could actually do some scientific research?You know, Li Bai didn't see any experimental equipment when he was in Ocean Infinity Company just now.

Before he had time to think about it, Li Bai summoned Hei Yan this time, using his black appearance to hide in the night, he quickly approached Matsumoto, and then got into his trousers.

"Welcome!" Miss Yingbin's voice came, but Matsushita said hurriedly, he didn't come to open a room, but came to find someone.

Li Bai guessed right, Matsumoto quickly walked outside a door and knocked lightly.

The door opened quickly, and Mu Muchenba poked his head out from inside: "Are you here for a doctor?"

"Come to buy medicine." Matsushita answered the same question.

When the connector signal was matched, Mu Muchen welcomed Matsumoto into the room with a smile, then pointed to Tian Lin who was still standing in the corner, and said, "It's him, take him away quickly."

Seeing Tian Lin standing blankly in the corner, Matsumoto was stunned for a moment, wanted to ask something, but suddenly remembered that the boss told him not to ask anything.

"Stretch out your hand." Mu Muchenba said to Matsumoto, and Matsumoto obeyed mechanically, but a pain came, and Mu Muchenba directly opened a hole in his hand.

"Put a drop of blood on this." Regardless of Song Xiatong's suspicious gaze, Mu Muchen took out a bottle of white pills and handed it to Song Xiatong, and asked Song Xiatong to keep this thing safe, and told How to use his pills.

Tian Lin was forcibly swallowed a pill again, but at this time, he was no longer controlled by anyone at all.

"Okay, now you can take him away, he is very obedient." Mu Muchen smiled badly, and returned Tian Lin to Matsushita, and the rest of the matter was out of his control.

Song Xiatong nodded, and then left the hotel with Tian Lin.

Li Bai let Hei Yan sneak into Tian Lin's clothes again, and then lightly bit Tian Lin, causing Tian Lin to take a breath of cool air.

Matsumoto seemed to have heard it, looked back at Tian Lin, and asked what was wrong.Tian Lin did not speak quietly, because he did not receive Matsumoto's order.

"Just follow me, for others, just act like a normal person." Song Xiatong said to Tian Lin. At this time, Tian Lin seemed to be relieved, and then told Song Xiatong that he seemed to be bitten by something. for a moment.

This result made Matsushita very speechless and stopped talking.

Seeing that Song Xiatong was not paying attention to him at this time, Tian Lin pretended to turn his head to look at the street scene, but he was looking for what happened just now.

At this moment, Hei Yan quietly climbed into Tian Lin's ear, and then conveyed Li Bai's words to him.

Tian Lin nodded, with a hint of cunning in his expression.

When the two returned to Ocean Infinity Company again, there was still more than half an hour before the ten o'clock stipulated by the head, and at this time, the head was lying on the desk of Matsushita Tong, feeling very tired .

Songxiatong led Tian Linan into the room quietly, but he didn't dare to disturb the rest of the leader, so he just stood quietly in front of him and waited.

The boss didn't wake up until the clock on the wall reached ten o'clock in the evening, as if he had installed an alarm clock in his mind.

"Did someone bring it?" Seeing that Song Xiatong was already standing in front of him, the man nodded in satisfaction, and asked, while looking at Tian Lin beside Song Xiatong, "Is that him?"

Matsushita nodded and asked Tian Lin to say hello to the man.Tian Lin is very obedient, which makes the man very satisfied.

"Okay, give me the pill." The man got up and said to Matsushita, and performed the series of bleeding procedures again, and then successfully obtained Tian Lin's command.

"Boss, the people over there told me that this person must give him some short orders, and if he gives him something that takes a long time to complete, he may lose control." Matsushita said again It was a reminder to the man, and conveyed Mu Muchenba's words to the man intact.

"Oh, really?" The man looked at Tian Lin suspiciously, thinking it was very interesting.

"Fly up for me." The man ordered Tian Lin, and the next second, Tian Lin started to jump on the spot, but fell down again, took off again, and fell again.

"If I don't tell him to stop, he won't hear it, right?" The man looked at Tian Lin's teasing behavior and thought it was very interesting, Matsushita nodded at the same time, it should be like this.

"Okay, I'll go to the bathroom, let him continue dancing here for a while, and we'll be leaving when I come back." The man said to Matsushita, and then walked out of the office.

In the office, only Tian Lin's panting sound was left at this time, and Matsushita looked at Tian Lin with the same interest: "Stop." He wanted to try whether his order was still effective at this time.

Unexpectedly, after Matsumoto's order was issued, Tian Lin actually stopped, and turned around to look at Matsumoto coldly, with a fierce look in his eyes.

This appearance of Tian Lin startled Matsumoto, and looked at Tian Lin with some fear.

"You, hello." Matsumoto stepped back slowly, because he felt that Tian Lin seemed to want to kill him.

"Will I be okay?" What shocked Matsushita even more was that Tian Lin seemed to have regained his will at this time, and answered his greeting.

"How dare you order me? Go to hell!" Tian Lin said viciously, and before he finished speaking, he rushed towards Song Wentong.

Kicked Matsushita to the ground with one kick, and punched him hard.

"Boss, help!" Song Xiatong yelled in horror, but soon became very painful because of the physical pain.

At this time, the leader who was going to the toilet heard the movement from the office, and felt bad in his heart, he shook twice quickly, and ran towards the office while lifting his pants.

However, when the boss pushed open the door of the office, Tian Lin had already beaten Matsushita to the point of bleeding.

"Boss, tell him to stop." Sensing the head's return, Matsushita stretched out his red fingers weakly in the direction of the head.

But it was broken by Tian Lin severely.

(End of this chapter)

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