The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2459 Superman Tianlin

Chapter 2459 Superman Tianlin
However, even though the defense capability of this cubic space is so strong, the three researchers still retreated far away.

Because not long ago, when this test was carried out on the NO.11 experimental product, an accident happened.

The special ability of the NO.11 experiment was able to pass through the strict defensive wall and attack people outside the wall, so that after the experiment at that time, several researchers died directly in the NO. 11 Under the attack of the experimental product.

"Toyota-kun, please." Uejima-kun made a gesture to Toyoda Ichiro, who nodded, left the observation room and walked towards the examination room.

Because not only the defense performance of the cube is super strong, but also the sound insulation effect is the same. Toyoda Ichiro had to go to the side of the cube and transmit his voice into the enclosed space through the loudspeaker carried on it. .

"NO.12, now, show all your abilities." Toyoda Ichiro ordered Tian Lin, and after finishing speaking, he also quickly left the cube and returned to the observation room.

"I think he won't let us down." Ichiro Toyoda seemed to be talking to Uejima-kun, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

Tian Lin received the order, but he didn't respond quickly. He was thinking, what ability is all his ability?

Tian Lin still thought of Li Bai's instructions to him last night. It is very likely that Toyoda Ichiro just wanted to see their Huaxia's magical aura, so Tian Lin didn't plan to hide anything.

Tian Lin's feet were shoulder-width apart, his fists were clenched at the ends of his waist, his eyes were piercingly sharp, and the aura in his body, driven by the Jiuzhuan Xingxing Jue, was moving quickly. It surged, and slowly flowed out of Tian Lin's body, appearing on his fists.

Although the examination room was brightly lit, in the eyes of Ichiro Toyoda and the others, they could still clearly see the white color emanating from Tianlin's fists.

Both Toyoda Ichiro and Uejima-kun seemed very excited. They were finally sure this time that they had picked up the treasure.

"Huaxia, it really is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger." Mr. Uedao praised softly from the side, his eyes were fixed on Tian Lin's body, unwilling to let go of any details.

Tian Lin still stood where he was, quietly gathering the spiritual energy on his fists. As time passed, the white color on his fists was not obvious at the beginning, and it was almost milky white.

At this time, the faces of several researchers were also a little ugly, because they had already sensed the terrifying aura contained in that white color.

"It shouldn't be so unlucky, right?" The three researchers retreated to the side, thinking with some luck.

And in the next second, Tian Lin's eyes widened suddenly, and the two fists parked at his waist hit him in front of him at the same time.Those two streams of milky white aura, like two flood dragons that have been bound for many years, slammed towards the wall in front of them fiercely.

Although the sound insulation effect of the cube is very good, at the moment Tian Lin punched, the ears of several people could still vaguely hear the whistling sound produced by the compressed air.

The facial muscles of Ichiro Toyoda and Uejima-kun trembled at the same time.

Like a tornado, two streaks of white spiritual energy spun rapidly towards the wall, and the two quickly came into contact with each other, emitting a roar of "hum".

Like an earthquake, the cube began to shake violently, causing the entire examination room and the ground of the observation room to tremble.

The instruments in the room fell to the ground one after another, making crackling noises, but just when everyone was expecting Tian Lin's blow to end soon, a slight "click" sounded quietly.

Although it was humble and the environment was noisy at this time, it was still heard by everyone, and there were obvious cracks on the hard cube wall at this time.

"Run!" A researcher panicked and wanted to run outside the examination room, but was thrown to the ground by another person.

At the same time, there was a loud "crash", and the white energy that should have been weakened rushed into the examination room crazily as if it had found a vent.

Just imagine, what will happen when a wild horse comes to a prairie for the first time?
At this time, under Tian Lin's deliberate control, the two energies were madly destroying the examination room.

Glass instruments and so on, where they passed, nothing was intact, and even broke the glass of the observation room above, making Ichiro Toyoda and Mr. Uejima hide in anxiety.

After a full 5 minutes, Tian Lin's aura finally couldn't hold on any longer, and slowly disappeared, finally turning into a wisp of green smoke and disappearing.

After finishing all this, Tian Lin became quiet again, pretending that he was waiting for the next order, but in fact, it was because his spiritual energy was consumed too much and he was a little tired.

In the room, it became quiet again. The three researchers who were tightly attached to the ground finally dared to raise their heads at this time, shaking off all the glass shards on the ground, and looked at the cube standing on the ground with lingering fear. Tianlin among them.

When they were about to walk, the three of them realized that they were all injured, and many glass shards had been embedded in their skin at some point, with traces of blood oozing out.

And Toyoda Ichiro and Uejima-kun finally stood up at this time, looking at Tian Lin, also shocked.

"We must completely control him in our hands." Uejima-kun's tone was shocked, and he said to Toyoda Ichiro that the strength displayed by Tianlin was almost reaching the level of their ninja organization Chunin.

As for the ninja organization, it is naturally impossible to use the price of a Chunin to make them do this kind of experiment that may not be successful.

Ichiro Toyoda nodded equally excitedly, and immediately jumped into the examination room from the broken window, ordering Tian Lin to return to his room immediately, waiting for the next order.

The commotion in the examination room was so great that the other two groups of researchers who were conducting experiments on No. [-] and No. [-] also rushed here one after another. They were shocked to see the mess here. .

"Prepare for surgery immediately, the highest level." Toyoda Ichiro said to them when he saw the researchers coming.

The researchers soon understood that this time, they encountered a rare experimental subject, and the expression on his face was either excited or excited.

After waiting for about half an hour, the operating room was ready. Tian Lin was ordered to go to the operating table and lie down quietly.

"Mr. Toyoda, how far will the surgery go this time?" the researcher who performed the surgery looked at Ichiro Toyoda and asked.

In the human brain, there is an area called the hippocampus, and people's memories are stored in this area.

Although all the experimental items have been controlled by drugs before they came to the experimental base, in order to make the experimental items truly become puppets, one thing they have to do is to clear the memory of the experimental items. , the experimental product can become a puppet that obeys orders.

Ichiro Toyoda fell into deep thought. This number is not as much as you want to say. If it exceeds the critical value that the experimental product can withstand, not only will they not be able to achieve their purpose, but it may directly make an experimental product abolished.

A little more is more dangerous, but if you cut too little, there will be a situation similar to out of control.

"50.00%." ​​Toyoda Ichiro finally said. Last time, when the operation was performed on the No.11 experimental product, it was less than 11%. However, the current No.[-] is also not very popular. their control.

The chief surgeon nodded, and did not question Ichiro Toyoda's decision. Anyway, he would not be responsible for the failure of the operation.

The first step was to inject Tian Lin with anesthesia. After all, what they were going to do was a craniotomy.

How could Li Bai, who had been quietly lurking on Toyoda Ichiro, allow such a thing to happen? If Tian Lin was really operated on, even if he rescued Tian Lin later, Tian Lin's brain would be damaged to a considerable extent.

Li Bai ordered Hei Yan to leave Toyoda Ichiro and go into Tian Lin's body to remind him, but at this moment, there was a shrill scream outside the operating room.

It seems to have come from a certain group of researchers.

"Huh?" Toyoda Ichiro and Uejima-kun frowned at the same time, asked the chief surgeon and researcher to pause for a while, and then a group of people walked towards the operating room.

If there is no accident, another experimental product must have gone out of control.

Sure enough, in the No. [-] experimental area, there was already a bloodstain at this time, and a researcher was slammed against the wall by a child, with a hideous expression on his face.

If you look behind the child, you will definitely find that the child is holding a dagger in his hand at this time, and the dagger is now firmly inserted into the waist and abdomen of the researcher.

"Baga!" Uejima-kun and Toyoda Ichiro scolded at the same time, and then walked towards Experimental Base No. [-].

Li Bai quickly saw the child, and remembered the information he saw last night. After the progress of the experiment, the No. 50.00 experimental product, which was [-]%, seemed to be out of control again.

A group of people rushed into the No. [-] laboratory area in a hurry, preparing to attack the child, but the child seemed to be very flexible, shuttled through the crowd non-stop, and twisted his body frequently. The weird posture of the twist escaped from the hands of the researchers time and time again.

Although it looked like this kid was very powerful, Li Bai was a little disappointed.

Now in the No. [-] experimental base, there are only four experimental products in total, so Xiaoxi must be in other places.

"Baga, why is No. [-] so flexible." Toyoda Ichiro kept cursing, not expecting that the advantages of the No. [-] experimental product they wanted to take advantage of were quite a big trouble for them at this time.

"Who is his master now, hurry up and talk!" Toyoda Ichiro shouted loudly to several researchers in a group.

The stabbed researcher raised his hand tremblingly, and told Ichiro Toyoda that his order didn't seem to work.

(End of this chapter)

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